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Amarr Certified News

Zoot Zoot

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The ΛCN covers all events in the Empire, from the pronouncements of the Empress, to smaller, village stories of interest only to locals. It is the only news agency allowed to report directly from the royal courts, giving it unparalleled access into the inner worlds of the Heirs and other Amarr nobility. The news agency also has access to the highest justices on the National Council, naturally making it one of the few news sources that can cover matters relating to the lower Government with great detail.


Empress Jamyl today in an extraordinarily long ceremony along side other members of the Imperial Family launched the First Fleet of the Imperial Navy.

Two Armageddon Class Supercarriers
Five Apocalypse Class Arsenal Ships
Eight Abaddon Global Combat Ship
Four Omen Class Cruiser
Seven Absolution Destroyers
Five Legion Class SSN's

These virgin vessels of the Imperial Navy alongside a plethora of patrol boats which are soon to be replaced with fast attack guided missile patrol boats will ensure that Imperial interests are defended in the Gulf of Oman. The Caspian Sea forces, made up of a small fleet of littoral combat vessels and an Imperial Marine contingent will ensure that maritime interests of the Empire are secure. Alongside this, the military was confirmed to have finalized its structure. Its large size of 850,000 soldiers proved to be troublesome for military planners due to the large and unwieldy size of such a force. The Imperial Air Force was also created today and made active.

She also announced that the Government is going to pursue nuclear ambitions when she revealed that the Imperial province of Iraq would be host to the development of the nuclear bomb.

The construction of many desalinization plants combined with the Agriculture Development Program that is being rolled out across the nation will irrigate much of the dryer and more remote locations across the Empire and allow a larger crop yield each harvest. The Empress has also given the green light more over a dozen major projects in a followup of her promises made during her speech.

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[b]Classified [/b]
[b]Amarrian Military High Command[/b]
The light armour, imaged attached, is to be deployed to all light infantry, recon, force recon, special forces, parachute forces and vehicle crews across the military. With a built in HUD connected to live satellite data, UAV feeds and being fed tactical data constantly from Forward Command Posts it offers a high quality, safe environment with the ability to identify friend from foe via a computer chip built into the armour which identifies friendly units.

The lightweight body armour is made up a composite material similar to Kevlar but with greater mobility and toughed materials over the heart and other vital areas. The armour is also fitted with sensors to monitor the condition of the soldier within to ensure hydration, based on the sweating rate, cardiovascular condition based on heart rate and stress.

The armour comes standard with basic medical equipment on the hip and plenty of space for ammunition with bandoliers which can be worn as a belt which clips onto the armour at the waist, or across the shoulders "rambo style".

Engineer armour, image attached, is to be deployed on all logistical, medical, REME, pilots and driver units across the military. Similar to light armour, it can access a vehicles status via digital connection made through a computer built into the wrist area of the armour on the left side. This miniature computer can be used to diagnose mechanical issues if the problem is not visibly obvious to engineers in the field if plugged directly into the vehicles computer. The armour is also fitted with sensors to monitor the condition of the soldier within to ensure hydration, based on the sweating rate, cardiovascular condition based on heart rate and stress.

Made up of a mixture of the same Kevlar like composite material for the most part and hardened carbon nanotube armour plating across vital areas of the body, it offers a strong defense against most conventional ammunition for the wearer although not all obviously. The HUD works in a similar fashion to the Light Armour but gets information in regards to casualties, damaged vehicles, matters of logistical importance and so forth, each one is customized to the role of the wearer and so is individually specialized.

The armour comes standard with a basic medical kit although this can be altered to a full medical purpose if the wearer happens to be a medic and so forth. It has the capacity to carry a variety of tools and ammunition/explosives. it simply does depend on what the wearers role in the military is.

Heavy assault armour, see attached image, is to be worn by all front line fighting soldiers in all other roles in which the light armour and engineering armour is not already being used. The armour is also fitted with sensors to monitor the condition of the soldier within to ensure hydration, based on the sweating rate, cardiovascular condition based on heart rate and stress.

