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Diplomacy gone wrong

Isaac MatthewII

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[quote][b]To: Isabel Vieira
From: Pat McCory[/b]

[i]"I would like to invite you to Raleigh, North Carolina for some discussion on a possible agreement between our governments. United Carolina is very interested in the South American continent for future allies and Para in particular seems a stable and peaceful government."[/i][/quote]

There were reports of civil unrest in the area and a strange string of violence, nothing the United Carolinian Secret Service couldnt handle so far. The meeting place was in the highest populated area in Raleigh, the location of the former capital of North Carolina back when it was a state. It was a beautiful Sunday morning with clear skies and perfect weather. The President waited in the old governors suit for the arrival of Mrs.Vieira.

[font="Courier New"][quote][color="#FF0000"][u][b]URGENT REPORT FROM MERCY HOSPITAL[/b][/u][/color]


Edited by Isaac MatthewII
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Isabel Vieira arrived at Raleigh about noon that Sunday, having heard of nothing amiss in the area of Raleigh. She'd been sceptical of the invitation since it arrived--after all, her intent from the beginning had been to involve Pará solely in South American matters. But the changing political and geographic climate of South America was making this a rapidly less and less favourable standpoint. The Umbrella Empire now dominated virtually the entirety of the middle and northern portion of South America, completely surrounding little purple Pará in a sea of orange--Gallifrey was gone, the Peruvian Imperium had been subsumed by the Commonwealth, and the political landscape had quickly become one more dominated than ever by the Umbrella Commonwealth.

To that end, she accepted the invitation extended by the Carolinian president, and shortly afterwards set off for Raleigh.

OOC: Short post. All I could manage at the moment. Future posts will be better. :v

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The delegate would find the president standing outside the door to the old state capital which has been refurbished. He would have a smile on his face as the delegate walked towards the entrance, he was happy to finally be opening forum with the South Americans. "Thank you for coming mam, I hope your trip here wasnt to much trouble. I am president McCory, I am pleased to-"

"STOP HIM!" shouted a police officer from across the way, running from the raleigh museum. A man was running ahead, he looked sickly and had blood trickling from his teeth like he just ate something very alive, very recently. The Secret Service reacted by shotting the man in the chest outright. "WHAT THE HELL JOHNSON! HE WASNT ARMED!" shouted the president from a few feet away. "Sir we have a situation, there is a virus and its spreading quickly. We dont know what it is but the patients all had bite marks and just went insane on the medical staff at mercy hospital, they killed them all sir. They were.." He had trouble finishing the sentence because he hardly even believed himself when saying this, "They were eaten sir. The attackers were shot multiple times. They were getting back up". The president didnt even know what to say, a virus that just caused people to be violent an eat eachother? Thats insane. "You are losing it, there is no way these people could-" as soon as he said that the man that was charging at them got up and started growling and running at them a bit slower, you could tell he was thirsting for blood. Just when he got up a whole crowd could be seen running at the building, all of them growling, all of them thirsting for blood. "MR PRESIDENT GO!" the president signaled the delegate to run with him as they ran into the nearest building.

OOC: [color="#FF0000"][u][b]CLOSED[/b][/u][/color] because someone had to ruin it <_<

Edited by Isaac MatthewII
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[b]Fort Bragg, NC[/b]

"Alright men, get yourselves together. I will give you the run down of the situation. All we know is that the old capital, Raleigh, is in a large and violent protest. The President has gone missing and very little communications have been coming in or out of the city. Our job is to move in, find the president, and assist local authorities in pacifying the city. You will not fire unless attacked. Is that understood?!." The colonel spoke into his headset. "Yes Sir!" The 2,500 cuban troop deployment would break into 3 battalions. Battalion 1 would consist of 1500 soldiers and would be deployed to locate and begin assisting local authorities. Battalion 2 would consist of 500 soldiers and their objective would be to locate and rescue the president. Battalion 3 would consist of 500 soldiers and would set up a perimeter on the outskirts of the city to use has a fall back zone, a temporary command post, and has a medic zone to help any injured. The soldiers knew their job and would begin moving out towards Raleigh.

