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My population is unhappy


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Check to see if you have the appropriate religion and government type. You'll need to buy improvements and wonders to make them happier. For that you'll need cash, and the fastest way to get that is to sell technology to nations whose technology costs are more than your own. Many will be happy to help you with that, since there are a lot of nations who have expensive tech. The going rate is 9 million dollars for 100 tech, and you should be able to buy tech for much less than 9 million dollars.


For help in general, I recommend joining an alliance affiliation (AA). While searching for a home can be complicated and take a while, it will help pair you with experienced nations interested in your long-term growth. Look at the ones listed in-game to see which ones interest you. Join the discord servers or forums of any ones that you short list. Once you find a culture that fits you, join them, and they'll look after you.


To prevent raiders while you are investigating, you may look at a protection deal with Non Grata. Contact Lyanna at  the nation link below. For serving as a temporary tech seller to NG nations, she should be able to arrange a protection deal where raiders or anyone else who attacks you will be attacked by NG nations. Once you find a home, you can finish off your techdeals with Non Grata as you move into your new home. Any AA you join will arrange techdeals to replace Non Grata's techdeals. And if you decide that you'd like to join Non Grata, it's that much easier.


That's assuming you don't have an alliance, yet. If you do, then they will help you with money and growth questions.




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