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Multicolored Cross-X Alliance

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Multicolored Cross-X Alliance

Established 23 April 2007

If you would like to join MCXA, please go first to our forums and register an account. After you've done that go to our member sign-up thread and post your application. Here's a brief sneak-peak of the application:

1. Name of Nation

2. Name of Nation Ruler

3. Current Team Color

4. Your Resources (the two you started with)

5. Past Alliances

6. Current Wars and Foreign Aid (sending or recieving)

7. Primary e-mail address

8. Where (or from whom) did you hear about MCXA?

9. Past positions in alliances/skills you have

10. Nation Strength

By applying for membership, you implicitly accept and agree to abide by the MCXA Charter.

Once you've done that, you are then permitted to set your alliance affiliation to "MCXA Applicant" and only when you're masked on the allaince forums (24 hours MAX unless otherwise delayed due to wars, illegal aid, investiagation, etc.) can you change your alliance affiliation to MCXA.

Please select MCXA as your Alliance Affiliation. To do this:

1. Sign into http://cybernations.net

2. Select "Edit My Nation" in the options on the left side of the screen.

3. Select "Specify Other" as your Alliance Affiliation and enter "MCXA". (This is located right above your choice of a flag).

Multicolored Cross-X Alliance Charter

I. Preamble

This document is hereby created to protect the rights and freedoms of the nations of the Multicolored Cross-X Alliance (aka MCXA) and govern the parameters of their interaction. MCXA is an alliance which embraces and promotes world peace, freedom and prosperity for all. The MCXA recognizes that in order to uphold these principles, for not only the MCXA, but also for their allies, that the use of any of the following, diplomacy, financial aid, trade sanctions, military force, or any other means to be determined at an appropriate time, may be required to preserve the peace and freedom it seeks. The MCXA respects the rights of all nations to govern as they please while abiding by this document during their membership.

II. Membership

A. Requirements

Membership in the Multicolored Cross-X Alliance (aka MCXA) is open to all members of the Cybernations community not currently members of or at war with members of a recognized alliance. There is no mandatory color for being accepted into the MCXA, but the MCXA supports the blue team and a change to blue team is encouraged.

B. Applications

1. All applications to the MCXA will be handled by the Secretary of the Interior (or their designee) who will have the discretion to accept, reject, or refer any applications to the High Council for consideration.

2. Applications will be submitted in a manner prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior (or their designee) and must include such information as they require.

C. Expulsion

Any member may be expelled by a 2/3 majority vote, 9 of 13, of the High Council for reasons including, but not limited to:

  1. Declarations of war on an MCXA member or ally
  2. Unauthorized declarations of war on any nation
  3. Membership in another alliance
  4. Forwarding information to other alliances
  5. Actions unbecoming of an MCXA member

  • Members brought before the High Council for expulsion proceedings shall be given notice that such a proceeding is taking place and the opportunity to present a defending statement/document presented before the High Council within 24 hours of said notice.

  • Expulsion proceedings shall last for a period of time of no less than 48 hours unless a unanimous decision of the High Council votes in favor of expulsion.

  • Members of the alliance brought before the High Council for expulsion proceedings shall be considered under suspension of all positions within the government until the proceeding are concluded. These suspended rights include but are not restricted to Department Head positions, forum administration rights. High Council seats, Military Appointments, etc.

III. Government

A. Co-Chancellors

The Co-Chancellors consists of two officials, in charge of overseeing the everyday affairs of the alliance, heading the government, and representing the alliance in international affairs. Their duty is the protection and advancement of the alliance.

Co-Chancellors retain the right of veto on all high council votes.

Co-Chancellors have the power to declare war against rogue nations on the behalf of the MCXA if members of the MCXA come under attack due to rogue activity.

Duties: The Co-Chancellors responsible for the establishment and overseeing of all elections and votes of the general assembly. The two shall

  1. Appoint two members to the High council
  2. Oversee the appointment/election of Department Heads (aka Ministers) and High Council Members. This includes the acceptance of nominations for the High Council seats (from the General Assembly) and the nominations of Departments Heads (aka Ministers), as well as the creation on the poll/thread and monitoring of the appointments/elections.
  3. Presentation to General Assembly, including creation of polls and monitoring of, amendment proposals to the MCXA Charter.