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OOC: Warning wall of text below.
IC: Battalion 1

"Why are we stopping?" Colonel Santos got of his seat to the driver of the APC. "We cant be there yet." The Driver turned "Sir, we got a problem. Take a look for yourself." Colonel Santos looked out the window. It was quickly darkening outside but he could see the problem. "Get the men out of the APCs and have them come with me." The back ramp opened and colonel santos and a group of 5 other soldiers exited. The other two APCs opened up, And a soldier went up onto the gun ontop. Santos went out to the front of the APCs, the soldiers close behind him. Ahead of him was a large group of people, or what he thought to be people standing dead center of the street. "Alright, you people need to get the hell out of the way!" The group did not move, agitating the colonel. "Get a move on dammit!" A man began running towards the colonel, eyes locked on him. "Stop where you are!" Yelled a soldier. The man did not listen. When he was a arms length away from the colonel a big soldier stepped in the way, quickly knocking the man to the ground with a powerful hit from his rifle. "Thanks." The colonel turned his attention back to the crowd but noticed a stirring at his feet. The man stood up again. "The hell?" The soldier looked surprised. He did not expect the man to be awake, let alone willing and able to stand up. The man lunged at the soldier. Two other soldiers moved in and held him down, handcuffing him and bringing him into one of the APCs. "I hope that has shown you we mean business. Now get out of the way or you will be arrested to!" The groups response was to begin charging at them. The other soldiers quickly brought their rifles up, waiting for the order to fire. "Stop where you are or we will shoot." The group showed no signs of stopping. "Fine, Open Fire!" The air clattered with the sounds of gun fire has the soldiers fired their rifles. In a matter of seconds the group was on the ground. The colonel looked on in disbelief and shock. "I didn't believe they would actually try to attack us." The colonel turned to walk back to the APC but the sounds of shock stopped him. He turned back to see several members of the group rise again, others crawling towards them. "What in the hell..." the soldiers hurried to reload their weapons and once again began firing on the group. "Get your bayonets, make sure they are dead this time." The soldiers attached their knives to their rifles and advanced on the group. They had gotten half way when once again people began to rise, a few less this time. The colonel looked in disbelief. "Pull back. Get to your APCs." They turned to see another group advancing from behind, almost at the APCs. The colonel spoke into his head piece "Get those back ramps ready to close fast." The soldiers began sprinting towards their APC. The colonel has gotten into his when the second group arrived. Guns fired and soldiers fought desperately with their bayonets to push back the group and get to their APC. The second group seemed to be endless has more and more arrived. "Thats it, any soldiers that have not made it to their APCs aren't going to. Close the back ramps and lets get the hell out of here." The APCs closed up and took off, running over anything in their way. "Lets link up with another regiment.

Battalion 2
"We are not far from the capital building now. We have made it so far without much incident." It was a regiment of about 40 soldiers. They were traveling on foot, with the few APCs they had on standby to transport the president and any other VIPs they located. The 500 soldiers had spread out into regiments and would be taking different lines of approach to the capital building. "I can see it now, but there would seem to be a large group of protesters outside. This wont be easy." He looked onward, a rising sense of fear in him. Their just protesters he thought to himself. They had found several dead bodies and they had appeared to of been mauled by an animal or attacked by a weedwacker. Violent protesters maybe, but still protesters. They had reached the front of the gate to the capital building. Around the gate were several dead bodies, these ones appeared to of been killed by bullet wounds. A man approached, his uniform looking like that of a secret service agent. "Thank god you guys still have some control, we can escort the president out if you...." The secret service agent lunged at him sending the soldier falling back in shock. "No, no I'm with cuba, we are allies." Thats when he noticed the sickly look of the agent, the blood splattered across his uniform and dripping from his face. "Are, are you ok? We have a medic station setup on the outside of the city, lets get you to it." The secret service agent just attacked him again. Next thing they were on the ground, the secret service agent attempting to make a snack of his arm. If it were not for his uniform he would have a nasty bite mark on his arm right now. "Get off of me!" The soldier took his knife and stabbed the agent, then pushed him off and quickly got to his feet, grabbing his rifle. "What the hell has gotten into you man. We are allies." The agent stood up, the knife still in his leg, and began limping towards the soldier. "Please, stay were you are or I will shoot." The man did not stop, did not even hesitate. "Last chance." The soldier had to back up. The agent kept his pace towards him. The soldier clicked the safety and shot the man in the shoulder. "I warned you." The shot attracted the attention of the rest of the crowd, who now began slowly moving to his position to investigate. "!@#$, we got a problem. Everyone, get ready for a fight." The man turned his headset on "We are going to need back up down here, there is alot of them and they don't look very friendly." A few seconds passed, he watched the approaching mob nervously. "We are meeting resistance, it will take longer for the other regiments to catch up with you. Hold your ground until we can fight our way to you." He sighed then got into position with the rest of his regiment, waiting for the coming fight. Night was almost upon them now, the last bit of light barely enough to show the approaching mob. The first man caught sight of a soldier and began sprinting towards him, then almost all at once the slow moving mob became a frenzy of people running in all different directions, picking their target to go and eat. "FIRE!" All around them came the sounds and flashing of gunfire, quickly drowning out the sound of running and the low growling that was coming from the mob. One by one bodies began piling on the ground. "They just wont stop coming dammit." Thats when he noticed, out of the corner of his eye came another mob. He looked around, and noticed just how desperate their situation was. They were coming in from everywhere, except behind. They had no choice, they had to go back the way they came. "Lets fall back, meet up with the rest of the battalion. We will need those reinforcements." They began a slow retreat, firing to keep their attackers at bay. "Watch out next to you!" A soldier turned just has a few men pounced on him. They hit the ground and were on him, his screaming the only thing they could hear. And like that, the entire defense was torn apart. Infected began sprinting down their rank, the soldiers who turned to meet them found themselves attacked by the same attackers they were attempting to hold at bay just a few seconds earlier. Many of the regiment began panicking, a few ran, and the commander tried desperately to retake control of the situation.

