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Removing the Timelords

Zoot Zoot

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[b]Operation Pratchett[/b]

Twelve AWACs flying inside friendly territory used their sensors to map the battlefield and enemy forces in the area. Orders were rapidly dispatched to the Corporate Air Force to begin an all out air assault against the Gallifreyan military on the border. The AWACs began jamming enemy communications and sensors as the first assault began.

Five squadrons of B-2 Bombers operating in Southern Sao Paulo would be the opening volley of the Commonwealths air campaign against the Timelords. The stealth bombers operating well beyond the range of detection for Timelord Radar unleashed AGM-158 JASSMs. The missiles would target Timelord airplane hangars and control towers in the border regions. The B-2s would then be directed to return to Paraguay for rearming and refueling. Ten squadrons of F-22s flew over the battlespace below radar. The stealth fighters would use their AESA to transmit signals of enemy aircraft and ground forces in the battle space. They would use their electro optical infrared sensors to attempt and find enemy fighters. This would be supplemented by OTH and multi-static radars in Sao Paulo, Brazil and Paraguay which were capable of finding the general location of stealth aircraft allowing the F-22s to make more precise search. These targets if found would be engaged by IR missiles, the electro optical IR sensors designed specifically to defeat IR countermeasures thus increasing the kill rate.

Twelve Squadrons of Widowmaker II's moved across the Commonwealth/Gallifrey border, with four GB-2E's escorting each squadron. The GB-2E's would use their onboard jamming equipment supplemented by ECM pods to jam enemy radar and transmit false positions confusing enemy air defenses while transmitting false locations back. The GB-2E's would also pick up on enemy radar signals of the Gallifreyan Air Defense network’s SAM launchers and ground based radar. A pair of HARMs were launched at each of these locations. Targeting information was also given to ground based cruise missile launchers operating across the border in Southern Brazil. BGM-109G cruise missiles were launched against these sites as well while the GB-2E's were suppressing enemy missile defenses.

Widowmaker II's would fire stand off air to ground munitions on enemy runway seeking to crater the runways and fill the runways further hampering the ability to scramble air force units. GB-2E's and Widowmaker II's would then use their remaining weapons, air to air missiles to assist in air superiority for the duration of the assault.

Four squadrons of Tu-160r's were equipped with LRAAMs and fired off the weapons in rapid volleys from friendly air space against enemy air units that the F-22s had lock-ons. Two more B-1R squadrons were also brought into the area. Each plane launched off volleys of sixteen cruise missies. The missiles targeted fuel and ammunition depot facilities along the border to significantly degrade the capability to supply troops and heavy equipment on the border.

A sixth Tu-160r squadron launched air to ground cruise missiles against areas which SATINT indicated were major enemy fuel and ammo locations. Four A-10 squadrons and four Widowmaker II's Squadrons moved in against forward enemy artillery and armor companies. Each A-10 squadron was escorted by a GB-3E which provided jamming against radar guided defenses, while the A-10s released copious amounts of flares to defeat enemy IR lock ons and illuminate targets. Special priority was given to knocking out obvious enemy command and control vehicles.

Info was relayed to the Amphibious Assault fleet which was near the border zone, which brought the guns of its six Iowa Class Battleships 16 Inch guns ETC shells to bear on the artillery and armored forces in the coastal region. MLRS systems would target these units as well further surpressing the ability of armored and artillery forces to maneuver.

[b]Operation Horatio[/b]

Orders came from the Admiralty to dispatch hunter killer submarines to seek and destroy all Gallifrey warships, with particular attention to be paid when it came to enemy submarines. The Corporate Fleet was operating within the Commonwealths Territorial waters. The Corporate hunter killer subs set out for ASW operations using highly sensitive equipment such as low frequency spread-spectrum electromagnetic surface wave devices and magnetic anomaly detection. The fleets three Uruguay Class frigates and three Guerreiro Class Corvettes assisted in ASW operations by deploying Lynx ASW helicopters which began sweeps of the fleets area of operations performing airborne low frequency sonar checks. Any detected submarines were to be exposed to the wrath of the helicopters torpedo weaponry, as well as sending the information to nearby submarines and sending them to attack any Timelord warships.

Satellite imaging from the Corporate Intel Agency revealed the location of the Gallifrey ports. Using this information, the fleets six Iowa Class Battleships and Six Ticonderoga Class Missile cruisers began firing RGM/UGM-109B's at the enemy harbour facilities. One Hundred missiles were fired from the battleships alone, leaving a considerable ammount in reserve to continue the attack, and with a range of 2500 kilometres, the fleet remained safe. The cruisers fired a total of one hundred and twenty two TASM missiles. The Commonwealth was hoping to destroy at the very least, three quarters of the Ports in southern Gallifrey with its two attacks.

[b]Operation Rolling Thunder[/b]

J-STARs and UAVs ranging from high altitude global hawks to unit operated mini-UAVs provided imaging intelligence to give forward assaulting units information on enemy locations and order of battle giving them an edge against the defending units. Armored cavalry and mechanized reconnaissance companies were ordered to begin advancing. Rear line Self Propelled Artillery batteries fired air burst shells against infantry units while armored companies would be engaged by armor penetrating shells. Main battle tanks would lead assaults, they would move in zig zag patterns during their advance while activating their ECM pods jamming anti-armor missile systems.

Mechanized recon companies of scimitar II's and warrior III's vehicles assaulted areas where imaging intelligence did not find armor vehicles. Like with the Challenger III MBTs, the Scimitars used ECM pods to prevent missile lock ons. Enemy infantry would be further surpressed by rear line air burst mortar batteries. Warrior ATVs moved to take the high ground and insert sniper-firing teams. The Northern Army all began making their way in division strength across the border, one hundred thousand soldiers moved at a lightening pace with heavy armour and mechanised infantry units leading the way. The Air division of each corps was sending forward its Apache Longbow attack helicopters to support ground operations across the entire frontline.

In total, 550,000 soldiers were involved in the attack from the follwing corps:
1st Heavy Corps
2nd Heavy Corps
3rd Heavy Corps
2nd Medium Corps
3rd Medium Corps
4th Medium Corps
1st light corps
2nd light corps
1st rapid corps
2nd rapid corps

The total naval forces deployed was:
-7 Queen Class Amphibious Assault Ship
-8 Monarch Class Battleship
-5 Crown Class Guided Missile Cruiser
-5 Uruguay Class Frigate
-9 Guerreiro Class Corvette
-14 Astute Class Submarines
-9 Fast Combat Support Ship (AOE)
-3 King Class Supercarrier
-2 Riograndense Class Guided Missile Destroyer

Airforces Deployed:
50x B-2
100x F-22
120x Widowmaker II's
48x GB-2E's
70x TU-160's
40x A-10's


Edited by Zoot Zoot
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OOC: I fear I have to freeze this war for now, judging from the logs on the planning session this doesn't exactly fall under the rules outlined for preplanning. Zoot you need to make a reasonable attempt to plan it out and before proceeding without a preplan get permission from the GMs. The planning is not sufficient and the GMs haven't even gotten a request for a waiver.

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The initial attack was a huge shock for Gallifrey, the last time someone was so blatantly aggressive towards Gallifrey was the Biscotti government. Though then Gallifrey had support from Athens, this time, Gallifrey had to fight for its own survival. It has happened many times in history, larger nations push their own power on to the weak in the name of nothing but power and oppression. What we have learned through history is that when oppression and power is at its max, the people push back. This was the intention of the Gallifreyan government. As soon as the president boarded his plane he was briefed on the situation thus far. On the screen were all of the members of the Lord Presidents cabinet, Lord Ambassador Valyes, Lady Chancellor Amy Pond, Sargent Benton, Military Advisor to the Lord President Timothy Ingold and PR Rep/UNIT advisor Martha Jones. Benton began the briefing “Lord President, as you know we were blatantly attacked by the Umbrella Commonwealth today. This attack was unprovoked which unfortunately means we were also unprepared.” Valyes began “I seeked assistance from The Athenian Federation and they declined for unknown reasons. Though we do have a huge amount of assistance from our allies in Africa Atlantis, they have sent many planes, medical supplies , FN SCARS, rations and encrypted radios. By far the most generous contribution any ally has sent to Gallifrey. Though to avoid starting a war between Atlantis and the UC we will pay them back after the war is over.” Pond began “We have secured the capital and began the securing of our important cities and medical centers with police and local guard joint efforts. Martial law is in effect in large city centers that are in immediate threat of invasion and civilians are being evacuated to the smaller areas in Gallifrey in case of bombing. Though in the borders it is a deeper heavier situation.” Martha Jones began to speak “As expected the borders are in severe disarray. Civilians are in the streets seeking refuge, 100,000 civilians running at the UC troops seeking refuge in total the port facilities which were totally civilian manned have 400 deaths and unknown injured . All of this we get from troop reports and GNN. Troops on the borders retreated. In total 3,000 troops known dead so far with 10,000 too wounded to move 40,000 running away towards our military centers. Tank groups report at least 300 tanks destroyed in the border emplacements. Unconfirmed reports are a large number of Umbrella troops were hit by the mine emplacements and they were slowed down by the border fence. The border as of now is chaos. The two air fields on the border were hit by the UC air force. In total 10 F-22s were destroyed along with 10 b-2 stealth bombers and 22 pilots 30 ground crew and 20 civilians. Food and oil rations have been set and ration books were distributed.” Smith stunned finally began to speak, his voice began as raspy and struggled. “What is the plan?” Ingold began “Well sir the initial plan is regrouping, we have to make it hard to attack us. So the first stage is call our troops inland, we will be shutting down our SAMs, RADARs, and radios unless they are being used immediately. We are blowing bridges and roads laying mines and tripwire in places near being taken by the UC forces. 300,000 civilians have abandoned their cars in the attack due to evacuation traffic and the cars are being used along with wreckage in the streets to try and slow the advance of UC troops exponentially. We have warned civilians not to travel in the areas that are mined but have not given a reason so civilian accidents should be at a low. Every ship with a Gallifreyan flag has been destroyed though we are working on RADAR ghosts in the area. “Smith began again “This attack, like many attacks in the past on many nations in history is blatant and unwarranted aggression for only one reason. That is oppression. Gallifrey will do what is needed to survive and we will reward our true allies when we win this war.” The president’s plane would land and he would be urgently transported to the bunker in the presidential capital. The Shadow Proclamation began plans of its own.

Mass evacuation:

Destruction of boats would take two days*

Edited by Isaac MatthewII
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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1334701654' post='2954987']
The initial attack was a huge shock for Gallifrey, the last time someone was so blatantly aggressive towards Gallifrey was the Biscotti government. Though then Gallifrey had support from Athens, this time, Gallifrey had to fight for its own survival. It has happened many times in history, larger nations push their own power on to the weak in the name of nothing but power and oppression. What we have learned through history is that when oppression and power is at its max, the people push back. This was the intention of the Gallifreyan government. As soon as the president boarded his plane he was briefed on the situation thus far. On the screen were all of the members of the Lord Presidents cabinet, Lord Ambassador Valyes, Lady Chancellor Amy Pond, Sargent Benton, Military Advisor to the Lord President Timothy Ingold and PR Rep/UNIT advisor Martha Jones. Benton began the briefing “Lord President, as you know we were blatantly attacked by the Umbrella Commonwealth today. This attack was unprovoked which unfortunately means we were also unprepared.” Valyes began “I seeked assistance from The Athenian Federation and they declined for unknown reasons. Though we do have a huge amount of assistance from our allies in Africa Atlantis, they have sent many planes, medical supplies , FN SCARS, rations and encrypted radios. By far the most generous contribution any ally has sent to Gallifrey. Though to avoid starting a war between Atlantis and the UC we will pay them back after the war is over.” Pond began “We have secured the capital and began the securing of our important cities and medical centers with police and local guard joint efforts. Martial law is in effect in large city centers that are in immediate threat of invasion and civilians are being evacuated to the smaller areas in Gallifrey in case of bombing. Though in the borders it is a deeper heavier situation.” Martha Jones began to speak “As expected the borders are in severe disarray. Civilians are in the streets seeking refuge, 100,000 civilians running at the UC troops seeking refuge in total the port facilities which were totally civilian manned have 400 deaths and unknown injured . All of this we get from troop reports and GNN. Troops on the borders retreated. In total 3,000 troops known dead so far with 10,000 too wounded to move 40,000 running away towards our military centers. Tank groups report at least 300 tanks destroyed in the border emplacements. Unconfirmed reports are a large number of Umbrella troops were hit by the mine emplacements and they were slowed down by the border fence. The border as of now is chaos. The two air fields on the border were hit by the UC air force. In total 10 F-22s were destroyed along with 10 b-2 stealth bombers and 22 pilots 30 ground crew and 20 civilians. Food and oil rations have been set and ration books were distributed.” Smith stunned finally began to speak, his voice began as raspy and struggled. “What is the plan?” Ingold began “Well sir the initial plan is regrouping, we have to make it hard to attack us. So the first stage is call our troops inland, we will be shutting down our SAMs, RADARs, and radios unless they are being used immediately. We are blowing bridges and roads laying mines and tripwire in places near being taken by the UC forces. 300,000 civilians have abandoned their cars in the attack due to evacuation traffic and the cars are being used along with wreckage in the streets to try and slow the advance of UC troops exponentially. We have warned civilians not to travel in the areas that are mined but have not given a reason so civilian accidents should be at a low. Every ship with a Gallifreyan flag has been destroyed though we are working on RADAR ghosts in the area. “Smith began again “This attack, like many attacks in the past on many nations in history is blatant and unwarranted aggression for only one reason. That is oppression. Gallifrey will do what is needed to survive and we will reward our true allies when we win this war.” The president’s plane would land and he would be urgently transported to the bunker in the presidential capital. The Shadow Proclamation began plans of its own.

