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Terre Regius: So Begins the Reign of Andrea Gloval I


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[Tunis, North Africa]


A man dressed in a fine black suit, covered in medals and braids, stands behind a podium at the center of the parliamentary meeting chamber, hands behind his back. Over loud speakers, a booming voice speaks over the hushed ministers in their seats and stern soldiers at the doors and windows.
[center][i]And let it be known on this day, September 13, the year of 2012, His Royal Highness King Andrea Gloval the First, Lord Protector of the realm of Terre Regius, Duke of the City of Urbem Rex, Grand Marshal of the Armed Forces, Holder of the Parliamentary Mandates of Power so decreed in the 2012 First Meeting of the Royally Appointed Parliament of Terre Regius; has declared to the world the existance of the nation of Terre Regius and the capital of Urbem Rex upon the shores of North Africa. The city of Tunis is no more, now rises Urbum Rex, let peace and prosperity reign in this land for all time, and the bloodline of His Royal Highness never be broken.[/i][/center]

The speakers become silent, and two soldiers approach carrying an ornate crown on a velvet pillow. Andrea Gloval lifts the crown and places it securely on his head, then smiles and looks back up at the parliament and TV cameras. "My subjects, let it be known that I will lead with the determination and foresight needed, and that this Parliament which I have chosen shall ever secure me in my ability to lead us to prosperity and a brighter future. I will not bore the common man with my decrees at this moment, but instead turn to the outside world and ask merely for the kind recognition of my holdings and the gift of friendship." With that, the national anthem of the nation, sung to the tune of the Gold and Silver Waltz, blares as the cameras' image switch to the flag of the nation.

[center]Notable Decrees*
0. His Royal Highness, guided by the Parliament, holds the right to rule the nation as he wills it.
1. All government documents shall be written in Latin
2. Freedom of Speech and Expression is to be respected by the protectors of the realm unless it is slanderous of His Highness, his parliament, or the armed forces.
3. The Armed Forces shall henceforth be known as Legio Vigilum, and they shall fulfill both the duties of the civil police and the military.
4. The Currency of the realm shall be regulated by the Central Bank of Terre Regius, and be known as the Florin.
5. The Courts shall be run by the Legio Vigilum, with all citizens being afforded the privacy of a closed court, the freedom of self-representation, and the honor of His Majesty's intervention.
5a. Lawyers, with the exception of the Court's prosecutors, are banished.
6. The City of Urbem Rex is to be divided into three portions separated by walls, starting with the Palace, Parliamentary housing, and high ranking officer quarters in the center. Then there is to be the government offices, major corporate headquarters, and foreign embassies. Lastly there is to be the industrial sectors and commoner housing and commercial zones. All cities established in Terre Regius are to follow this model when possible.

*Just some notable points, otherwise just assume I'm a fairly functional nation. :P

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[Urbem Rex, waterfront.]

First Corporal-Major Bacco could swear he just saw somebody light on fire. He leans around the corner again, rifle gripped firmly in his hands, and his fears were confirmed...the resistance had molotovs. What used to be a twenty-something year old in a khaki uniform was now a screaming mess covered in burning petrol and char in the middle of the intersection. Bacco swears and looks back at the troops behind him, "Tell the demolition crews to hold off, we've got another resistance cell. His Majesty's seaside palace is going to have to wait..." He grips his battle rifle and leans across the corner again, firing a few rounds into the house on the opposite side of the intersection, flinching as the rebels give their retort from the windows, automatic gun fire chipping the wall next to him.

His squad books it across the intersection, firing wildly at the building, one or two managing to throw grenades in it's general direction. Bacco yells out, "IDIOTS! FIND COVER!" and he turns to the bulldozer behind him, aiming his gun at the driver, "Drive! Now!" He hops up onto the side as the tracked beast groans to life and smog pours from it's exhaust pipes, charging forward at a snail's pace towards the rebel-occupied cafe. Soon the gunfire focuses on the bulldozer, but the driver raises the plow. The Legio Vigilum soldiers move in with the bulldozer, and soon another rebel pocket was crushed. Fights like these were happening across the city, a combination of the Legio Vigilum's somewhat-trained soldiers and volunteer militia helping root out anti-monarchist forces. All the while, construction crews start to destroy large portions of the city to prepare it for reconstruction.

