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Treaty Talks

Joel James

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To: Peruvian Government
From: King Simon

Would you like to open relations and possibly sign a treaty between our nations? We can hold the talks in the capital of The Solar Kingdom, Solar City. If a treaty is acceptable, I also offer a trade treaty and a joint infrastructure project along our shared border. I hear that your nation is in the middle of a civil war, and I hope to sign a treaty with the Imperials. I hope that your nation will prosper.

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[b]OOC:[/b] As the civil war raged on, the person with least combat experience, but adequate position was chosen to lead these negotiations on the Peruvian side. Patrick allowed me to do this and we already have a rough agreement with Joel what this will lead to.

[quote][b]To: Simon Bolivar, King of the Solarians
From: Henrietta de Vicidalia[/b]

Gladly we will accept this offer for talks and I personally will come, as plenipotentiary of the Peruvian Imperials, to negotiate with you. It is also in our interest to set up friendly relations with our noble brethren in the south, altough the civil war shifted our priorities away from any foreign affairs, preventing us from suggesting talks ourselves. But after this invitation, we shall create ties between our countries and I will personally meet you hopefully in 3 days in Solar City.

With regards,
[i]Henrietta de Vicidalia[/i][/quote]


[b]Solar City[/b]

a few days later, Henrietta finally arrived in the Solarian capital. Since she made landfall in Arica she had always been dressed rather simple, as to not attract any attention and this day was no exception. A simple white dress and white hat were deemed adequate and so the Princesse de Vicidalia, represantant of the Peruvian Imperials, left the terminal of the International Airport, on which she had arrived with a normal flight. Then she took a taxi to the Residence of his Majesty, King Simon Bolivar of the Solar Kingdom and hoped the talks would run smoothly. She already had led talks once, but this time, it hopefully wouldn't be as much of a disaster.

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King Simon was waiting for these talks for some time now. He rose early in the morning to get ready for this, but he didn't look tired at all. In fact, he looked as energetic as ever. After he finished his shower, he went to the meeting room. King Simon was already sitting in the meeting room when the doors opened and Princess Henrietta walked in. King Simon stood up and welcomed Princess Henrietta in by saying "Welcome to the Solar Kingdom. I hope you will enjoy your stay here. How was your flight?" Before answering, Princess Henrietta came up to the table and took her seat. King Simon also hoped the talks would go smoothly.

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Henrietta had already thought about some matters, after all, Peru had also its interests, but still, the one inviting the Princess was Simon Bolivar, so she left the first step to him. "Greetings, your Majesty. The flight was rather enjoyable, altough, I personally like trains more." She smiled. In the world of diplomacy, nothing was as much used, but almost never overused, than the smile, conveying friendship, warmth and goodwill. "Now that I am here, may I ask what it is that the Solar Kingdom wants?" She then folded her hands and looked at Simon, awaiting his answer.

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King Simon smiled back at Princess Henrietta. She was witty, but King Simon that he could hold his own. "I am glad that you asked that. I am hoping to forge a Mutual Defense Pact with the Imperial Peru. I am also hoping that we can make a free trade agreement between our nations. Due to our shared border, our two nations can start a joint infrastructure project. I have heard that Imperial Peru has their eyes set on what they call east Bolivia. I am prepared to give up east Bolivia as long as I can get some coastal land on the Peruvian coast. This would serve two purposes. The first would be to help trade with one of my other allies, and it could be used as another naval base. I hope this is acceptable, but I also want to ask, is their anything you want?" King Simon closed his mouth and awaited Princess Henrietta answer.

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"Hmmm" Henrietta thought a short moment. "Well, I think, we could live with this. Altough, we would like to offer our own version of an agreement, if you do not mind. We would add just three small clauses. First, a non-chaining clause, as we think both of us do not want to die for people we have only such indirect ties. Else, we would treaty them ourselves. I hope you understand that. Next, I would like to ensure that any kind of insurrection will be destroyed by both countries, if needed. We do not like to see anyone taking over one of us while the other keeps out. And last, but not least. I'd say that we agree that if one of our monarchies should fall to anarchy, for whatever reason, the other party inherits the one that fell. This is only fair to our subjects, before we leave them to lawlessness." She then pulled out a piece of paper and began to write clauses down.

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King Simon thought about these three clauses very hard. He replied "I agree to the first two clauses, but I must disagree to the third. My country is a limited constitutional monarchy, since I have a legislative body called Congress. My state would still be able to function even if the king was overthrown, and the king can be impeached. A successor is always at hand as well. Due to this, I do not think that my fellow countrymen would like the third clause. In the event that I did agree to the third clause and one of our states fell, a foreign power would be ruling of the fallen state, effectively making it a colony. I am sure the citizens of both our kingdom's would not stand for this. Don't you agree with what I am trying to say here?" King Simon awaited Princess Henrietta's response, hoping that she would agree.