Mass evacuation:

Destruction of boats would take two days*

[b]Operation Pratchet[/b]

The air assault had seemingly been devestating against the Gallifreyan forces stationed in the border regions. However, after the intitial first strike and change in battle plans, the scale of Operation Pratchett was toned town significantly. The broad front that had opened the war had now narrowed to the South East Border Zone along the Rio De Janero border lines. Five squadrons of F-22's, five squadrons of Widowmaker II's and two Tu-160 squadrons would run air superiority and ground support missions in the area as lead elements of the first and second Heavy Corps advanced into the Rio Region. With the Gallifreyan air defence systems either fully destroyed in the area or offline, casualties were non existant, although on the ground it was a different story.

As and when enemy units were discovered either by SATINT or HUMINT sources, the Widowmakers and Tu-160's would use standoff munitions to attack and destroy them. Armoured vehicles, logistics vehicles and static defences such as artillery and triple AAA batteries. ONLY confirmed military targets would be hit.

[b]Operation Horatio[/b]
With the Carrier Strike Group Alpha, the Alpha Battle Group and the Amphibious Assault Fleet in the South Atlantic all assaulting the Port Facilities in the Rio Region for some time, the order came for them to cease fire and prepare themselves for possible combat against other warships. Carrier Strike Group Delta and Carrier Strike Group Bravo were orderd to enter the theatre and rally with the fleet.
These two extra strike groups would bring the total naval forces in the area to:

-9 Queen Class Amphibious Assault Ship
-8 Monarch Class Battleship
-7 Crown Class Guided Missile Cruiser
-7 Uruguay Class Frigate
-9 Guerreiro Class Corvette
-18 Astute Class Submarines
-11 Fast Combat Support Ship (AOE)
-5 King Class Supercarrier
-6 Riograndense Class Guided Missile Destroyer

These additional forces, combined with the fleet in Galveston which would move out of Port and south if anything untoward happened, would now play a passive role in the assault on Rio until a later date when they would be used to launch a full scale amphibious attack on the city of Rio De Janero. Until then, the carriers can CAP's and sat steady whilst the smaller vessels performed very, very intricate and careful ASW patrols. The small fleet of Astutes spread out like a ring of steel around the fleet, silent and waiting to deal killing blows against anyone who opened fire on the fleet.

[b]Operation Rolling Thunder[/b]
With the broad scale assault plans withdrawn after the casualties sustained from landmines and other static defences that escaped the aerial bobmardment and artillery fire, the entire offensive was shifted south. The first and second heavy corps, supported by the first light and third medium corps began spearheading into Rio De Janero, meeting little resistance. Opting to travel off the mainroads, whilst more difficult logistically, had prooven wise as the highways were rammed with vehicles barrier to barrier, any of which could contain bombs or other explosives designed to kill and maime Commonwealth Forces.

The first and second heavies moved offroad, with assault regiments at the heads of the advance with helicopters from the 3rd mediums air assault regiments providing recon and fast attack forces. The rest of the forces began moving south after carefully withdrawing from border areas away from the new hotszone, and started making their way to field camps along the southern border as they waited for new orders.

The initial shock of the first wave had worn off the soldiers now enbattled in the region of Rio as firefights sprung up on the lines of advance. The minefield had been the first and last experience of combat for many hundreds of soldiers who now either lay dead in the field, too deep in the mines to be recoverd safely or in a hospital bed with missing limbs and grevious wounds. The hulking ruins of several heavy tanks and a dozen or so lighter armoured vehicles marked the pathway across the border which guided the rest of the units through somewhat safely, although not unscathed. Engineer and Support regiments from the first light corps would spend the next days clearing a path through the minefield using specially designed tanks and the more traditional hand held minesweepers.

The 1st Heavy Corps was tasked with assaulting and capturing Resende once its units were in position to begin the attack, which wouldn't be for three more days.
The 2nd Heavy Corps was tasked with assaulting and capturing Angra Dos Reis once its units were in position to begin the attack, which wouldn't be for another 24 hours.
Elements from the 3rd Med and the 1st Light would assist the two heavy Corps in their objectives.

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[center][b][size="4"]Official Statement by the Atlantic Confederacy[/size][/b]


"It has come to the attention of the unwarranted aggression shown towards the Republic of Gallifrey by the Umbrella Commonwealth, this undue act of aggression against a sovereign state undermines the fundamentals of decent intrastate behavior, and flies in the face of the Gibbs Doctrine. The Atlantic Confederacy will pursue a military campaign henceforth against the Umbrella Commonwealth until it comes to its senses, and withdraws from this senseless aggression, and ensures that peace is restored in South America."


With a grim sense of duty and determination the ships of Task Force [i]Independence[/i] had slipped their moorings off St. Helena, leaving the relative safety of the Athenian island base for the open South-Central Atlantic, heading westward. Leading the clusters of surface vessels, surrounding their aircraft carriers in a protective ring of steel, would be the subsurface elements of the Confederacy's Navy, its well-trained and professional submarine crews, one of the premier services of the Atlantic Confederacy's Armed Services. Carrier Fighter Patrols would be established well-forward of the naval task force, the NF-109 [i]Banshee[/i] fighters flying from their respective aircraft carriers, keeping a sharp eye out for Commonwealth air patrols. The Commonwealth's Navy had been not at all hard to detect, with its anti-submarine warfare activity and active radar being detected by marauding RC-135 ELINT aircraft that were flying patrols from St. Helena, which had withdrawn before the Confederacy's intentions had been fully announced.

Underneath the waves, the submarines of the Atlantic Confederacy, deployed with their advanced anechoic tiling, as well as being well maintained with High Temperature Superconducting (HTS) Degaussing, the magnetic signatures of the submarines that had sailed into the Atlantic would be very hard to detect using alternative mechanisms. The submarine elements of the Confederacy's Navy had some of the best funding of the entire fleet, and thus, were generally the most combat effective vessels in the Navy. The submarines would stay at a range of one hundred kilometers ahead of the fleet as it proceeded westward, the diesel submarines in the lead, moving at a steady but slow rate, their air-independent propulsion systems quietly pushing them through the water.

Above the water, not including the NF-109 [i]Banshees[/i], ASW helicopters would patrol with the submarines, staying underneath the protective curtain of the carrier fight patrols. As electronic warfare aircraft began deploying signals and sensors jammers, using the Guardrail systems, which some of the NF-109s were configured exclusively for, as well as some [i]Phantom[/i] bombers, the first counterattack against the Umbrella forces would begin. Flying from Athenian bases on St. Helena, three full squadrons of [i]Phantom[/i] Strategic Stealth Bombers, complete with NF-109 [i]Banshees[/i] as escorts, deploying DRFM and ECM jamming pods, which was part of their Guardrail jamming system packages installed on the various aircraft. Utilizing one of the many anti-shipping weapons that the Confederacy could employ, the [i]Phantoms[/i] would deploy MT-101ER [i]Marlin[/i] Anti-Ship Weapon Systems, which could be mounted effectively on the [i]Phantom[/i], the extended range [i]Marlin[/i] would use a two-stage booster to get to its targets, but the weapon system was very effective against shipping targets, deploying as a guided torpedo from its missile delivery vehicle at ten kilometers from the target.

Deploying the [i]Marlins[/i] at 1,250 kilometers, a steady stand-off range, the bombers would then turn away back towards the Confederacy's Naval Task Force, hitting their afterburners, while escort fighters covered their retreat back into the safety of the Carrier Fighter Patrols. As the three hundred or so [i]Marlins[/i] would bare down on the Commonwealth's Naval Task Force, using inertial guidance until they reached a respectable distance, the [i]Marlins[/i], using the NEWSNET system, would form their own local network of target selections. A salvo of one hundred UGM/RGM-109 Long Range Anti-Ship [i]Tomahawk[/i] Cruise Missiles would be deployed against the Commonwealth fleet to the west of the Confederacy's Naval Task Force, utilizing various ships and the two guided missile submarines for the strike, which could be timed to arrive only a minute after the strike of [i]Marlins[/i] by the NEWSNET system.

The battle was joined...

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[quote name='TheShammySocialist' timestamp='1334887887' post='2955997']
[center][b][size="4"]Official Statement by the Atlantic Confederacy[/size][/b]


"It has come to the attention of the unwarranted aggression shown towards the Republic of Gallifrey by the Umbrella Commonwealth, this undue act of aggression against a sovereign state undermines the fundamentals of decent intrastate behavior, and flies in the face of the Gibbs Doctrine. The Atlantic Confederacy will pursue a military campaign henceforth against the Umbrella Commonwealth until it comes to its senses, and withdraws from this senseless aggression, and ensures that peace is restored in South America."


With a grim sense of duty and determination the ships of Task Force [i]Independence[/i] had slipped their moorings off St. Helena, leaving the relative safety of the Athenian island base for the open South-Central Atlantic, heading westward. Leading the clusters of surface vessels, surrounding their aircraft carriers in a protective ring of steel, would be the subsurface elements of the Confederacy's Navy, its well-trained and professional submarine crews, one of the premier services of the Atlantic Confederacy's Armed Services. Carrier Fighter Patrols would be established well-forward of the naval task force, the NF-109 [i]Banshee[/i] fighters flying from their respective aircraft carriers, keeping a sharp eye out for Commonwealth air patrols. The Commonwealth's Navy had been not at all hard to detect, with its anti-submarine warfare activity and active radar being detected by marauding RC-135 ELINT aircraft that were flying patrols from St. Helena, which had withdrawn before the Confederacy's intentions had been fully announced.

Underneath the waves, the submarines of the Atlantic Confederacy, deployed with their advanced anechoic tiling, as well as being well maintained with High Temperature Superconducting (HTS) Degaussing, the magnetic signatures of the submarines that had sailed into the Atlantic would be very hard to detect using alternative mechanisms. The submarine elements of the Confederacy's Navy had some of the best funding of the entire fleet, and thus, were generally the most combat effective vessels in the Navy. The submarines would stay at a range of one hundred kilometers ahead of the fleet as it proceeded westward, the diesel submarines in the lead, moving at a steady but slow rate, their air-independent propulsion systems quietly pushing them through the water.

Above the water, not including the NF-109 [i]Banshees[/i], ASW helicopters would patrol with the submarines, staying underneath the protective curtain of the carrier fight patrols. As electronic warfare aircraft began deploying signals and sensors jammers, using the Guardrail systems, which some of the NF-109s were configured exclusively for, as well as some [i]Phantom[/i] bombers, the first counterattack against the Umbrella forces would begin. Flying from Athenian bases on St. Helena, three full squadrons of [i]Phantom[/i] Strategic Stealth Bombers, complete with NF-109 [i]Banshees[/i] as escorts, deploying DRFM and ECM jamming pods, which was part of their Guardrail jamming system packages installed on the various aircraft. Utilizing one of the many anti-shipping weapons that the Confederacy could employ, the [i]Phantoms[/i] would deploy MT-101ER [i]Marlin[/i] Anti-Ship Weapon Systems, which could be mounted effectively on the [i]Phantom[/i], the extended range [i]Marlin[/i] would use a two-stage booster to get to its targets, but the weapon system was very effective against shipping targets, deploying as a guided torpedo from its missile delivery vehicle at ten kilometers from the target.

Deploying the [i]Marlins[/i] at 1,250 kilometers, a steady stand-off range, the bombers would then turn away back towards the Confederacy's Naval Task Force, hitting their afterburners, while escort fighters covered their retreat back into the safety of the Carrier Fighter Patrols. As the three hundred or so [i]Marlins[/i] would bare down on the Commonwealth's Naval Task Force, using inertial guidance until they reached a respectable distance, the [i]Marlins[/i], using the NEWSNET system, would form their own local network of target selections. A salvo of one hundred UGM/RGM-109 Long Range Anti-Ship [i]Tomahawk[/i] Cruise Missiles would be deployed against the Commonwealth fleet to the west of the Confederacy's Naval Task Force, utilizing various ships and the two guided missile submarines for the strike, which could be timed to arrive only a minute after the strike of [i]Marlins[/i] by the NEWSNET system.

The battle was joined...