Made out of composite nano tube materials similar to dragon scale body armour and nano tube plating it is well protected against most conventional ammunition and shrapnel damage. Mobility is not hindered and the relatively lightweight compared to other heavy body armours works well in the wearers favour in terms of endurance.

The HUD is an identical layout to the Light Armour's HUD except the HAA also has a wrist mini computer to keep the squad commander constantly up to date with the tactical or even strategic scale of the engagement around him. It will be constantly updated with live maps from UAV's and other aerial data links.

The armour comes standard with a basic medical kit and space for plenty of ammunition which can be worn as a belt which clips onto the armour at the waist or over the shoulders.

[b]Side Note:[/b]
All armour is designed to withstand hostile environments such as nuclear, biological, chemical and radiological environments.

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[b]Celebrations are on the cards as Empress Jamyl commissions a party to celebrate Amarr independence.[/b]

The move widely seen as an attempt to further gain the popular support of the people, Empress Jamyl has funded the party out of her own pocket and not our of state coffers. On the streets of Amarr Prime people are already preparing themselves to host their own festivities in conjunction with the Imperial Family and her guests who have yet to be named.

The Immortals have been seen across the city preparing it for the arrival of the Empress's guests and ensuring its security as one or two of the guests are rumored to be involved with the war in Africa and the Empress doesn't wish to risk an attempt by what remains of the AUP at an assassination attempt.

Sources close to the Empress have suggested that perhaps Tianxia or Athens, but the Empress is remaining tight lipped on the matter.


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Amarrian High Command

Military Capacity Document

840,000 Infantry
8400 Main Battle Tanks - (Type 992A)
5000 Self Propelled artillery - (PLZ-05)
5000 MLRS
5000 Mobile Anti Air - (Type 95 SPAAA)
5000 S-400 TELS
5000 Patriot Missile Batteries
5000 BGM 109 Gryphon Tomahawk Cruise Missile Launchers
5000 IFV - (ZB7-97)
5000 Stryker

400 F-15 Silent Eagles (40 squadrons)
180 F-35 Lightening II's (18 squadrons)
120 Templar NGF ( 12 squadrons) - Projected
100 EA-18 Growler (12 squadrons)
100 A-10 (10 Squadrons)
100 B-2 Spirit (10 Squadrons)
100 B-1Br lancer (10 Squadrons)
120 F-22 Raptors (12 Squadrons)

Two Armageddon Class Supercarriers
Five Apocalypse Class Arsenal Ships
Eight Abaddon Global Combat Ship
Four Omen Class Cruiser
Seven Absolution Destroyers
Five Legion Class SSN's

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[b]Classified [/b]
[b]Amarrian High Command [/b]

[b]National Defence Document[/b]

Amarr would be a nuclear state, Using the data collected from the former Persian Empire, highly advanced computer projections and experiments lead to a series of digital tests, that would be accurate down to the smallest form of measurment.

Fission bombs were developed first using this process of computerised experiments and simulations, and soon after, thermonuclear weapons. Once discovered, a Military facility in the mountains, codenamed Khanid began the manufacture of nuclear warheads ranging from tactical yields in artillery and small missiles, from twenty megaton thermonuclear ICBM's.

Facilities at Khanid would be built in to allow the construction of land based ICBM silos, as well as the construction of a complex network of command bunkers that would be used in the event of a large scale war and would be manned twenty four hours a day, seven days a week.

Other warheads were deployed to Amarr Navy bases in the Caspian and Gulf coastlines to be fitted inside the new SSBN's that would be entering service over the next months.

The Empire was nuclear armed, and it would remain a secret. Khanid would operate as a duel usage base for the Amarr Space Program which would act as a cover for the true purpose of the base.

Over the horizon RADAR stations would be established across the Nation to provide full coverage of the Empires airspace, and the airspace of its surrounding Nations for up to a thousand miles. Aswell as OTH RADAR stations, Synthetic Apature RADAR stations would be established to compliment SAR satellites that would be launched over Amarr to assist in its multilayered detection networks. Installations for both OTH and SAR facilities, would be guarded by a company of MIM-104 Patriot Missile Platoons consisting of two batteries and a company composed of three starstreak light vehicle mounted missile platoons.

