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How come nations in "real life" have a hard time paying taxes and doing stuff that we regularly do in cybernations?

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I mean, think about it, nations in our world have a huge debt. So it would be easy to think, "oh yeah, just buy some more stuff that'll benefit the economy!" and rather not think "MORE WAR TECHNOLOGY OOGA BOOGA!!" So how come people never think of that? I mean if we can literally pay our taxes easily in cybernation's and not have a hard time with debt, then why don't countries think about maybe benefitting the economy so that they can at least have more money come to them, to get rid of debt. Right? Or am I just going to get in trouble for posting this? Idk man, it just really seems crazy to me.

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On 2/1/2024 at 10:03 PM, ToiletGaming3000 said:

I mean, think about it, nations in our world have a huge debt. So it would be easy to think, "oh yeah, just buy some more stuff that'll benefit the economy!" and rather not think "MORE WAR TECHNOLOGY OOGA BOOGA!!" So how come people never think of that? I mean if we can literally pay our taxes easily in cybernation's and not have a hard time with debt, then why don't countries think about maybe benefitting the economy so that they can at least have more money come to them, to get rid of debt. Right? Or am I just going to get in trouble for posting this? Idk man, it just really seems crazy to me.

Because real nations doesn't collect taxes, at least not enough.

Also some real nations have to obey to superior but clueless powers, in example Italy have to obey to EU and EU thinks that they're the USA and that their minister of economy is a German man who died a year ago and retired 10 years ago. So basically our president is Joe Biden but Joe Biden doesn't know that. 

And decisions about economy are those by an already passed away man, who was already incompetent when he was in charge and now is completely silent since he's dead. 


Proof of such cluelessness: the sanctions against Russia. 

The sanctions against Russia have: 

Moderately improved US economy;

Slightly hurted Russian economy;

Severely hurted EU economy. 

And still the EU doesn't recognise the problem, since they think that they're the USA, and the dead man who is the minister of economy cannot speak about such new issue since he died an year ago.

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