[quote]We in the Umbrella see this as a bonafide attempt by the Atlantic Confederate dogs to interfere in a South America affair and doctrine be damned. We do not recognise this doctrine so it is not valid. We will destroy your fleet infront of the world, we will rescue your sailors, and nurse them back to health and then send them back to their homes. We do not accept your excuse to go to war with our people, nore do we accept your doctrine as legitimately for the good of the American Continents. Your doctrine may apply to the states of the North, many of which are cowed into submission by your shrew diplomacy and political bullying, but not in the South.

We pity the sailors and airmen you send against us, we pity them because this is not their war, and they will die so your politicians can avoid doing some actual work. We honour them for their bravery I might add. Its a brave person who follows such orders which will get them killed and their country shamed.

May the best man win.

Alice Wesker[/quote]

[b]Central Atlantic[/b]

The Confederacys fleet had been watched since it entered the central Atlantic by satellites aswell as other assets in the SatOp network. It was no surprise when they began shooting, and preparations had already been made for such an occasion. The entire might of the Commonwealths Navy would bear down on the Confederate Fleet as it changed direction and moved to close the distance between the fleets. The stealth bombers also came as no surprise, whilst stealthy and incredibly difficult to see on RADAR, The cluster of bomber aircraft and escorts had been noticed by RADAR operators with the fleet. Too far away to do anything about them before they fired, operators on all the ships took a deep breath and began missile defence systems as screens lit up with missiles from the strikeforce.

The six missile destroyers and seven cruisers went into overdrive as they systematically tracked and engaged the missiles. When the cruise missiles were detected, the five Horizon Class frigates with the fleet joined the surface to air battle against the missiles, something that was fast becoming a race against time. Utilising their specialist systems, each friagate was able to track and engage five times more missiles than their Arleigh Burke and Ticonderoga counterparts.

60% of the cruise missiles would be shot down at range due to their subsonic nature, and 40% of the MT-101ER's were shot down before they reached the point of torpedo delivery. Once in the water, the torpedos would be running gauntlets of noisemakers and other torpedo counter measures. Several would find their targets though, outright sinking four AOE ships, crippling a Guerreiro Class Corvette to the point it was now combat ineffective, sinking another and one dud gave the crew of a battleship puckering bumholes for a few seconds until they realised it didnt detonate. The rest of the cruise missiles, now within lethal range of the fleet would be shot down by CIWS's although two would hit a Queen Class Helicopter Carrier, sending it right to the bottom with all hands. Three submarines were sunk by fluke torpedos beneath the waves. The patrol patterns of these paticular submarines just by chance, placed them in the trajectory of several torpedos. Two were struck and sunk immediately, the third collided with the sinking wreck of the Corvette and it came down ontop of it.

The counter attack against the Confederates fleet proper would be a killing blow. Using land based missile platforms which were changed daily to avoid patterns which could be mapped, nearly two hundred anti ship cruise missiles were launched, specifically targetting the fleet carriers. A second wave of missiles would come from the ASBMs, also kept on the move by TEL's. The ASBM's were deployed in platoon strength around the coastline and unleashed a second volly of 200 ASBMs, 100 of them targetting the capital ships of the Confederate fleet. During the initial deployment of ASBM's, specialised satellites had been deployed to assist the ASBM's targetting computers and guidance systems. Electro Optical satellites, a SAR satellite and three NOSS satellites.

The remainder of the combat effective fleet began firing their own stockpiles of anti ship cruise missiles against the Confederate surface fleet. Between Eight battleships, seven cruisers, six destroyers, 5 supercarriers and 8 helicopter carriers, a further number of 300 missiles were fired, this volly was targetted at the Confederates surface offensive vessels, such as destroyers, cruisers, command ships and frigates.

Submarines would remain silent as the battle above began to kick off some serious firepower.

In total
My losses:
1 Helicopter Carrier 2746 men killed
4 AOE ships 2828 men killed
2 Corvette (combat ineffective but not sunk and one sunk)120 men killed
3 submarines 196 men killed
20+ aircraft.

My deployments:
150 F-35c's
100 GB-2C's
50 GB-2E's
20 Tu-160r's

-8 Queen Class Amphibious Assault Ship (one sunk)
-8 Monarch Class Battleship
-7 Crown Class Guided Missile Cruiser
-3 Uruguay Class Frigate
-4 Horizon Class Frigate
-7 Guerreiro Class Corvette (one disabled, one sunk)
-6 Riograndense Class Guided Missile Destroyer
-15 Astute Class Submarines (3 sunk)
-7 Fast Combat Support Ship (AOE)(four sunk)
-5 King Class Supercarrier

Total of 52 surface ships, 42 are combat effective.

i editted a part out because i thought marlins were aircraft, mybad.

Edited by Zoot Zoot
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[quote name='TheShammySocialist' timestamp='1334887887' post='2955997']
[center][b][size="4"]Official Statement by the Atlantic Confederacy[/size][/b]


"It has come to the attention of the unwarranted aggression shown towards the Republic of Gallifrey by the Umbrella Commonwealth, this undue act of aggression against a sovereign state undermines the fundamentals of decent intrastate behavior, and flies in the face of the Gibbs Doctrine. The Atlantic Confederacy will pursue a military campaign henceforth against the Umbrella Commonwealth until it comes to its senses, and withdraws from this senseless aggression, and ensures that peace is restored in South America."
While Neo Roma will not act against Confederacy forces intervening in the Gallifrey-Umbrella Commonwealth war, we will not tolerate any entry into the territory of Umbrella Commonwealth proper. It would be wise for the Confederacy to remember that they are able to intervene in this conflict because we are letting them.

A general mobilization was ordered. The First, Second, and Third Field Armies were ordered to the NR-UC border, and the remainder of the Fifth Field Army was ordered into former Gallia along with the Third Air Force. The First, Second, Third, and Fourth Fleets were ordered to sea, the First, Second, and Third to the Atlantic and the Fourth to the Pacific side to ensure regional security.

Edited by jeff744
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[center]OOC:Total casualties from missile attacks 1,100 troops dead, 5,000 injured.

[i]"The goal of the UC government was clear, the taking of the state of Rio. Many troops died in the initial attacks and the attacks on the way retreating to Fort Hope, but the men were still willing to fight for their home."[/i][/center]

[center][size="5"][u][b]Ground Operations:[/b][/u][/size]

[b]Operation Pandorica, the greatest trap: [/b]

The first city in the path of the invaders would be one of the most fortified. This city had around 20,000 troops within its borders or the surrounding area. The city was heavily fortified, described by many generals as a defunct fortress. The city was well defended mainly because of the popular officers academy Academia Militar das Agulhas Negras (AMAN). Also being the capital of the southern AAI this city would prove a challenge for any invading force. The first stage is securing the air, SA-17 Grizzly 9A317E AA guns were placed under camo tents in the surrounding forests and mountains. They were also placed under camo tents in the streets of the main city. The active RADAR systems would be shut off until ordered to be turned on. F-22 Raptors from the Eagle Squadron (for air superiority), A-10 Thunderbolts from the Bomber Squadron (For ground attacks), and F-16 Fighting Falcons from the Nobile Squadron (For multi roll fighting) were placed in heavy camo air fields ready to launch when an attack was to come. The planes were turned off along with their RADAR so they would be undetectable until flight. The field would be secure with Grizzly AA guns aswell. The RADAR system used for early warning would be nowhere near the field as it was meant to be a fall back in the event of invasion. The field would be in range for the time of attack. In the event of an air party getting to close training craft and F-14 air frames would be used to lure them away even though they couldn’t fire they would lure as close as possible to an anti-air field.

The second stage of defense would be the ground. In total 20,000 ground troops from the 1st tactical division along with 200 tanks were posted in the area. The main mission is to bring the battle to urban warfare. This would give the home team advantage to the Gallifreyan Army. The sewer tunnels under the city would be the main defense used as weapons caches and medical posts, being large enough for single file only except for a few choke points. Hitting the Tunnels would be one of the hardest jobs in the city, they would be as clean as possible as they have been flushed and there are no civilians flushing toilets. By now the city would be evacuated and clear for military defenses. Select areas in the city would be laced with mines and trip wires and booby traps. The troops would break into small teams using hit and run and lure tactics to weaken invading troops and lure them to streets alleys or buildings with mines in them. Snipers and 50 cal emplacements would be placed on the roofs in large numbers. The tanks would be placed in cover of camo on the hills and in the forest area opposite to the direction the enemy troops were expected to be coming from. The only way to see them is with a keen eye or while they are firing. The larger groups would be given orders to disperse and lure when fire became to much. Men would be placed in grass and bushes ordered to fire whenever a good shot is given. The bridges would be lined with C-4 in the event of one side of the city being overrun the bridges would be blown The tunnels under the city were to be used in guerilla hit and run tactics to hit enemy weak points. On the outside of the city traps would be laces as quickly as they can be dug in as large numbers as possible. In some areas the traps were meant to take out long lines of troops if moving close enough together, The booby traps mostly consisted of Side Closing Traps, Punji Bear Traps, and Punji Stake Pits aswell as Non-Explosive and Explosive Trip Wires and Toe Poppers. The Gallifreyan government would make maps of where these traps and mines were in the capital to prevent civilian deaths, after the war whichever side would win, the civilians wouldn’t be the victims of a governments mistakes. Natural and manmade hiding places would be utilized. The pillboxes while not well armed yet would be used for artillery in the city. In the end this city would be a steel and curtain, one of the most impregnable cities in the rio region thanks to the military tradition. Smoke signals would be used from afar in the event that scouts spotted enemy troops near the area or planes seen by the early warning system. Gallifreyan troops were broken up in small groups that ranged from 15-100 troops in the forests and given commands to scout out enemy positions and move on weak spots and supplies when the advantage to do so is seen. They were also ordered to lay traps in the path of enemy troops and harass the enemy whenever possible. [i]'If the enemy is taking his ease, harass him; if well supplied with food, starve him out; if quietly encamped, force him to move.'[/i]

[i]Example of a Punji Bear Trap[/i]

[i]Example of a Punji Stake Pit[/i][/center]

[i]Example of a side closing trap[/i]

[center][i]Note: These traps are usually tipped with poison or contaminated with any variety of toxins and are barbed.[/i][/center]
[b][center]Angra Dos Reis:[/center][/b]

The city of Angra would be finishing up defenses with a division (20,000 troops) in the area with about 200 tanks. The pillboxes and tunnels would be stuffed with supplies and weapons caches. Anti Air and artillery cover would be finishing up and air defense would be arranged within a few hours. The city would be primed for defense against invaders. A small amount of gas seemed to fill the wetlands of the region. Mines trip wire and traps would be placed in cans or wooden boxes to make them extremely hard to get into. (OOC:I will go more into detail when it gets to attacking that city.I just dont find it relevant to post 50 pragraphs.)

To:The Atlantic Confederacy
From:Lord Ambassafor Valyes[/b][/u]

[i]I am glad that someone is finally assisting Gallifrey in this fight against tyranny in the form of military assistance. If you need anything from Gallifrey or need to use our land in the fight against the Umbrella Commonwealth under an international flag or otherwise, don't hesitate to ask. Again thank you,[/i] [right]-Lord Ambassador Valyes[/right] [/quote]

[quote][b][u]To:The Umbrella Commonwealth
From:The Republic of Gallifrey
[i]Should you need assistance with removing troops too deep in minefields, Gallifrey is willing to assist and take them as POWs to be cared for.[/i]

OOC: Humanitarian Gallifrey ftw

Edited by Isaac MatthewII
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[b]Operation Saturation - Resende[/b]

The relentless slaughter of the Gallifreyan airforce throughout the day had not provided much breathing space for the units on the ground. Whilst Commonwealth casualies were proportionally lower than their OPFOR counterparts, they were still steady. The smoking wrecks of aircraft dotted the landscape across the main battlespace, whilst mainly Gallifreyan, Corporate insigias on many downed aircraft were visible, or the dead body of a Corporate pilot sprawled out and broken besides his bird.

As the battle raged through the day and it became apparent that Umbella had taken the skies along the border and to an extent into the region of Rio and had effectivly routed the Gallifreyan army. Military planners began organising a massive bombing raid against Resende in preparation for the coming assault. It would require the deployment of the entire B-2 fleet against the city. With each plane capable of carrying 80 Mk-82 500Ib bombs, which meant that 4000 Mk-80's would saturate the city with 356,000 kg of Tritonal, or roughly 420,000 of TNT. The Rio air defence was reduced, but not destroyed along the border area so it would be a high risk mission. Casualties were projected minimal.

With such a concentration of strategic bombers, a large escort would be required for the mission. F-22's, whilst now reduced in airborne numbers in the theatres, were running 24 hour missions to maintain the superiority of the battlespace whilst other aircraft such as the Widowmaker II performed air to ground attacks in support of the The First Heavy Corps which had been ground to a total halt as night fell when it neared the first outer strongholds near the city. Bulldog II's, otherwise known as GB-2K's would provide the escort. Essentially an F-22 but better, it was the most advanced high performance air superiority aircraft in the Corporate Air Force.