Mobile RADAR networks would be established through the use of vehicle mounted AESA emitters to ensure the static RADAR network, if disabled in a war, will only be down for a limited time before the mobile network is re-established. It would also allow for RADAR to be present where the geography does not permit 100% static RADAR coverage. Furthermore, infrared, thermographic and optical sensors would be established in key locations of the RADAR network where the probablity of holes is highest.

To compliment the muliple layers of RADAR coverage, a fully mobile Anti Aircraft Warfare network would be established using easily moved and deployable forces. The backbone of this network would be comprised of several specialised Brigades that would be attached to other formations in the Army to provide a Nationwide Air Defence System. Long to Intermediate range defence would come in the form of the S-400 long range batteries and Patriot Batteries, closely followed by the highly mobile forces of the Stryker Vehicles and Humvee Mounted Starstreak Missile platoons. These would offer nationwide, regional and local air defence for cities, bases, and formations of military units whilst on operations.

To further extend Amarr's RADAR capabilities, E-3 Sentry AWAC jets would constantly be patrolling the skies of the Nation and out to sea in the Gulf and Caspian Sea with at least three squadrons of fighter aircraft constantly patrolling the Empires airspace using its links to the AWAC's and other fighters in the area to share data. This process can be reversed as ground based RADAR would send information to the AWAC's or directly to the fighters with targetting data to further aid the air superiority of the aircraft should Amarr come under attack.

Two squadrons of B-1R's would always be in the sky at any one time to assist in fire support for the fighters. The B-1R's would be outfitted with an AESA RADAR system and a Sniper Advanced Targeting Pod to give greater RADAR data and positive target identification, autonomous tracking, coordinate generation, and precise weapons guidance from extended standoff ranges. The addition of more hardpoints on each bomber allowed the jet to carry twenty long range air to air missiles, most notably, the AIM-54 Phoenix.

The extent of the RADAR network under construction would give the military commanders a massive heads up to any any surface warships approaching or near Amarr coastlines. Due to this advantage, a Naval Defence Initiative would be constructed to defend against attacks from the sea.

Working in direct co-operation with the OTH RADAR network, the Empires main long range defences would come in the form of its anti ship ballistic missiles. Mounted on TEL's, the ASBM's would be deployed in platoon strength around the coastline kept hidden using the geography and camoflague nets. Whilst it would be obvious they would not remain hidden, the Department of Defence would have the locations of the ASBM Brigade's platoons continually shifting to prevent any sort of observational pattern occuring which would make them easier to target. To compliment the ASBM's and the OTH RADAR, specialised satellites would be deployed to assist the ASBM's targetting computers and guidance systems. Electro Optical satellites, a SAR satellite and three NOSS satellites. In addition to the extremly long range coastal defence, Gryphon Transporter Erector Launcher's would take up positions in specially designated, heaily fortified locations along the coastline. These launchers would fire the Tomahawk Anti Ship Missiles at incoming enemy shipping.

For close in coastal defence, Harpoon block III's would be mounted on the back of military trucks in quad launchers. These Harpoon Trucks would work closer to the coastline and have a Humvee Mounted Starstreak Missile platoons for close in anti air protection. These closer systems of defence would also move around every few weeks to prevent any sort of pattern emerging that would make them easier to attack and destroy.

To aid in the detection of submarines, Sonobuoys would be strung out throughout the Empires territorial waters along the coastline to detect any submarines that ventured into the area. To assist the sonobouys, Legion Class attack submarines would constantly patrol the territorial waters of the Empire aswell as the EEZ of the Empire. In addition to this, several P-3 Orion aircraft would patrol the skies for ASW support.