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The Union of Arctica reserves formal recognition for the time being, given the autocratic nature of the new state and its neglect of existing protectorate independence protocols. Still, a special envoy is sent to the [i]de facto[/i] state, holding plenipotentiary powers both for the Union and its delegation to the AUP. It is hoped that the envoy will serve in a sort of first responder role in handling the discrepancy in protocol as amicably as possible. As his Bombardier Challenger enters protectorate airspace north of the PRA with intent to make contact with the leadership of the upstart state, a dispatch is sent to the AU headquarters informing them of this development.

Meanwhile, a public statement has been made to the effect that protectorate protocols have evidently been neglected, and that measures are being taken to contact the leadership of Terre Regius and place them in contact with the AU.

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The special envoy is brought to the building that was temporarily housing the government. Brought by car, the main government presence they would see was military, with Khaki-uniformed soldiers rushing about or riding in pick-up trucks and the like. The car itself was basic, though the envoy was provided a chilled bottle of water and the entire back seat to themselves.

At the parliamentary building, they would be quickly ushered into a conference room furnished with freshly-polished but otherwise ordinary wooden furniture, armed soldiers flanking the door. After maybe thirty or so minutes, the door opens and one soldier announces loudly, "Presenting His Majesty, King Andrea Gloval the First." Andrea steps inside, still dressed in the formal manner he appeared on television, though without the crown. Lifting a hand, he speaks, "At ease men. Now, first let me welcome you to my nation, my advisers tell me you come from the Union of Arctica. But you must have questions, please. Ask away." He sits down at the head of the table, smiling, folding his hands together.

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The envoy, Jacques Denel, took particular notice of the heavy military presence on his way to the parliamentary building. It had been decreed that the military would also act as the civilian police force, but he still found it hard to believe that there would be this many peacekeeping units in the streets outside of a major crisis, or barring that, a repressive government. The politically sensitive people of Arctica would want for their government to address this at some point, but Mr. Denel's main purpose here was ascertaining the independence status of Terre Regius, and a sociopolitical discussion had no place at that time.

Jacques tended to be an observant man, and made note of many details in his short trip to meet the king that might aid in his report to the AU. Keeping himself occupied during the time that was likely used to secure the presence of the no doubt very busy king, Denel stood respectfully once the man entered. "Your Majesty, I am Special Envoy Jacques Denel, here on behalf of the Union of Arctica, in its capacity as a member state of the African Union. I thank you for welcoming me here on such short notice." He took the cue and sat after the King. Addressing him by his preferred title was a matter of courtesy for an Arctican diplomat, as had been done a number of times with self-styled Generals and the like.

"The main concern which draws me here, sir, is the so far undetermined status of your...state, let's call it for the sake of expediency. Upon your declaration of statehood, it was unknown to my government whether you and your representatives had secured a release from protectorate status by the African Union. The protectorates exist to prevent colonization by foreign powers by securing the land for emerging states. I am not questioning any right you claim to the land, simply whether or not permission was secured before your announcement. If it has not, my government is willing to assist you in presenting your case before the AU, so that the proper protocols may be observed. Until that time, my government is unwilling to formally recognize the sovereignty of Terra Regius."

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Gloval smirks, "I must ask that you forgive my...how shall I call it, political forwardness? I have always held to the idea that actions speak louder than words, and thus when I saw that there was the necessity for localized leadership in this city, I took action. Of course, this means that I've not contacted this African Union in terms of securing my sovereignty, though I'm sure that we can come to an agreeable settlement in a short amount of time." He pauses and pulls out a cigarette from a gold case, and offers one to the envoy, "Now, if anything I am curious...what is a foreigner's first impression of my new state? I admit there isn't much to see right now, but still, first impressions are important."