Using the stealth of both aircraft types and the extremely reduced RADAR and air defence in the area due to the on-going campaign to eradicate the Gallifreyan static defences by strike aircraft, it was relativly easy to fly into Rio and reach Resende. The bombing began at 11pm and as wave after wave passed over the town, the devestation spread. Being a large city of 120,000 people military intel suggested that 90% of all life within 3.5 square miles of the industrial center would be killed in the attack. However, now that the Gallifreyans knew they had been struck back deep, they had a chance to respond and it was not long until the first cries of panic crackled over the radio as a surface to air missile struck a B-2, causing it to go down in the darkness, its crew bailed out and trapped behind enemy lines. More of the fighters went down over the course of the raid from anti aircraft ordenance than bombers but when the raid was over the cost was apparent. Three B-2's and seven Bulldog II's went down, with another ten damaged from shrapnal during explosions. Resende was a massive industrial hub in the Rio region, something that the raid had stopped...hopefully

Operation Orangejuice

The city of Resende would be where the hammer fell first with the Commonwealths first major attack since the border. Under the cover of darkness and the constant aerial attacks by the airforce on the cities outer defences, the leading Mechanised Infantry Regiment from the 1st Heavy Corps had moved into position a few miles West of the outskirts. A force of only 5000 men, they were the first on the scene along with two companies from the 1st's Artillery Regiment.

An artillery volly was fired using Commonwealth satellites to locate the Gallifreyan positions that were easy to find, other positions that were more concealed would take longer to find or would be totally missed by UAV's, JSTARS and Satellites. Four MLRS batteries, 10 AS-90 155mm artillery howizters and twenty five M777 towed 155mm artillery batteries began a thirty minute barrage on the Gallifreyan defences using M982 Excalibur rounds against enemy positions before turning their attention to suppression.

Forward Scimitar II recon armoured vehicles that were crawling towards the outskirts of the city sent back coordinates from their recon squads back to the artillery firebases for fire support, aswell as using the forty man sniper platoon to spot hidden enemy formations and field commanders. Using the GPS guidance to lead the DPICM rounds onto target, the mix of anti armour and anti personel rounds would explode over the enemy positions, peppering deadly munitions across exposed armoured units of the Timelord Forces. AS-90's continued firing the Excalibur DPICM anti armour shells towards the defending enemy whilst the M777's fired excalibre DPICM anti personel shells towards approaching infantry. MLRS batteries continued their suppressive vollys against the enemy artillery and anti air positions.

With UMBRELLA ONE moving out of orbit UMBRELLA TWO began moving into the sector, ajusting itself in space to remain over the battlespace. The MLRS firebases continued to track the now semi mobile towed artillery. A second barrage of rocket artillery lasting another thirty minutes fell on the artillery crews.

The lead Snipers concealed in high rises and concealed positions on the ground slowed their shooting to remain hidden for as long as possibe, shooting only at targets they could definately kill. Priorities were officers and drivers in lightly armoured vehicles.

AS-90's switched from DPICM munitions to SADARM shells, which stood for "Project Sense and Destroy ARMor", which would continue until enemy vehicles and armour were disabled or destroyed. M777's continued furing a mixture of DPICM AP and DPICM AT shells at Peruvian forces.

A platoon of Hector Rapid Deployment Vehicle on the far left flanks of the battle line moved into a right flank formation, bringing direct fire onto enemy forces, using SABOT rounds against armoured vehicles and HE ammunition for large groups of clustered infantry.

Commonwealth snipers not part of the leading edge of the friendly line began setting up across the landscape in key locations of strategic interest, but ensuring to be spread out enough not to arouse suspicion.

Forward recon units and two companies of light infantry moved up to the outskirts along the central line of advance, taking great care to remain hidden, waiting for the order to open fire.

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The counterstrike by the Commonwealth's fleet was to be expected, and as hits appeared to be recorded, as well as the possibility of a submarine hitting crush depth, there was some elation before the Commonwealth launched its own strike against the Confederacy. On board the frigate ACS [i]Wary[/i], Commander Marcia Jenkins looked over at the combat center on the bridge of the frigate as missile warning alarms began firing off. Having gotten her promotion from the Naval Promotion Board only a month before, this most recent action had been her first time at the command of [i]Wary[/i], but this was by far not her first time at sea. Having joined the Navy at the time of independence, Jenkins had worked her way up the ranks, and after serving on the guided missile destroyer [i]Porter[/i] as Lead Officer of the Combat Information Center, she had been selected for promotion and passed the review board with honorable mention.

The twenty-eight year old naval commander strode confidently over to the combat center on board the bridge, and leaned over the chief petty officer's shoulder, looking at the radar scope. She swept a lock of brown hair and tucked it under her watch cap she wore under her helmet; at general quarters, all personnel were to put on standard issue helmets for better protection. She bit her chapped lower lip as she looked at the radar scope, noticing the inbound dots on the long range scope, her blue eyes narrowing as she stood up straight again.

"Vampires inbound, ma'am," noted the enlisted man, named Owens, noticing her presence for the first time. 'Vampires' were typical code for any type of hostile anti-ship missiles inbound on a fleet.

"SATINT just reported launch blooms on mainland South America, ma'am, possible anti-ship ballistic missiles inbound," crackled the voice of Lieutenant Commander Fredrick McCreedy, the Executive Officer or "Ex-O", in charge of the Combat Information Center below-decks.

"Copy that, Ex-O," replied Marcia, as she felt tension rising in the air as the bridge personnel seemed to stiffen their movements. "Helmsman, prepare for evasive action, keep in formation with the [i]Massachusetts[/i]," ordered Marcia, turning to her coxswain, Master Chief Petty Officer Jennifer Rodriguez. As one of the close escorts for the aircraft supercarrier [i]Massachusetts[/i], it was Marcia's job to ensure that the carrier was protected from any threat that could sink her, or reduce her combat efficiency. Although the carriers had plenty of armament to deal with anti-ship missile threats, it only took one missile to cause that powerful edifice to crumble.

"Yes, ma'am," responded Rodriguez, loosening and then tightening her fingers on the helm.

Like all the other vessels in the vast Confederacy fleet, the [i]Wary[/i] was equipped with the cross-branch NEWSNET Battle Network, a warfighting system which could do anything from plot coordinates for an airstrike, to coordinate an entire naval defense. Through threat reduction algorithms, the system was built to counter these large scale missile attacks by coordinating each piece of anti-missile equipment that the Confederacy's fleet possessed. Marcia would stroll to the front of the bridge, looking out to the vast sea, dotted with friendly ships that continued to sail in strict evasive formation. The missiles were out there somewhere, bearing down on them, and the progressive blare of the alarm was giving her a slight headache, and she would be happy when these missiles were disposed of, to ease her tightening head.

"Bridge, CIC, requesting final permission to engage targets when in range," crackled McCreedy's voice over her headset, asking permission of the Captain before engaging was an age-old tradition. The NEWSNET would engage the threats automatically anyways, but it was a tradition that was kept strong anyways.

"Permission granted, give 'em hell for me down there, Ex-O," responded Marcia, keying her microphone as she watched the [i]Hoplite[/i] triple-threat missile defense turrets on the lumbering [i]Massachusetts[/i] beside her begin to rotate outward in preparation for the storm. The missiles were only minutes away, and she felt her own heart begin to race, as she swallowed a breath, and steadied herself, leaning on the bridge console next to personnel busy at work.

"The [i]Massie[/i] is increasing speed ma'am, five knot increase," called out a communications officer, looking over at Marcia.

"Aye, helm, adjust speed accordingly," ordered Marcia, not even looking around at Rodriguez.

"Opening her up ma'am, taking her to full," responded Rodriguez, as she shifted throttles next to her, and the slight reverberations of the frigates' engines seemed to get heavier as the frigate moved to keep alongside the carrier. Marcia watched as plane after plane seemed to be leaving the Massachusetts and other carriers, as per standard procedure, as many planes would be ordered up into the air as possible before inbound missiles got to the ships. Most of the carrier air groups had taken off following the first strike against the Commonwealth's ships, and tanker support from St. Helena would be standing by if something drastic went wrong.

A rather uncharacteristically soothing mechanical female voice rubbed out any leftover reverie that Marcia was in, when it announced, "Vampires inbound, weapon systems engaging, all personnel are reminded to stand clear of missile defenses and remain on General Quarters." The bridge went dim red as combat lights dimmed so that vision could adjust to darkness if power was to be for some reason lost, Marcia would look out to a CCTV screen which was on a loop watching various sections of the vessel. The view switched to a [i]Hoplite[/i] triple-threat missile defense turret, which was rotating outwards, as the first lines of defense began to engage, as radar jamming systems began to come online, microwave emission weaponry would begin to engage the inbound anti-ship missiles with microwave emission systems, focusing their energy to try to destroy electronic systems on the missiles, basically causing the missile to lose guidance and crash, through focused electromagnetic radiation.

The entire fleet seemed to come alight suddenly with the flashes of rolling airframe missiles being let loose in barrages at the anti-ship missiles, Marcia watching her turrets' status report on a screen beside her. The fleet seemed to almost be on fire as the automatic CIWS cannons joined the fray engaging the missiles, the nearby Arsenal Ship [i]Storm[/i], with a host of ten of the [i]Hoplite[/i] systems, seemed to be awash with flashes as it rapidly engaged the inbound targets. For the hundreds of cruise missiles, only three would score some lucky hits, but one of them would haunt the [i]Wary[/i], one of the missiles flew within ten feet of her bow and would strike the side of the [i]Massachusetts[/i], the proud carrier did not stop, however, but her CIWS guns went silent, and Marcia cursed under her breath.

"[i]Massie[/i]'s been hit! We got a hit on the carrier," called out the communications officer, as Marcia grit her teeth.

Composing herself quickly, "How bad?"

"They're moving to ascertain that ma'am, but it might have penetrated one of the hanger decks by the looks of it," responded the Comm Officer, looking at her with a grim face. "But power is knocked out to most of her guns on this side, they might have hit an electrical conduit."

"Keep us in between the [i]Massachusetts[/i] and any other further missiles, helmsman, stay with her!" yelled Marcia, as the frigate's guns went silent, the first wave of missiles having been defeated. The amphibious assault ship [i]Reliance[/i] had also taken a missile through her bow, and smoke could be seen pouring from her bow, but she continued to sail as personnel could be seen scrambling over her decks to do damage control. The heaviest hit taken appeared to be the guided missile cruiser, ACS [i]Portland[/i], who had taken a missile through her stern superstructure, and a fire could be seen burning brightly from her helicopter hanger, where aviation fuel had probably been set alight.

"We got further anti-ship missile launches detected, and we got anti-ship ballistic missiles incoming, ma'am," announced McCreedy, as Marcia watched the frigate's vertical launching system begin to unload its contents skyward, with anti-ballistic missiles going up to engage the incoming threats. Marcia steeled herself as she watched the missiles killers begin to zip skywards, and watched the progress of the battle on her own information screen she had keyed in. The ballistic missiles bore down on the fleet, and would have to run the gauntlet of anti-ballistic missiles that were now being sent skywards in concerted salvos.

"How long until that new wave of anti-ship missiles gets here?" asked Marcia, as she looked upwards towards the sky, watching flashes above them and the streaks of missiles being sent soaring into the heavens.

"About five to ten minutes ma'am."

"Thank you, Ex-O, keep me posted."

"They're trying to fix the electrical systems on board the [i]Massie[/i], the missile struck a main conduit, but they should be able to restore power with a bypass circuit in ten minutes," reported Marcia's communications officer.

"We don't have that kind of time."

"There is a fire in the midsection hanger deck, it is currently being suppressed," he reported.

Marcia just nodded, as she grimaced, when one of the anti-ship ballistic missiles rained down on the ACS [i]Typhoon[/i], an arsenal ship about half a kilometer ahead of their bow, its bomblets raining down on her decks, and the vessel appearing to take some serious damage from the strike. That was when there seemed to be a flash and the force of a blast beside them, and bomblets rained down on the [i]Massachusetts[/i] and scattered over the close-escorting [i]Wary[/i] as well. Marcia ducked down, as did most of the crew as a few of the bridge window panels blew inwards from the force when one of the bomblets exploded on the forward deck of the [i]Wary[/i]. The sounds of battle took a minute to be heard by Marcia, as her ears were ringing from the concussive force of the blast, and she was cursing under her breath as she picked herself up again. The forward deck was pouring smoke, which in turn poured into the bridge, but Rodriguez had seemingly been able to keep pace with the carrier, and the frigate had not lost any speed.

"Damage report!" yelled Marcia, even though she was having a hard time hearing anything over the microphone. "Keep her steady coxswain!" coughed Marcia, as she made her way over to Rodriguez, who had gotten to her feet and was steering the frigate firmly. A couple of personnel were groaning from what appeared to be shrapnel wounds, and a few of the bridge personnel had moved to assist them. "Keep us steady, Jenny!"

"Yes ma'am!" yelled Rodriguez, Marcia barely able to hear her over the din.

"We got possible damage to the magazine, ma'am. Possible fire in the the officers' mess ward," shouted the Communications Officer, communicating with the damage control parties which were probably already in the damaged section of the ship.

"Flood the magazine, we got plenty of other big guns in the fleet," ordered Marcia, as she adjusted her microphone as she heard someone faintly talking on it.

