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The Texas National Guard






Texas Army National Guard

50,000 Armed Soldiers


One Light Infantry Division (15,000 men) 

One Mechanized Infantry Division (15,000 men) 
One Armored Division (13,000 men) 
One Armored Cavalry Regiment (3,800 men) 
One Light Armored Brigade (3,000 men) 

Special Forces (200 men)



Texas Air National Guard


125 Weaponized Aircraft 


Two Squadrons of F-22s (24 aircraft) 

Three Squadrons of F-35s (36 aircraft) 
Two Squadrons of F-15 SEs (24 aircraft) 

Two Scquadron of A-10s (24 aircraft)

One Squadron of B-52 Stratofortresses (12 aircraft)

5 Lockheed AC-130s (5 aircraft)



26 Transport Aircraft


Three Squadrons of Lockheed C-130 "Hercules" (36 aircraft)

Three Squadrons of C-130s (36 aircraft)

One Squadron of C-17s (12 aircraft)

One Squadron of KC-135s (12 aircraft)

C-5 "Galaxy" (5 aircraft)

Antonov An-225 "Mriya" (1 aircraft)



​3 Surveillance Aircraft 


Lockheed SR-71 "Blackbird" (3 aircraft)



Texas Navy National Guard


Transport Ships

- 2 San Antonio-class Amphibious Transport Dock (Texas Made)



- 2 Arleigh Burke-class destroyers (American Commonwealth)

- 5 Oliver Hazard Perry class frigates (Texas Made)

- 10 Cyclone-class patrol ships (Texas Made)

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Texas High School Education Requirements - As passed by the Texas Congress and signed by the Governor




Texas high school education has been revamped with an additional hour of school-time bringing the total time to 8 hours. Juniors and Seniors are also permitted one hour and thirty minutes to leave campus for lunch or remain with Freshmen and Sophomores who are permitted to eat lunch and remain anywhere on campus with one hour and thirty minutes of free time. Classes, otherwise, should all have approximately the same time but that is left to the discretion of local school districts. High Schools will also only operate on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. In order to allow students - who will now be facing a much more rigorous curriculum - time to catch up on school-work and relax. 



9th Grade (Freshmen)


Math: Algebra 1 

Science: Biology  

History: World Geography 

English: English 1 - Folklore and Ancient Literature 

Foreign Language 





10th Grade (Sophomores)


Math: Geometry 

Science: Chemistry 

History: World History 

English: American Literature 

Foreign Language





11th Grade (Juniors)


Math: Algebra 2

Science: Physics

History: History of America

English: English 3 - New Age Literature

Foreign Language





12th Grade (Seniors)


Math: Pre Calculus 

Science: Astronomy

History: Economics (0.5), American Government (0.5)

English: English 4 - Liturgical Classics 

Foreign Language




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Bipartisan Effort to Amend State Constitution Moves Forward





The Texas Constitution is on the path to receive its first amendments - all of which hold the exact text of the Bill of Rights of the former Constitution of the United States of America. 


Republicans, Democrats and Libertarians have made a bipartisan effort in Congress to begin the process of amending the Texas Constitution. All three parties expressed, in part,  with a joint-letter to Governor Lawrence that, "the Bill of Rights is an essential part of American history that will protect Texans's natural rights." One Libertarian representative shouted, "Give me Liberty or give me Death!" as the House of Representatives voted to begin debate on the proposed amendments. 


Before Congress acted, a grass-roots movement began in Houston where thousands of organizers filled downtown in peaceful demonstration. Mayor Carlson of Houston, a moderate Republican, signed a petition which composed of 300,000 signatures, which asked the State legislature to pass the Bill of Rights. Similar demonstrations all across the State began from Dallas to San Antonio, to Amarillo, El Paso and even in the capitol of Austin where 20,000 demonstrators took to the streets. Governor Lawrence himself made an appearance to the protesters in Austin at the steps of the capital building and gave his intentions on the matter. A blanket of cheers covered the city once the newly elected governor walked out onto the steps of the capitol and patiently waited to make his remarks as the protesters died down. 


"Certain rights simply cannot be taken away from any man," said the governor, "and there are also essential rights that must be protected in order to sustain a free society that is protected by the government instead of a dependent society which is controlled by the government. Once Congress acts, I intend to sign in the legislation which will guarantee that the rights of Texans across the entire State." Governor Lawrence went on to say that he would keep the legislature in a special session until the measures were passed and on his desk. 


Soon, Texas may be the freest State in the Commonwealth with the most secured rights. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

'Snowstorm of The Century' Knocks out Power for Millions of Texans

Governor Lawrence declares State of Emergency and deploys National Guard. 




Dallas and Fort Worth are two of the biggest victims in a regional power blackout encompassing one-fourth of the entire State of Texas. 


Millions of people are now without power in the coldest part of the year. The temperature in Dallas at the time was a record breaking negative-four degree Fahrenheit and is not due to warm up for another four days after another cold front blankets the area in possibly even more snow. Governor Lawrence declared only three hours ago a State of Emergency. The press was given an explanation that, "The situation in northeast Texas is dire. Millions of people are in record-breaking freezing conditions with no power or heat." All members of the Air National Guard were called into active duty. Following the order for the Air National Guard, twenty-nine C-130s and five C-5 cargo aircraft were escorted by F-35s across the State to Houston and Austin where supplies such as food, batteries and petroleum were loaded up and then flown to Dallas and Fort Worth where they were air dropped.


Gas is already a rarity in the region. Lieutenant Colonel Kennedy led 1,000 National Guardsmen from Plano to Dallas - a distance of 25 miles - by foot. "I marched my men the entire way. A fuel tank ruptured last week on-base and they were all under repair. I told them that we were going to reinforce Dallas come hell or high water. And we did." A local resident said, "It looked like a scene out of some movie. Hundreds of soldiers marching all that way? I suppose Sam Houston would be proud." 


After rumors erupted that the region might not have sustained power for weeks, Governor Lawrence deployed 20,000 National Guardsmen to the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area and an additional 8,000 to other cities in the massive, powerless region to "assist in the distribution of aid." However, an anonymous member of the Justice Department implied that the governor wanted soldiers in the Dallas area to control any potential riots. The only services still entirely active in the region are the American Commonwealth Postal Service - which is federally operated - and the Texas military. Other than that, "the entire region is at a virtual stand-still. That area of Texas hasn't been this dark since the 1800s," says Mayor Robertson of Galveston - a former resident of Fort Worth and historian. Ten tanks were also deployed to Dallas where they were reportedly seen plowing snow from the city's main streets.


Freezing conditions and the desperate situations have already led to a run on banks, grocery stores and gas stations. The Texas Secretary of The Treasury sent a cable to the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas which was one of the few places in the city that was operating in electricity from backup generators. The Secretary extended a message from the Governor with a list of over 500 banks that needed their reserves in physical currency instead of having the banks, which had no power, contact the Fed and request physical currency. Armored vehicles under the protection of the National Guard raced across Dallas and Fort Worth with potentially tens of millions of dollars going to banks. Smaller cities in the State, however, may have a longer delay in getting physical money to their local banks.


Governor Lawrence has called the Texas Legislature into emergency session and is expected to address the State later tonight. 

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Half of Texas in The Dark, Martial Law Declared

Governor Lawrence puts entire Texas National Guard on standby. 



Municipal contractors working around the clock in Dallas to keep streets clear of snow while blizzard after blizzard ravages the area.


Amarillo and Lubbock are the latest victims in what has become the biggest blackout in Texas and American Commonwealth history. Eight-million people are now without electricity or running water in some areas because pipes are frozen or have busted underground or in homes. Half of the State of Texas is now without electricity. 


Governor Lawrence has called all off-duty National Guardsmen into service and recently ordered yet another twelve-thousand soldiers to the Panhandle - specifically Lubbock and Amarillo. The mayors of Fort Worth and Dallas have controversially declared "Martial Law" within their municipal areas after estimations were set forth that power might not be brought back until "fourteen days at best". Last night, Governor Lawrence said he had "no intentions of declaring State-wide martial law. Texas is known for coming together in its darkest hours." 