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"Oh my, I did not mean impeachment." Henrietta giggled. "I meant something more like a breakdown of public order. Altough, it isn't unheard of that impeachments can evolve into that." She wittled a bit around, then she wrote a few lines again. "So, as long as your republic is able to manage that the law is upheld, the last clause won't apply. Would that be ok with you?"

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King Simon nearly giggled himself, but he thought that would be unkingly. He responded, "oh you misunderstand. I was just trying to say even if the king was overthrown or impeached, there would still be a governing body in The Solar Kingdom. No outside state would be able to overthrow the king except by the use of force. I feel uncomfortable with this clause, but if you feel that it is needed, I will agree to put it in this treaty."

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"Hmmm, This here would be my first draft." She stopped writing and presented the treaty.

[quote][color="#483D8B"][center][font="Times New Roman"][size="7"]Tratado de Ciudad Solar[/size][/font][/center][/color]

On this historic day, the represantants of the Solar Kingdom and the Empire of Peru have gathered in this place to conclude a treaty to tie together the fades of their people, to strengthen these ties of friendship, in order to allow for and preserve, the everlasting ideals of South American peace, prosperity and progress. The following terms were agreed upon.

[b]I. Non-aggression[/b]

Both countries agree to not harm the other signatory. all disputes shall be handled diplomatically and no blood shall flow for one does not shed the blood of fellow companions.

[b]II. Mutual Defense[/b]

Should one signatory come under attack, it is the duty of the other to help them defend their souvereignity, dignity and integrity at all costs. There shall be no exceptions and in a defensive war, the companions of the Solar Kingdom and Peru shall always fight together and either prevail or die together. However, this does not apply should the war be in defensive of not directly the signatory, but for the allies of the signatories. In such a case, this clause does not apply and no assistance is necessary, apart from humanitarian aid to help those affected by the cruelty of war.

[b]III. Free Trade[/b]

Both countries agree to not apply any tariffs or duties on the trade along their shared borders, as long as the trade is conducted by merchants of one of the signatories' nationality. Merchants from the outside are still applicable for tariffs and duties of either country. This also does not prevent inspection of the trading parties, in order to prevent the importation of goods forbidden in at least one of the signatory countries or the smuggling of persons.

[b]IV. To allow for adequate Transportation[/b]

Both countries shall be encouraged to work on improving the road and ralway network to link up their countries, in order to allow for a better exchange of goods and people. This will include a 2-track LHT railway connection from Cuzco to Ciudad Solar in comformity with the Peruvian Imperial Decree on Railway Construction, with each party paying the construction costs in their respective borders, with the border crossing between Puerto Suarez and Corumba.

[b]V. The Bolivian Crown[/b]

In order to allow for a unity of all Bolivians, the whole of Bolivia shall be under the Peruvian crown, the Solar Kingdom will transfer its sole Bolivian department to Peru for a compensation of 200,000 Louise d'Or. The transfer is to be set into motion immediatly and shall be completed within a weeks time. Afterwards, the last Bolivian department shall also be subject to the same laws as were enacted in the rest of Bolivia, to allow the Bolivians to live under the same law and rule throughout their now unified country.

[b]VI. Solar Pacific Trade and Presence[/b]

To allow the Solar Kingdom enhanced trade and better presence in the Pacific, Peru will cede the Region of Tarapacá to the Solarian Crown, in order to allow for it. The region will be linked to the Solar Kingdom via the Peruvian railway system and movement of military shall be given, in order for the Solar Kingdom to access its new posession at the Pacific. The Solar Kingdom will not have to pay any compensation, but in exchange shall treat the indigenous people fair and with dignity and they shall be allowed to continue practising their culture, religion and rights.

[b]VII. Military Cooperation[/b]

To strengthen the common cause, both militaries shall be encouraged to exchange information and training, in order to allow both countries to be prepared as well as possible in case of emergency.

[b]VIII. To prevent Insurgency and Anarchy[/b]

Should there be any insurgency or other armed resistance against the legal government in either country, it is the duty of the other country to assist in putting it down and to reinstate the old order, should it become necessary. Should it be impossible to do so and one signatory party falls into complete anarchy, the crown of the one fallen into anarchy shall be transferred to the one remaining, as to allow for the region to remain as stable as possible, instead of attracting scavengers and opportunists.

[b]IX. Prospects[/b]

Both countries agree to work for a more united South America, to allow for a strong continent, even after USAN's fall.

[b]X. Termination[/b]

Should any of the two signatories want to terminate this treaty, they can do so, but must give notice at least a year in advance, upon which the treaty shall continue to be in action, unless both parties agree to terminate it immediatly. Should the termination clause be enacted, all other clauses will be set out of action after the aformentioned timeframe, apart from the clauses IV. V. VI and VIII., which will be irreversible within the confines of this treaty.


