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Protektoratet Grönland


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The Federal Republic of Greenland has always been a particular country, with official languages being Standard Greenlandic, English, and Nordlandic. As time passed, Nordlandic gained wide usage in the western, northern, and eastern coasts, forming a new identity of Greenland separate from the heavily populated south or the anarchic interior. With the collapse of the federal government, the Nordlandic regions banded together, and established under the guidance of Protektoratet Grönland.

Protektoratet Grönland is a centralized country, in contrast to the federal system adopted under the previous government. The State President and Consul-General structure still remained, with only the power being transferred from the states to the central government. The only major difference is the position of Lord-Protector of the Realm, which was officially still in existence as a separate title of the President (and hence "Protektoratet") but informally transferred from the President to an appointee from Quebec. The task of the Protecteur is to represent the interests of the Quebec state, to ensure that aside from maintain stability, to ensure that Quebec would have a friendly regime in Quebec. Next to the Protecteur there is also a political office of State Secretary who handled most of the internal security. With this, peace had come to the island.

In terms of the military, nothing had changed from the days of Greenland. Everything with the exception of Florida was succeed to by Grönland, meaning there would still be a formidable military power in the Arctic. In particular, the satellite system greatly helped Quebec have global coverage, particularly over Europe and Western Canada. From the multi-million organization to the secret service, a great force continued to exist, enforcing the now isolationist policies of the Protektoratet.

[i]Flag of Protektoratet Grönland[/i][/center]

The new president, Bjarni Benediktsson, released the following statement to the world.

"The people of Greenland belonged for a millennium to the living space of the Greenlandic people. Violence and want of judgment have torn them arbitrarily from their old, historic environment and finally created, through their inclusion in the artificial structure of federal New Greenland, a center of continuous unrest. Year after year the danger increased that out of this area-as once before in the past-would arise a new, stupendous menace to peace. For the federal state and its rulers had not succeeded in organizing in a reasonable manner the co-existence of the national groups arbitrarily comprised within it, and thus they failed to awaken and to preserve the interest of all concerned in the maintenance of the state common to them. Thereby this state has demonstrated its inherent inability to exist and therefore now has fallen into actual dissolution.

The people of Greenland cannot tolerate everlasting disturbances in these areas, areas so decisively essential not only to its own peace and security but also to the general welfare and the general peace. Sooner or later this island would have had to suffer the most serious consequences because it is the power which is the most vitally interested and concerned by history as well as by geographical position. It is therefore only an act of compliance with the law of self-preservation if Greenland is resolved to take decisive action for the reestablishment of the foundations of a peaceful order based on reason and to resort to measures impelled by this aim. For the millennial this historic past of Greenland has proven that it alone is chosen by virtue of its greatness and the qualities of the Greenlandic people to solve this problem.

Imbued with the earnest desire to serve the true interests of the nations settled in this living space, to safeguard the national life of the Greenlandic nation, to promote peace and the social welfare of all, I therefore announce, in the name of the people of Greenland, the establishment of Protektoratet Grönland."

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  • 1 month later...

In line with the planned reorganization of the military, Protecteur authorized the formation of a a fighting-capable force that is specifically tasked with the homeland defense of Grönland. The National Defense Guard will use a conscription system based on that of Quebec, with conscripts receiving housing, food, and a monthly stipend with an option to pursue a subsidized college degree upon the end of service.

The total number of the National Defense Guard comes to 1,400,000, with around 300,000 combat infantry. Aside from the central command under the nominal authority of the State President, each state had a separate command which would train and station the National Defense Guard inside that state. The role of the National Defense Guard will be to defend native soil, assist the armed forces under dire circumstances, and provide additional policing and search & rescue support when needed.

As the first mission, the National Defense Guard was ordered to root out any and all resistance to Protektoratet Grönland within the island of Greenland with the exception of New Greenland. Opposition would not be tolerated.

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  • 5 months later...
Meaning "standardization" and "bringing into line", it was the term used by the Protecteur for the process by which the Protektoratet successively established a system of totalitarian control and coordination over all aspects of society. Among the goals of this policy was to bring about adherence to a specific doctrine and way of thinking and to control as many aspects of life as possible. There was the systematic elimination of anti-Protektoratet/Quebec organizations that could potentially influence people, such as trade unions and political parties (particularly Nordic Socialists). Those critical of the regime's agenda were suppressed, intimidated or murdered. 
A special directive named Nat og Tåge ("Night and Fog") gave the Hemmelige Statspoliti the authority to arrest potential dissentients and secretly send them to camps in the interior, vanishing without a trace, notification, or records. Whether they lived or died, the authorities would give out no information to the families of the suspects. This was done to enhance the avoidance of arrest and to keep the populations quiet out of an atmosphere of mysterious terror and fear, under the belief that an effective and lasting deterrent can be achieved only by the death penalty or by taking measures which will leave the family and the population uncertain as to the fate of the offender. 
The program made it far more difficult for other governments or humanitarian organizations to accuse the Protektoratet of specific misconduct because it obscured whether or not internment or death had even occurred, let alone the cause of that internment or death. It thereby kept the regime from being held accountable.
It allowed across-the-board, silent defiance of international treaties and conventions: one cannot apply the limits and terms of humane treatment in war if one cannot locate a victim or discern that victim's fate. Additionally, it lessened Grönlanders' moral qualms about the Nazi regime, as well as their desire to speak out against it, by keeping the general public ignorant of the regime's malfeasance and by creating extreme pressure for service members to remain silent. Combined with the already restricted immigration process, the decree effectively made Protektoratet Grönland into a state with a single belief, all citizens walking forward in one directly. 
With the consolidation of power complete, it was time to make Grönland a military power. Along with the National Defense Guard, old Greenland naval and air units were reorganized, with old equipment being discarded. A slimmed down force would help Grönland sharpen its swords as it prepares to expand its influence. A message was sent to Hudson Bay Federation, Faraway, and American Commonwealth.

