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For The State

Tibus Heth

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Tibus Heth, Executor of the Caldari Providence Directorate and de facto leader of the Caldari State, sat alone in the waiting room of the Tianxia diplomat's office, in Sri Lanka. He fanned himself with a plain brown filing folder that bore neither label nor seal. The breeze it created was slight, though it was a gust compared to the pitiable whimper of the room's only air conditioner. The climate in the region was stifling, though Tibus had grown accustomed to it. In his youth, he often dreamed of visiting northern lands, where snow, ice and mild summers were common. But they were the dreams of a foolish boy, replaced now by a singular purpose; the unification of the Caldari people and establishment of it's own State. However, Tibus' power was not absolute. He had of course required the support of the three largest megacorporations in the land. Kaalakiota, being the oldest of the three, had pledged it's support only on the basis of Tibus Heth's promise to return the Caldari people to a system of meritocracy, and corporate citizenship. Nugoeihuvi was a different matter altogether. No doubt suspected of having ties to the Intaki syndicate, - Caldari's largest criminal network - they too pledged support along with their vast manufacturing centers and economic power to boot. Last to fall in line, was the proud Ishukone corporation, one of the weaker corporations of the Caldari people. Following the acquiescence of both the Kaalakiota and Nugoeihuvi corporations, the Ishukone corporation pledged it's hi tech research divisions to the cause and it's inexhaustible academic prowess as well. The ingredients were present for the making of a powerful new nationstate. One that would unite the people of Sri Lanka under a unified State. A Caldari State.

A knock at the door startled Tibus out of his headspace. He scrambled to replace the thoughts of the future, with those of the present. An aide to the chief diplomat peeked her head in the door. "Sir? Mister, ah…" she trailed off, taking another puzzled glance at the appointment list she carried. "Mister Heth"?

"That's correct." Tibus said, rising from his seat. Walking towards the door, the aide guided him down a short hallway, and opened two large oak doors, leading into an ornate conference room. Stepping through the doorway, the aide closed the doors behind him, and he heard hurried footsteps down the hallway towards the waiting room. A large black onyx desk sat in the middle of the room, at one end sat a man in a black suit, with a blue tie. Immaculate as his appearance was, he too appeared to be suffering from the humid climate of the region.

Motioning him to sit, the man spoke.

"Please Mr. Heth, take a seat." He pulled a manilla envelope from underneath the table and examined it's contents thoroughly before speaking.

"We have reviewed your claim to sovereignty, and while my government does not agree with your policies," the man took a sip of the glass of water that Tibus didn't notice was sitting to the man's left.

"we do feel that the Caldari people have a right to self governance. So long as things remain...quiet here, we shall not intervene." the Man stood up, and Tibus did likewise. They shook hands briefly.

"Thank you, ambassador. Please convey my gratitude towards the Tianxia government." Tibus spoke carefully.

The diplomat nodded, and showed Tibus Heth to the door. Before closing it as Tibus walked through, he added a thought.

"Good luck Mr. Heth. You will have a lot of work ahead of you..."

Tibus knew this all too well...


Word spread from town, to city. From village to tribe. From shops, to the largest megacorporations, and beyond the borders of the new country. [b]The Caldari State had risen. For the State![/b]

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