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American Diplomatic Tour


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Since it's creation, the American Commonwealth was relatively secluded in matters of international diplomacy except for regional peacekeeping missions. It's only large venture into extra-national affairs was the NADU and that organization seemed to turn out to be a massive failure. It was time to build relations with other similar nations in order to expand the Commonwealth's diplomatic and economic horizons. The announcement was made that the president was going on a multinational diplomatic tour to foster relationships with the Commonwealth's neighbors.

Greenland was one of the first nations to respond positively to the venture and so it was to be the first stop on the trip. The president's modified 747 took off from Andrews AFB, it's destination the capital of Greenland, Eyvindsson City. Half a dozen F-22s provided an escort for the trip with tanker support to allow them to fly the distance across the Atlantic. Several hours later the flight arrived at its destination and was about to begin landing.

"Eyvindsson tower, Eyvindsson tower. This is American Commonwealth flight 1A requesting permission to land. We are also requesting permission for our fighter escort to land at a designated field if possible as well to provide escort on the next leg of our mission".

OOC: You can rp out the arrival for convenience.

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"This is Eyvindsson City International Airport Tower One. You are granted permission to land. The fighters are to land at nearby Warrow Air Force Base located to the southwest of Eyvindsson City."

The F-22s would duly be granted clearance from Warrow AFB command center, but in the meanwhile, when the 747 landed and taxied to the diplomatic section of the airport, a delegation comprising of Deputy Foreign Minister Runuld Wyatt, several of his aides, Rubert Gottomir, commander of the Republican Homeland Guard (RHG), and RHG soldiers serving as ceremonial guard of honors stood waiting.

Wyatt would approach the American Commonwealth president and shake hands with him. "Welcome to the Federal Republic of Greenland," He said with a friendly smile. "I apologize that President Arnuld Californian and Chief Praefect Harold Vilhjalmsson is not here, for they are on important business. But they send their greetings. With that said, we are glad to finally meet with you." Gottomir and the others would give the AC president friendly greetings.

"The meeting will be held at the Kristjan Eyvindsson Royal Palace, located near the city's Embassy district. It is quite a sight to behold. With that said, shall we proceed?" Wyatt gestured at the waiting limousine that could be seen in the distance.

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President Bronson exited the aircraft greeted the deputy foreign minister, smiling and shaking his hand. "Hello Mr. Muller nice to meet you too. President David Bronson at your service. I understand that their busy but I'm glad that we could still find a way to make this meeting a reality. Ready to go when you are."

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Wyatt nodded as he led President Bronson toward the waiting limousine, accompanied by his delegation. RHG guards escorted them from the side. Once inside, the limousine would promptly make its way to the meeting place. Wyatt would point out points of interests around Eyvindsson City, explaining their history and signifiance to Greenland. Soon, the majestic Kristjan Eyvindsson Royal Palace loomed in the distance. The limousine passed through a couple of security checkpoints that ringed the Palace, and Wyatt would lead the AC president into the building.

"Here we are, the famed Kristjan Eyvindsson Royal Palace, the most famous building in Greenland." Wyatt said with a smile as he gestured with his hands at the interior around him. Once they reached the lavishly-decorated dining room, which would serve as the meeting place, Wyatt would gesture for President Bronson to take a seat.

"Before we begin, would you like anything to drink?" Wyatt inquired as he took a seat at the large conference table across from Bronson, his delegation doing the same."

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"I'll take a water if you don't mind" said the president as he sat in the seat shown to him. "Mr. Muller I appreciate seeing the sights of your capitol, it really is a marvelous place. I'm glad we have this opportunity to expand relations between our two nations. In the past, even recently, our nations have cooperated on matters of regional American stability and I feel this is good grounds to start new relations on. Greenland has demonstrated that it is a nation interested in keeping the peace and maintaining stability in the Americas. That is no different than the desire of the American Commonwealth but we recognize our more limited area of influence and honestly we don't mind that so long as we can keep regional crises under control. Clearly your nation has a broader area of interest than we do and I believe mutual cooperation in defense matters will do nothing but benefit both Greenland and the Commonwealth. I also feel that it would be beneficial for us to expand economic ties in an effort to strengthen the economies of both our nations" concluded Bronson as he took a sip of water awaiting the deputy foreign minister's response.

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Wyatt nodded as he gestured at a nearby waiter, who brought President Bronson a glass of sparkling water. After listening to Bronson, Wyatt nodded once again in agreement. "You are correct in that Greenland is interested in maintaining the peace and stability in the Americas, although our paramount focus is on North America. Although admittingly we have given up the ideal of NA unity, as demonstrated by the failure of the NADU to perform what it was supposed to do. I am confident that increased cooperation between Greenland and the American Commonwealth in regards to military and economic matters would be benefical to both nations. I am thinking that an economic/trade treaty would be ideal in this."