A bi-partisan bill to allow the Governor to allocate one-billion dollars to "disaster relief" was passed overnight by the legislature in one of the swiftest acts of the Texas congress in recent memory. The Air National Guard began flying resources and specifically generators to Amarillo and Lubbock while the Army National Guard has been pouring into the two panhandle-cites with limited supplies of gasoline, food and water. The Navy National Guard even assisted in obtaining supplies after the Governor of Louisiana offered millions of dollars worth of supplies and aid to Texas. The destroyer RTS Alamo escorted two cargo ships to the port of New Orleans where hundreds of tons of supplies were then brought back to the Port of Houston and then shipped over to Dallas and Fort Worth. 


Reports of people freezing to death in their homes have already been raised to an estimated 124 people. Meteorologists say that  the next cold front and barrage of blizzards could bring "devastation" and "borderline calamity" to the already fragile situation. The Federal Government has yet to offer any assistance. 

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Receiving reports of what was happening in Texas the decision was made by President Marston to activate FEMA to coordinate the federal government's response with the state's efforts.  While initial efforts were hampered somewhat by the conditions on the ground, federal emergency response teams were able to get through to analyze the situation, relaying the information to FEMA's regional command center in Denton which would disseminate the information to first responders and other response personnel.  The 2nd Armored Division based at Fort Hood was ordered to assist operations and the 3rd Infantry Division was being airlifted into the region as quickly as possible while the 4th Marine Division was activated in Louisiana to begin moving into Texas.  The Commonwealth Air Force would provide heavy lift capabilities in addition to providing normal cargo flights, ferrying in aid supplies like food, water and portable heaters as well as heavy equipment like generators and snow mobile vehicles.  In the meantime the President also called for an emergency session of Congress to determine further response efforts.

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To: Department of Foreign Affairs of the American Commonwealth

From: Ministry of Defense of the Dai-Tōhoku Renpō


To whomever it concerns,


As we have heard that your country has been plagued in Texas by heavy snowing and storms, as a gesture of friendship, we would like to offer a brigade of our recruits to the Commonwealth to help in your combat against terrible weather. Armed with shovels instead of rifles and maybe some trucks and snowploughs instead of tanks, we'd hope that they can assist the Texan population in a show of friendship. Due to our nation being prone to natural disaster, be it earthquakes throughout the islands, heavy rain and storms during the typhoon season or at times excessive snow in Hokkaido, Nagano or Karafuto, disaster relief is one of the main missions of our armed forces and we would hope this expertise can help the Texan people in this crisis. Additionally, we would be willing to send some supplies, that can be distributed to households that were cut off from the rest of civilisation for extented periods of time.


With regards,

Fukishi Daisuke

Minister of Defense


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While the offer is appreciated the American Commonwealth has all the manpower it needs to deal with this unfortunate event, although we would not be opposed to a smaller sized force of no more than 200 volunteers from Japan to participate as a gesture of friendship and good faith.

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Electricity Returns to North Texas

Governor Lawrence visits his hometown of Amarillo.




After seventeen days of the largest blackout in Texas history, Governor Lawrence visited local officials in Amarillo where the National Guard is still distributing supplies. 


Food has been moved from all around the State after millions of dollars were donated to charities for the people of North Texas. Some areas are still suffering brownouts but the massive transformers that were damaged and destroyed were finally replaced by the Department of Public Safety. Billions of dollars were spent by the Texas government to ensure that its residents would not starve of freeze to death. Only after eight grueling days did the Federal Government come and assist the State which had declared a State of Emergency days earlier. Despite this delayed response, Governor Lawrence expressed his "thanks" and "appreciation" to President Martson for the Federal response. 


After a request was given from the governor, the mayors of Dallas and Fort Worth ended the nearly week-long martial law that was over the cities. Curfews were lifted and the rationing of water ended as frozen pipes thawed. One local official in Dallas complained that "the president's response was heavily delayed. Texas really carried its own weight though, we wouldn't have gotten through this without John Lawrence." The State may have paid billions of dollars to bring generators and petroleum throughout the State, however the Treasury's reserves are estimated to be in the range of over 150-billion dollars and a yearly budget surplus of a few billion. Lawrence says that he plans on allocating more money to education and "scientific discovery" after the required funds are resources are used on the rest of the State. 

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'Republic' of Texas or 'State' of Texas?

Disagreements over Texas's official name continue.




Debate continues in the legislature over what truly is the official name of Texas. 


Since Texas was an independent republic decades ago, the official name of it was the "Republic of Texas". In the Confederation of MidAmerica, the name remained the same. And after joining the American Commonwealth, the name still did not change through legislation however the debate is over whether Texas, which is a State, should still use a name reminiscent to that of a sovereign nation at least for American standards. Woody Sterling, observer at the United Nations from Texas, boldly stated he was from "The Republic of Texas".


Officials who are against keeping the State's name say that Texas is not an independent nation and should be on equal level with all of the other States. Senator Armstrong of Amarillo has a different take on the matter. "States have the right to name themselves. And Texas, which has been an independent State much longer than it has been a part of the American Commonwealth, should be able to rightfully remember its history and call itself what it is - a republic." Governor Lawrence rarely interjects his opinion on political matters to the press unless at the Governor's Mansion or the Capitol, but he said, "I believe that Texas should keep its rightful name. Any effort to change Texas's name will be vetoed by myself. I will, however, sign into law any legislation that confirms Texas currently has its rightful name."


Governor Lawrence has yet to veto any passed legislation from the Congress. This would be a major step taken by the governor to use his executive power to affect the law of Texas.

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Governor Orders Integration of Jasper

Governor Lawrence calls the situation "disgraceful". 



White and black children stand united at rally for integration in Jasper.


The city of Jasper has the only high school in the American Commonwealth that has yet to racially integrate its public schools. Governor Lawrence has stepped up to the issue and ordered a new high school to be built with State funds after the high school senior class president pleads to the governor to "save" his town.  


"This is disgraceful," said the governor, "the law of this State dictates that no student is discriminated by race and that schools may not be built for different races." The Jasper Independent School District refused to ratify the governor's request to integrate schools which lead to the governor abolishing the school district and thus dissolving the school board. Three advisers, one of them an African American, were sent to run the school district until an integrated school is built. Governor Lawrence received special permission from congress to build a 5-million dollar school with state-of-the-art technology and then tear down the two former schools.


Mayor Thomas of Jasper said it was like his city was "under martial law" which the governor later rebutted, "If I really wanted to put Jasper under martial law I would have appointed a new mayor by now." The governor vetoed a resolution by the congress to restructure Jasper's city-government saying that he would "not violate the Constitution to prove a point." This political move came as a surprise to many self-proclaimed "civil-rights" activists who declared their support for Governor Lawrence in his next run for the governorship. 


The groundbreaking for the new school will be in five days - the State Government hopes to have it open for next school year. 

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Secessionists Elected to Texas House and Senate

​Secessionist leader Charlotte Bowie elected to Texas Senate.



Charlotte Bowie, Senator from Dallas, poses for her individual congressional picture. 


The Texas Congress now has a third party on its register list - "Secessionist". Charlotte Bowie, a native of Dallas, founded the "Secessionist Party" in January and was elected to the Texas Senate nearly twelve months later during a special election. Two other secessionists were elected to the Texas House of Representatives.


Although the Secessionist Party is not close to holding a majority in either the House or Senate, a rather large following has grown within the last few months since the party's founding. Miss Bowie, a self-described decedent of Davie Bowie, said that her ancestor would "be disgusted to see the current state of the Texas Republic. It is pitiful." Bowie declared she would soon be writing a bill to introduce to the congress which would "look into leaving the Commonwealth."


The Secessionist Party's mission states that it would like to achieve independence peacefully "and remain politically connected to the American Commonwealth if need-be like how former colonies of the United Kingdom stayed in their own 'commonwealth' or similar to how Japan is mostly independent of Tianxia." Governor Lawrence and his administration did not respond to any initial questions about the Secessionist Party or Charlotte Bowie; however, the Governor did reinforce that even radical political parties are allowed to exist in the Texas political system. "Having a difference in opinion is the God-given right of any American," said Lawrence,  "As long as Miss Bowie stays within the law, I see no reason why she would not be allowed to stay a Texas Senator."   