[b]Above Top Secret Classified

Special Branch NetOps and SatOps Division[/b]
Strategic Cyber Defence Division - 50,000 personel (non military)
Strategic Cyber Offence Division - 50,000 personel (non military)
Strategic Cyber Tracking Division - 50,000 personel (non military)

Strategic Rocket Defence Division - 50,000 personel (non military)
Strategic Rocket Observation Division - 50,000 personel (non military)
Strategic Rocket Offence Division - 50,000 personel (non military)

Satellite Missile Observation Division - 100,000 personel (non military)
Satellite Reconnaissance Divisions - 100,000 personel (non military)
Satellite Communications and Navigation - 50,000 Personel (non military)

-Twenty spy satellites launched (low earth orbit)
-Twenty Missile Launch Detection and Transmission Satellites launched (Gsync orbit)
-Twenty Synthetic Aperture Radar Satellites launched (low earth orbit)
-Ten NavCom Satellites (low earth orbit)

[b]To be launched intermittantly[/b]

The 150,000 man NetOps force would be spread out across many facilities and be tasked to defend up to 15,000 networks and well over 7,000,000 Government and Military Computers. The network defences include sensors, software and signatures to detect and detain malicious code. When a cyber event occurs, the system will grade it based on magnitude, scope, apparent intended target. Once it has identifed the mangitude, scope and apparent intended target it will be able to isolate whether or not it is an attack by a group, a program, or even a sovereign entity. If it is a program, it will attempt to sniff the packets and look at the code of the virus. If it is a human it will to look at the packet flow to see what commands, instructions, and protocols are being used in the breach, this however is just the role of the Strategic Cyber Defence Division. The Strategic Cyber Offence Division's objective is to take the online battle to the enemy in the aftermath of a cyber attack. Moreover in a time of war, the Offence Division will activity attack military command and control networks of the OPFOR to cause disruption in their lines. The Strategic Cyber Tracking Division's objective is to work with both the Offensive and Defensive Divisions to trace attacks to their point of origin. In times of war, ontop of the tracing duties, this division will activily seek out and track radio signals and other transmissions from the OPFOR to track enemy positions and use the data to raidly deploy Military Forces to the area.

[b]All equipment used in NetOps has been manufactured within the Kingdom to avoid hardware loopholes that can be exploited by foreign nations.[/b]

[b]Strategic Rocket Command[/b]
Domestic defence contractors have installed an intricate network of Counter-RAM facilities and a multi layered Air Defence Network. Furthermore, alongside this major undertaking, the Strategic Rocket Command will co-operate heavily with SatOps in the development of a multi layered missile shield. In charge of the Missile Shield will be the Strategic Rocket Defence Division, a division which will operate theatre and strategic missile defences to protect Amarr or Allied forces against conventional or ballistic missile attack. The Strategic Rocket Observation Division is tasked with working closely with the SatOps Satellite Missile Observation Division to detect hostile missile launches against the Kingdoms territory, allies or other interests. Finally the Strategic Rocket Offence Division is the mainstay of the Empires strategic deterrance. Fielding theatre missiles and intercontinental missiles, the offensive division is by far one of the deadlier branches of the military tree. With launch mediums raging from TEL launchers and hardened missile silos to SSBN's and air launched ballistic missiles, the offence division is tasked with responding to any large scale missile attack against the Empire be it conventional or WMD.

SatCom's 150,000 personel force is tasked with observing and maintaining the 70 military satellites of the Empre. Broken down into three distinct divisions, each has a specific task aimed to further increase efficiency and response times. The Satellite Missile Observation Division was formed to moniter forty Missile Launch Detection and Transmission Satellites. This paticular division works in close collaboration with Strategic Rocket Command. The Satellite Reconnaissance Division was created to monitor twenty spy satellites which in turn watch for possible threats to the Empires Sovereignty and Interests. Furthermore the Reconnaissance Division also moniters forty Synthetic Aperture Radar Satellites which have been modified to also provide high-range-resolution ground moving target indication (GMTI), as well as SAR imaging and high-resolution digital mapping. The Satellite Communications and Navigation was created as an afterthought for the military. Tasked with maintaining twenty eight NavCom satellites, this divisons aim to to ensure the continuation of communications throughout the military. This divisions works in close collaboration with the Strategic Cyber Defence Division and the Strategic Cyber Tracking Division.

