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Extending the Naval Multiplier to Naval Screen Ships


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[quote name='Zarfef' timestamp='1339703916' post='2983864']

I agree with all of the points you made, however budgets and economies are not required in CNRP, and timescale is only enforced for construction efforts right before a war.

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[quote name='iKrolm' timestamp='1339712984' post='2984065']
I agree with all of the points you made, however budgets and economies are not required in CNRP, and timescale is only enforced for construction efforts right before a war.

Alas, it's true, but it's still something to keep in mind. Independent of the time scales though, what it means is that you probably shouldn't be RPing pulling an army out of a hat. Try to understand the monumental task that this represents. It's for good reason that few nations have a navy capable of doing more then patrolling their borders - this stuff is expensive and extremely time consuming.

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He's got an entire continent helping him out... besides, these are pretty much my surplus units. We've also extensively RPed with 3D manufacturing (of course not whole ships, but modules and components are much more feasible) technology to help technobabble away rough irregularities. In any case, he's got mine, Lynneth's, Waffle's and Curristan's higher infra to help too.

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