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At the mention of the NADU Bronson shook his head. "That organization was one of the most abysmal failures I've seen and it didn't help that it felt like the South Carolinian government seemed to proclaim itself the leader or mentioned the NADU for nearly every conflict it sought to be involved in. Anyway, the ideal of North American unity is nice but the groundwork for friendship and cooperation must be laid out before that can take place and that is why we are here today. I was hoping we could sign a treaty that would declare the friendship and willingness to cooperate between our two nations". With that he produced a paper from a briefcase an aide held and showed it to Muller. "How would you feel about this? Feel free to add any suggestions".

[quote]American Commonwealth-Greenland Friendship and Security Cooperation Agreement

The nations party to this Treaty,

Reaffirming the desire to live in peace between their two nations, governments and peoples,

Desiring to declare publicly and formally their sense of unity and willingness for mutual cooperation.

Have agreed as follows:

Article I
The Parties agree to undertake to settle any disputes between each other peacefully and renounce the usage of military force against each other as a means of settling any of the aforementioned disputes.

Article II
Both parties agree to the implementation of economic laws and policies that encourage economic growth mutually beneficial for both nations

Article III
In the event of an armed attack on the other party member each nation reserves the right to defend the other party as they see fit if they choose to do so.

Article IV
For the purpose of Article IV, an armed attack on either of the Parties is deemed to include an armed attack on the territory of either of the Parties, or on its armed forces, naval vessels or aircraft and civilian counterparts.

Article V
This Treaty shall be ratified by the American Commonwealth and Greenland in accordance with their respective constitutional processes and will come into force when instruments of ratification thereof have been exchanged by them.

Article VI
This Treaty shall remain in force indefinitely. However, either Party may terminate it one week after notice has been given to the other Party.[/quote]

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A wire is sent to the Foreign Affairs attaché in Washington D.C.

"The Republic of Cascadia has been informed of your representatives' tour of North America. We would be happy to play host to your representative, for a meeting between the two repbublics, if you can spare the time."

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"This would be the most agreeable to us. We will sign." Wyatt said as he got his special pen and scribbled his signatures on the bottom of the draft.

[quote]Signed for the [b]Federal Republic of Greenland[/b],
Runuld Wyatt,
[i]Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs[/i][/quote]

"I will have to send a copy of this treaty to the Senatus for approval, but I am confident the Senatus will be agreeable toward it."

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President Bronson smiled as he signed the treaty with his own pen.

[quote]Signed for the [b]American Commonwealth[/b]
David Bronson,
[i]President of the American Commonwealth[/i][/quote]

"I thank you for receiving me to discuss this and accepting this offer" said Bronson. "I wish I was able to take in the sights and stay a little longer in this magnificent city but it seems I have a schedule to keep and I must leave. Perhaps some time you can come to the Commonwealth so we can repay the hospitality you have shown us". As President Bronson stood up he reached over to shake the deputy minister's hand. Soon his entourage had made it back to the airport and his flight was underway to the next destination, Quebec. Again, clearance was requested for the transport and it's fighter escorts as they neared their destination.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The visit having been prearranged, Bronson would be quickly escorted to the office of Boisclair, President of the Greater Quebec Republic. After the usual greetings and offer of refreshments, Boisclair started talking. "With the virtual collapse of NADU, Quebec had been considering how to connect to the American Commonwealth, when your request came to us. Thank you for starting the initiative. From what I see of the situation, NADU collapsed mainly because of its mutual defense clause, something which was not upheld at all due to different reasons. Therefore, Quebec aims to see if it can have an ODP with economic clauses with the Commonwealth. It would give enough reason for Quebec to help the Commonwealth, while not obligating the Commonwealth to put too much effort in supporting Quebec."

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President Bronson put down the water he was drinking, cleared his throat and began to speak. "Well the creation of, and my nation's subsequent membership to, the NADU lulled us into a false satisfaction with the state of our foreign affairs. Something that we opened our eyes to as the NADU began to disintegrate and that was when it was clear that a good base relationship with other nations is the first prerequisite for such an organization. While I have no intention of resurrecting the NADU my nation is still interested in pursuing friendly relations with other nations, especially potential regional partners. Your terms are a bit unusually generous compared to what I was initially expecting, to be honest, but are nonetheless acceptable. I trust you have a draft document for me to look over and sign?".

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Boisclair snapped his fingers, and out of the printer came out a treaty.

[quote][center][b]Quebec-American Commonwealth Treaty[/center][/b]

The Greater Quebec Republic and the American Commonwealth, shall agree to this Treaty and agree with the wording as well spirit of such Treaty.