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Mr. Denel politely declined the cigarette, and as soon as he received his response, the King casually dispensed with the overt business. He hesitated a moment at the more or less personal question. Being a French-Arctican, he had much the same opinion as those in the eastern part of the country, but he formulated a neutral response. "My personal opinion is, frankly, largely irrelevant. In gauging the response of an average citizen of Arctica, however, I believe there would be two prevailing opinions. Those from the eastern part of the country, which was originally Arctica, in particular Madagascar, and possibly Mozambique and those eastern African states, tend to be more liberal. They would, quite honestly, see your political arrangement here as inherently unjust; autocratic and perhaps a little repressive. As for those in former Transvaal, well, you have only to look at the history. They have traditionally been more conservative, nationalist. Throughout that country's existence, they have been governed by one leader independent of the democratic system whereby their prime ministers and the like were elected, and their social system was somewhat racialist.

They would likely see your political arrangement as one of strength and order. Unlikely to break, save for any 'meddling' by judgmental foreign powers that tended to misrepresent Transvaal, in their opinion. I believe that just about covers it. Of course, much of my first impression has been the military presence in the streets on my ride here, along with your own decrees. If you believe that my simple observations misrepresent you at all, I would be glad to expand my understanding."

"Unless there is anything else, Your Majesty, I would like to stay in contact with your governing authorities throughout the protectorate release process, as a representative of my government."

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The King takes his time to respond, pausing for a good minute, "Well, these are delicate times, the begining of a state is never without armed presense, but I can understand your concern. Continued contact is perfectly acceptable. Of course, I must meet with my parliament in private for sensitive internal issues, but you are free to wander the city as you please. I'll have an officer assigned to you so communication is never an issue." Standing up, Gloval shakes the envoy's hand and steps out of the conference room, and soon an officer in a white dress uniform steps into the room, "I am Sergeant Trentino. I have been ordered to accompany you. Where would you like to go today?"

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"Very well, Your Majesty. That is a very generous offer, and I will take you up on it, as soon as I can inform my government of the results of our talk here." He stood as the King rose to leave, and gave a firm handshake. Once his chaperone arrived, Denel straightened his tie as he looked the man over. "Hello, Sergeant. I'll be heading back to my plane now, to report to my government and get some things for my stay. After that, I'll need to secure lodgings for myself and my staff, as well as a place to work in my capacity as liaison." He was sure the Sergeant would be helpful in securing the essentials, but he still knew this man was here to keep an eye on him, and that irked him a bit.

Soon enough, the Union had gotten the information it wanted, and the ambassador to the AU would bring up the issue at the next meeting.

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Denel would be provided with what used to be an upper class condo, near the temporary parliament buildings. Sergeant Trentino was indeed helpful, quick to answer questions and the like, and he wasted no time in apologizing for the lack of better quarters due to the city's ongoing reconstruction.

A combination of light gunfire and the sounds of construction would remain a consistent background noise, though over time the envoy would see less soldiers in combat gear and more men in white and light blue police uniforms, though they were still armed with pistols.

[Urbem Rex, Future Location of Embassy sector]

It wasn't a cafe this time, but a 10 story apartment building. To make matters worse, the rebels inside were holding several pro-monarchists hostage. Bacco swears, "!@#$%^&* learned their lesson, they know we won't bulldoze it anyway with our people inside. Private Ferrara, see if you can get me a way to talk with them besides yelling. A phone or something."
"Yes sir!" The private heads off, and Bacco sits down on the curb, watching the building's windows. Nobody had been shooting at each other for quite some time, and the only time the rebels inside the building did anything was when the wreaking crews started to approach. Then they had been perfectly happy to push the hostages up against the windows and yell. It was going to be a long day...

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[Urbem Rex, Newly Formed Department of Urban Planning & Social Development]

"Gentlemen, we have a problem. Step one of His Majesty's grand plan is going well; it is easy enough with the military's help to knock down a city, to provide temporarily living quarters out in the country side. But unless we want to see an increase in unemployment and thus an increase in revolts, we need to rebuild this city quickly. And when it comes to complicated yet quick construction, we are severely deficient. I know His Majesty has ordered the formation of the Legio Munitor, but it's a shell, it needs training, equipment, and we need to give the people jobs." Count Ignazio Lucchese said to the men seated around the conference table as a projector on the table whirred. "Next slide please."