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Amarr Certified News


The Amarr Khanid Army, a force of around one hundred thousand men and around three thousand associated armoured vehicles have been moving towards the border provinces of Anbar, Najaf and Muthanna. It is also understood that a significant force of aircraft have been moved into the regions along the border.


Officials governing the western regions of the Empire insist it is going to be a large staging area for a war games exercise over the next few weeks. The Inner Circle and the Empress have declined to comment further.


Likewise to the North, twenty thousand soldiers and roughly four hundred armoured vehicles have been deployed to the border region the Empire shares with the Caucasian Union. The Empress described the move as a "reshuffling of the table".

She goes on to state that "The Empire is a large one, our borders must be protected, even though we are surrounded by friends. The northern deployment is not to militarize the border, but to make use of the presently empty military installations in the north and maintain them in a fully working order."


Experts within the ACN believe that the move is simply what the Empress has described when concerning the North, but in relation to the massive deployment in the South, intentions are still unclear. We will keep you updated with the story as it develops.

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Equipment of the Amarr Army, Navy and Air force



(Type 992A) Main Battle Tank

(PLZ-05) Self Propelled Artillery

(MLRS) Multiple Launch Rocket System

(Type 95 SPAAA) Anti Air System

(S-400 Long Range Anti Air System)

(Patriot Missile Air Defence and Ballistic Defence System)

(BGM 109 Gryphon Tomahawk Cruise Missile Launcher)

(ZB7-97) Infantry Fighting Vehicle

(Stryker) Infantry Fighting Vehicle


Air Force

F-15 Silent Eagle

F-35 Lightening II's

Templar NGF

EA-18 Growler


B-2 Spirit

B-1 Lancer

F-22 Raptors



Armageddon Class Super Carrier

Apocalypse Class Arsenal Ship

Abaddon Global Combat Ship

Omen Class Cruiser

Absolution Destroyers

Legion Class SSN

No Image Available

Damnation Class SSBN

No Image Available



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The Empress today signed a bill to legalize gay marriage, gay adoption. Along with these controversial law changes, she has also, with immediate effect, abolished the death penalty and replaced it with hard labour for life. Protesters gathered outside the Inner Circle's assembly building to lodge petitions against all three changes.


In other news, Islam is now a minority religion in the Empire, with the Amarr faith being favoured by the masses. Conversions are taking place by the thousand across the Empire by pilgrims and missionaries walking their way across the vast deserts and mountains. Concerns have been raised however by the Islamic community that these pilgrims and missionaries are threatening the balance of a nation that has historically, been a predominantly Muslim country. Sources close to the Empress have confirmed that legislation is being written to try and preserve Amarr's Islamic heritage.

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Imperial proclamation from the Amarr Empire




The Amarr Empire hereby lays claim to the following territorial waters, marked in red in the attached image. With this claims, we release our maritime policies for traversing Amarr territorial waters and Exclusive Economic Zone, also marked in red to simply illustrate our farthest maritime claims.



* The maritime claims of the Amarr Empire are made with the aims of protecting natural resources, local marine ecology and for purposes of
national defense.


* The Amarr Empire forbids foreign warship's the right to pass through our maritime territory without prior permission being granted a minimum of forty eight hours in advance.


*All civilian vessels, unless in a state of war with the Empire, or in breach of any of the following laws, will be granted free passage across Amarr waters once the Amarr marine authority has a digital copy of the ships manifesto.


*Any vessel traversing Amarr waters and is engaged in acts of piracy will be dealt with with deadly force by military forces.


*Any pirates found operating in Amarr waters will be punished by a life sentence of hard labor if found guilty at a fair trial of peers.


*The transportation of nuclear materials is forbidden within Amarr waters.


*The transportation of chemical or biological materials, (weaponized), is forbidden within Amarr waters. Industrial chemicals and biological agents must be declared forty eight hours prior to entering Amarr waters.


*All forms of trafficking are forbidden within Amarr waters and if found guilty at a fair trial, is punishable by a life sentence of hard labor.


*Illegally fishing in Amarr waters is punishable by a fine proportionate to the weight of the catch, or a jail sentence for repeat offenders.