Edited by supercheese
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Isabel strode forward confidently, approaching the president of the Carolinas with a cordial smile alighting on her thin lips. Behind him, the capital building loomed overhead, casting a long shadow in the pleasant afternoon sun; and around the two heads of state, Isabel was aware of a number of security guards and other such personnel. [I]A bit crowded, but nothing worrisome.[/I] It did not mar the premier's expression as she approached the Carolinian president. "Thank you for coming, ma'am," President McCory greeted her, responding to her smile in kind. "I hope your trip here wasn't too much trouble. I am President McCory, and I'm pleased..."

He did not manage to speak any further before another voice over-ruled his. [I]"Stop him!"[/I] [I]What the hell?[/I] Isabel turned in the direction of the shout--just in time to watch it unfold--a sickly, shambling man stumbling towards them, and no time to make out the details of his diseased appearance before without hesitation, a gunshot signalled his demise. Isabel was a former soldier--she was no stranger, at least had not been, to seeing people shot, but that was in combat. As far as she could tell, she'd just seen a man shot down without cause. [I]Oh !@#$.[/I] And McCory, judging by his reaction, seemed to share that sentiment. "What the hell, Johnson!" he shouted furiously, the smile that had adorned his face not two seconds ago contorting into rage as he turned to the guard who, presumably, had fired the shot. "He wasn't armed!"

And then came those four words--those four words that were never followed by good news. [I]"We have a situation."[/I] Needless to say the visit thus far wasn't coming out too happy, but 'we have a situation' [I]never[/I] signalled a turn for the better. And it didn't. "There's a virus, and it's spreading quickly. We don't know what it is...but the patients all had bite marks and just went insane on all the medical staff at Mercy Hospital. They killed them all, sir. They were...they were eaten, sir."

Isabel was willing to bet that the one word going through, oh, everybody's head at that moment was something along the lines of 'zombies'. [I]Which, of course, don't exist.[/I] A disease that caused the afflicted to become rabid and instinctively cannibalistic...and lose higher-functioning mental faculties? "The attackers were shot multiple times. They were getting back up." [I]Add '!@#$@#$ invulnerable' to that list, then.[/I] No, really, this was getting to be a bit too much like a b-level zombie film. [I]'Two heads of state on a diplomatic venture suddenly find themselves in a struggle for their very lives against hordes of flesh-hungry, mindless savages'...[/I] It would probably gross an undeserved !@#$-ton of money at the theatres and then be panned across the board by film critics around the world for its horrible dialogue, lack of discernible plot, cardboard characters, and !@#$%* special effects, only to become a legendary cult movie thirty years after its release... [I]Huh, don't I have more important things to think about than b-movie catchlines? Like, perhaps, the fact that I'm apparently in the midst of a zombie !@#$@#$ apocalypse about to boil over?[/I]

"You're losing it," McCory retorted vehemently at his security. "There's no way these people could..." And then, as if the fates were determined once again to prove him dead wrong, the raving mad !@#$%^& who'd just been shot point blank in the chest crawled to his feet, spitting and snarling like a rabid Doberman....gnashing teeth trickling very conspicuously with a viscous crimson. And even as the security personnel around responded to his rise, behind him, Isabel could see, rapidly approaching, a mass of others...sickly, decrepit, snarling, vicious, rabid creatures. [I]!@#$.[/I] "Mr President, go!" one of the guards shouted. McCory needed no convincing, and neither did Isabel. She didn't like the idea of running and leaving the security personnel to hold off the oncoming horde, but unarmed as she was, Isabel was fairly certain she'd only get herself killed all the quicker. She followed McCory in silence as they fled into the nearest building, still overwhelmed by all that had happened in such a short span of time.

