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Portugal, oh Portugal

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From: French Prime Minister's Office

To: Portuguese Foreign Affairs Office

The French Empire wishes to extend an invitation to the Portuguese government to send a representative to speak of matters vital to nations which border each other so that we may establish precedent with which to treat each other in the future. France is willing to speak of any topic which interests the Portuguese government and is eager to propose some arrangements which would benefit both nations equally.

~ Sir Claus Ebenfiele de Lorraine sur la Rine


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From: Portuguese Foreign Affairs Office

To: French Prime Minister's Office


Queen Valéria will accept the French invitation and send Executor of State Prince Vicente to Orleans at once.


*Prince Vicente has arrived in Orleans and awaits to meet French officials.

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"Well monsieur, we're neighbors, so of course there are the concerns of border control that we must discuss between us, in addition to the issues of trade and international crime, but after that I would like to discuss the potential of military cooperation between our two nations."

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"In terms of border control, Portugal is open to an open border policy, under minimal security. This will allow trade and tourism to boost between France and Spain. Obviously each nation has the right to search incoming vehicles and persons and deny entry based on a credible threat to its sovereignty or national security. The Kingdom of Portugal is open to free trade agreements as well. The Portuguese Department of Justice is fully willing to cooperate with its French counterparts in the area of international crime. Perhaps and extradition arrangement between our two countries could be arranged?


Military cooperation is a sensitive matter. Right now Portugal would be open to low level cooperation and steadily increase it as time goes on."

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"We would be willing to cooperate on all of those proposals, though we'll need to hammer out exactly what 'low level' entails when it comes to military cooperation. Extradition should be one of the larger priorities in the criminal sector of whatever treaty is eventually drafted."

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"Well a basic extradition agreement has already been outlined in the Charter for the European Community, however if you believe that Portugal and France should have a more detailed one then please let us know. In terms of military cooperation, Portugal would be open to optional defense (already outlined in the Euro Charter), officer exchanges, joint military exercises, and joint training. Portugal would be open to other areas so long as it does not obligate mutual defense, as it is not customary to come to such an agreement on the first official meeting."

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"The European Charter is rather fragile, France would prefer not to rely on it for any of our politics. As for what you propose on military, Non-Aggression with Optional defense works for us. Officer exchanges, training, and Exercises are all things we would be willing to participate in as well, yes."

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"Not at present, but if you'll wait about twenty minutes perhaps, I should have something ready for us to sign. It's terribly hard to predict the direction these meetings might go after all." he hits a button on his desk and speaks to his secretary, telling him the terms that they'd agreed upon.


After about twenty minutes, as he'd predicted, his secretary came in with the document in question.



Franco-Portuguese Accords

Article I - On the subject of Borders

The States of France and Portugal agree that their border should be free to cross for any citizen of either, with minimal security from either side in the case of legitimate security concern. All vehicles and persons crossing the border are subject to being searched if either side so wishes, and both nations reserve the right to deny entry should any threat be perceived.

Article II - On the subject of Trade

Both nations agree that they should place no impediments on trade between them, and that they should cooperate closely in determining what can and cannot be exported to the other, and cooperate in ensuring that any goods so designated are not traded.

Article III - On the subject of Criminal Justice

Both nations should provide extradition to the other based on the location in which crime was committed, or, if crime is committed in both countries by any given individual, that the individual should be tried for all crimes in the nation in which the most egregious crime was committed. Law enforcement near the border should cooperate with each other to ensure that any possible illegal trafficking of contraband or people is put to an end, and all law enforcement should cooperate and share information if a case involves both countries.

Article IV - On the subject of Defense

Both nations agree that if a credible threat is issued to either nation, that the other should reserve the right to come to their defense, if they so choose. They also agree that their military should have low level cooperation, including officer exchanges, joint training exercises, and larger joint military exercises.

Signature from Portugal

Signature from France



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