The image on the wall flickered and showed the logo of the Dunois Engineering & Construction company. "After some research, I recommend the Dunois company, based in the nation of Quebec. The Central Bank has assured me we can shoulder nearly any cost as long as we don't have to pay in Florins. Gold, and other such strategic resources, shall be paying for this, and I feel it's perfectly acceptable if we present several terms to the company, such as requiring they use at least 75% local labor in the construction..."
"The King would not approve, asking the outside world for help in the building of his dream city...what kind of symbol is that?!" One minister interrupts, slamming his fist on the table, "We should simply have the troops round up the commoners and get them to get cracking! I'm tired of sleeping in a trailer!"
"The King will have to swallow his damned pride if he wants a city at all. The Legio Vigilum can't solve all our problems, and their families are among those being displaced as well. What do you think runs thicker, family or state? You'll be shot in that damn trailer if we don't do this right. Commoners don't give a $%&@ about symbolism, they just want security and prosperity. Not to mention that working with foreign companies will make our nation more attractive to foreign investment, make us look like a more stable source of revenue. Now instead of yelling at each other, how about we instead put it a vote? Let's see if the rest of the council agrees with your suicidal tendencies. All in favor of contacting the Dunois company?"
The vote passed, 7 over 4. Gloval was given a presenation on the plan, and gave it his seal of approval.

Within a week of the meeting, the Denois company would get a phone call from Count Lucchese, inviting them to the city.

[Urbem Rex; Future Location of Embassy sector]

Three days, and the hostage situation had not improved. The army had sent in food and water, but otherwise contact had been minimal. They quite simply did not have forces trained to the level necessary to deal with this situation cleanly. Bacco's clean shaven face now had the beginnings of a scruffy beard, as he hadn't left his post except to use the restroom. He had been studying the building's plans for the last three days, looking over it with binoculars, trying to find a solution. This was perhaps the hundreth time he was looking over the blueprints, and suddenly he noticed something. "Oh $%&@...why didn't I think of that?"
"Sir?" A confused private looks over at Bacco.
"That apartment is only HALF a building! They have a shared wall with the one next to them! Get us some ordinance and tell...$%&@, who was with us at the library?"
"I think that was Corporal Romano sir."
"Yes, him. I want his squad to meet me tonight, armed with SMG's and as many flashbangs they can scrounge up! See to it personally, if they don't show up your ass is on the line!"
"Yes sir!" The private jumps up from his seat and hesitates before running towards the communications officer's truck. Bacco laughs and sips his coffee, grinning as he looks up at the apartment building, "You !@#$%^&* are in for a hell of a surprise..."

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The phone call had been a surprise for Dunois Engineering & Construction. Compared to the other subsidiaries of Dunois Industries, E&C was small, so a massive project like the one offered was something to be caught without hesitation. With this in mind, Dunois Industries COO Charlotte Dunois would arrive in Urbem Rex to start concrete negotiations. As she waited for escorting, she read over the proposal concerning the Grand City:

[quote]The City of Urbem Rex is to be divided into three portions separated by walls, starting with the Palace, Parliamentary housing, and high ranking officer quarters in the center. Then there is to be the government offices, major corporate headquarters, and foreign embassies. Lastly there is to be the industrial sectors and commoner housing and commercial zone


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Her Majesty, Stephanie, Queen of J Andres congratulates His Royal Highness, King Andrea Gloval the First on the establishment of Terra Regius. We hope that your reign will bring peace and prosperity to the region. As always, we invite His Royal Highness to send a diplomatic team to [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=112880&st=0&p=3025434&#entry3025434]Endor Cuidad[/url] if he desires to open an embassy in our capital.

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[quote name='Kankou' timestamp='1347664685' post='3030280']
The phone call had been a surprise for Dunois Engineering & Construction. Compared to the other subsidiaries of Dunois Industries, E&C was small, so a massive project like the one offered was something to be caught without hesitation. With this in mind, Dunois Industries COO Charlotte Dunois would arrive in Urbem Rex to start concrete negotiations. As she waited for escorting, she read over the proposal concerning the Grand City:

A car would be waiting for her at the airport, and soon she would be taken to the series of trailers that were serving as the Department of Urban Planning & Social Development. Count Ignazio Lucchese was there to meet her, and he speaks in fluent but obviously unpracticed French, "Welcome to Terre Regius, I hope your flight was uneventful. I believe it will be best to go over the city plans before we discuss