The Texas Attorney General explained in an open letter that while secession itself is controversial and "most likely illegal without Federal approval, believing in secession is a different story and completely legal. Americans and Texans alike have the right to the Pursuit of Happiness and if trying to get Texas to leave the Commonwealth makes Senator Bowie happy I don't see what she is doing wrong." Indeed the Miss Bowie is not breaking the law - yet at least.  


The Senate Majority Leader, Senator Armstrong of Amarillo, has not stated whether or not he would allow Senator Bowie's proposal to even come to a vote. Senator Armstrong, an outspoken Republican and mentor of Governor Lawrence, is usually a wild-card when it comes to political decisions like this and "could let it come to a vote," said a representative who wanted to keep his identity secret. "However even if it would come to a vote, a bill that would allow Texas to leave the Commonwealth would fail - let alone a vote to even just look into it." 


Many have called the new Senator, who People's Magazine described as "stunning" and "beautiful - especially for a politician" an interesting figure to enter Texas politics. Some consider her and her new party a joke but others point out that the Libertarian Party became a major party in Texas similar to how Miss Bowie is starting her party. Regardless of what people believe about Senator Bowie, she certainly is going to bring an interesting angle to Texas Politics. 

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Secession is a serious issue for any government.  It is a dangerous sentiment.  It is disruptive to the national stability and unity.  As it stands, the act of secession by a state of the Commonwealth is not possible.  The act of advocating the secession of a state, especially by an elected official, is sedition, which is defined in the Sedition and Insurrection Acts as "conduct or speech designed to subvert the government of the American Commonwealth and its laws".  The actions of the so called "Secessionist"party fit the definition exactly.  At the behest of the Justice Department, the 5th Circuit Court has issued an arrest warrant for the members of this radical element.  I have also instructed the Department of Defense to withhold shipment of weapons and equipment to the Texas National Guard until such a time it has been deemed this issue is past. 


Bradley Marston

-President of the American Commonwealth


While the President's speech was being broadcast federal marshals and FBI agents executed the arrest warrants.  The members of the secessionist party, who were located and being monitored and tailed by federal law enforcement prior to the arrest warrant's issue, would be taken into custody and transported to the Bastrop Federal Correctional Institute, which was provided with enhanced security measures, where they would be placed in maximum security holding to await trial.  Federal troops in Texas were brought up to full readiness to provide assistance if required.




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The Senate and House of Representatives, both of which were in session, were sealed and to be undisturbed as they dealt with important matters regarding the State. The Federal Agents would have trouble entering the capital building even with warrants of arrest due to the fact that they were for congressional representatives and a senator. The capitol police, who were under a department of the Texas Rangers and were highly numbered in the State’s capitol city, first questioned the Federal Agents as to their intent on whom they wished to arrest and for what reasons. Though none of them believed their reasoning was just, nor their interpretation of the law, they would first have to turn over their firearms if they wanted to enter.


If agents agreed to do that, they would be met with additional security at the doors of the Senate and House of Representatives who had the soul duty of protecting the individuals inside. The guards outside of the doors would calmly and politely ask the agents to wait as they contacted the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Lieutenant Governor, who presided over the Senate, permission to open the doors. Opening the doors without permission would, of course, put them in violation of State law.


The capital police didn’t take any time leaking the news of whom was being arrested to the press. Reporters gathered around the capitol building already taking pictures as local-news vans and gathered around the massive Seat of Government of Texas and clogged the roadways around the capitol and the University of Texas.


“Senate Bill 245, ‘Additional Funding to Public Schools’, has passed. Now moving onto our next-” Lieutenant Governor Steward Freeman was preparing to move onto the next bill on the docket until one of the Texas Rangers standing guard below his seat stepped up and whispered into his ear, “Federal Agents are here to arrest Senator Bowie under the charge of sedition. They have a warrant.” Stew was lost for words and stared out at the Senators and eyed Bowie who quickly found out something was wrong. He stayed still, thinking of what to do next and casually texted Governor Lawrence, “Fed agents here to arrest Bowie on senate floor.” He was quickly rendered a response from the governor, “Let them in. Im making my way there.”


“Ladies and gentlemen,” began Stew, “it seems that…” Charlotte Bowie continued to eye him. She knew the trouble was for her. She knew she only had a matter of time, “Well… Federal Agents are over there,” he pointed to the massive senate doors, “here to arrest a member of the Senate for… sedition. Governor Lawrence has requested I open the doors and let them in. Is there anyone here who has a problem with that?”

Charlotte stood and adjusted her microphone, “I second the motion, Lieutenant Governor.” Her voice was soft and somewhat fearful. “Keep your head held high Senator,” Stew whispered over the microphone back to her. The gallery above, stocked mostly with citizens but a few reporters as well, erupted in picture-taking as the two wooden doors were pushed open by the guards outside. The Rangers would allow two Federal Agents onto the Senate floor as the armed Texas Rangers in the room closely watched their movements within the historical Senate chamber.

Charlotte continued to stand and turned to face the agents who confronted her. The gallery of civilians and press reporters began yelling obscenities and taking dozens of pictures as the two agents would go up to arrest her. Social media exploded the pictures across the internet while the journalists took notes.

I am in no way going to play it down at all – Charlotte was terrified. She was fairly elected to a position in her State Senate where she was born and had founded her own political party twelve months prior, however not until a year later was she arrested for essentially treason? She was in a free State, without doubt, and arguably a free country. Her knees began to shake and she almost lost her balance as Senator Armstrong, Governor Lawrence’s mentor and close friend, stood from his leather seat to catch her by the arm and help her keep standing.

The white-haired man, a near mirror-image of Uncle Sam, watched in disgust as the agents came to arrest the young lady. “It’s alright Miss Bowie I have you…” He helped her stay standing up in her heals until the officials took her from him. Senators now understood what was going on and began shouting and yelling as well, some of them starting to move at the agents who were taking away the white-faced freshman Senator. Armstrong kept them back and looked to the Lieutenant Governor for help.

Stew had been frozen in the moment until his eyes made contact with Armstrong’s, “Order! Order on the Senate floor! Order! Order!” He continued to smash his gavel down as the yells turned into roars of curses and threats. The Senators began to quiet down once the agents were out of their chamber until they heard similar shouts coming from the House of Representatives. The two freshmen representatives were being taken out as well. The old walls of the capitol rocked from the vibrations of loud shouts. This drove the Senators over the edge and they began to make their way out of the chamber along with the Lieutenant Governor who was trying to calm them down. They were, however, far enough behind the agents not to pose a danger.






“Governor, governor! Wanda Taraoke, Lone Star Chronicle, do you know what’s going on inside the capital?” Governor Lawrence didn't have any attention on him until the Lone Star reporter recognized him. A barrage of pressmen and women gathered around him with cameras and notepads. All asking him if the rumors were true, if congressmen were being arrested, if he supported session. He slowly pushed his way through, trying to be as gingerly as he could. “MAKE WAY FOR THE GOVERNOR,” a Texas Ranger shouted from the top of his lungs. The man on horseback had come over from across the street when the press showed up.


The lawman came over with his beast and his hand on his revolver, “Hop on governor, I’ll keep them back!” The Ranger stepped off his horse and towards the reporters with his hand on his weapon and parted them like the Red Sea. Governor Lawrence quickly hopped onto the horse and grabbed its reins. It started to get spooked from all of the flashes so John tugged its head away from the reporters and towards the steps of the capital that were about fifty yards away. By now the capital was stocked with the press and college students who needed a reason to protest. The Governor of Texas on horseback with the moon and capital building in the backdrop was an impressive sight as many stared up at the man who lead their State. “Make way!” grunted the Ranger below as he pushed people aside and guided the governor to the front of the capital building.

