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Conference of North and Central American Affairs


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OOC: Care to share to if you did any physical argumentation on Jade?    A persona it not going to save you here if people exercise the option to discover you, myself included. 


IC: Chancellor Welks looked at Ellen, indifferent to the new face he was confronting.  Politically, RAS was a no go as long as the Madison protests continued, along with the outbreak of armed attacks, that much was for sure in Welk's mind.  Obvious concerns of violence concluded that special military coordination would have to require some sort of buffer zone on the eastern borders and a demilitarization of the Mississippi River.  Reports from lower Mississippi region by American Commonwealth forces deemed Sullivan's last statement as wrong.


"Hello, Ms. Richards.  Beside the current Madison affairs, active denial by your group to not say your involvement in it is flat grounds of nonrecognition of your new nation.  Obviously the tension between Faraway and your delegation does not spell well for me to even continue a decent round of negotiations, unless active observation by my nation or others to police the Upper Mississippi region indefinitely, which sadly would is what I'm inclined to support at this moment.  That is simply the first condition so far I see, that the demilitarization by both Faraway and future RAS forces with a 100 mile non-militarized zone in both directions enforced by a joint third-party security team."  

Edited by Tanis777
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Hanobel looked a bit bitter, as she turned to Cecilia and whispered "Did we lose a war of some sorts that we ought to agree on leaving 100 miles of our territory unguarded?" For now, though, she would just watch the negotiations between Welks and the lowlifes. In part because she felt insulted on the debate of constraints being put onto Faraway, partly because she felt that she was not obliged to agree, she just sat there in silence, thinking about how to proceed with matters.

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Welks wasn't quite stupid to overlook the concessions Faraway would have to make, but the term 'security team' in Welk's mind was more or less really a third-party military force by joint North American nations not quite involved.  A short note would reach the Faraway delegation from one of the Federation aide, fleshing out the details more.  But as things looked, nothing looked good.


Federation Diplomatic Security Agent, Thomas Wayne, stepped into the room, whispered to Welks, "Sir, I'm afraid due to the bombing at one of our security checkpoints, it's for everyone's safety to just remain in this room.  Until we deem the situation clear, no one is to leave this room without escort by my team.  The entire second floor we're now is getting increased security to reduce multiple entries." 


Welks frowned before speaking again, "Folks, I've been informed that because of the incident outside, I've been advised to keep everyone in this room until the security issue is cleared.  I agree with that assessment and I hope you understand."


With that a few FDSA agents stood at the door with G17 pistols, preventing anyone to leave without a guarded escort.  No one would be allowed outside and all diplomatic cars would be checked again with portable x-ray and dog teams.  

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The Faraway delegation weren't too unsettled by the increased security. Ephraim Halliwell still dozed thanks to the spiked water from before, while Cecilia was a bit worried how long the whole affair would take still. Most of all Hanobel would just sit there, counting the minutes she felt had passed since the presence of Faraway seemed to have gotten pointless. But now she couldn't even leave anymore. Annoyed she would take out her pen and spin it around, while thinking about what to do after the conference. And she even had to write a military report, but no, she couldn't, because she was wasting her time here, listening to the RAS excuses.


"Any idea how long this matter will be dragged on? The further this discussion goes, the less I see any future for this movement before us and I'm actually in favour of postponing the matter to a later point of time, at which the matter can be reopened, if we really need to ever discuss this case again. Frankly, I see this as a waste of time and nothing but that? Can we proceed to the next issue?"

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OOC: Care to share to if you did any physical argumentation on Jade?    A persona it not going to save you here if people exercise the option to discover you, myself included. 


IC: Chancellor Welks looked at Ellen, indifferent to the new face he was confronting.  Politically, RAS was a no go as long as the Madison protests continued, along with the outbreak of armed attacks, that much was for sure in Welk's mind.  Obvious concerns of violence concluded that special military coordination would have to require some sort of buffer zone on the eastern borders and a demilitarization of the Mississippi River.  Reports from lower Mississippi region by American Commonwealth forces deemed Sullivan's last statement as wrong.


"Hello, Ms. Richards.  Beside the current Madison affairs, active denial by your group to not say your involvement in it is flat grounds of nonrecognition of your new nation.  Obviously the tension between Faraway and your delegation does not spell well for me to even continue a decent round of negotiations, unless active observation by my nation or others to police the Upper Mississippi region indefinitely, which sadly would is what I'm inclined to support at this moment.  That is simply the first condition so far I see, that the demilitarization by both Faraway and future RAS forces with a 100 mile non-militarized zone in both directions enforced by a joint third-party security team."  


Ellen frowned, and underneath the facade Jade felt the sudden need to itch the prosthetics that hid her true features. She wasn't used to being quite this tall, thanks to the extra inch added into her shoes' insoles, and the facial prosthetics made her feel chubby. Not fat, but not skinny as she truly was.