As plenipotentiary of the Imperial Crown of Peru,
[size="4"][font="Monotype corsiva"]Henrietta de Vicidalia[/font][/size][/quote]

[b]OOC:[/b] Ciudad Solar, because Solar City doesn't sound as spanish. It covers all points we agreed to.

Edited by Evangeline Anovilis
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[quote][size="6"][center]Tratado de Ciudad Solar[/center][/size]

On this historic day, the represantants of the Solar Kingdom and the Empire of Peru have gathered in this place to conclude a treaty to tie together the fades of their people, to strengthen these ties of friendship, in order to allow for and preserve, the everlasting ideals of South American peace, prosperity and progress. The following terms were agreed upon.

I. Non-aggression

Both countries agree to not harm the other signatory. all disputes shall be handled diplomatically and no blood shall flow for one does not shed the blood of fellow companions.

II. Mutual Defense

Should one signatory come under attack, it is the duty of the other to help them defend their souvereignity, dignity and integrity at all costs. There shall be no exceptions and in a defensive war, the companions of the Solar Kingdom and Peru shall always fight together and either prevail or die together. However, this does not apply should the war be in defensive of not directly the signatory, but for the allies of the signatories. In such a case, this clause does not apply and no assistance is necessary, apart from humanitarian aid to help those affected by the cruelty of war.

III. Free Trade

Both countries agree to not apply any tariffs or duties on the trade along their shared borders, as long as the trade is conducted by merchants of one of the signatories' nationality. Merchants from the outside are still applicable for tariffs and duties of either country. This also does not prevent inspection of the trading parties, in order to prevent the importation of goods forbidden in at least one of the signatory countries or the smuggling of persons.

IV. To allow for adequate Transportation

Both countries shall be encouraged to work on improving the road and ralway network to link up their countries, in order to allow for a better exchange of goods and people. This will include a 2-track LHT railway connection from Cuzco to Ciudad Solar in comformity with the Peruvian Imperial Decree on Railway Construction, with each party paying the construction costs in their respective borders, with the border crossing between Puerto Suarez and Corumba.

V. The Bolivian Crown

In order to allow for a unity of all Bolivians, the whole of Bolivia shall be under the Peruvian crown, the Solar Kingdom will transfer its sole Bolivian department to Peru for a compensation of 200,000 Louise d'Or. The transfer is to be set into motion immediatly and shall be completed within a weeks time. Afterwards, the last Bolivian department shall also be subject to the same laws as were enacted in the rest of Bolivia, to allow the Bolivians to live under the same law and rule throughout their now unified country.

VI. Solar Pacific Trade and Presence

To allow the Solar Kingdom enhanced trade and better presence in the Pacific, Peru will cede the Region of Tarapacá to the Solarian Crown, in order to allow for it. The region will be linked to the Solar Kingdom via the Peruvian railway system and movement of military shall be given, in order for the Solar Kingdom to access its new posession at the Pacific. The Solar Kingdom will not have to pay any compensation, but in exchange shall treat the indigenous people fair and with dignity and they shall be allowed to continue practising their culture, religion and rights.

VII. Military Cooperation

To strengthen the common cause, both militaries shall be encouraged to exchange information and training, in order to allow both countries to be prepared as well as possible in case of emergency.

VIII. To prevent Insurgency and Anarchy

Should there be any insurgency or other armed resistance against the legal government in either country, it is the duty of the other country to assist in putting it down and to reinstate the old order, should it become necessary. Should it be impossible to do so and one signatory party falls into complete anarchy, the crown of the one fallen into anarchy shall be transferred to the one remaining, as to allow for the region to remain as stable as possible, instead of attracting scavengers and opportunists.

IX. Prospects

Both countries agree to work for a more united South America, to allow for a strong continent, even after USAN's fall.

X. Termination

Should any of the two signatories want to terminate this treaty, they can do so, but must give notice at least a year in advance, upon which the treaty shall continue to be in action, unless both parties agree to terminate it immediatly. Should the termination clause be enacted, all other clauses will be set out of action after the aformentioned timeframe, apart from the clauses IV. V. VI and VIII., which will be irreversible within the confines of this treaty.


As plenipotentiary of the Imperial Crown of Peru,
[size="4"]Henrietta de Vicidalia[/size]

King of The Solar Kingdom,
[size="4"]King Simon[/size][/quote]

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"This seems to have been a very productive meeting." Henrietta signed a second version for the Solarians and packed the first one in her bag. "About the military training and such, we will contact you, once our civil war is over. I hope you understand." Then she reached out her hand for a confirming handshake.

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King Simon extended his hand and shook Princess Henrietta's hand. I understand. Good luck in the Civil War. King Simon summons an aide and has him take away his copy of the treaty and put it with the other treaties he has signed before with other nations.

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