Off to his left the governor observed an empty transport vehicle with a small Texas flag painted on the side. It seems the Capital Regiment of the National Guard, which was always on standby incase there was some type of intrusion or unrest at the capital, had already been deployed. By the time John looked back towards the steps of the capital he saw men in riot gear pushing back reporters and college students while armed National Guardsmen stood behind them somewhat fearfully. It all was a recipe for an accident so he knew he needed to intervene quickly.

Snapping the reins once, the horse picked up speed as civilians parted around him. The horse jumped onto its back legs and squealed once at the steps of the capital which got the attention of most of the crowd and many of the National Guardsmen.

John got off of the horse and put his hands up angrily to the soldiers, “Stand down! Stand down now!” The soldiers quickly backed off and lowered their weapons as the governor pushed between them and stepped up towards the doors of the capital which had two Texas Rangers nervously guarding them. “What are you going to do Governor Lawrence?” shouted what sounded to be a young-lady – possibly a college student – from the crowd.

John stopped at the top of the steps and turned around to address the question. “Senator Charlotte Bowie has been accused of sedition,” he said which was interrupted by angry yells regarding the charge as a fallacy. “I understand how you are all feeling right now, but I need you to remain calm, assimilating like this and causing trouble isn’t going to help any of us and is only going to make it worse for me. Now please, back up if you must stay, but please don’t cause trouble.”


The soldiers slowly walked toward the crowd and gained ground peacefully as most of the civilians listened to their governor. “Where is the warrant you have to arrest members of my congress?” Under normal practices, warrants are given and not kept but if he wouldn’t be allowed to hold onto it he would take a picture of the document and return it to the agent. “I have no idea what the President is thinking,” said John as he tried to peer into the doors of the capital that were slightly cracked, “but I am surprised Armstrong has not killed your agents by now.” The Texas Rangers at the doors of the capital began to open them for the governor before the agents holding Charlotte and the other representatives forced their way in between the doors. “G-Governor!” shouted Charlotte fearfully, “Where are they taking us? Help!” she screamed desperately.

Thousands of flashes of light erupted from reporters and smartphones as leaders were brought out in handcuffs for doing nonother than their jobs. “Stop them governor! What are you doing?” shouted the crowd as the National Guardsmen reluctantly protected the Federal Agents only because they were holding the congressmen and Senator Bowie. John watched painfully as the freshmen were dragged away like Jews being drug out of their homes by Nazis. “John! John what the hell is going on?” The Lieutenant Governor finally caught up with the dozens of Senators and Representatives who filled the steps of the capital and watched three of their own being hauled away.


“ARREST ME!” angrily shouted college students, “I’M A SESSIONIST TOO!” shouted others, “COWARDS!” roared the rest. Leaving by air would be impossible from the capital due to the trees and infrastructure in the area so either vehicle or walking would have to be the agents mode of transportation and it was doubtful that they’d choose the later considering the hundreds of people seeing them as the face of evil at this point.


Civilians began flooding into the streets while the outnumbered soldiers tried to keep the civilians back. But to no avail the couldn’t. By the time the agents and the leaders were getting in civilians flooded all sides of Congress Avenue and began pouring into East 11th street. Many of them started throwing things and smashing bottles against the windows of the vehicle and some started throwing rocks and standing in front and behind the cars. The large oak trees that went down Congressional Avenue to East 11th street started swaying as people climbed into them like monkey’s, waiting for the chance to jump down on top of the car. The National Guardsmen tried to help but were grossly outnumbered at this point as capital police ran over and tried to fight back the evergrowing crowd. The captain of the men there called for backup as more troop-transports pulled up with additional guardsmen though they were weary to stop the Texans who were rioting over the questionable detainment of three of their leaders.


John turned to the Senators and Representatives who could only take pictures, call the press, and watch in shock as the Federal Government directly trampled over their constitutionally guaranteed political rights. “Hey someone’s in the rotunda, someone got in! Go, go get him now!” Stew, the Lieutenant Governor, shouted at a few of the Texas Rangers who were also looking up. John didn’t know what Stew was fussing over until he saw it. “Jesus Christ,” he muttered as he saw the large American Commonwealth flag flutter and fall from atop of the 308 foot Texas capital building into the crowd who, out of rage, began pulling and tearing at it until it started to rip apart. Someone pulled out a lighter and caught part of the flag on fire, screaming, “HOW’S THAT SEDITION FOR YA’?” Cameras flashed at the sight of a flag burning as the cotton material turned into either shredded pieces which were stomped into the ground or burnt ash that flew away in the wind. 


“Back,” he said, pushing Stew up towards the doors. “Everyone into the capital! Right now! Go inside!” The Senators and Representatives poured back into the legislative building as off duty police began showing up and reinforcing the capitol building and entering inside to protect the leaders. John led them into the House Chamber where National Guardsmen stood armed with assault rifles. “Sir, when do we open the doors?”


John couldn’t hear the question as he was rushed into the chamber by the Texas Rangers but the Stew shouted at the soldier, “I don’t care if the damn Pope shows up here, you don’t open these doors until you hear the order from the Governor!” More National Guardsmen gathered in front of the doors as they were locked from the inside. Outside the crowd now began to number in a thousand and was turning into a mob. The soldiers outside were doing the best they could to keep people away from the Federal Agents and the Texans in their vehicle however they were still completely surrounded by civilians.


“YOU GET THE GOVERNOR, HE’LL PARDEN ME!” shouted someone outside the doors of the House chamber. The shout was accompanied by the rumble of boots of National Guardsmen who had probably found the man that got the Commonwealth flag off the top of the capital. Many of the congressmen started taking seats and calling loved ones as a few parted the wooden shutters to see angry citizens coming out of buildings while reporters captured the scene. Additional National Guardsmen from the Capital Regiment began showing up and started containing the protesters’ numbers from growing but still didn’t have the situation totally under control.


A National Guard Captain approached the governor and saluted him, “Orders sir?” The captain’s soldiers stood around the entrance to the House Chamber, fully armed and in battle gear, as they watched their captain. “Yeah,” said John as he walked over to the Speaker of The House’s seat. The Texas flag and the Commonwealth flag were on the sides of the chair. John took the Commonwealth flag which was on a golden poll and handed it to the captain. “See to it that the colors remain raised over this capitol…. You have two minutes.”


The captain snapped to attention and saluted him again, “You heard him men! Looks like we get the grand tour! Someone find me how the hell we get on the roof of this place!” he shouted at his men as a few of them briefly slipped out of the doors with the flag and then it was quickly sealed again. Within ten minutes the American Commonwealth flag, albeit a much smaller and formal one with gold-embroidered edges, was once again flying over the capitol building. “Governor,” said Stew formally as he handed John his smartphone, “this is a statement released from the White House from the President.”


John read over the statement and shoved the phone back to Stew. “I’ve been Governor of this State for four months and the guy can’t even give me a damn phone call when he’s going to cause riots in my capitol? Who the hell does he think he is?” John momentarily lost his composure before containing his anger again. “Someone get me in touch with Major General King. Me and Stew haven’t been in contact with anyone for nearly an hour now and knowing him he’s going to muster the National Guard like we’re under attack and I think that will send the wrong impression.”

“We are under attack,” muttered one of the representatives. John swiftly turned to the group of House members who were sitting at their desks, “HEY! You….” He growled, “You are all Americans just as you are Texans. I do not want any more trouble from the Feds – Marston is going to start a civil war if he arrests anyone else now hush y’all!”


Air raid sirens woke up soldiers at Camp Mabry which was only a few miles from the capitol at Austin. Major General King was in his full dress uniform with a pair of large binoculars. Camp Mabry had been outfitted with an airstrip years earlier which the Major was in the air-control tower, keeping a lookout for potential bogies.


A young man came up to the highest-ranking military man in the State and saluted, “Sir! The Alert level has been risen! Orders?” The Major puffed his cigar in the face of the private as air-traffic controllers poured into the tower, “I don’t know what the hell is going on in the capital but it ain’t good – no one has heard from the Governor or Lieutenant Governor. Something’s happened downtown and if they’re still alive I want them protected now you go make it look like that damn city is under martial law do you understand me private?”


