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Starting an Alliance

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I'd like to start an alliance, and have plenty of ideas and general knowledge, but as you know, a one man alliance doesn't go anywhere. Looking for some brave individuals that would like to work with me to form a new Alliance. Please post here if you're interested, or PM me if you'd prefer. Thanks for your time, I would appreciate no trolling here.

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generally these threads dont end well.


heres how most AA's start up, generally after being in an alliance for a while a group of members and friends decide to try their hand at running their own AA this is normally after at least half of the founding members have served govt terms and have a good grasp on the game mechanics.


since they are recognized names from an already established alliance other alliances are more willing to risk offering them protecting if their original AA doesn't offer it in the beginning. this protects them from raiders and other morale-less scumbags such as myself.


In conclusion no matter what



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1. Have a plan. If you wish to be more than a micro, have a plan of action that will get you the ranking you're after. Whatever you do, make sure your actions and alliance setup are going to push you closer to achieving your long-term objective.

2. Be 'professional'. Know the folks you approach with a protection request. Establish trade with them first. Read up on their history. Above all, make sure their theme and outlook is compatible with your own. This will all save time and improve your odds of acceptance.

3. Be organised. Have a flag, an IRC, a charter, and so forth. The whole works. If you have a stable platform for your Alliance, then that framework willserve you well. This obviously is also seen favourably by potential protectors, since they won't want to babysit you, or hold your hands any more than they need to. The less work they have to put in on things your AA should manage on their own, the more likely you'll find a protector.


Saying these both from personal experience and observation. I will add one more thing however; the days of non-themed micros has come and passed. Without something binding you all together (in the case of older unthemed alliances, they tend to invent their own bonds), you will not have the momentum, nor the attraction to recruit people at the rates necessary to prevent long-term attrition. Having a theme makes your life far easier, though after a certain point, themes can also be a hindrance to cracking the higher alliance rankings.

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Wow, now that is some excellent advice, thank you. I have been trying to consider some general themes, I've tried to do my homework on most of the larger sanctioned alliance as well as some of the older smaller alliances that continue nonetheless, but your list makes everything much clearer and concentrated, thank you! Since you've been so kind as to offer that much, can I ask: Should post themes and ideas on this OWF post as well?

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