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Improvement Bug


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My population ticked over from 49,974 to 50,140 but the game will not allow me to buy another improvement, even though I still have improvements that I have not bought. It seems not to be acknowledging that I have achieved the next 1,000 population mark.

My nation is at http://www.cybernations.net/nation_drill_d...ation_ID=156856.


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The reason for it is you must have been in a conflict where you lost some of your population count, I don't expect you sold any infra, so this can be the only cause I can think of.

You need to judge you population count and improvement count, to see when you can next purchase an improvement.

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Gentle Persons

I am aghast that Noble Syzygy the wise (rare to be up one on him) did not immediately point out the obvious reason. Border walls were built thus reducing your population. You need to build more infra or advance your population through trades wheat, fish,cattle, pigs or sugar or building a wonder.


Page Hime Themis

Edited by Hime Themis
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