“Sir!” he stood at attention and awaited any other orders. Hangers began lighting up as pilots ran outside to their aircraft and started manning the warplanes. The air raid sirens had awoken half of the city by now – though the Major didn’t mind because he liked having… a “presence” as some would say.




“I want a Blackbird in the air to see what the hell is going on downtown, media says it’s a riot but I want to see the full scope. Scramble two F-22s over the city as well, I don’t want any funny business.” The private stayed in position, nearly ready to fall over as he kept his knees locked, “Oh and ground everything at the International airport over yonder,” he pointed south east towards Austin-Bergstrom International which was about five or six miles away, “Don’t want any civilians mistaken for the… errr” he didn’t know his enemy so he improvised brilliantly, “bad guys. Understood private?”

“Yes sir! On it sir!” Within minutes the cold-war era SR-71 Blackbird was fueled and took off from the airstrip followed by two F-22s that were given orders to protect the city. Meanwhile three other fighters were manned, fueled, and ready for takeoff.


Two thousand National Guardsmen meanwhile got in full battle gear and loaded their rifles as they got onto transport vehicles and poured into the city like locusts. The rioters, which had grown from a curious group of reporters to an angry mob of three-thousand college students and younger people, started to get pushed back towards the capital where they had originated. Meanwhile the SR-71 began sending feedback to Camp Mabry to show the images of a few burning buildings and overturned cars and the massive mob of people but nothing that couldn’t be repaired.

The phone that belonged to the Major began playing Battle Hym of The Republic. Andrew King answered it when he saw it was the Governor.


“Listen Andrew, phone coverage is spotty right now. We’re all fine but I’m going to need an evac from the capital for me and Stew. I need to address the State before this overflows everywhere else. Think you can get us out of here?” Major General King puffed his cigar and replied, “Yeah, I suggest you come here governor. This camp is about the safest place in Texas right now for your likes of you and Stewie.” The Lieutenant Governor shouted back, “I can hear you damn it!” Andrew chuckled and didn’t apologize for calling him Stewie.


“No I need to talk to the Texan people from the Governor’s mansion. I’m not going to be seen hiding my head at the military headquarters. I want to be home in fifteen minutes, make it happen Andrew. We’re in the House Chamber.” John hung up and peered out of one of the windows of the capital before he backed up and saw a massive fireball erupt from a small restaurant which shook the walls of the capital.

“What the hell was that?” a few representatives shouted as everyone fell to the ground. John laughed to himself, “That’s Major King causing a bit of collateral damage to get us out of here.” A M1-Abrams tank rolled over an overturned car and reloaded a shell as hundreds of civilians ran from it. Sure it’d just shot a building, but it was just an awful Mexican restaurant that was closed this time of night. No harm was done. Behind the tank came hundreds of soldiers and three other tanks coming into the city which easily pushed the protesters back to East-11 Street and Congress Avenue.


Meanwhile Special Forces came into the capital building in their tactical gear and escorted the Governor and Lieutenant Governor into one of the tanks which was given a police escort to the Governor’s Mansion. Protestors were outside of his home and cheered when they saw he and Stew climb out of the tank like heroes waiting to start a revolution. “Do you think the entire State is like this right now?” cried Stew as he held onto his briefcase and ran into the Governor’s Mansion with John and the Special Forces who rushed in, armed to the teeth with them. The Texas Rangers and National Guard had the entire complex surrounded like a prison, keeping any curious protester or reporter far away.


Once inside and doors closed behind them John’s assistant came in, “Your text went through, you’re on in a five Governor.” The young lady pulled off his tie and put on a new one for him as another assistant dusted off his jacket while he made his way to his office. Stew followed behind, communicating to mayors around the State who had woken up to riot advisories from the Department of Public Safety.

John sat down behind his desk. His aide closed the shutters to the bullet-proof window behind him which showed the scene of a burning building and soldiers still trying to keep protesters away from the vehicle with the Federal Agents and the Texans held captive by their own government inside.


As the view behind him turned to white shutters a man began counting down, “Five, four, three, two,” he pointed at John and the room eliminated with light. “Good evening my fellow Texans. I have come to address you at this time of night because of a situation which has just developed her in Austin. From what I know, no one is seriously injured but feel everyone here in Texas has the right to know, seeing as your are involved.”


John looked down at a piece of paper for notes and began, “This evening, Federal Agents arrested Charlotte Bowie, a Texas State Senator on the Senate floor along with two Representatives for what the White House has called sedition. Miss Bowie formed a pro-Secession party approximately one year ago and was recently elected to the Senate a few weeks ago. The Federal Government chose today, however, to arrest her and her colleagues. I was given no warning nor phone call from President Marston, and now I have had to put my own capitol under martial law after three of my legislators were abducted from the Seat of Government here in Austin.”


He kept his composure and had meaning in his words, “I feel your anger and frustration, but violence is in no way going to fix this situation. Peace, I ask of you. Stand down and return home and you will be forgiven or continue and you will be arrested. But if not for me do it for your Republic, please, return home.” The streets grew quieter as John continued his speech, “I have never seen the law which President Marston quoted not long ago, nor am I aware of its existence in writing but I can assure you the Texas Attorney General will be on this case. But for now, I ask that you stay home and relax. Be calm and do not cause trouble. In time this will pass justice will be done – and if not, appeal to heaven.”


“I am here, in Austin, in control of the government. Resources have been deployed across the city to ensure everyone here is safe. I only ask now for your prayers for Senator Bowie and that this is quickly resolved. I will be sure to keep you updated, but for now good night my fellow Texans, please be safe.”The lights around John dimmed and he sighed deeply. His aide opened the blinds outside to see that the streets were nearly empty now except for the few tanks and multitude of National Guardsmen running around. The Austin Fire Department was scrambling along with emergency responders to put out the few fires around the city.


John received a text from Major King that he had eyes on the Federal Agents in their vehicle from the SR-71 he had in the air and that he’d keep track on them to see where they’d go. John sat back and waited for a much-needed phone call from the President. Meanwhile, people outside of the Governor’s mansion began singing “Texas, our Texas” in near unison. The governor momentarily closed his eyes as the others in the room left to tend to their jobs. "John..." said Stew as he put his hand on his friend's shoulder, "What if this is an uprising, you.... We simply cannot veto?" John shook his head and didn't reply for a few minutes. "It seems history's fate depends on Senator Bowie's fate." John picked up his smartphone and put it in his pocket, "I'm going say a rosary in the chapel, have my secretary forward me any calls from the White House to my cell." 



Edited by PresidentDavid
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Marshal Travis Gonzalez was the head of the operations of the Commonwealth Marshal Service for the 5th Circuit Court.  He was a bit surprised at receiving the arrest warrant for a Texas State Senator and Representatives but the law was the law and it was his duty to enforce the warrant.  Gonzalez decided to personally take charge of the operation.  This was undoubtedly a possibly volatile arrest and no chances would be taken.  In addition to agents from the Austin field office he also brought along a Marshal Special Operations Team and secured assistance from the local FBI field office as well.  Twenty four agents were assembled into a motorcade of four cars and an armored vehicle.  Most were provided with tactical equipment and weapons like body armor, assault rifles and sub-machine guns, and all were provided with extra non-lethal gear and protective equipment.  The convoy made a beeline towards the state capitol building sirens wailing.  Gonzalez himself exited along with several plain clothed deputy marshals to enter the building to make the arrest while the rest of the force deployed to secure a perimeter around the vehicles.  Showing the guards the federal warrant he also informed them that the warrant overrode their protective jurisdiction and that any attempts to interfere would be construed as obstruction of justice. 


Gonzalez entered the chambers with the other agents without handing over their weapons to make the arrest.  Gonzalez himself put the cuffs on Senator Bowie and read her her rights as her and the other secessionists under arrest were led out of the building.  He'd been a law enforcement officer for over 30 years now.  The protests from those around and those under arrest fell on deaf ears.  The marshals performed their duties with professionalism as they ignored it.  Outside the situation had deteriorated as the agents and marshals fought off the ever growing crowd with tear gas, bean bags, rubber bullets, batons and their bare hands.  The response to the arrival of the national guard was a bit uncertain but they were seemingly providing assistance so that was always something to be grateful for.  The suspects were loaded into the armored vehicle along with several agents while the Marshal got in the passenger side seat.  The national guard had pushed the crowd back far enough to allow the convoy to start moving.  Even so, it wasn't completely clear and progress was intermittent prompting Gonzalez to request additional assistance.