Term of office: The individuals of the Co-Chancellors shall remain in their positions permanently until they resign or are impeached. Successors are appointed by consent of the current two and the High Council. Impeachment calls for immediate expulsion and privation of the right of the expelled to appoint a successor.

B. High Council

i. Membership:

Members: The High Council shall be comprised of 13 members. The first two members are the Co-Chancellors, the next two members will be appointed by the Co-Chancellors. Nine members are then elected into the council by the General Assembly. Voting period lasts for 4 days (96 hours). In the event of a tie, there will be a run-off.

ii. Duties:

The High Council is the final arbiter of any disputes and can issue binding rulings on any matter pertaining to the MCXA. The High Council retains sole authority to:

  1. Nominate candidates to hold Department Head (aka Minister) positions to be presented to the Co-Chancellors for purpose of approval by election of the High Council. Department Head (aka Minister) elections shall begin on the 3rd Friday of the month, 1 week following the election of High Council members.
  2. Approve decisions to declare war
  3. Discipline members who violate the laws of the alliance.
  4. Approve the establishment or elimination of Departmental (Ministerial) decisions as seen fit. The High Council has the power to veto the implementation of Departmental (Ministerial) programs, and request documentation of programs be submitted for review before implementation.
  5. Approve all treaties with foreign alliances
  6. Creating and handling the Central Intelligence Agency and its staff

iii. Voting:

Any issue to be voted on may be brought to the council by any member of the council. Approval is granted at a 7/13 vote, unless otherwise specified in the Charter. Election/Voting/Approval of High Council issues shall follow these guidelines:

  1. High Council Elections do not require a poll. A vote of AYE/NAY in the High Council Chambers within 1 prescribed thread shall suffice. Official votes conducted on IRC must be documented on the forum with confirmation from 3 High Council members that the vote took place and is valid.
  2. Voting Period in the High Council shall be 48 hours unless otherwise stated within the Charter. Exceptions to the 48 hour rule are:

  • 9/13 (2/3 majority) for or against the proposal - the poll/vote shall remain open for a period of not less than 24hours, regardless.

  • A unanimous vote for affirmative or negative - the poll/vote will then be considered closed.

  • Declarations of War because of treaty obligations, "defensive actions" or "requests from allies", require 24 hours or a 9/13 vote (2/3 majority) before the poll/vote shall be considered closed.

iv. Term of Office/Vacancies:

  • Elected members of the High Council shall serve terms of 2 months. Terms of office shall be extended if the MCXA is at war (Declaration of War against an Alliance) until such a time that peace has been restored or;
  • The High Council shall hold a vote, passed by majority, to petition the Co-Chancellors to proceed with the elections if in their opinion the conflict has been resolved sufficiently to the point that the alliance is in no imminent danger. The Co-Chancellors retain the power to veto the petition.

(Note: The war restrictions on High Councilors terms override vacancy legislation)

In cases of a High Council member being impeached, resigning, or without notice being inactive for a period of more than two weeks, then the follow succession takes place:

  • If elections can be held and finalized prior to 14 days before the next High Council elections, a supplementary election will take place. Candidates have 48 hours from the announcement of the vacancy to declare their candidacy. After this, a poll with all declared candidates (max. 20 - due to poll restrictions - unless we come up with a better method) will occur for 96 hours, by then the member with the most votes assumes the High Council position.
  • If there is less than 14 days remaining, the High Council may choose to leave the seat vacant until the next election cycle. They may hold an election anyways, subject to a majority vote in the High Council. The Co-Chancellors may call an election for replacement at any time if there is a vacancy.

C. Department Heads (aka Ministers)

Qualifications: Any member of the alliance may campaign for or be recommended for a Department Head (aka Minister) position. After deliberation over potential candidates, a Department Head (aka Minister) shall be chosen by the High Council. Members of the High Council may serve as Department Heads (aka Ministers). No individual may hold more than 1 Department Head (aka Ministerial) position at once.