"Skipper, the [i]Massie[/i] took another hit forward," reported McCreedy, over the communications microphone.

"What about the rest of the ASBMs?"

"Most of them missed or were shot down, we still got well over two hundred anti-ship missiles inbound, fleet is ordering a counterstrike," reported the Ex-O, after a few seconds of verifying information.

Marcia coughed and wretched slightly as the smoke continued to billow into the damaged bridge, the [i]Wary[/i] was still battleworthy, and the frigate was still full of fight, as would be demonstrated by her and the rest of the fleet as a counterattack was launched against the Commonwealth forces. The entire fleet seemed to be awash with fire once again as anti-missile systems engaged the oncoming missile threats, while the vertical launch systems began to engage. Extended-range AMS-110 supersonic anti-ship missiles began lifting off out of the vertical launch tubes, nearly three hundred anti-ship missiles would lift into the air from various ships across the fleet. This would coincide with a second strike of two squadrons of [i]Phantom[/i] bombers launching fifty [i]Marlins[/i] from a solid stand off range, with the other [i]Phantoms[/i] doubling back to deliver a last volley of one hundred supersonic anti-ship missiles of their own, which would come in at a higher trajectory then those being fired by the ships. The objective of this multi-altitude strike; overwhelm the missile defense systems on board the Commonwealth fleet.

The submarines would continue to stay quiet, as the Confederacy's fleet would turn to the northwest, engaging the Commonwealth Navy's anti-ship cruise missile strike as they went. As they went into the turn with the [i]Massachusetts[/i], Marcia would suddenly feel herself thrown to the floor of the bridge when the [i]Wary[/i] suffered a missile strike to her midsection near the waterline.

[i]No... it can't end like this[/i], thought Marcia, as she tasted blood in her mouth, one of her teeth having been knocked out by the force of her being thrown to the floor. The lights flickered and went dark, as the [i]Wary[/i] lost power. Around her own ship, the other vessels of the Task Force would continue to move, it was suicide to stop... The [i]Wary[/i] would not be the only vessel to be hit, however. The Corvette [i]Liberty[/i] took an anti-ship missile directly to her forward hull, penetrating a magazine for her main gun and touching off a massive explosion, the vessel would sink rather quickly, the cruiser [i]Portland[/i] would also see itself the victim of yet another strike, taking a missile through her forward superstructure and forcing her to veer out of formation, cut her speed and basically left her weapon systems disabled as the crew fought to save their stricken ship. The fate of the arsenal ship [i]Typhoon[/i] was also yet to be ascertained as a fire caused from a strike of anti-ship ballistic missile bomblets had caused the ship to reduce speed and she was effectively out of the battle for now...

Edited by TheShammySocialist
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Reaction to the news in Pará was much as could be expected. The general opinion amongst the populace was concern over a war breaking out so close to Paraense borders; on the other hand, the reaction in the government was not quite the same. Premier Vieira was more distraught over a second war splitting South America, erupting at such rapid succession in the wake of the prior one between the UC and Peru, regardless of its distance to Pará's borders. So much worse was it that ultimately the only nation that could, and was willing to attempt to put a stop to it was a foreign power, and their military presence could only escalate the conflict. And as for tiny, slowly developing Pará, located just north of the warzone, Vieira was well aware, much to her malaise, that there was very little the Republic could do in hopes of putting a quick halt to the conflict. Calls for diplomacy and ceasefire would likely be ignored outright by the Umbrella aggressors--especially coming from the minor, newborn nation that was the Republic. It was a most distressing situation, especially given Gallifrey had been one of few nations willing to join Pará in its hopes of a cooperative, peaceful South America--hopes that were every day, it seemed, becoming more and more hopeless. In fact, to hell with calls for peace--Vieira was now only hoping the Commonwealth would not pursue once again their nuclear strike policies.

Indecision and distress notwithstanding, however, this war could not go unresponded to, and shortly afterwards Vieira released an official statement.

[quote]The República do Pará is immensely disheartened at the prospect of yet another war on South America's horizon, especially one so unreasonable and uncalled for as the one the Umbrella Commonwealth is waging against Gallifrey. All the more saddening is it that the intervention of a foreign power is required to stabilise the situation. Nevertheless, I implore both parties to seek diplomatic options and call a ceasefire to discuss the reason the Umbrella Commonwealth has launched an invasion against a sovereign South American nation.[/quote]

Meanwhile, the border security--meagre though it was in the first place--was stepped up somewhat. Pará did not have a robust military force by any means, not in regards to equipment and certainly not in regards to numbers, but the possibility was still present that the war right on the edges of Pará's territory could spill over, and the Republic had to be ready for this grave potential situation.

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[quote name='TheShammySocialist' timestamp='1335115602' post='2957186']
The counterstrike by the Commonwealth's fleet was to be expected, and as hits appeared to be recorded, as well as the possibility of a submarine hitting crush depth, there was some elation before the Commonwealth launched its own strike against the Confederacy. On board the frigate ACS [i]Wary[/i], Commander Marcia Jenkins looked over at the combat center on the bridge of the frigate as missile warning alarms began firing off. Having gotten her promotion from the Naval Promotion Board only a month before, this most recent action had been her first time at the command of [i]Wary[/i], but this was by far not her first time at sea. Having joined the Navy at the time of independence, Jenkins had worked her way up the ranks, and after serving on the guided missile destroyer [i]Porter[/i] as Lead Officer of the Combat Information Center, she had been selected for promotion and passed the review board with honorable mention.

The twenty-eight year old naval commander strode confidently over to the combat center on board the bridge, and leaned over the chief petty officer's shoulder, looking at the radar scope. She swept a lock of brown hair and tucked it under her watch cap she wore under her helmet; at general quarters, all personnel were to put on standard issue helmets for better protection. She bit her chapped lower lip as she looked at the radar scope, noticing the inbound dots on the long range scope, her blue eyes narrowing as she stood up straight again.

"Vampires inbound, ma'am," noted the enlisted man, named Owens, noticing her presence for the first time. 'Vampires' were typical code for any type of hostile anti-ship missiles inbound on a fleet.

"SATINT just reported launch blooms on mainland South America, ma'am, possible anti-ship ballistic missiles inbound," crackled the voice of Lieutenant Commander Fredrick McCreedy, the Executive Officer or "Ex-O", in charge of the Combat Information Center below-decks.

"Copy that, Ex-O," replied Marcia, as she felt tension rising in the air as the bridge personnel seemed to stiffen their movements. "Helmsman, prepare for evasive action, keep in formation with the [i]Massachusetts[/i]," ordered Marcia, turning to her coxswain, Master Chief Petty Officer Jennifer Rodriguez. As one of the close escorts for the aircraft supercarrier [i]Massachusetts[/i], it was Marcia's job to ensure that the carrier was protected from any threat that could sink her, or reduce her combat efficiency. Although the carriers had plenty of armament to deal with anti-ship missile threats, it only took one missile to cause that powerful edifice to crumble.

"Yes, ma'am," responded Rodriguez, loosening and then tightening her fingers on the helm.

Like all the other vessels in the vast Confederacy fleet, the [i]Wary[/i] was equipped with the cross-branch NEWSNET Battle Network, a warfighting system which could do anything from plot coordinates for an airstrike, to coordinate an entire naval defense. Through threat reduction algorithms, the system was built to counter these large scale missile attacks by coordinating each piece of anti-missile equipment that the Confederacy's fleet possessed. Marcia would stroll to the front of the bridge, looking out to the vast sea, dotted with friendly ships that continued to sail in strict evasive formation. The missiles were out there somewhere, bearing down on them, and the progressive blare of the alarm was giving her a slight headache, and she would be happy when these missiles were disposed of, to ease her tightening head.

"Bridge, CIC, requesting final permission to engage targets when in range," crackled McCreedy's voice over her headset, asking permission of the Captain before engaging was an age-old tradition. The NEWSNET would engage the threats automatically anyways, but it was a tradition that was kept strong anyways.

"Permission granted, give 'em hell for me down there, Ex-O," responded Marcia, keying her microphone as she watched the [i]Hoplite[/i] triple-threat missile defense turrets on the lumbering [i]Massachusetts[/i] beside her begin to rotate outward in preparation for the storm. The missiles were only minutes away, and she felt her own heart begin to race, as she swallowed a breath, and steadied herself, leaning on the bridge console next to personnel busy at work.

"The [i]Massie[/i] is increasing speed ma'am, five knot increase," called out a communications officer, looking over at Marcia.

"Aye, helm, adjust speed accordingly," ordered Marcia, not even looking around at Rodriguez.

"Opening her up ma'am, taking her to full," responded Rodriguez, as she shifted throttles next to her, and the slight reverberations of the frigates' engines seemed to get heavier as the frigate moved to keep alongside the carrier. Marcia watched as plane after plane seemed to be leaving the Massachusetts and other carriers, as per standard procedure, as many planes would be ordered up into the air as possible before inbound missiles got to the ships. Most of the carrier air groups had taken off following the first strike against the Commonwealth's ships, and tanker support from St. Helena would be standing by if something drastic went wrong.

A rather uncharacteristically soothing mechanical female voice rubbed out any leftover reverie that Marcia was in, when it announced, "Vampires inbound, weapon systems engaging, all personnel are reminded to stand clear of missile defenses and remain on General Quarters." The bridge went dim red as combat lights dimmed so that vision could adjust to darkness if power was to be for some reason lost, Marcia would look out to a CCTV screen which was on a loop watching various sections of the vessel. The view switched to a [i]Hoplite[/i] triple-threat missile defense turret, which was rotating outwards, as the first lines of defense began to engage, as radar jamming systems began to come online, microwave emission weaponry would begin to engage the inbound anti-ship missiles with microwave emission systems, focusing their energy to try to destroy electronic systems on the missiles, basically causing the missile to lose guidance and crash, through focused electromagnetic radiation.

The entire fleet seemed to come alight suddenly with the flashes of rolling airframe missiles being let loose in barrages at the anti-ship missiles, Marcia watching her turrets' status report on a screen beside her. The fleet seemed to almost be on fire as the automatic CIWS cannons joined the fray engaging the missiles, the nearby Arsenal Ship [i]Storm[/i], with a host of ten of the [i]Hoplite[/i] systems, seemed to be awash with flashes as it rapidly engaged the inbound targets. For the hundreds of cruise missiles, only three would score some lucky hits, but one of them would haunt the [i]Wary[/i], one of the missiles flew within ten feet of her bow and would strike the side of the [i]Massachusetts[/i], the proud carrier did not stop, however, but her CIWS guns went silent, and Marcia cursed under her breath.

"[i]Massie[/i]'s been hit! We got a hit on the carrier," called out the communications officer, as Marcia grit her teeth.

Composing herself quickly, "How bad?"

"They're moving to ascertain that ma'am, but it might have penetrated one of the hanger decks by the looks of it," responded the Comm Officer, looking at her with a grim face. "But power is knocked out to most of her guns on this side, they might have hit an electrical conduit."

"Keep us in between the [i]Massachusetts[/i] and any other further missiles, helmsman, stay with her!" yelled Marcia, as the frigate's guns went silent, the first wave of missiles having been defeated. The amphibious assault ship [i]Reliance[/i] had also taken a missile through her bow, and smoke could be seen pouring from her bow, but she continued to sail as personnel could be seen scrambling over her decks to do damage control. The heaviest hit taken appeared to be the guided missile cruiser, ACS [i]Portland[/i], who had taken a missile through her stern superstructure, and a fire could be seen burning brightly from her helicopter hanger, where aviation fuel had probably been set alight.

"We got further anti-ship missile launches detected, and we got anti-ship ballistic missiles incoming, ma'am," announced McCreedy, as Marcia watched the frigate's vertical launching system begin to unload its contents skyward, with anti-ballistic missiles going up to engage the incoming threats. Marcia steeled herself as she watched the missiles killers begin to zip skywards, and watched the progress of the battle on her own information screen she had keyed in. The ballistic missiles bore down on the fleet, and would have to run the gauntlet of anti-ballistic missiles that were now being sent skywards in concerted salvos.

"How long until that new wave of anti-ship missiles gets here?" asked Marcia, as she looked upwards towards the sky, watching flashes above them and the streaks of missiles being sent soaring into the heavens.

"About five to ten minutes ma'am."

"Thank you, Ex-O, keep me posted."

"They're trying to fix the electrical systems on board the [i]Massie[/i], the missile struck a main conduit, but they should be able to restore power with a bypass circuit in ten minutes," reported Marcia's communications officer.

"We don't have that kind of time."

"There is a fire in the midsection hanger deck, it is currently being suppressed," he reported.

