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Hurricane Irma refugees

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Would love to here from the other refugees, to make sure everyone is safe and well


As for me and the little coyote cubs we are fine and safe... as some may know we left our home for safety


We live on the East side of Florida and the east side of the storm is the strongest and were to get winds of 120 + mph , so we went west, because the west side of the storm is the weaker side

As the storm approached it kept moving west west and west  We started wondering if Panama City Fl was far enough away.

On Monday as it pasted we started getting tropical force winds at our motel and rain... Never got bad.

The worst parts for us was wondering if the house would be there when we got home

but the very worst part for me was being locked up in a motel room with a 4, 5 and 7 year old


To keep track of our home I kept calling the house just to hear my answering machine,,,, so to knew I had power and the home was standing.


While at motel I kept getting calls from the parents, case managers, therapist, even court representatives, worried about the kids in our care and telling me how bad it was back home  


Tuesday morning came and we started our trip home...  now realize it took 6 1/2 hours to get to the motel

the return trip took just over 12 hours.

What makes you realize how great this country we live in is was seeing the convoys of ambulances, power trucks from Alabama. Missouri , Mississippi,  Even search and urban  rescue personnel from New York..  People from everywhere coming to Florida, coming to help other Americas in need


When we pulled into town and started seeing the trees down, damage everywhere no lights... power off everywhere  ... As I came around the corner and could barely see the house in the dark,,, a large tree branch laying between my van and my wife's car ,,, just missed both of them .  Roof looked in tacked.. Got to the front door and the porch light came on.  I knew we had power . Checked every room .. everything was as we left it..


I have since found that multiple tornadoes past east of our house.. WE WERE VERY LUCKY


Thank You for the prayers ,,,   I feel so blessed...







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