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Hey, you, Cuba!

Isaac MatthewII

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[quote]To: Cuba
From: The Free Republic Secretary of Foreign Affairs

Our two nations have shared a long history of alliances and at times the will to fight common foes big and small. The Carolinas would like to invite you back to our nation on the possibility of reuniting our nations once again. Travel and security will be provided, should you decide to come of course. Hopefully the Cuban and Carolinian flags will be risen in union once more.[/quote]

As soon as the Cuban diplomat should arrive David Hoyle would greet them and invite them into the capital building for talks. It was well known that, for security reasons after the wars now known as the "Free Republic Formation Wars" only those that were trusted were allowed to come into the main office of the capital building.

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After the two caught up Hoyle began. "Thank you for coming, I am glad you are still interested in relations betelween our nations. Now, down to business. I am authorized to sign anything for the government. We are interested in carrying over our MDoAP that we had with you as the former Carolinian government. We have a policy of not engaging in war unless an ally or our selves becomes a target of aggression so the oAP is simply formal."

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  • 2 weeks later...

"Right, this would be acceptable."

Hpyle pulled out the Carolinian backup plan of a PIAT for the Cuban official to sign.

"Just your basic PIAT with a 42 hour cancellation period" he said obviously dissapointed in the Cuan official. "I am sad that our relations have dissolved to this point. Hopefully they can be built up again."

OOC: Supercheese you have the most boring diplomatic threads in history -_- at least Isha put in a dash of drama.

Edited by Isaac MatthewII
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Carlos laid on the ground, a security guard ontop of him and his head pounding from being slammed, somehow he was still conscious. His security guard leaped into action, being a big black Jamaican kicked the bartender in the balls before hitting the man with a powerful uppercut, the man would be lucky to wake up in the next few hours. He turned his attention to the man on carlos, tackling him off of the cuban official and using his large size to subdue the guard.

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The man attacking Carlos was no wimp, being a southern raised fighter and combat trained he knew how to take down this man regardless of the brawn. After he finished off on Carlos he began on the big Jamaican man. He was smaller but he knew where to hit to knock the guard down. The bar tender, writhing on the ground from the cheap blow, began crawling towards the bar. Soon after FRCA guards charged in to subdue the fight. Only to get involved with the Cuban guards them selves. Slamming chirs around, glass bottles flying everywhere. This was beginning to look a lot like an old western bar brawl.

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The Jamaican fell to the ground, but he wasn't down yet. Lifting himself onto his shoulders he booted anyone who approached him in the face, the other two Cuban guards grabbing anything nearby to fend off the Carolinian guards while Carlos laid on the floor, unsure what to do.

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The bar tender gathered himself and counted to make sure, [i]one, two, o were good[/i]. He grabbed a huge bottle of vodka and chucked it at the top of the big guards head to knock him out. Hoyle began whaling in on Carlos, which wasnt wearing a size 12 combat boot.

Edited by Isaac MatthewII
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The Jamaican lifted his leg to kick in the face of another Carolinian when the bottle smashed against his head, but instead of being knocked out he got angrier, getting up and knocking down anyone attacking him he charged into the bartender. Carlos turned and fought back against Hoyle, using anything nearby to grab on and smash Hoyle with.

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Hoyle wa surprised that it had come to this and got up from the fight yelling "STOP!" everyone stopped. The bartender was under the big Jamaican man with a bloody mouth, two guards were on the ground with their hands on eachothers throats, and one guy was hanging from the roof lamp, not knowing how he got there. Hoyle began laughing and extended his hand to help Carlos up. The men Carolinian guards dusted them selves up. Hoyle began laughing, "Well that was fun wasnt it?" he said to Carlos as he motioned to the door.

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