Marcia just nodded, as she grimaced, when one of the anti-ship ballistic missiles rained down on the ACS [i]Typhoon[/i], an arsenal ship about half a kilometer ahead of their bow, its bomblets raining down on her decks, and the vessel appearing to take some serious damage from the strike. That was when there seemed to be a flash and the force of a blast beside them, and bomblets rained down on the [i]Massachusetts[/i] and scattered over the close-escorting [i]Wary[/i] as well. Marcia ducked down, as did most of the crew as a few of the bridge window panels blew inwards from the force when one of the bomblets exploded on the forward deck of the [i]Wary[/i]. The sounds of battle took a minute to be heard by Marcia, as her ears were ringing from the concussive force of the blast, and she was cursing under her breath as she picked herself up again. The forward deck was pouring smoke, which in turn poured into the bridge, but Rodriguez had seemingly been able to keep pace with the carrier, and the frigate had not lost any speed.

"Damage report!" yelled Marcia, even though she was having a hard time hearing anything over the microphone. "Keep her steady coxswain!" coughed Marcia, as she made her way over to Rodriguez, who had gotten to her feet and was steering the frigate firmly. A couple of personnel were groaning from what appeared to be shrapnel wounds, and a few of the bridge personnel had moved to assist them. "Keep us steady, Jenny!"

"Yes ma'am!" yelled Rodriguez, Marcia barely able to hear her over the din.

"We got possible damage to the magazine, ma'am. Possible fire in the the officers' mess ward," shouted the Communications Officer, communicating with the damage control parties which were probably already in the damaged section of the ship.

"Flood the magazine, we got plenty of other big guns in the fleet," ordered Marcia, as she adjusted her microphone as she heard someone faintly talking on it.

"Skipper, the [i]Massie[/i] took another hit forward," reported McCreedy, over the communications microphone.

"What about the rest of the ASBMs?"

"Most of them missed or were shot down, we still got well over two hundred anti-ship missiles inbound, fleet is ordering a counterstrike," reported the Ex-O, after a few seconds of verifying information.

Marcia coughed and wretched slightly as the smoke continued to billow into the damaged bridge, the [i]Wary[/i] was still battleworthy, and the frigate was still full of fight, as would be demonstrated by her and the rest of the fleet as a counterattack was launched against the Commonwealth forces. The entire fleet seemed to be awash with fire once again as anti-missile systems engaged the oncoming missile threats, while the vertical launch systems began to engage. Extended-range AMS-110 supersonic anti-ship missiles began lifting off out of the vertical launch tubes, nearly three hundred anti-ship missiles would lift into the air from various ships across the fleet. This would coincide with a second strike of two squadrons of [i]Phantom[/i] bombers launching fifty [i]Marlins[/i] from a solid stand off range, with the other [i]Phantoms[/i] doubling back to deliver a last volley of one hundred supersonic anti-ship missiles of their own, which would come in at a higher trajectory then those being fired by the ships. The objective of this multi-altitude strike; overwhelm the missile defense systems on board the Commonwealth fleet.

The submarines would continue to stay quiet, as the Confederacy's fleet would turn to the northwest, engaging the Commonwealth Navy's anti-ship cruise missile strike as they went. As they went into the turn with the [i]Massachusetts[/i], Marcia would suddenly feel herself thrown to the floor of the bridge when the [i]Wary[/i] suffered a missile strike to her midsection near the waterline.

[i]No... it can't end like this[/i], thought Marcia, as she tasted blood in her mouth, one of her teeth having been knocked out by the force of her being thrown to the floor. The lights flickered and went dark, as the [i]Wary[/i] lost power. Around her own ship, the other vessels of the Task Force would continue to move, it was suicide to stop... The [i]Wary[/i] would not be the only vessel to be hit, however. The Corvette [i]Liberty[/i] took an anti-ship missile directly to her forward hull, penetrating a magazine for her main gun and touching off a massive explosion, the vessel would sink rather quickly, the cruiser [i]Portland[/i] would also see itself the victim of yet another strike, taking a missile through her forward superstructure and forcing her to veer out of formation, cut her speed and basically left her weapon systems disabled as the crew fought to save their stricken ship. The fate of the arsenal ship [i]Typhoon[/i] was also yet to be ascertained as a fire caused from a strike of anti-ship ballistic missile bomblets had caused the ship to reduce speed and she was effectively out of the battle for now...

The naval battle was now well underway with both fleets exchanging missile vollys. As the Commonwealth prepared its second strike the incoming response from the Confederates was detected. The supersonic speed on the AMS-110's caught the fleet by suprise. Once again, the battlegroups missile defences went haywire, shooting down a good portion of the missiles but not all of them. The Corporate Battleship, CSS Leviathan, the ship which had a dud torpedo strike its hull took three of these missiles across the entire aft part, destroying the rear VLS systems and the railguns, not to mention causing massive internal damage to the engines. Reduced to half speed, half her VLS weaponry and her forward turrets, the battleship was a sitting duck for the next wave of missiles which came from a higher altitude, causing confusion amongst the fleets missile defences. The killing blow would come from beneath the waves as two, three, four torpedos exploded beneath the water line and two more supersonic misiles hit the superstructure. Rolling onto its side, the battleship would be the second major loss of the morning, but certainly not the last. Three more battleships suffered similar hits by missiles and torpedos, crippling two of them beyong combat effectivness and the other was dead in the water with only half its systems online to defend itself. The disabled Corvette also took a fatal hit, sending it to the bottom with all hands. Another tanker was hit by a missile causing a massive explosion which tore the vessel asunder.

The response was similiar to the first strike. Another 200 ASBMs, were fired at the Confederate forces, this time targetting the surface vessels as a whole, similiarly, another round of 100 land based anti ship cruise missiles were fired. This time Harpoon missiles launched from coastal quad launchers began their journey towards the OPFOR ships. With a range of 280km, it was as the very edge of the missiles range, experts estimated around 40% would not crash into the sea, the rest would only reach the ships in the Confederate fleet on the western most edges of the battlegroup.

The remainder of the combat effective fleet began firing their own stockpiles of anti ship cruise missiles against the Confederate surface fleet. This time deploying 150 BrahMos supersonic cruise missiles, 150 conventional Anti ship missiles and 100 more TASM's. On the mainland, the airforce had launched four squadrons of Tu-160's which were armed with RBS-15's, long-range fire-and-forget anti ship missiles. The jets, taking off from Florianopolis and Cayenne would arrive at the standoff range of around 250km from the fleet before firing, turning and burning their afterburners to return to base, with no escorts they were quite open to being attacked by the beleagered Confederate Fleet, so being shot down was a very, very real threat. With six missiles per plane, a total of 240 were fired against the surface vessels of the enemy.

The first aerial attacks had begun with five squadrons of GB-3C's, the carrier varient of the Widowmaker II. The WidowmakerC's were ultra high performance multirole strike aircraft, similar to the mission versitility of the FA/18 Superhornet. A second five squadron wave of F-35c's would follow the WidowmakerC's into combat against the Confederate ships.

Widowmakers, with a mixed package of air to air and air to surface weapons were expecting stiff resistance and heavy casualties from the confederate assets already in the air which is why the F-35's were brought in. The 35's were armed with air to air strike packages and their mission was to engage and destroy as many confederate planes in the air as they could.

Expecting to get intercepted at any point between the two fleets, the ten squadrons made their way towards the first major air battle.

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[u][b]Operation Pandorica:[/b][/u] [i]On the ground[/i]

The attack calls over the radio were chaotic. UC bombers were in the air pummeling the ground with more ordinances then the Gallifreyan Army has ever seen. The casualties were around 3,000 dead 5,000 injured in the city and 900 dead in the surrounding areas with 50 tanks destrpyed and 10 AA emplacements. Luckily most of the troops were maintained underground or in pillboxes, trenches or in the mountains and thick forests. The troops would maintain their defensive positions and hold out as long as possible for the support to come in from the air and from the ground forces coming in the next phase. Though a lot of people died in the attacks, the troops still had the advantage of being the home team and still having hit and lure tactics in place. In the dense forest small air strikes would hit groups of about 40-50 men and would kill most of them before the rest scattered. In that field a total or 150 men died. This was it, phase two of operation Pandorica would be activated. The slower force that was being harassed by the Gallifreyan guerilla forces was almost here and the bulked 50,000 troops were about to wedge between the force attacking the city and the force hitting the main city. The troops would come from the east`. Most of them had come from the border defenses that were hit at the beginning of the war, a small amount from the city defense forces in the area. These troops were ordered to wedge in between and cut off the troops attacking the city from their support as much and as long as possible. They needed heavy air support to reach the enemy forces in safety to carry out the operation. The group was split up as Light infantry, carrying the usual weapons a Gallifreyan troop would carry with him, the medium infantry, carrying with him heavier equipment like RPGs or Tank busters, and heavy infantry, carrying stinger tubes for anti-air defense when there was no near AA.Behind them would be a line of deadly steel. SA-17 Grizzly anti-air trucks, 200 Marder 1 IFVs with 7 medium infantry each, and 300 M1 Cerberus would be moving a lot slower but would come in and support the troops as soon as they got there. The troops would have trouble over the rugged terrain but using roads as much as possible to speed the advance to the enemy and the fact that the terrain they travel on the way is a lot less mountainous they should get there in time to wedge in. Once air superiority was gained the troops from the air born division would be dropped to provide assistance. But only when air superiority is achieved.

[u][b]Operation Pandorica:[/b][/u][i] In the air[/i]

The order was finally given, the grounded Republican Air Force was given orders to mobilize and launch as soon as possible. The entire air force was called to arms, this operation would take many Gallifreyan lives but the end result is worth the price in any soldiers mind. In total the assault force would be as follows. 195 F-22 Raptors would begin assaulting the patrols in the Rio air space, each plane armed with RADAR jammers would confuse nearby RADARs and would render them unreliable. For long range RADAR jamming and detection a squadron of AWACS would be divided by twos and covered by half a squadron (6) of F-22 Raptors each. The air force would begin lure and raid tactics on the air patrols smacking the UC air force patrols around each time they were found. Ground anti-air emplacements that were not activated in the Rio region patrolled by the UC air force were all activated to perform ground to air assaults during the all-out attack on the Commonwealth patrols in Gallifrey. The single purpose was to gain air superiority and secure Gallifrey from air raids. Each fighter would be armed with AIM-120 AMRAAM missles for hitting JSTARS and AWACS in the area. Meanwhile the Gallifreyan Air Force in the chaos of the attack on the Rio region would send 240 F-16 Fighting Falcons and 60 F-15E Strike Eagles armed with Harpoon Block 1D air to surface anti-ship missiles for attacking the UC navy, side winders for short range air to air, Aim-7 semi active RADAR homing air to air missiles/HARM air to surface radiation homing missiles, and LANTIRN pods for increased accuracy. Supported by 65 F-22 Raptors armed with a variety of air to air missiles such as the ARAAM and sidewinders for support purposes and 2 squadrons B-2 Spirits packed with chaff and 12 Raduga Kh-15 long range cruise missiles each. Attacks on ships would be performed by the F-15 Strike Eagles and the F-16 Fighting Falcons, the planes would have their own air to air capabilities but would be covered by F-22s which would be doing most of the air to air fighting. The B-2 Spirits would launch right behind the F-16s and F-15s launching chaff to conceal the launch of the anti-ship missiles. Unarmed Cessna planes would fly along as false RADAR signatures and decoys. The B-2s armed with Raduga Kh-15s were ordered to launch them three quarters of the way to the targets as a first strike mechanism. In total 288 of the long range cruise missiles would be launched and would be the first to hit the navy. Needle pricks to the heart as the large metal blow to the head became imminent. This attack was expected to kill many of the UC air force and should establish contest for air superiority in the region and assist the confederate navy in breaking through the UC blockade. These attacks mostly coming from northern Rio so they would not be in enemy detection.


Edited by Isaac MatthewII
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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1335168860' post='2957708']

The Commonwealths air assets in the land theatre was five squadrons of F-22's and five squadrons of Widowmaker II's, multirole strike aircraft that were unprepared for air to air combat due to their strike mission status at the time. AWAC's had detected the enemy airforce as they began turning on their RADAR's and the thermal blooms from afterburners as they lifted off from their airstrips was enough to worry the Air Commanders.

As the Widowmakers fled the scene back to the Commonwealth airstrips in Sao Paulo, the fifty F-22's turned and flew to high altitudes, stacking in squadrons every thousand feet from 40,000 feet to 45,000 feet as they raced to meet the Gallifreyan airforce in direct combat. Each armed with two AIM-X sidewinders and 6 AIM-120 AMRAAM's, they had enough firepower to hold their own until the reinforcements arrived, their superior combat experience would prove to be valuble assets in this fight which had them outnumbered 4:1. As the first enemy aircraft came into range, the squadrons, using their data transfer links recieved minor disturbance from the enemy attempts at electronic warfare, but their own countermeasures stabilised the targetting systems. They Gallifreyan attacks on the Commonwealth jets exposed their positions on RADAR which resulted in the Commonwealths response in firing standoff missiles at the first enemy jets that came into range. As the two air forces would collide a deadly dogfight would follow, in the opening minutes, seven F-22's were shot down and two damaged.