*Illegally dumping waste into Amarr waters is punishable by a fine proportionate to the ecological damage inflicted to the marine environment, or a jail sentence for repeat offenders.


Amarr Empire Airspace Policy

Marked in cyan + red

* The airspace claims of the Amarr Empire are lawful in that they follow Amarr land borders exactly and the following policies are in place for the protection of those traveling over the Empire, or traveling to the Empire.


*All civilian aircraft are granted access to Amarr airspace, on the condition that flight plans are sent to Amarr air traffic control. The Empire reserves the right to refuse entry to the Empire to any aircraft.


*All military aircraft wishing to traverse Amarr airspace must apply for the correct flight paths and codes with both the Royal Air Force and air traffic control. The Empire reserves the right to refuse entry to the Empire to any aircraft if it is carrying nuclear, biological or chemical weapons or materials.


*Any aircraft believed to have been hijacked which enters Amarr airspace, or is highjacked within Amarr airspace will be shot down.


*The transportation of chemical or biological materials, (weaponized), is forbidden within Amarr waters. Industrial chemicals and biological agents must be declared forty eight hours prior to entering Amarr airspace.


*All forms of trafficking are forbidden within Amarr airspace and if found guilty at a fair trial, is punishable by a life sentence of hard labor.



The Empire reserves the right to alter this document, or any of its policies therein at any point for reasons that we may or may not disclose until a later date.


Empress Jamyl Sarum

Amarr Empire






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The Amarr Khanid Army have received orders to begin establishing firing positions along the border with the Caucasian Union. Artillery batteries comprising of PLZ-05 155mm artillery and MLRS units have taken positions across the border accompanied by Type 95 SPAAA and S-400 anti air batteries. The main artillery batteries would be clustered to place Caucasian military installations within range for maximum efficiency and minimal collateral damage. Patriot Missile batteries have also been moved into the theatre to provide ballistic missile defence and long range air defence. BGM-109G Gryphon launchers were also deployed with the Khanid Forces to provide extra long range bombardment abilities.


Logistics and engineering brigades have begun the construction of dozens of forward operating bases along the frontier and supply depots as well as constructing light, static defences along the border and major road and railways between the Empire and the Union.


Armoured spearhead brigades and mechanized infantry brigades would begin forming up in their thousands across the "front line" and established marching camps that would enable them to begin moving within thirty minutes of receiving their orders from the Empress.

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Caucasian Union has responded to the Khanid Deployment with massive mobilization. Satellite images suggest upwards of 200,000 men and associated vehicles. SATINT also reports that the Union air force has mobilized, including what seems to be their entire TU-160 bomber fleet.


Activity at known nuclear facilities in the Union has increased, suggesting an increase in readiness for the deployment and usage of nuclear weapons.


Union ground forces observed by HUMINT sources and UAV units in the border provinces, have been establishing several lines of defence along the frontier.


General order #1: National Call To Arms

TO: All Military Forces of the Amarr Empire

FROM: Amarrian High Command under the Authority of the Empress Jamyl Sarum


To reinforce the Khanid Forces, a further three field armies are to deploy to the border zone, bringing total military presence in the region to the total of 400,000 soldiers and in excess of 24,000 armoured vehicles.


The Air Force is to have five of the ten B-2 Squadrons airborne and ready to engage the Caucasian Union ground forces if required. Five of the ten B-1r Lancer Squadrons are to be airborne and ready to assist air superiority fighters from long range during air to air engagements.


Total forces to be deployed to the border. (Including the Khanid Army):

400,000 Soldiers


4000 Main Battle Tanks - (Type 992A)

2500 Self Propelled artillery - (don't-05)

2500 MLRS

2500 Mobile Anti Air - (Type 95 SPAAA)

2500 S-400 TELS

2500 Patriot Missile Batteries

2500 BGM 109 Gryphon Tomahawk Cruise Missile Launchers

2500 IFV - (ZB7-97)

2500 Stryker


 F-15 Silent Eagles (10 squadrons)

 F-35 Lightening II's (4 squadrons)

 EA-18 Growler (3 squadrons)

 A-10 (4 Squadrons)

 B-2 Spirit (5 Squadrons)

 B-1Br lancer (5 Squadrons)

 F-22 Raptors ( 4 Squadrons)





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Caucasian Union has responded to our own counter deployment by a further deployment of massive military forces to the border, with significant focus on artillery, air defence and armoured units.


