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Assassinate Generals Odds Unusually Low?


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I've launched 3 successful attacks against Sir Bombalot's generals yet I have yet to successfully access his XP 108 Air Force General.

The chance of this occurring naturally is currently 1/64. Were the odds set to 75% failure rate instead of success rate by accident, or will the generals assassination script attack the empty generals slots?

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I've tried assassination 5 times already, with 5 external successes but 5 internal failures. After update I will try again, but it strongly seems that something is wrong with the odds.

The opponent only has 1 general, and as far as I understand this means that if my assassination attack succeeds as a spy op, it should try for a 75% odds, then if it succeeds there, it should assassinate his general.

Is it in fact the case that if it succeeds, it first tests the 75% odds, then it randomly selects a generals slot, and if it's empty, it fails?

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For reference, here are some assassinate general results:


Target has generals, but your spies could not get close enough:

You have just conducted a spy operation against the nation of ZZZ. In the attack your spy efforts were un-successful as your spies were unable to get close enough to target any generals for assassination.

Target does not have any generals:

You have just conducted a spy operation against the nation of ZZZ. In the attack your spy efforts were un-successful as your spies were unable to locate any generals to assassinate.

Your spy efforts were thwarted:

You have just conducted a spy operation against the nation of ZZZ. In the attack your spy efforts were thwarted and unsuccessful...

Your spy efforts were successful:

You have just conducted a spy operation against the nation of ZZZ. In the attack your spy efforts were successful as your spies were able to assassinate a ZZZ military general.


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