Back in Sao Paulo, the Commanders began scrambling everything they head to destroy the enemy airforce now that it had revealed itself. A further ten squadrons of F-22's would be launched aswell as the entire fleet of GB-2K Dedicated Ultra High Performance Air Superiority Fighters, also known as Bulldog II's. To assist these 250 fighter planes into the battle now raging over Rio, five squadrons of GB-2E Dedicated EW platforms were sent up to support the aircraft and suppress any and all enemy aircraft with their advanced, specialised EW suites. A further ten squadrons of Widowmaker II;s fitted with air to air was launched bringing the total air units into the theatre to 450.

By the time these would reach the theatre, the embattled F-22's already in the airspace over Rio fighting the massive numerically advantaged Gallifreyan airforce, it was down to half strength, with only around 25 planes left. As the reinforcements arrived onto the scene and began attacking the enemy airforce, the surviving F-22's fled the area, retreating a hasty retreat back to Sao Paulo to re-arm and return to the fight with the Widowmaker II's that had fled Rio which were still being armed for air to air combat.

As the opening missile vollys began with the arrival of the airborne reinforcements.

The F-22s flew over the battlespace below radar. The stealth fighters would use their AESA to transmit signals of enemy aircraft and ground forces in the battle space. They would use their electro optical infrared sensors to attempt and find enemy stealth fighters. This would be supplemented by OTH and multi-static radars in Sao Paulo which were capable of finding the general location of stealth aircraft allowing the F-22s to make more precise search. These targets if found would be engaged by IR missiles, the electro optical IR sensors designed specifically to defeat IR countermeasures thus increasing the kill rate.

Fifteen Squadrons of Bulldog II's moved into the battle with four GB-2E's escorting each squadron. The GB-2E's would use their onboard jamming equipment supplemented by ECM pods to jam enemy radar and transmit false positions confusing enemy air defenses while transmitting false locations back. The GB-2E's would also pick up on enemy radar signals of the Galliffreyan Air Defense network’s SAM launchers and ground based radar. A pair of HARMs were launched at each of these locations. Targeting information was also given to ground based cruise missile launchers operating across the border in Sao Paulo. BGM-109G cruise missiles were launched against these sites as well while the GB-2E's were suppressing enemy missile defenses and fighters.

Widowmaker II's would fire stand off air to ground munitions on enemy runway seeking to crater the runways and fill the runways further hampering the ability to scramble air force units. GB-2's and Widowmaker II's would then use their remaining weapons, air to air missiles to assist in air superiority for the duration of the assault.

Two twelve plane squadrons of B-1Rs were equipped with LRAAMs and fired off the weapons in rapid volleys from friendly air space against enemy air units that the F-22s had lock-ons. Two more B-1R squadrons were also brought into the area.

The battle, like the naval battle was proving to be epic in scale, whilst two AWAC's and one JSTAR had been shot down, the fighting ability of the airborne forces were not diminished too much. Superior experience in air combat provided during the Peru-Commonwealth war and numerical superiority would [i]hopefully[/i] destroy the OPFOR air fleet, but at heavy cost to Commonwealth Forces, and that was best case senario.

Out to sea, the fleet was blindsided by the Gallifreyan B-2 attack with the cruise missiles, expecting attacks from the Confederate Fleet was one thing, but this was another entirely. Already slugging it out with the enemy fleet, the fresh attack brought about the response that was standard. The fleets anti missile counter measures were going crazy as they began launching interceptor vehicles to shoot down the incoming missiles and as one by one they dropped, the close defence systems such as the HELLADS, THEL systems and CIWS cleaned up the rest, the losses were minimal. Given the aged status of the missile which was withdrawn from Russian service before the great change, it was no surprise that many that were not shot down, missed and crashed into the sea. Still, several got lucky hits. Another Amphibous Assault Carrier was sent to the bottom after being struck multiple times, two more corvettes were sunk and one of the incapacitated battleships took a hit to its superstructure, leaving a gaping hole in the upper levels of the ship, further hampering its ability to defend itself, it was only a matter of time before it took a critical hit and sank. One of the disabled battleships finally succumbed to the ocean waves after being hit three more times, it was a matter of minutes until it went down.


Total losses so far:
40+ F-22's
2 Helicopter Carrier 5492 men killed
4 AOE ships 2828 men killed
5 Corvettes 600 men killed
3 submarines 196 men killed
4 battleships (2 sunk, 1 incapacitated beyond combat effective, 1 disabled with minimal systems operation) 2400 men killed

Edited by Zoot Zoot
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[14:10] <Isaac> though I think his casualties were understated
[14:10] <Isaac> I mean it was hundreds of missiles
[14:11] <TheShammySocialist> His aircraft casualties weren't too bad.
[14:11] <TheShammySocialist> His ship casualties need a few more

carriers are my main target

Edited by Isaac MatthewII
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[quote name='Isaac MatthewII' timestamp='1335215675' post='2957907']

[14:10] <Isaac> though I think his casualties were understated
[14:10] <Isaac> I mean it was hundreds of missiles
[14:11] <TheShammySocialist> His aircraft casualties weren't too bad.
[14:11] <TheShammySocialist> His ship casualties need a few more

carriers are my main target

You used cold war era anti ship, rocket propelled. Cruise missiles. Inaccurate at best, not to mention, Russian, so not exactly reliable. You also never said you were hitting my carriers. Hundreds of missiles coming in from the same direction in a cluster are easily shot down.

You sank a support carrier, which by the way, was not a one hit wonder, two corvettes and essentially disabled another battleship, a ship I might add that was designed to absorb attacks like a sponge before sinking.

We have an OOC thread for a reason, please use that in future or wait until I am on IRC and talk to me then, bloody sick of every other of your posts being OOC.

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As the battle seemed to leave a string of disabled and sinking ships behind it, including the disabled and powerless [i]Wary[/i], the Confederacy's fleet might have been bloodied, but it was still full of fight and even with the [i]Massachusetts[/i] having half her deck damaged by bomblets from an ASBM, the fleet was still well-over combat effectiveness. None of the submarines had engaged, and many surface ships were still operational, including all of the Confederate Task Force guided missile destroyers, and their next strike would engage the Commonwealth's with a unmistakeable fury, eager to make the Commonwealth pay its own pound of flesh for the damage it was doling out. That would have to wait for a few minutes as the Commonwealth's second counterattack came at the Confederacy's fleet, including for the first time, a full range of aircraft.

The Tu-160s incoming on the Confederacy's fleet would be tracked by over-the-horizon radar as well as onboard frequency-hopping radars on board the advanced [i]Phantom[/i] fighters, as well as less-stealthy, but still dangerous [i]Ghost[/i] VTOL fighters flying from the amphibious assault vessels, all of them flying in small picket groups about one hundred kilometers from the fleet, to avoid undue detection from the Commonwealth fighters and ships. As the Tu-160s began their attack runs, and made the turn for home, they would suddenly find themselves engaged by AAM-37 (similar to the R-37) extreme beyond-visual-range air-to-air missiles, the missiles using active homing on their terminal guidance, and being updated in flight by datalinks via the NEWSNET system. The [i]Ghost[/i] fighters would launch the counterstrike, with twenty of the VTOL fighters sending two of their externally-mounted AAM-37 each, after the Tu-160s in a headlong, fast-paced chase, the Mach 6 missiles would be able to catch up to the Tu-160s, even with their afterburners at full throttle.

As the Commonwealth's fighter contingent began to draw in on their Confederate adversaries, over-the-horizon radar would provide a warning that aircraft were inbound, and electro-optical infrared detection devices began to scan for their adversaries, and the Confederacy's naval fighter contingents began to converge for a multi-altitude, multi-direction interception mission. Instead of being clustered together in a single group, groups of Confederacy fighters would begin engaging the Commonwealth's inbound fighters from various directions, some of the fighters selectively switching on onboard digital radio frequency memory (DRFM) jamming pods, intended to play haywire with the radars of the inbound Commonwealth fighters, some of the other fighters employing their active-cancellation pods, which would mess with the phasing of the return radar echoes.

Instead of flying into a straight line of interceptor aircraft, the Commonwealth aircraft would essentially fly into what would be a well-rehearsed triple envelopment, as close to one hundred and twenty [i]Phantom[/i] fighters suddenly began assaulting the groups of aircraft in droves. As the [i]Phantoms[/i] flew ahead of them, the [i]Ghost[/i] fighters would launch a barrage of nearly sixty long range AAM-37s to seek out the Commonwealth aircraft and open the battle. At random, the [i]Phantoms[/i] would engage with MICA-IR at mid range, not engaging to combat speed yet, the mid-range MICA-IRs using their infrared seekers at terminal stage to engage the Commonwealth aircraft, as well as employing Meteor air-to-air missiles. The groups of Commonwealth F-35s would find themselves engaged mainly from the north and south, with infrared missiles being sent forward to seek out the less stealthy F-35s, whose stealth signature was characteristically more effective from the front. The [i]Phantoms[/i] would use their superior speed and maneuverability, built mainly as air superiority aircraft rather than multiroles, to move in, whilst more firing volleys of MICA-IRs and IRIS-Ts on the F-35s at high speed to engage them in close range dogfights, where the F-35 was characteristically more of a liability. The Commonwealth fighters would not only find themselves engaged by missiles and guns, microwave emission weapons would also make themselves known, aimed at frying circuitry on board the Commonwealth aircraft, as well as frying electronics on inbound missiles if targeted quickly enough.

Not only would the Commonwealth aircraft face opposition from the naval fighter contingents of the Confederacy, the naval task force would do its own part to help out its overhead protection, utilizing direct links via the NEWSNET system, the arsenal ship ACS [i]Storm[/i] and two guided missile destroyers and two frigates would put up a volley of fifty RIM-174X Standard ERAMs. The RIM-174Xs would be guided to their targets via onboard tracking systems utilized by the Confederate fighters which were tracking the Commonwealth aircraft more clearly now that they were moving into engagement range.

The Commonwealth ASBMs had attracted the attention of the Confederacy's Strategic Command, and a furious effort was made to map the satellite constellation that had passed over the Confederacy's fleet, which would be ascertained by the time a second wave of ASBMs were launched on the Confederacy's fleet. The [i]Storm[/i]'s sister arsenal ship, [i]Hurricane[/i], would launch a volley of fourteen RIM-161G missiles rigged for anti-satellite missions. The Confederacy's own fleet of strategic satellites had been hard at work as well, and tracking systems confirmed the trajectory of the satellites guiding the ASBMs onto the Confederacy's fleet, and would engage the satellites with a vengeance.

The anti-missile systems would spin up once again on the Confederacy's fleet, and the fleet would engage all the inbound missiles with everything they had, destroying many of the missiles before they could make it to the fleet. The microwave emission weapons concentrating on supersonic weaponry to neutralize the more dangerous missiles, but the fleet would still take debilitating casualties, including another strike which would incapacitate the already damaged [i]Massachusetts[/i] and forced her to begin a retreat northeast towards St. Helena, escorted by the damaged, but still combat effective [i]Typhoon[/i]. The [i]Typhoon[/i] suffered another missile strike which wiped out two CIWS turrets and put a block of thirty VLS tubes out of commission. The amphibious assault vessel [i]Stalwart[/i] would take a missile through both her bridge and stern, and would cause a fire that forced the landing ship's crew and Marines of the 1st Brigade, 1st Marine Division to fight for their very lives against a fire threatening a reservoir of aviation fuel. The corvettes [i]Freedom[/i] and [i]Independence[/i] would also suffer missile strikes, the latter, the lead ship of her class, left dead in the water and taking on water, the former disabled and down to running on one engine, having to limp northeast with the [i]Massachusetts[/i]. A fast combat support, [i]Cayuga[/i], would take a volley of three supersonic missiles in quick succession and be blown apart when one of the missiles touched off an aviation fuel tank right amidships of her centerline, the explosions compounded by ammunition and missiles, which created a huge fireworks show, the [i]Cayuga[/i], blown into two jagged pieces, would sink almost immediately taking all hands with her, watched by much of the fleet.

The counterstrike would almost be immediate and relentless as the first counterstrike, with the Commonwealth fleet now facing a new ace being introduced to the battlefield; the destroyer- and frigate-launched AMS-110HS hypersonic anti-ship missile. The destroyers and frigates would launch a volley of thirty hypersonic missiles at the Commonwealth fleet, primarily aimed at the larger surface radar echoes, the AMS-110HS's being armed HDRM-tipped high-explosive warheads, which would provide more punch when the missiles struck home. Standard supersonic AMS-110s would be fired along with the hypersonic missiles, mixed in with the hypersonic missiles, and instead of attack the piecemeal, the missiles were all timed to strike the Commonwealth fleet at the same time. The [i]Typhoon[/i] would essentially empty her entire anti-ship VLS armament at the Commonwealth vessels, with one hundred of the AMS-110s coming from her tubes alone before she turned to head northeast with the [i]Massachusetts[/i]. The rest of the fleet would add an additional two hundred and fifty AMS-110s to the attack, the missiles flying out as the clash continued to hammer both fleets.

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The fleet was now in a bad way, with two battleships sunk and two essentially disabled, two support carriers down and five corvettes, it was a hefty job to remain fighting to the fleets fullet potential. Orders were sent to the Fleet off the coast of Guyana which was based in Galveston to make best speed to the battle to strike the Confederate Forces from the rear. It would take at least another day for the fleet to be within range to use its long range missiles.