RADAR facilities in the provinces have detected the arrival of a large force of Mi-28N attack helicopters to the border area.


Threat Level increase is substantial.


Advised course of action: Continue with operation



General order #2: Escalation of tensions

TO: All Military Forces of the Amarr Empire

FROM: Amarrian High Command under the Authority of the Empress Jamyl Sarum


Massive Union reinforcement to the region now poses a significant threat to Amarr forces in the border provinces. Official orders are as follows:

  • All military forces to be prepared for imminent activation of the orders you received when first deployed.
  • All Air Forces not in the theatre are to prepare for immediate combat situations.
  • All Naval Forces in the Caspian Sea are to go to put to sea and wait for orders.
  • Army forces not deployed to the North are to be prepared for deployment.
  • All nuclear forces are to be made active.
  • Remaining B-2's are to be made airborne and armed with tactical nuclear weaponry and placed on combat air patrols close to the Caucasian Border and over the Caspian Sea with care taken to remain to the west and within Amarr territory, maritime and airspace.
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In line with the Empress's recent drive with the Inner Circle to preserve the Empires Muslim heritage, news laws have been passed to ensure that this happens. Higher Education Facilities are now required by law to offer courses in Islamic Theology and Islamic History in the region. This has brought anger to the Amarr Faith communities who accuse the Empress of favoring the predominant faith of choice in the provinces of Iraq and Kuwait. Small clashes have already taken place in Baghdad, Basra, Al Amarah and Khorramshahr. The Empress has declined to comment.


In other news, the military deployment to the northern borders have been revealed not to be a war games exercise, but a bid to host the worlds largest fireworks display for the Caucasian Union. ACN understands that the initial deployment was to fill empty bases and protect the frontier before the border deployment to prepare for the show, but due to Caucasian paranoia, even when faced by a former ally, military escalation was then taken to the next level. Open communique's between Chairman Volkov and the Empress reveal that not only had the Caucasian Union been preparing to launch nuclear strikes at the Empire, but that it would seem they narrowly avoided using the Empire's usage of satellite reconnaissance as an act of war by threatening preemptive action if the Empire did not withdraw its military forces from the border.


The response time between the Empires deployment to the border, and the Caucasian counter deployment, would indicate that they themselves were using satellite intelligence to spy on our military. The Amarrian High Command has declined to comment on the matter, but it is understood from a spokesperson within the Inner Circle, that the matter is being dealt with internally.


As for the status of the forces at the border, they show no sign of moving, even after the fireworks display. it is believed that the Empress is waiting to hear a response from Chairman Volkov before acting.

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Source is here: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?/topic/114617-caucasus-union-eventsmovements/?p=3101876





Caucasian Union news today confirmed what police investigators had been puzzled over since the end of the fireworks display. A ten year old child collecting water from his village well, near the border was killed by head trauma caused by a bullet. The bullet, now believed to have fallen out of the sky after being fired by Soviet forces trying to shoot down fireworks, struck the boy in the eye, embedding itself in the socket. Unable to get medical attention due to the remote area his family lived in, the boy died of blood loss and brain trauma.


The Empress has personally visited the parents of the child to offer her condolences and has pledged that more will be done to ensure medical aid can reach any part of the Empire if required in a rapid manner. But she had this to say on the Soviet forces.


'Shooting into the Empire to shoot down our fireworks is unacceptable, it is an assault on our sovereignty and national security. Let it be known that we will respond with our own bullets should the Soviet forces fire into the Empire again. Careless shooting into the sky has killed a child. The blood is on your hands. Chairman Volkov, you have a direct line to my office. Perhaps you should use it and ask WHY we put on such a massive fireworks display, or ask me to put a stop to them instead of allowing you're army to shoot wildly into the sky, into my country.