Article I:
Both signatories shall not undertake any form of aggressive or otherwise hostile action against the other in any way, shape, or form, nor assist or support a third party in doing so.

Article II:
Both signatories shall share any and all intelligence pertaining to the sovereignty of the other.

Article III:
In the event one signatory comes under attack from a hostile third party, the other signatory is urged to assist by all means possible.

Article V:
Both signatories shall maintain an open border policy to each other, grant free access to citizens, and military upon notification, of both signatories, and reduce tariffs.

Article VI:
If one or both signatory wish to cancel this Treaty, they shall inform the other seventy-two hours prior to the cancellation.

Signed for the Greater Quebec Republic,
[i]André Boisclair, President of the Greater Quebec Republic[/i]

Signed for the American Commonwealth,
President of the American Commonwealth, [b]David Bronson[/b][/quote]

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"Excellent" said the President as he signed the document.
[i]President of the American Commonwealth,[/i]
[i][b]David Bronson[/b][/i][/quote]
"I assume that concludes our business here?" he said as he shook Mr. Boisclair's hand.

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"Well that is certainly something my nation's military would appreciate Mr. Boisclair. I will instruct the Department of Defense to coordinate with the appropriate agencies of your nation over this matter. Thank you for receiving us".

With the ending of the meeting the President returned to the airport and boarded his aircraft which took off with its escort heading west to the Hudson Federation. At the border the flight requested landing clearance for the president's aircraft and it's escorts.

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The flight would be given priority clearance to land at Winnipeg International Airport and docked at a small terminal built for diplomatic arrivals.

Greeting the president of the American Commonwealth would be Chancellor Fred Logan, Vice Chancellor Dale Everett and Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Peter Wallack. An honor guard would be playing music, including the national anthem of the guest nation while afterwards, simple pleasantries would be exchanged before hopping into the limousine convoy to the executive mansion just outside of Winnipeg.

"Welcome to the Federation, Mr. Bronson. What's on your agenda with us and what do seek in terms of a relationship between our two nations during this meeting? Our usual point person, Minister Rolan is in Colombia finishing negotiations with them with formal relations; however, all three of us are quite capable of answering any of your questions," started Chancellor Logan.

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"Mr. Logan, thank you for meeting me on such short notice. The American Commonwealth has only just recently begun to expand it's foreign diplomacy efforts and the Hudson Bay Federation seems like an excellent example of stability in a, historically, fairly volatile continent. My nation would like to expand its ties to such nations in the hopes that a friendship can be forged between our nations. I understand that there has been very little in the way of official communications between our nations up to this point but I hope that you would be willing to change that".

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"Thank you for the kind words Mister Bronson. It is indeed tough to forge relations in the Americas with the regular turmoil the continent faces from time to time. Our nations are not too far different in foreign affairs outreach, as we ourselves have been conducting our own outreach. We are willing to extend a hand of friendship to a fellow American nation, such as yours. We admire the Commonwealth for a force of stability on the East Coast," replied Chancellor Logan.

"The level of relationship with the Federation is just like any other relationship anyone has, if you put in the time, you shall be rewarded, if not, then it crumbles. I know initial communication is foremost on your mind; however, our foreign affairs office like to look long term with selecting treaties and level of potential cooperation with other nations. Before, Minister Rolan left for Colombia, he said that if the American Commonwealth did talk with us, he wanted us to talk on ODP to eventually MDP level treaty."

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"Well Mr. Logan I am happy that you agree with me and I thank you for your kind words. I did not come here expecting a full blown alliance, I know and understand that foreign relations takes time to improve and my goals here are to lay the foundation for such a relationship. As for the future I would be more than happy to expand and improve upon the status of the relationship between our two nations when the time comes and our people grow closer. In the time being though, what is it that your government is looking to start with in these initial talks?" asked President Bronson.

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"Well for starters, basic economic and non-aggression treaty would be fine to start with. Our focus foreign policy wise has been with our Canadian neighbors and with Colombia, which have taken up a lot of our time. Indeed, it takes awhile to build up relationships and we understand that," answered Logan.

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[b]Hudson Bay Federation-American Commonwealth Friendship Treaty[/b]

The Hudson Bay Federation and the American Commonwealth, desiring to declare publicly and formally their sense of unity and willingness for mutual cooperation, shall agree to this Treaty and agree with the wording as well spirit of such Treaty.

Article I:
Both signatories shall not undertake any form of aggressive or otherwise hostile action against the other in any way, shape, or form, nor assist or support a third party in doing so. The use of military force against each other as a means of settling any of the aforementioned disputes is prohibited.

