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Indo-Chinese Relations

mona lisa

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With internal affairs of the Kingdom in order, King Kanaka Palan has decided to expand India's foreign policy portfolio and begin diplomatic exchanges with other nations. His royal highness has decided to invite a Chinese delegation to travel to New Delhi to meet with members of his government to discuss Indy-Asian relations and the current nuclear catastrophe in the Pacific.

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As the Republic of China still was working on managing a developing crisis across the East China Sea, Chairwoman Yao Liangying would send Sun Meiling, one of the relatives of the President and in high social standing as an envoy to New Delhi. Altough having actively followed the situation, Meiling would be briefed on quite a few details, in order to represent her country well and to not embarass the Chinese nation. A small government-owned jet would be sent to transport her via Burma to New Delhi, after India had been informed of the route.

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Upon the arrival of the Chinese diplomat, she would be taken to the Chancery of the Government in New Delhi to have bilateral talks with Dr. Tausiq Narayan, Magistrate of External Affairs.


"Madam Sun Meiling, welcome to India! I hope your flight was comfortable. It is my hope, and the hope of his royal highness that China and India may establish formal diplomatic relations and work closely in areas of common interest, especially the Pacific."

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Calm and reserved, maybe even a bit disaffectionate at times, Sun Meiling would have to represent a country inmidst its greatest crisis since maybe the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution. Dressed in a sleveless cheongsam of saffron colour, Sun would politely greet the Magistrate of External Affairs, as she arrived.


"Many thanks, Mister Narayan. Our government wholeheartily supports the establishment of good Indo-Chinese relations, which we would hope to be a much needed anchor of stability in these troubled times. As two nations of particular size, strength and a long history reaching back to most ancient times, the relations between us deserve much respect, we think. Thank you for having me."

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"It is my pleasure madam Meiling. If you don't mind would like to dive right on into the most troubling part of this meeting first. According to recent reports, it seems the Imperium of Japan was the one that launched a nuclear attack against your country, am I mistaken? What is your response? And what does role does China see in the Pacific?"

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Sun Meiling would look a bit surprised for a moment, as if something uncomfortable had just happened, but went back to her normal calm mannerisms in an instant. "I do not mind at all. Indeed, recent reports point into that direction and it pretty much confirms our own suspicions and the most logical origin of the nuclear strike. It is quite a disaster, but I think, our own response is moderate from now on. Our country has launched a counter-attack of 15 missiles for 15 missiles, but we feel like it might be better to try to prevent escalation for now. Naturally, should another strike occur, we will have an arsenal ready, but we'd hope to not need to step this far ever again. What our country will however push even more for now, would be the ousting of Japan from Taiwan, which is after all rightfully Chinese. It'd be unacceptable to see them keep their control of Taiwan, after starting a nuclear war. In regards to our future role in the Pacific, we will have to reevaluate our current role. The Splendid Asia doctrine, which has been an unilateral protection of Asians from foreign Imperialism has caused much suffering, it might be dropped by us soon, in light of recent events. Most likely, the Republic of China will have to look into China itself to reestablish a post-nuclear order. Naturally however, China seeks a free and peaceful Asia, so in the future, we might work towards this objective again, if a chance offers itself to do it multilaterally, sharing responsibilities. What does India think on these matters, if I may ask?"

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"Deescalation is very much needed, and I applaud Chinese efforts to do so. However political claims over Taiwan should be secondary to reestablishing peace and security in the Pacific region. I urge the Chinese government to not allow land claims road block future Asian relations with the international community. In terms of the Splendid Asia Doctrine, India believes that a unilateral approach to protecting a vast region with differing political systems cannot stand in the eyes of fellow Asian partners. However a multilateral approach, involving regional nations would much more benefit Chinese interests and the Pacific region as a whole. The Kingdom of India is willing to participate in such measures, however Asian leaders must commit to deescalation and focus on rebuilding."

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"As long as Taiwan is not returned, we cannot sign any peace agreement. Any agreement made that does not settle the issue will not bring peace and security, but just be a postponing of conflict and will allow Japan to entrench itself on our soil. Once the matter is settled, however, which we would hope is fairly soon, we guess a peace can be reached, respecting proper national borders."

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"The Republic of China holds that a peaceful solution is preferable to a military escalation, however no peace can be signed that takes away Taiwan from China. Up to now, no diplomatic negotiation has yielded results, if India thinks it can resolve the matter, feel free to, but do not expect much. Of course, the Chinese nation will not inhibit your right to talk to the Japanese Empire.", Sun Meiling would answer in a friendly and polite tone.

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