I have now put in place a directive that will ensure our border is permanently monitored with great scrutiny, I also call on Chairman Volkov to allow Amarr civilian detectives access to all personal weaponry used by all soldiers on the border. Our ballistics analysts will match the bullet, to the gun and to the guns owner. I want justice for the child that your soldier has killed.


Do not test Amarr resolve Mr Chairman, a child has been killed, and their killer will be brought to justice."




The Empress had ordered the border to be monitored at all times by drones using sophisticated thermal imaging cameras. Heat signatures similar to those of a human would be investigated by an armoured recon vehicle from the nearest garrison. Nothing would be done if it was confirmed to be a sniper or concealed Soviet trooper, the armoured vehicle would simply mark the location and return to base, checking again the next day.

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Caucasian Union Office of Foreign Affairs


"The Union cannot be held responsible for this accidental death, as we see no evidence that the child was killed by a Union bullet. Should we allow Amarr detectives access to the nearly 200,000+ personal weapons found on the border - which we will not no matter the circumstance - the process to test each weapon's ballistics and match them to the one bullet would, in our opinion, take far too long and only serve to increase tensions in the area. Furthermore, soldiers of the Union took great care to only fire on unidentified objects that breached Union territory. As to the child, perhaps if the Empire instituted national healthcare much like the Union, his life could have been saved by an emergency clinic in his village. Nevertheless, Union military police shall also look into the incident and see that the offending soldier is found and charged, if he exists."


- Minister of Foreign Affairs Iosif Magorian

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Caucasian Union Office of Foreign Affairs


"The Union cannot be held responsible for this accidental death, as we see no evidence that the child was killed by a Union bullet. Should we allow Amarr detectives access to the nearly 200,000+ personal weapons found on the border - which we will not no matter the circumstance - the process to test each weapon's ballistics and match them to the one bullet would, in our opinion, take far too long and only serve to increase tensions in the area. Furthermore, soldiers of the Union took great care to only fire on unidentified objects that breached Union territory. As to the child, perhaps if the Empire instituted national healthcare much like the Union, his life could have been saved by an emergency clinic in his village. Nevertheless, Union military police shall also look into the incident and see that the offending soldier is found and charged, if he exists."


- Minister of Foreign Affairs Iosif Magorian


Amarr Empire Official Response to Minister Iosif Magorian

The Empire does not hold the Union responsible, but the individual who caused this tragic loss of life, who is undeniably, a Solder of the Soviet Military. As the fireworks display was sufficiently far enough behind our own borders to prevent transgression from the fireworks, it seems illogical and blatantly obviously to most people, that shooting down fireworks in the dark is a bad idea as this incident illustrates.


Our detectives hope to hear from your military police soon. Details and all ballistics data taken will be copied and sent to you for your own use.

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On going tensions on the border with the Soviets was now a way of life for the soldiers. Every day soldiers would patrol the border for incursions and if Soviet soldiers were doing the same and were being friendly, they would offer to trade cigarettes, show photographs of their loved ones over the barbed fire fences, but never lingered long as the language barrier would always hamper Amarr soldier's attempts at direct communication.


The skies constantly hummed with the gentle, almost soothing sound of the drones that were watching over head.


For two armies to be on the brink of a war, facing off, the regions of land on both sides of the border, were probably the quietest lands in all of humanities domains.



When my Dad was in the Army in Cyprus, when they patrolled the border fence which ran right through the village he was garrisoned in, it wasn't uncommon for two patrolling squads, British and Turkish, to bump into eachother on opposite sides of the fence when on patrol and swap chocolate, ciggies, et cetera. If you feel that this constitutes me RPing your forces Markus, then let me know and I will edit accordingly.

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With the escalating skirmish on the border between Amarr and Soviet forces, large scale evacuations began taking place to remove the civilian populations that were within ten miles of the border further south. The population being evacuated, was not a large one, but the Government was utterly relocating the population to one large settlement, all belongings included.


If war was to break out, the ten mile thick band along the border would become home to a monumental battle and the Empress was determined to remove any possibility of more civilians being killed.

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