[I]So I'm trapped in a foreign country that apparently is on the brink of emulating every hilariously terrible zombie film ever made, with no tool for self-defence in the unlikely case that, y'know, I get cornered by a raving lunatic who wants to eat my flesh. That's cool.[/I] As they entered the building, Isabel turned to the Carolinian president. "I don't suppose your military has a contingency plan for 'zombie apocalypse', does it?" she couldn't help but murmur in accented English, before shaking her head. [I]More important things at hand than pointless sarcasm.[/I] There were many questions Isabel had that McCory probably could not answer--how wide-spread was the infection? How many could be estimated to have been afflicted by this point? And, most importantly--how had it originated and how did it spread? For now, she could only pose one query. "How far away is Mercy Hospital, and how many patients would have been hospitalised there?" At least, if she knew that much, she could determine how quickly the infection could have spread from the origin, and how many could have been afflicted by now...something, something so that she wouldn't feel completely useless...

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The president was slightly distracted by seeing civilians being shot in the street. He has never seen such bloodshed from his own men, something that he was against with every nerve and cell in his body. He blinked and answered the lady after a few seconds of silence. "Mercy hospital is about three blocks away from here, its the CDC Raleigh chapter HQ so there would be quite a few there. I apologize, if I had known there was something going on in Mercy I would have warned you on your way here to divert your path. My minister of interior will get an earful if we make it through this. There is no military response to a zombie apocalypse, a widespread virus yes they will quarenteen. But thats it." A few zombies started banging on the windows, more and more stacked on just after. "We need to get out of here and move on to the response center in Fayetteville. We should be able to find some sort of weapon in here, United Carolinian gun laws are very laxed." after looking around he thought hed find a gun somewhere, unfortunately he only found a few bats and a knife. "This will have to last us, I know it is a bit disturbing, but..Well the law in North Carolina is that if you are in a situation where your life is threatined to the point where you need to react it is considered legal. Are you alright with this?" he held the bat out to the delegate awaiting a response.

OOC: Lolwritersblock

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The streets were a massacre--Isabel could see it quite clearly from within the building. The Carolinian contingent was easily mowing down the crazed attackers, but more and more of the insane cannibals appeared to supplant their fallen numbers. [I]If this keeps up, the Carolinians aren't gonna last long. They'll be overwhelmed.[/I] Didn't take years of tactical military experience to figure that one out. There were just too many of the cannibals to hold at bay for long. [I]How the hell did this infection spread so damn quick?[/I] Isabel pre-occupied herself with considering to keep her mind off how useless she was hiding out in this bunker with people right outside dying. The chilling sound of tormented screams, frantic gunfire, and inhuman snarls emanated from beyond the walls of the building, before a silence even more disturbing overtook the area for only a few seconds. And then the psychos began to slam and bang the windows. The security contingent had been slaughtered. The two heads of state were on their own now. [I]$%&@.[/I] There were many choice words Isabel could have used to describe the situation, but the realisation that the zombies (not zombies, dammit, cannibals) were now actively trying to break their way into building that had been McCory's and Isabel's temporary safehouse hit home harder than anything. Those windows weren't going to last long... Isabel took a chance and peered closer through the tinted glass to see what was happening--and it wasn't good. The $%&@ers were stacking up against the windows in a furore to reach more meat.

"We need to get out of here and move on to the responce centre in Fayetteville," McCory informed her. "We should be able to find some sort of weapon in here, United Carolinian gun laws are very laxed." [I]Thank the deities for that, then.[/I] "We're on the same page here, then." At the very least McCory was willing to actively take a stand rather than lie down and wait for the military to save the day--if they got here in time, that was. That was good--they weren't going to last very long otherwise. She watched the Carolinian president swiftly scour the building for any semblance of a weapon that could be used against the horde--no guns, she noted with ire as he returned holding a pair of bats and a combat knife. "This will have to last us. I know it's a bit disturbing...are you alright with this?" he asked, holding one of the bats out to her.

"We're done for if we don't get out of here, which we can't do if we have no method of fighting that mob," Isabel replied, taking a firm grasp of the bat's handle. "We'd better get moving on a rendezvous with your forces at that responce centre. Where's the...er, 'back door' to this building?" She turned to McCory for an answer, just as the clamour of shattering glass announced that the cannibals had succeeded in creating an opening into the building.

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