The aerial strikeforce was getting carved up and they were ordered to scrap the mission and get the hell back to the ships before they got destroyed, something which was fast underway. The Widowmakers, being at the rear of the formations peeled back and withdrew with very little losses, but the F-35's suffered tremendous losses against the hail of missiles and cannon fire from the enemy fighters, combined with support from their own battlegroup, thirty two of them were shot down with seven more only just having enough power left in the engines to make it home.

The Tu-160 fleet suffered massivly aswell, twenty two out of forty planes were shot down and two more would make emergency landings as they reached the mainland.

The naval counterstrike was devestating to the fleet. Whilst none of the frigates, destroyers or cruisers had been hit yet and were keeping the fleet relativly safe from missile attacks, the next volly would cause the people back home in the Commonwealth to weep in the streets.

The combined usage of hypersonic and subsonic missiles baffled missile defences as the fought to defend the battlegroup, but for the sypersonic missiles, it was too late. CSS Montevideo, the first supercarrier commissioned by the Commonwealth was sunk. Taking massive hits from the high speed missiles, most of which had evaded the missile defences, she sank aft first, her gargantuan hull spearing out of the ocean like a great metallic whale caught mid jump in the air. Tiny figures of sailors jumping off or sliding down the decks only to be killed by a falling aeroplane. The missile which dealt the killing blow, would of finished off another battleship had the carrier not sank the way it did. The missile caused a critical system meltdown of the two reactors. The resulting explosion finished her off, aswell as the three closest ships which happened to be two more corvettes and another AOE ship. As the rest of the missiles were shot down or struck warships, everybody asked the same question.

"Did they deploy a nuclear tipped missile"?

The Atlantic Confederacy was not Peru, and they had nukes of their own, a nuclear strike against their fleet was on the board... but not until the Fleet Commander got a message through to the Confederate Fleet.

This is Admiral Dexter Juan Da Gama, Commanding Officer of the Umbrella Commonwealth Battle Fleet that had been exchanging blows with you this morning.
One of your missiles, a hypersonic one I believe from what my wide eyed missile defence engineers are telling me, may have been nuclear tipped. CSS Montevideo was hit by a dozen or more of these missiles and began to sink, before another missile struck it. The resulting explosion was either a partial nuclear yield or a tactical warhead OR it struck something inside which caused a catastrophic meltdown of the reactors.

Please confirm it is the latter, and nuclear ordenance was not deployed against my fleet. We are both Navy men, the senior service. We are gentlemen so let us act like Gentlemen. My second request is a forty eight hour ceasefire to save as many lives as I can from the ocean.

Admiral Dexter Juan Da Gama[/quote]

No counterstrike would be made this time. Something unforseen had thrown everything into disarray.

Whilst a response was waited for, helicopters from the AAC's were deployed and RHIB's and assortments of smaller boats and landing craft were deployed out into the seas to rescue as many as they could. Two hospital ships from Montevideo began heading at flank speed to the fleet as the flight decks on the support carriers filled filled up with tents for wounded and dead sailors.

[b]Alice dispatched a massage to New Panama:[/b]

[quote]My fleet is in trouble and tens of thousands are dead. Send your fleet and meet Admiral Rizla off the coast of Guyana with his carrier strike force. Make no public statement yet, just send everything you have.


Edited by Zoot Zoot
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[center][u][b]Operation Pandorica:[/b][/u] [i]In the air, phase I[/i][/center]

The surprise attack was counted a success. The mission was clear and it was achieved. The GRAF F-22 Raptors in the Rio region reported a total of 55[b]*[/b] downed F-22s and 8 ejected pilots MIA in the Gallifreyan jungle, and 8[b]*[/b] AWACS before they were ordered to retreat once the mission was accomplished. The planes would continue with their RADAR jamming signals and that of the AWACS as well as flying low, all to avoid detection as they leave the Rio area and return to their air fields. The GRAF in the sea reported 40[b]*[/b] downed F-22s, 40[b]*[/b] F-16s, 15[b]*[/b] B-2s, 25 F-15s[b]*[/b], and 25 Cessnas. The GRAF in the area retreated before they were completely wiped out but in the mind of the Gallifreyan troops, giving the Atlantic forces the edge in the area was worth it. The craft used stealth tactics to retreat once they hit land they would be covered by AA and would meet up with the F-22s inland to fight off any stragglers attempting to chase them. The air craft were to return to base and go back under cover. Though it was out of range the assumed the possibility of being followed. They would take false directions in case they were being tracked and UAVs would fly the opposite way to make sure they weren’t. Their losses in men were heavy but most of the losses in material were replaceable. The anti air emplacements in Gallifrey took losses during the battle even though the UCAF was distracted by the GRAF attack. A total of 60 AA emplacements were destroyed or rendered useless[b]*[/b]. It was time to begin phase 2 of the air assult.


[center][b][u]Operation Pandorica:[/u][/b] [i]In the air, Phase II[/i][/center]

The GRAF pilots landed a few hours later, they knew what was coming next. A volunteer cycle would see which pilots would want to go on the next mission and which would want to stay behind and be replaced by pilots that didn’t fly the mission before. Meanwhile the planes were being refueled and rearmed and they went through a short inspection. Most of the pilots got sleep all day the day before so other than adrenalin none of them were really affected by being up for the past few hours, after the volunteer cycle the troops suited up and got ready for the next battle. Out of the pilots 60 were replaced. A large number wanted to avenge their dead comrades in the last battle. Some just wanted to do their part in the fight. This assault was expected to regain air superiority for the Gallifreyan region of Rio under the GRAF. The assault would be massive and would require planes from the Atlantis shipment to total out the pilots that would volunteer. In total the force for air to air fighting would be: 260 F-22 Raptors armed with AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles in the side bays, AIM 120C AMRAAM missiles, in variations. 240 F-16 Fighting Falcon armed with AIM-120 AMRAAM missiles, AIM-9L Sidewinder missiles, and a LANTIRN Targeting Pod. 55 F-15 Strike Eagles armed with AIM-120 AMRAAM missiles, and a LANTIRN Targeting Pod for increased accuracy. The total force for air to ground fighting would be: 60 B-1s armed with a Sniper Pod for increased accuracy, GBU-31: Mk84 bombs fitted with JDAM, AGM-154 JSOW missiles for standoff range attacks, aswell as AN/ALQ-161 radar warning and defensive jamming systems to give out false locations. 50 B-2 bombers armed with JDAM-84s and JSOWs. A-10 Thunderbolts armed with AIM-9 Sidewinders for personal air to air defense, AGM-65 Mavericks for ground targets, BL755s, Lockheed Martin Sniper XR targeting pod, AN/AAS-35(V) Pave Penny pods to receive info from the ground in Resende, and MK 77s. 15 AWACS to perform RADAR warning and defensive jamming ops with a larger band then the last time to cause further problems for the Umbrella air force and 20 AC-130 Spectres. The main target was the securing of the area of Resende and of the army marching to wedge in between the ground forces that are supporting the effort to take Resende, and to maintain this. After the bombers dropped their armaments they would leave the fight and allow the air superiority fighters to do their jobs. This would cause many deaths on the Gallifreyan side, but the Umbrella losses are calculated to be a lot larger from the over whelming force and the fact that the UC air force would be exhausted from just fighting and taking anti air fire all day. UAVs would fly ahead low and fast to find troops for targeting and troops in Resende would laze targets from the ground. The troops on the ground were very near their destination to hit the enemy on its way.


[center][b]Gallifreyan propaganda videos were displayed throughout the country and on the internet.[/b][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2giBxorj880"][Propaganda film][/url][/center]
[center][b]Aswell as civilian made anti war videos:[/b][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zcps2fJKuAI&ob=av2e"][Civilian made][/url][/center]

[size="5"][u][b]OOC:* Edited[/b][/u][/size]

Edited by Isaac MatthewII
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"This is Atlantic Armed Services Radio Network, with another shout-out to our hard-fighting sailors and marines in the South Atlantic, this request comes from Nina Turner, of Marblehead, Massachusetts, the lovely wife of Lieutenant Brendan Turner serving on board one of our many proud ships. In addition to requesting a song for you Brendan, Nina wants me to tell ya' that she and the kids can't wait until you ship back home, and that you better come back in one piece so she can give you lots o' loving. This one is for you, matey, we're bringing you back a little time here, to bring you one of Quincy's own, this is Dropkick Murphy's, with [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsxcZol_FEE][i]Shipping up to Boston[/i][/url], hopefully we'll see the fleet ship back to Boston, this is Technical Sergeant Rodney Brown, and you're listening to Atlantic Armed Services Radio Network."

The sound of bagpipes and drums would emanate around the crowded and busy bridge of the ACS [i]Maine[/i], the supercarrier flagship of Task Force Independence, which, although bloodied, was certainly not out of the fight. With naval fighter aircraft returning from pushing back an aerial thrust by the Commonwealth's naval air arm, casualties were accounted for, overall, they were light, only thirteen [i]Phantoms[/i] had gone down, along with three [i]Ghost[/i] VTOLs, and most of the pilots were accounted for and were being recovered by low-flying SH-60 Seahawk Utility Helicopters which plied the air above the waters close the scene of the aerial battles, any Commonwealth pilots sound in the vicinity would also be picked up and treated fairly and their wounds would be tended to once they got back to the fleet.

The Umbrella Commonwealth's message would arrive amidst the scene of organized chaos, as flight operations continued below, and recovery operations continued to be coordinated from the [i]Maine[/i]'s bridge, all the while the blaring music of Dropkick Murphy's creating an ambient atmosphere that, despite the grim business, added a certain jaunt to everyone's step, and helped keep energy levels high. The normal sailor in the Confederacy's Navy was no stranger to the sea, many of them had plied it on fishing boats from various small towns and villages that dotted the entire coastline of the Confederacy, they were tough hardened salts who spent their weekends and summer vacations from the time they were twelve until they were old enough to be conscripted into the Navy on fishing vessels. The sea was their second home, they were at home amongst the waves and salt that seemingly clung to their faces once they dried from the spray, and the Admiral commanding the fleet was no different; Vice Admiral Charles "Chuck" Sumner was a middle-aged seaman who had served in various capacities the navies of various nations that inhabited the New England region for nearly two decades. Having grown up in Marblehead, Massachusetts, a town rich in tradition of seafaring lore and exploits, he was drawn into the naval services at a young age and had never looked back.

Sumner would look at the Commonwealth's message with a grim look on his face, as he conferred with his onboard staff; there was certainly no release of nuclear weaponry by the Confederacy's fleet, which had been armed for conventional combat since the campaign had begun. The second request for a forty-eight hour cease fire would be sent up the command ladder to Joint Command Lexington for further orders, but the seemingly peaceful atmosphere had seemed to overcome the naval battlefield when the Commonwealth forces did not return fire a third time on the Confederacy's fleet. It was also apparent that the Commonwealth's fleet had been well bloodied by the action, but the Confederacy's naval force had yet to complete its objective, and a cease-fire only between the Commonwealth and Confederacy would possibly make that objective unattainable, but it also had its own advantages.

Upon receiving a message back from Joint Command Lexington, the stalwart flag officer would flash an open message back to the Commonwealth's Admiral De Gama;

[quote]The Atlantic Confederacy has a strict policy on usage of nuclear weaponry, and nuclear first strikes, whether tactical or strategic, are only initiated if it is clear that the other side will deploy nuclear weaponry against the Confederacy itself, or its armed forces. None of the weaponry sent at you Admiral was armed with nuclear or radiological warheads, the weaponry we have been using are conventional weapons. It is therefore likely to concede that the explosion on your vessel was the result of a reactor going critical after being damaged by our strikes.

As for your request for a forty-eight hour cease fire, we can honor such a request, but we request that this cease fire be also extended to include your land forces and those of Gallifrey. This is not a prerequisite for our acceptance of the terms of a cease fire, and we will observe these terms, even if they are not extended to the other side of this conflict, but do ask that they be extended to these sides out of common decency.[/quote]

As this message was sent out, repair depot ships [i]Renew[/i] and [i]Restore[/i] were already making an about face towards the cruiser [i]Portland[/i] and frigate [i]Wary[/i], both left behind the naval task force by nearly fifty nautical miles. As depot ships, these ships also acted as hospital ships, and their sister ship, [i]Reinvigorate[/i], as the designated hospital ship, had already taken on casualties, along with the hospitals on board the amphibious assault ships. The fleet would continue to ascertain the damages done to it, as further auxiliary ships would get the call to make their way to the fleet with the cease fire in effect, to help resupply the vessels as well as treat the wounded and look into the damages. A supply convoy which had left Savannah, Georgia nearly seventy-two hours before, had already rendezvoused with Task Force [i]Liberty[/i], a carrier task group operating in the Central Atlantic, and was already en route to St. Helena with further supplies and equipment, with Task Force [i]Liberty[/i], minus a few of her submarines, providing close escort for the convoy of fifteen vessels of various roles and sizes.

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