[quote name='J Andres' timestamp='1347666156' post='3030288']
Her Majesty, Stephanie, Queen of J Andres congratulates His Royal Highness, King Andrea Gloval the First on the establishment of Terra Regius. We hope that your reign will bring peace and prosperity to the region. As always, we invite His Royal Highness to send a diplomatic team to [url=http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=112880&st=0&p=3025434&#entry3025434]Endor Cuidad[/url] if he desires to open an embassy in our capital.
His Majesty thanks the Queen of J Andres for the congratulations and recognition, and an Ambassador has been sent.

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[Urbem Rex; Future Location of Embassy sector] [Midnight]

"First Corporal-Major Bacco! I've assembled my men...and...pardon my asking, why do you have that much plastic explosive?" Corporal Romano and his remaining squad, armed with an assortment of SMG's and shotguns, were standing next to Bacco, who besides a double-barreled shotgun, had a paper bag filled to the top with C4 and detonators and a giant grin on his face.
"Oh, that's the fun part Corporal. There's a reason we're on the other side of the block from the hostage building, because these buildings share the same rear wall. We're going through it. I figure if we enter at the top floor and work our way down, it will take longer for their men to get up from the bottom floors where we've seen most of them."
The squad hesitated, a few snickered, and Romano spits on the ground, "Sir, won't they hear the explosion and shoot the hostages?"
"Not if we do this right. That's what the other bag is for, I want everyone to grab flash bangs. Before you go in a room, flash it. And just between you and me, I'm tired of sitting here waiting for a solution to happen. Now load up and meet me in the top floor hallway." Bacco picks up the C4 bag and jogs into the building, Romano's men soon following.

Bacco rolls over and stands up. He had never used C4 before, and it seems he had used a bit more than necessary. All of his men were on their asses, brushing small chunks of brick off of themselves as they gathered their weapons. Bacco yells, and realizes all he can hear is a high pitched whine. "$%&@ it, they'll know what to do if I do it first." was his following thought, and he threw a flash bang down the enemy's staircase before picking up his shotgun.

Romano pushes past him, SMG shouldered, his face except a swipe across his eyes painted red from dust. He disapeers down the stairs, and Bacco follows the rest of the squad behind him. 5th floor, clear. 4th Floor, clear.
Third floor...Bacco finds a door blasted open, along with two dead rebels, a dead hostage, and four terrified but still alive hostage. "Good job Romano! Let's keep going!" Bacco yells, still barely able to hear himself. Bacco runs to the window and screams out, "STORM THE $%&@ERS! WE'VE GOT THE HOSTAGES!"

Within two minutes the building was taken, and Bacco became a bit more well known amoung the brass as somebody who gets things done, the majority having only seen him stick his head out that window and scream victory. He was assigned as the new leader of Romano's squad, with Romano as his second-in-command.

Overall, over the 4 days of the hostage situation, the city had been taken, the rebels killed or pushed into the countryside. Many were starting to regroup in a mountainous region west of the city known as The Dorsal.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Charlotte smiled brightly at the count's attempt at French. Someone who tries to accommodate the language of the person he speaks with is certainly someone who would be pleasant to work with, at least on an administrative level. "Yes, the flight here was quiet, which suits my working environment. As you wish, let's look over the city plans." She laid out a large paper on the somewhat cluttered desk of the count.

[size="5"][font="Palatino Linotype"]Map of Urbem Rex[/font][/size]
Orange = King's Section
Red = Military & Ambassadorial Section
Green = Commoner, Industrial, and Commercial Section
Grey = Airport
Black = Major Thoroughfares[/center]

"This is the basic plan according to the specifications you have sent us. It is a classical planned city with the administrative center being at the center, surrounded by a layer of protection from the general civilian parts of the city. As have been mentioned, the sectors will be separated with a relatively benign brick walls, which will have the room to install AA systems within the walls for concealment. Locations intersecting with roads will have what would look like normal toll-road booth systems, but with barriers pushed up from below through hydraulics as needed."

She waited for the count to respond.

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