Article II:
Both parties agree to the implementation of economic laws and policies that encourage economic growth mutually beneficial for both nations

Article III:
The parties agree to basic intelligence sharing to provide a spirit of transparency to each other to reduce potential conflict.

Article VI:
If one or both signatory wish to cancel this Treaty, they shall inform the other seventy-two hours prior to the cancellation.

"Yes we do, Mister Bronson," stated Chancellor Logan. "Here it is." handing over the draft document to Bronson.

On the nearby desk, a red phone rang, where Vice Chancellor Dale Everett promptly went to pick it up. It only took a few seconds as Everett turned pale while dropping the phone. Meanwhile outside, the Chancellor's helicopter started up by the Marines alerted to the grave situation gripping the nation.

"What's..." started Logan, cut off as Federation Detail Security (FDS) burst into the room grabbing Logan, Everett, Wallack, and Bronson outside to the helicopter. There was going be initial resistance to the sudden, brute actions by the FDS, but time was not with them by turn of events coming from Western Canada. The draft treaty flew out of Logan's hand and twirled to the floor.

"Polar Bear and cubs moving out to the lawn, team three secure perimeter!" ordered the lead FDS agent.

"Chancellor and Mister President this way!" shouted an FDS agent pulled the governmental officials towards the awaiting helicopters.

The scene outside was semi-chaotic as FDS agents were running about, quickly ordering the departure of personnel and the heads of state. The primary modified UH-60 helicopter was nearing full power as Logan and the others were rushed to it.

"What's the meaning of this!?!?" stammered Logan as he and fellow colleagues were tossed into the helicopter, the doors slammed shut and climbing to a nice cruising altitude northward well away from Executive Mansion, some 20 miles from Downtown Winnipeg.

"Sir, forward radar sites near Yellowknife have detected several ICBM launches from known nuclear sites in the Northern Imperium provided by our intelligence gathering. AWACS operating in the region have also confirmed this, estimate three to five missiles heading into Federation territory," grimly stated Quintin Vol, National Security Advisor.

"Chirst... yield potiential?" asked Logan.

"Probably, 500 kilotons, not confirmed," replied Vol.

"Evacuatations?" inquired Everett.

"Warnings are out on the National Emergency Alert System and we've overridden the cellular network with texts, but this effort will be futile, we barely have time to probably get you folks out the blast area. Winnipeg is lost," said Vol, visible shaken.

"Sorry, Mister Bronson that you had to get caught up this mess... those !@#$%^& Imperials will pay for this," firmly stated Logan.

"Chancellor, we're evacuating to point about 75 miles northwest from Winnipeg to an awaiting private airstrip, we have an awaiting governmental Gulfstream there. Coordinating with the Air Force on this spot with our flight path," stated Vol.

"Time to impact Vol?" questioned Wallack.

"Very soo..."

While the men couldn't see what was happening behind them, the UH-60 was reacting to what was left of Winnipeg as the helicopter was still inside the EMP danger zone as the helicopter lost power systems to the engines and eventually to the main controls. While the particular helicopter was built for such an event as this nuclear detonation, the EMP hardness levels weren't sufficient enough to protect the main operation of the helicopter for very long, but protected instead other CRBN survival equipment and basic emergency radio. Both pliots frantically tried to restart the power to the engines, while trying to control the spinning chopper to whatever controlled landing they could provide.

"This is Marine One, mayday, mayday... altitude dropping rapidly, this is broadcast on emergency channel 10, mayday, mayday. Marine One is going down..." repeated the co-pliot.

Logan could spot Lake Manitoba to his left as the helicopter twirled on it's rapid decent to the Earth's surface, occasionally see the three plumes of nuclear fire over parts of Winnipeg as the windows twisted into view of that area. The chopper hit the ground hard as it bounced up again, the rotor blades charring freely still into the nearby trees, snapping the blades while twisting the fuselage onto it's side, ripping the door open, exposing the occupants to the nuclear fallout occurring.

Meanwhile, the Air Force personnel at the airstrip would start the rescue mission noting the non-arrival of their intended package.

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  • 1 month later...

After finally signing the treaty with Hudson Bay Federation after the little nuclear incident, President Bronson was on his way to the next destination, Mexico. Strangely, the Commonwealth had little to no existing relations with one North America's dominant nations (made more so by the surprising collapse of Greenland). Heading to Mexico city the President's aircraft requested clearance to enter Mexican airspace and land, the fighter escorts returning home due to some damage sustained during the nuclear attack in Hudson Bay.

OOC: Just skipping ahead with the tour, I assume my president was found alive and is well enough to go on his merry way after signing the document. Voodoo, you can go ahead ahead and rp out the arrival if you want for expediency.

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