President Marston was monitoring the situation in Texas with senior administration officials and military personnel in the White House situation room which was undergoing a flurry of activity.  The president shook his head as he watched the broadcasts of rioting in Austin.  "What a disgraceful display.  I guess everything is bigger in Texas, including the egos" said the president with disgust.  "Somehow they think they're 'freer' than everyone else and that the laws don't apply to them.  That being a Texan gives them some sort of god given right to ignore federal authority.  Of all the states in this nation that is the only one that causes any damn trouble. Issue the orders to federalize the Texas National Guard and send them their assignments.  I'll make a call to the governor informing him of these actions" said Marston as he dialed a secure line to the governor.


In response to the rioting the Commonwealth military was ordered to deploy and assist the federal agents under siege in the city.  At the same time the Texas National Guard was federalized and orders were given for them to provide assistance on the ground to federal law enforcement as well as to control the rioting.  The air national guard was ordered to remain on the ground for the time being.  The Commonwealth Air Force maintained combat air patrols of F-22s and F-35s over the state with support from AWACs aircraft.  Several EC-130H Compass Call electronic warfare aircraft began jamming communications channels throughout the state except those reserved for the military and government disrupting any news broadcasts and disabling phone usage. 


A special forces detachment from Fort Hood was flown out to extract the prisoners and agents via helicopter while a pair of Raptors would intercept the SR-71 shadowing the group and relay it orders to return to base.  Colonel Daniel Wright was the overall mission commander of the operation.  Several Black Hawks were escorted by a pair of Apache attack helicopters and proceeded to rendezvous with the convoy transporting the prisoners.  "Command this is Serpent Six Actual, we have a visual on the HVIs and are proceeding with extraction mission" said Colonel Wright as he sighted the convoy.  "Acknowledged Serpent Six Actual, you have a green light".  A Black Hawk specially outfitted with a modified airborne mine dispenser flew over the convoy.  The agents on the ground were ordered to equip themselves and the prisoners with respirators as the Black Hawk began to rapidly deploy large amounts of tear gas canisters over a wide area around the convoy.  Special Forces operators fast roped in equipped with NBC and riot gear to remove stragglers from the area and clear a landing zone as Black Hawks landed to extract the prisoners who were rushed by the agents on the ground into the waiting helicopters.  "Command, Serpent has the package and we are pulling out to RTB".  All in all the operation took less than ten minutes before everyone was back in the air and returning to Fort Hood.


It was decided that the security risks of holding the prisoners in Houston was too great and that instead the trial would be held at Fort Hood.  Personnel from the 5th Circuit court were brought in to facilitate the holding of a civilian trial and a panel of three judges was picked at random from the pool of available federal judges.  The on base JAG courthouse would provide an adequate setting for the trial which was set to begin soon.  Security was beefed up with all troops on all bases in Texas at full readiness, including the 2nd Armored and 1st Cavalry Divisions at Fort Hood the 5th Armored Division at Fort Bliss and the 4th Infantry Division at Fort Sam Houston .  The 3rd Mountain Division was ordered to fly into Austin from Fort Carson to assist the national guard in maintaining order and began arriving with full combat and riot gear.  Additionally the 9th Infantry Division (Light) was flown into Houston while the 3rd Airborne Division was flown into Joint Base San Antonio and the 4th Marine Division was mobilized in Louisiana.

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“And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from-” John’s phone began to buzz in his pocket furiously which caught his attention. He put his rosary in his pocket and got off of the kneeler to sit back in the pew. “202” he said to himself, noticing the area code of the number and connecting the dots that it was a call from Washington – most likely the White House and hopefully President Marston.


He answered it. “This is Governor Lawrence.” A few moments of silence went by until he heard the president respond and explain to him that he was federalizing the Texas National Guard. Before he could put in his own word or ask the president any questions regarding security of the State, the phone line was dead. It was obvious that the president only had that information to relay to the governor and didn’t want to hear anything else from the leader of Texas.


John observed his smartphone for a moment and then set it back down next to him; however, it didn’t take long for it to start buzzing again. “Perhaps he accidently hung up,” John thought to himself and looked at the caller-ID, but that wasn’t the case. The young leader answered his phone yet again only to find it was Major General King on the other line.


“Governor, you ought to read what I’m reading… This is unprecedented.” The Federal Government sent in thousands of Federal troops, federalized the entire National Guard, and opened fire on crowds in Austin (albeit with arguably non-lethal weapons) all in response to a single riot in one city that lasted for ninety-minutes. He’d couldn’t imagine the White House’s reaction if, say, there was an actually State-wide crisis – napalm in the streets would most likely be the reaction of choice. “I’m pretty sure you can’t surprise me with everything that’s happened tonight Major, but you can try.”


John leaned back and observed the small cross and the upper-center of the wall of the room. Below it were a few candles, many of which were lit, and to the right was a podium where a reverend of priest could speak at if invited to do so. Mass was seldom ever held there but when it was it was usually due to the governor being much too busy at work to make it out to one of the many beautiful church’s in Austin itself. “I’m not sure exactly how many it is, but if you ask me it’s closer to a few thousand then what this report says,” spoke Major King. “I’ve never seen anything like this before in my military career.” John could hear King flipping through pages of something until he finally interjected, “If you need to tell me something Andrew, please go ahead and do it. I wanted to get a nap in.”


“It’s the army, governor. I’m not talking dozens, or hundreds, but thousands of them – all from Texas, stationed across the country. It’s going on right now as we speak… I need a cigar hang on.” John could hear the vague sounds of Andrew pulling out a cigar from a wooden box and nervously flicking his lighter until the spark ignited the gas into a small flame. He puffed it until it began to smoke which calmed him. He could articulate more clearly now.


“Well as you know, there are thousands of Texans in the Commonwealth defense forces. I have a report in my hands right now saying that over fifteen-hundred have already ‘resigned’ and deserted their posts.” Just when he thought something more surprising couldn’t happen, thousands of native Texans were refusing to work for the American army any longer after they saw the injustices unfold over night. “This… this is huge governor. Texas supplies the Commonwealth with a large minority of its troops, how many do you think will possibly leave like this? Could you imagine how devastating it’d be if they all deserted?” Though Andrew thought it was a big deal, John saw it more as a political statement. Every Texan could leave the military and the Commonwealth would still have a good fifty-five to sixty-percent of its troops who were well-armed and well trained to defend their country.

“I’m sure some will think twice about doing that when they take note of their buddies being court-marshaled. What about the Texas National Guard?” said John. “Well,” began Andrew, “I have more exact numbers for the National Guard. There’s an uprising in.. ‘misbehavior’ but not huge desertions, not anything like this. Why do you think this is happening?”


The governor felt like he was being played dumb with and had enough. “Why the hell do you think it is happening Andrew? Open your eyes man! They arrested a Texas Senator and two Representatives because they wanted to change the status quo. I sure as hell don’t believe in session but when the Federal government deploys half the damn military into the State, federalizes the entire State National Guard, and starts shooting at the crowds it almost looks like they’re trying to make us do it. This,” he said as he stood up in frustration, “is single-handedly one of the poorest-handled domestic incidents in North American history on the part of a central government. And not to mention what they did to Miss Bowie! Jesus Christ!” he shouted loud enough to have a Texas Ranger peak into the chapel to make sure he was okay. “I’ll call you back later Andrew, I need to get a bit of sleep in before this night is over and then check up on Smith. I think he told me he was heading to Fort Hood? Is that where they’re keeping her?”




This may have been the first time Michael Smith felt uncomfortable around American soldiers. Those who were usually perceived as heroes across the country seemed little more than angry pawns staring him down as he pulled up to the fort and gave his identification at the gate, “I’m Michael Smith, Attorney General of the Republic of Texas. I’m here to speak to my client, Charlotte Bowie.” Michael knew she was read her rights and so, unless those rights were molested like the others, he was there to calm her down and talk about what he planned to do to represent her.