Minister of Defense: This official is responsible for

  1. Conducting/executing military operations during times of war
  2. Strategies used in the performance of war
  3. Regulation of military actions and activity
  4. Informs the High Council on current military matters and operations
  5. Directing the Military Corps and its staff
  6. Appointment/Nomination of a Deputy Minister of Defense and submission for approval of appointee to the High Council

Minister of Foreign Affairs: This official is responsible for

  1. The selection of ambassadors to all alliances
  2. The sending and receiving of embassies
  3. The negotiating of treaties with alliances which would be submitted to the High Council.
  4. Informs the High Council on current military matters and operations as they pertain to foreign relations (peace talks, disputes, etc.)

Minister of the Interior: This official is in charge of bureaucratic affairs within the alliance. He shall be in charge of:

  1. Forming and keeping a list of all active members
  2. Organizing trades within the alliance
  3. Acceptance or denial of new members (in communication with the Co-Chancellors)
  4. Creating and handling the Communications Network (Press), Ministry of Recruitment, Department of Trade, Ministry of Finance.

Ministers are responsible for appointing their own staff and subordinates. Ministers are also in charge of constructing a document of laws for their ministry’s concern. These laws must be approved by the High Council.

Term of office: Ministers shall serve terms of 2 months.

D. General Assembly

The General Assembly is the aggregate body of all member nations, each holding one vote in the event of referendums, impeachments, and elections.

E. Elections

Co-Chancellors: In the event that one of the Chancellors should vacate his position, successors are appointed by consent of the current two and the High Council. If the individual feels they would like to have his successor voted on, he holds the right to conduct a ballot for candidates. These candidates must be approved by the High Council.

High Council: On the second Friday of every other month, the elected members of the High Council will face re-election. The Co-Chancellors will accept nominations for the High Council and formulate a list of candidates. The final list of candidates will be submitted to the General Assembly, followed by a 4 day (96 hour) voting period. The candidates with the most votes after 96 hours will become members of the High Council.

F. Impeachment

Chancellor: In this event, the Chancellor will have no vote and the Co-Chancellors have no veto power. A super-majority of 9/12 will be required to impeach.

High Council: Any member of the alliance may petition to the Chancellors to have an elected member of the High Council removed from office for treason or other offenses similar to the conditions for expulsion. If a vote is warranted, the issue will be submitted to the General Assembly for a Yes/No vote. When the 48 hour voting period is complete, a 2/3 majority will be sufficient to impeach.

Co-Chancellors: See Article III A. terms of office.

Department Heads (aka Ministers): High Council members may propose impeachment of a Department Head (aka Minister), which will be approved with a 2/3 vote (9/13).

IV. Military and War

The MCXA is primarily a peaceful alliance, but understands the need for military efforts for the better interests. With this in mind, we establish the following guidelines.

  1. All declarations of war on aligned nations or alliances must be approved by the High Council.
  2. Declaration of war on rogue nations must be approved by the Minister of Defense, or their designated staff, or with the consent of the High Council.
  3. Use of nuclear weapons is allowed only as a retaliatory measure against a nuclear first strike.
  4. All aid to foreign nations at war must be approved by the High Council.
  5. During times of open war with a nation or alliance, all members are free to attack enemies in consultation with the Minister of Defense, and High Council members.

V. Amendments

Amendments to this Charter can be proposed by any member of the alliance. They will then be submitted to the Co-Chancellors, according to III.A.3, who will then present them to the General Assembly for a vote. Any amendment to the charter must be approved by 3/5 of voters. Polls will stay open for 96 hours or until 3/5 of the alliance has approved, whichever comes first. This does not include amendments regarding addition or elimination of ministerial Department Heads (aka Minister) positions, which are approved solely by the High Council according to III.B.4

VI. Conclusion

"This document serves to affirm and uphold the values that we accept as central to the beliefs and principles of the Multicolored Cross-X Alliance. The integrity of the Charter depends on each members responsibility to uphold the Spirit and Meaning of the Document, and this responsibility should not be taken lightly."

As of August 26, 2007

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We're still looking for members! At 6 million NS and almost 500 members, we have the 6th highest score in the entire game. We accept members from any colour and don't make you change your trades. If you're on red, green, black, and especially blue, we have tons of nations on your colour to help you grow stronger.

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