From: Bjarni Benediktsson, President of Protektoratet Grönland
To: Respective Head of Government
Protektoratet Grönland wishes to contribute to the security of North America, and thus would like to offer military facilities within Grönland for use by your respective military forces. Our main naval bases at Eyvindsson City, Stromfjord, and Danmarkshavn all have the capcity to support multiple fleets, our expanded air bases have room for over 2,000 military aircraft, and the Integrated Grönland Satellite Network gives us a clear look at most of the Arctic and Europe aside from North America. Please contact us prior to arriving so we can make arrangements.
I hope that you accept this offer, for the peace and security of all of us.



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The activities of Greenland came as a bit of surprise in Ottawa, raising concerns over the stability in this corner of North America, if it should break away from Quebec. Meanwhile, the added value basing in Greenland would give was not to be underestimated, given it provided far greater capabilities in keeping an eye on the Northern Atlantic Theatre and also could be used as a shield for any European advances onto North America. And with Europe in quite some turmoil, this could provide a vital asset.


On humanitarian issues, Faraway would rather not deal with those. The policy of leaving the internal affairs of others alone and not to meddle in these was something the Realm had profitted from in the past and which even the new Prime Minister was unlikely to part from, as long as there was no gross misdemeanor that required actual attention.


To: Bjarni Benediktsson, President of Protektoratet Grönland

From: Karen Kirkwood, Prime Minister of the Faraway Realm


We appreciate Grönlands will to contribute to the regional security of North America and hope that we can cooperate in the future. Given the relative lack of Faraway's ability to extent its capabilities to Greenland in case of an attack on it, as our fleet at the moment has been diminished by vicious Confederate attacks in the last war, the basing you are willing to provide could be of quite some use for a mutual security agenda.


In this manner, I'd hope that an agreement can be made to have one airbase large enough to allow air transport operations between FFB Trenton and Grönland, maritime patrols over the North Atlantic and a few fighter wings for the security of the base and the ability to assist the Grönland forces in defending their airspace. Additionally, the Faraway Realm would offer the stationing of a newly created Greenland Army in your territory, providing an immediate means to respond to sudden attacks, until the main body of our forces can assist.


Navally, we are not concerned with asking for docking space, as our fleet is not too large and can be accommodated in Norfolk and Kingston. We do however not object, should Grönland allow the lease of a pier for supply transports to dock at, as we'd think supply via sea might be much cheaper than airborne.


Lastly, the Realm would hope to establish a regional outpost for the Royal Chancellery, Second Section and the Royal Faraway Military Intelligence, so a discreet sharing of intelligence can be facilitated.


Should Grönland wish to add something to such an agreement, we are willing to work on expanding such cooperation, though we are hopeful the current request is adequate enough, to assist without infringing too much on Grönland itself.


With regards,

Karen Kirkwood


The deployment of forces to Greenland, while harsh, was opening up quite a few capabilities that might help in the long term, it was hoped at Ontario Military High command. The extension of force projection capability to assist North American nations all the way from Christian Land to the Florida Keys finally filled a gap in the defense scheme and would at the same time hopefully give some way of keeping an eye on Grönland too. Sure, one was not concerned with whatever illiberalism there was, but an independent Greenland with Germanic roots did have a quite negative ring to it, given widespread anti-German sentiment. Defection to the European side was deemed a slim probability, but one nevertheless.

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The hidden powers behind President Bjarni Benediktsson were frightened at the changes in Quebec. The swift in policy, and the absorption into Faraway meant that their deeds to cleanse Grönland of undesirable political opponents would most likely be held up as crimes. Only the Protecteur was calm, even smiling in this crisis. He would suddenly disappear into thin air while leaving his office as his followers panicked. 


After setting the prisoners free in the camps located in central Greenland, the officials and services members boarded a few military transports to escape to northern Quebec, where they hoped to fade among the people. However, as the transports were going over the sea, they would explode into fireballs, incinerating all on board. The extremists who had tried to hold Greenland in a steel grip were no more, and Grönland was now free to choose its destiny, with the guidance of Faraway.

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