"Sir, I am very, very much unaware as to any Republican involvement in the Madison affairs. From what we have been able to gather, it's a home-grown movement. They may sympathize with us, but they are not, in any way, supported or condoned by us. Our acting president has issued multiple messages condemning the shooters' actions already. I don't know what it will take to convince you that we have no idea who these people are, but I, and presumably, the entire Republican movement, is more than amenable to assisting and cooperating with you however you need us to. We don't want to be affiliated with the shooters in Madison, whatever their loyalties. And, I can additionally assure you, there is also no unofficial support of those terrorists among our leadership. The protesters have our sympathy - the violent ones do not. If you feel purposes would best be served with a DMZ of sorts between us and Faraway, then so be it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welks was simply not satisfied with the answer, in the meantime, Agent Wayne came beside the chancellor.  "As far as we can tell, this is an insurgency that has support with your movement.  As I see it, your government is illegitimate and the uprising in Madison is one of government supported insurgency on the coalition of North American powers.  For this, I'm afraid I must deem you under arrest for further questioning and intelligence gathering.  Agents, arrest them and take them to several of the MPAPs to be convoyed to the airport.  I would highly suggest not resisting arrest," ordered Welks.


Welks motioned Agent Wayne and the other FDSA agents nearby, guns raised at a distance, ready to fire at a moments notice, to arrest the entire RAS delegation.  No Miranda rights would be issued as the delegation were arrested, those FDSA agents arresting them would be unarmed as they handed their sidearms to nearby agents.  If any resisted arrest in anyway, they would be shot.


Downstairs, Vice Chancellor Everett stopped the group for a minute to talk to Agent Wayne, "Shoot them in the kneecaps, son."  Agent Wayne protested; however, Everett shoved Wayne aside and pulled out his pistol and went down the line and shot the RAS delegates in the kneecap, eventually some the other agents complied.


"That's for supporting terrorism.  Carry on agents."


The rest of the delegates may have been shocked, but the deed was done.  The delegation was led to a secure facility downstairs and loaded into a Federation Marine MRAP and Stryker convoy to the international airport.  The Federation Marine brigade at the airport would seize the RAS jetliner and personnel there as well with extreme force, if necessary. 

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The Federation Intelligence Agency (FIA) was the main external intelligence arm of the Federation intelligence community.  News of the detainment of all the RAS delegates in attendance prompted a flurry of activity to send special planes to Dalles, the southernmost operating facility being used by the Federation military at the moment.  They would be easily classed into a regular air mobility flight for the FAF; however, several special features were installed on FIA jetliners to enhance further security.


Meanwhile in Mexico City, the heavily armored convoy carrying the former RAS delegation arrived at the airport, directly waved onto the flight line where several C-17s sat.  It was deemed that four of the aircraft were to carry the detainees and guards on board, handpicked for excelling in hand-to-hand combat and sidearms were locked away on board.  Each detainee was seated, handcuffed with hands and feet locked nearly close together to restrict all movement.  Another four other cargo jets, acting as decoys and six F-15Ds would be tasked with aerial escort duty to Dallas for the next transfer.  One AWACS aircraft would assist in the transport coverage.


Federation Diplomatic Security Agents and Marines searched all the detainees patting them down for any foreign items, including electronics before leaving the plane.  The Marine medics would finish their work tending to the kneecap wounds and be on their way.  The back cargo doors closed and the array of planes were tasked for priority takeoff to Dallas.




At Dallas, the detainees were head-bagged to prevent seeing their location as they were handed over to the FIA.  FIA once again patted down the detainees, although more thoroughly this time around.  They were moved into a windowless building, divided by gender and issued new clothes, although the FIA agents would handle that issue.  The old clothes were taken outside and burned.  The FIA agents would not say much to their captives and carried on their work.


After that, they were finally loaded onto the FIA planes.  It carried it's own ECM jammer to prevent all electronic communication except for the pilot's on a varying frequency to prevent unauthorized emissions to the outside world, regardless of their wireless medium.  The body of the plane itself was lightly coated with lead to ensure minimal transmission escape.  The cost was more weight, but Falcon Aerospace fitted the modified FC-240-400 with bigger engines.  The plane even had a regular Federation Air Force call sign of a cargo plane, although the pilot's log was always to unclassified bases. 


The several hour layover at Dallas was over and they flew northward into the Federation, refueled several times by aerial tankers to a classified military facility near the Arctic Circle in the remote central NW Territories region...

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"Well, gentlemen and ladies... that was an interesting turn of events there," mused Chancellor Welks.  "Problem solved and we definitely can't stand to see state-supported terrorism in North America be allowed to stand," chimed in Vice Chancellor Everett.


The official statement to the conference attendees was the obvious charge of terrorism.  However, Welks and other Federation officials present would not disclosed where they were heading.  In reality, only Vice Chancellor Dale Everett knew, while Chancellor Welks knew some of the rumors surrounding FIA black projects included secret prisons, a project started by the previous chancellor.


"With no remaining successor to the Midwest, our holdings will be reduced appropriately to see MidAmerica and Faraway greater territorial leeway in the Missouri River watershed.  Our intention is to fall back behind the Platte and Upper Missouri region from Omaha to the northwest.  We deem Faraway competent enough to oversee things east of the Missouri River and MidAmerica to claim sovereignty of lands south of the Platte, west and south of the Missouri River.  We find these boundaries acceptable to the final piece to our time here," concluded Welks.


There was no turning back now, the territorial map, finally filled in for the last time, completing the entire partition and control of North America among the attendees.  The 't's were crossed and 'i's dotted as the final document sealing the fate of North American sovereignty for the forseeable future.


"A pleasure folks for all your attendance, even among the chaos that happened," as Welks dismissed himself for the final farewell meet and greet.

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