After making it through the various checkpoints and security screenings he would finally meet up with Charlotte in a pretty dull interrogation room. Her chin was resting between her knees while her feet rested on the metal chair she was sitting on and her arms were around her legs which made it look like she was in some type of fetal position but really she just needed closure. When Michael came in she immediately recognized him and got up from her chair and embraced him in a hug. “Oh thank God Mister Smith! I was starting to think the State wouldn’t send me anyone… They’ve had me waiting in here for hours.”


“I’m sorry about that Charlotte, may I call you Charlotte?” she nodded and let him continue. “It took me a while to drive from Austin but I took off when the governor asked me to come meet you and talk about your defense. This should be an open-shut case for you and the other representatives. You didn’t break any laws.”


Charlotte, who was forced out of her dress and into the baggy yet warm prison clothing, was intrigued. “What do you mean? The president says I committed sedition.” Smith nodded and pushed a cup of water to her which she drank, “Yes, he did say that but the president is not the judge or the jury and he most certainly is not the law nor the legislators. Let me make this clear to you Miss Charlotte, you are not guilty of sedition regardless of what he says. Sedition is essentially asking people to rebel against their country or overthrow their government. You have done neither of those things.”


Smith took out his cell phone and searched either for a file or on the internet the public statements she had made since she was elected a Senator. “You’ve spoken to the press officially once from what I can see. All they printed of your quotes was this. Here’s part of an article from the Lone Star Chronicle,” he handed her his phone. 


"Although the Secessionist Party is not close to holding a majority in either the House or Senate, a rather large following has grown within the last few months since the party's founding. Miss Bowie, a self-described decedent of Davie Bowie, said that her ancestor would ‘be disgusted to see the current state of the Texas Republic. It is pitiful.’ Bowie declared she would soon be writing a bill to introduce to the congress which would ‘look into leaving the Commonwealth.’

The Secessionist Party's mission states that it would like to achieve independence peacefully ‘and remain politically connected to the American Commonwealth if need-be like how former colonies of the United Kingdom stayed in their own 'commonwealth' or similar to how Japan is mostly independent of Tianxia.’”



“What you said is not sedition and neither is what you believe or what your party supports. The bill you wanted to propose to congress specifically said that it would be ‘looking into’ the possibilities of session and how to achieve it legally and peacefully. Also, your party’s goal is to peacefully leave the Commonwealth and even keep some political ties with America. The only way that can be done peacefully is if the federal government would allow it. You may be a secessionist, Miss Bowie, but you are not a seditionist. You are a woman of peace fighting for a cause that you want to be handled peacefully and with approval of the Federal Government.” She felt more and more relieved as he spoke. Federal judges were notoriously known in the past for sometimes going with bias instead of the law, but she hoped that perhaps this would not be one of those cases.


“The only thing you are guilty of Charlotte, is wanting to legally change the law. If this court rules that was an illegal act, then the very foundation of the American republic and legislative branch is in question.”


“Sir, sir what are you doing! We’re already late! Come on!” John’s aide was pushing him awake. He must have slept the entire night in the pew. His hair was only a little messy and his sleeves were rolled up on either side. “Oh gosh, I need to get you dressed fast. Are you okay sir?” John nodded and observed his clothing. He definitely needed to change before they went out. “I’ll just go to my closet. I have a fresh suit in there. What color suit do you think Sam? I’m leaning towards blue. I feel in a blue mood.” That came out wrong. It made him sound sad. “Err.. Blue would be nice sir, but this is more of a formal event. Maybe you should just stick with tradition and wear black? It’s a pretty big deal after all.”


John gave in to her request and rubbed his eyes as he left the chapel and went up to his room where he began changing into his suit, but noticed while he was putting on his tie that he didn’t know where he was going to or why he was getting dressed up. “Sir, you need to hurry or we’ll be late! You can’t keep everyone waiting like this!” shouted his assistant from downstairs. He curiously made his way down to find the mansion empty and a small entourage waiting outside for him. His assistant held open the door for him and then closed it behind him. Outside were all of his friends. Michael, Stew, and Armstrong were there in suits while Andrew was proudly in his formal military uniform.


“What are y’all doing here? You don’t have things to be doing?” Stew came up and patted John on the back jokingly. “Always wanting to work! You seriously cannot relax, not even just tonight?”

“Alright that’s enough looking at the sky gentlemen! We need to get downtown! Wouldn’t want to keep the rest of the country waiting!” Sam escorted them all into the limousine. The ride went by quickly, perhaps because they drove only a hundred yards before the vehicle came to an immediate stop. Fireworks streamed into the sky and exploded into beautiful colors. The streets were full of people celebrating, devouring food, and observing the beautiful lights in the sky. John found himself in the middle of it with his friends. They all got out and he immediately felt like he was lost.


“Where are we?” he said desperately as people partied around him. Music blasted from every direction and the sky was bright with color. It was like New Orleans on Mardi Gras or New York on New Years. Celebration was even in the air. “This way sir!” A Texas Ranger guided John to a stage where his friends had already somehow managed to get onto. John awkwardly made his way up while people in the crowd cheered and his aide handed him a glass of champagne. “Just read from the podium, I put your speech there,” she whispered and came off the stage.


The gold champagne bubbled. He looked behind his shoulder and saw his friends and many of the people in the crowd now suddenly had champagne as well. “Good evening,” he improvised while he organized the scrambled speech his aide left behind. Those two words, however, gave him enough time after all of the applause and cheering to nearly write a new speech.


“We stand here tonight, on the other side of the fence. It took time, blood, sweat, and determination but we are finally here – and by God I would not trade it for anything!” The crowd erupted again as another series of fireworks matched his words. “But before we celebrate, I’d like to take a moment to remember…. Miss Charlotte Bowie,” he said softer, “who will ever be remembered as a martyr of Texas.” He didn’t understand what he was saying or why he was still giving the speech but he continued with what the cards told him to do which was toast her, “There are a few Founding Fathers of Texas, no doubt, but none of us would have came to this point if it wasn’t for Texas’s sole Founding Mother who struggled and suffered injustice for so long until her premature death. A toast, ladies and gentlemen, to Senator Charlotte Bowie!”


Everyone raised their glasses in remembrance and took a sip while John downed the entire glass out of confusion. What was he forgetting? What happened and why couldn’t he remember anything? “Now let the celebrations begin!” he said, his final line. Lights in the city around him lit up and shops opened their doors to the packed streets. As the lights illuminated the city, he could see in front of him was the capitol building. It was damaged. The rotunda had partially collapsed in and all of the windows were blown out. The lights were off as well. Several Texas flags proudly flew over the structure and towering above the 308 foot building were two large cranes and around the seat of government were immense amounts of expensive-looking building supplies.


Stew up behind John and patted his back who was mesmerized by the injured building. “Don’t be sad John, we will rebuild. I’m sure it’s what Charlotte would have wanted us to do.” John turned around defensively, “What do you mean by ‘what Charlotte would have wanted us to do?’ What are you talking about?” Stew had a concerned smile on his face. He couldn’t tell if his friend was joking, “Charlotte is dead… The Americans put her into prison for life and that’s when things started to boil over – are you sure you’re okay? You look a little pail.”


Stew waved over at a group of aides who were eager to help, “Someone, get the President some water! I don’t think he’s feeling well!” John passed out at the word “President”.

“Governor… Governor wake up! Please wake up sir!” John jumped up out of the pew he was in. His heart was racing while his eyes were crazy with fear and confusion. “Where am I? What’s going on?” He started to hyperventilate. “Calm down sir calm down…” Sam made John sit back down in the pew. The smell of incents and holy water returned to his nostrils instead of the fictional burn of food-filled celebration and gunpowder-covered capitols. “You’re in the chapel here in the mansion. I heard you shouting in your sleep so I came to check on you and I found you drenched in sweat. Are you okay?”


He looked down at his hands to confirm that he wasn’t sleeping and then pinched himself curiously. “Yeah,” he said at the reliving feeling of pain, “I’m fine… It was just a nightmare, but I need to call President Marston.” Sam helped him up and offered him some water but he didn’t want it. He just knew he needed to call the president. He didn’t bother to check what time it was but no one seemed to be awake. The Governor’s Mansion was almost as empty as it was in his nightmare. Each step up the grand-staircase felt like he was making his way over a mountain. Physically, John was exhausted but he’d never been so mentally stimulated before. As he came into his office he took off his tie and threw it on his desk. Using the secure line from his desk, he’d phone President Marston.


If the president picked up he would hear John’s tired but still warm voice. “Good morning Mister President, I’m sorry to be calling you so early like this,” he peered down at his watch and saw it was five in the morning, “I wanted to talk to you about Charlotte Bowie. I think it was a mistake that the justice department made when they arrested her. She’s nothing more than a cocker spaniel in our politics – harmless and outspoken if left alone but treating her like this is making her out to be a heroine to people around here.”


Sam creeped into the governor’s office and set down a coffee mug with Coca-Cola branded across it. Inside was hot chocolate and marshmallows. Marshmallows made everything better. “I hope you know me and the rest of the government here is with you – not against you. But we can only do so much before the people here decide we don’t represent them well enough and look for politicians, not statesmen, who are more radical and claim to share their beliefs. Folks here are scared, confused, but most importantly angry.


“When the marshals came yesterday to the capitol I watched a gathering of reporters turn into an angry mob and then a riot of three-thousand people. In a matter of twenty-minutes they tore the Commonwealth flag from the capitol! And that’s in Austin! The most liberal city in this State!” John let a few moments of time slip by to allow his words to simmer as he observed the melting marshmallows in his beverage. “I know we both want the best for our country, Mister President… And I think we can agree unrest is just about the worst thing that can happen domestically and internationally. Stop this from getting any worse,” he said as he looked at a newspaper on the ground. “I can promise you that if you release or pardon the congressmen and Senator Bowie and give me back control of my State I can get things back to normal here… Otherwise we sentence ourselves to years of darkness.”



Edited by PresidentDavid
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The allegations that federal troops from Texas were deserting were based on hopeful delusions rather than actual fact.  While maybe there were some who may have disagreed with the actions being taken, all had taken the oath of service and took them seriously and maintained their loyalty to the federal government and the chain of command.  Any potential actions of disloyalty were limited to the Texas National Guard and nothing more.  As for the secessionists under arrest, the need for the state government to snoop about to find their location was unnecessary.  Everything done ranging from the arrest to the trial was done in accordance with the law and the information pertaining to the trial was more or less in the public domain.  The trial itself was being conducted by the federal and not the military courts.  The only reason the trial was being held at a military facility was because the loyalty of the Texas guard was in question and that security at the federal facility in Dallas was deemed inadequate with the local populace being demonstrated to be able to erupt into a violent furor. 


The Texas Attorney General would be allowed to see the state Senator after passing through several security checks.  They were permitted to chat for about ten minutes before Federal Marshals entered to bring her to the courtroom.  The trial was about to begin.  Some press was allowed to witness the trial but there would be no live broadcasts permitted.  The whole building was covered with a cell phone jamming device to render wireless devices useless and unable to transmit any data.  External security was provided by the base's military police while security in the courtroom itself was provided by Marshals.  The defendants were seated together and the trial would begin.


The president was going over paperwork in the Oval Office when the call from the Governor.  "Hello Governor Lawrence" he said.  President Marston listened to the Governor talk and responded after he was finished.  "Harmless or not the law is clear on this matter and everything was done in accordance to the law.  The act of secession in any way shape or form is illegal.  The advocacy of secession is illegal and indicative of an intent to subvert the authority of the federal government which is sedition.  You ask me to pardon her.  It is not in my power to pardon or release her, that is up to the courts now.  If convicted I could not in good conscience over turn a court ruling for such serious offenses.  The behavior of Texan citizens in opposition to a completely legal execution of the law is disturbing and hence the reason I have taken action to safeguard the public peace.  The fact that special forces needed to be used to rescue federal law enforcement in the conduct of a simple arrest highlights that.  Federal troops will remain in place and the national guard will remain federalized until the situation has been resolved". 


Federal forces would stand by on full alert, maintaining regular patrols in their assigned areas.  The Air National Guard had been grounded and would remain on the ground while Commonwealth aircraft maintained patrols and completely secured Texan airspace.  Numerous MQ-1, MQ-9 and RQ-4 UAVs would maintain a presence over Texan cities, national guard facilities, and national guard units and monitor them.  Secret standing orders were that any unauthorized aircraft attempting to take off were to be shot down immediately.  As the aircraft were based outside of Texas and as it was done in great secrecy, the Texas government and military would be oblivious to the fact that many of these aircraft actually carried an air to ground load-out inside their weapons bays.  In addition to that B-2s were in the air patrolling outside of Texan airspace unbeknownst to the Texan guard.  The Independence Carrier Battle Group was ordered to provide support from the Gulf of Mexico along with a amphibious ready group while the 4th Marine Division was deployed to port cities along the coast.  Federal troops on the ground were also likewise told to maintain a wary eye on Texas national guardsmen as the very loyalty of the entire guard was now in doubt. 

Edited by MostGloriousLeader
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World Freedom Networks would broadcast a story later that day.  Admist the broad cellphone outage, apparently one person had a working cell phone...




"Hello... Miss Justinianiqua you said your name was?  I understand you have a working cell phone?"








"I see and did you pay for this phone or did the texan tax payers?"








"Last question what do you think of Governor Lawrence?"




"He sucks!  Black Santa gonna bring him coal!"




"WHAT?!!!!  DID YOU SAY?!!!  !@#$%* I WILL END YOU!"



Edited by Triyun
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  • 2 weeks later...

It had been a couple of weeks since the trial was begun, during which the legal proceedings took place.  Today was the last day of the trial, where the court would render its verdict.  The defendants were seated together as the three judges walked in to take their seats on the bench at the front of the room.  "Will the defendants please rise?" asked the head judge.  "On the counts of sedition, this court has found you guilty.  On the counts of seditious conspiracy, this court finds you guilty.  You are all hereby sentenced to serve 25 years imprisonment for sedition and 20 years for seditious conspiracy, to be served consecutively.  As such I remand the defendants into the custody of the Marshals service to begin their sentence" said the judge as he brought down the gavel which echoed throughout the courtroom with a sound of finality. 


With the verdict given and the sentence imposed, Marshals would escort the prisoners to a helicopter pad on base where a V-22 was landing and board it to take them to the high security prison facilities at Fort Leavenworth where they would be serving their sentence.  Meanwhile in Texas federal forces were at full alert, both to deal with civil unrest as well as possible rebellion by the national guard.  With the Texan air guard still grounded the Commonwealth Air Force maintained its combat air patrols and large levels of surveillance and all previous measures were still in place.   As a precaution the President ordered the guard to be demobilized and return their equipment and weapons to their armories, to be replaced on the streets by the new Federal Crisis Response Force.  Units that disobeyed would be viewed as probable threats and federal troops would be sent to enforce the orders, something that could be easily done considering that over 100,000 federal troops were now in Texas outnumbering the guard two to one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Through the swift and decisive action by the federal government, the Texan Secession Incident, as it was now known, was dealt with immediately.  The Texas national guard had been disarmed and disbanded, all of its weapons and equipment secured by federal troops.  The Governor and the entire state legislature, along with senior members of the state's various agencies and offices, were arrested by federal agents on the charges of seditious conspiracy and were all eventually convicted to serve out 25 years of imprisonment.  All state agencies and the judiciary were dismantled.  In the meantime, due to the absence of a functioning state government, the military would provide governance for the state until new elections could be held and a new government established.  With the presence of over a hundred thousand federal troops on the ground and the destruction of its government and civil institutions, the state of Texas was broken.  The idea of secession died quickly as Texans saw the price of spouting such nonsensical idea and submitted to the fact that their state would always be a part of the Union.

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