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Sirens rang loud in the cities of Ohio. Cleveland, Cincinatti, Columbus. Everywhere across Cleveland was engulfed in major riots. Citizens held up such signs as [i]Justice! We Have None![/i], [i]Have We Lost Our Sense Of Humanity?[/i], [i]Down With Leaf Corporation![/i] and many more. Journalists bravely snapped pictures, getting between riot police and the angry citizens.


"We are treated as if we are not human, but sacks of money! Let us be free!" A young man in a crowd tossed a stone, which harmlessly bounced off a S.W.A.T van rolling along the road. Upon hearing the small clank, the SWAT team unloaded and began to help riot control push back rioters.

A police chief grabbed a microphone. "Please return to your home. Do you want to be injured or killed in this madness? The supreme court made their decision; there is nothing we can do to stop it. Just go ho-" Just then, the police chief caught fire by a molotov cocktail flying into his face. The flames consumed him, though he didn't last long since the fire was inhaled into his lungs and he burned inside.

"OPEN FIRE!" The SWAT team shot a wall of rubber bullets, which smacked into the crowd. Young and old alike, many were trampled as the crowd tried to pull back. People screamed as rubber bullets hit their eyes.

"Do not retreat! We fight for freedom! We fight against tyranny and for the American way! FOR JUSTICE!" The crowd cheered at this mans speech, and soon some were armed with BB guns, molotov cocktails, rocks and even baseball bats. They soon rushed the police, who began to retreat.

"Station, this is Police Sergeant Williams. We need live ammunition delivered to Progressive Field, the major riots are turning hostile. Er, we many need some along Main Avenue, 1192. It seems the rioters may be grouping together there. I'm getting some messages from Private John Willows, saying they've hijacked the Nautica Queen. ...Okay....yes sir. Will do."

Nautica Queen Cruise Dining Ship:

"..and I say, we fight for freedom! We fight for justice! We fight to preserve ourselves as human beings! President Natas, Leaf Corporation, the Supreme Court; they are all MONSTERS! Stealing our lives like they do! Bear arms and fight! We shall claim ourselves as a new people! As the people of Ohio!"

The crowd outside the Nautica, listening to Frankie M. Cleavice, cheered. She smiled at them, then walked inside the ship to meet her crew.

"We've got a nice crowd with us. Lots of supporters." Frankie sat in an empty chair, and grabbed her glass of wine. "I say we've got some pretty good chances."

Another man across the table glanced at her. He had short, brown hair and a large mustache. The man was wearing a suit, and held a small pistol in his huge hands. "Don't get too cocky Frankie. Just wait till they bring in the big guns.

Frankie smiled at him. "Oscar, we both know this will go fine. Its a fight. A couple million against an extremely troubled, corrupt and preoccupied force. I promise you, this shall go fine."

Another man from across the table spoke. He was younger than the others, in his early twenties. "Look, guys, we have no time to sit around here in this ship. We all saw the helicopter above us. It clearly belonged to the police. They'll be here soon, and we need to arm the crowd. What are they doing out there anyway? Did they leave?"

"Leo, the crowd is-"

A woman of Japanese ethnicity stepped into the room. She walked over to Oscar. "I got the crowd armed with some pretty great weapons we found. The stash in that police station near the McDonalds was loaded and very understaffed. Not to mention the officers eagerly joined our cause. Yep, we've got some proffesionals on the team. Anyway, I put Jenkins and Andre in charge of setting up defensive positions. Some anonymous source radioed us in that a police force was headed our way. I suggest you guys take up arms also. You won't be very helpful with those small pistols."

Frankie smiled at Leo, who quickly looked away. "So the crowd is armed, Leslie? What's our fighting force? 20? 30?"

The Japanese woman turned her head towards Frankie. "You're way wrong. There's some 100 people here, and thousands throughout the city. We have citizen as young as 14 and as old as 70 spotted fighting. It seems everyone is angry. Thank god, because the military might be here soon. And there is no way we can fight the military with only 100 men and 126 rifles. As I told you, the place was loaded. I guess they immediately confiscated all waepons at the start of the riots. That means there could be more at other police stations."

Leo cocked his pistol, and walked towards the door. "You guys coming? It seems we have to fight."

The other three in the room followed him, walking past a couple of doctors, chefs, radio operators and injured civilians. The entire ship was a command station, keeping track of the revolution. The heart of Cleveland's fight was right here in this ship.

They approached the pile of guns, only about a dozen left. Hundreds of bullets were spilled on the ground next to them. Frankie laughed at this site.

Leo leaned down and grabbed an M48 Mauser. "Where did they get these old things?" He began to fill it with ammo while Frankie, Leslie and Oscar picked their weapons.

They took defensive positions on the boat, along with a middle aged Turkish man holding an SKS. They would fight to the death if it came to it.

OoC: Yes, I got permission, blah blah. I would really enjoy having you NOT invade me and ruin this. That would be rude.

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[color="#000080"][font="Palatino Linotype"]In a post-USA era, within the shattered continent of Elite & imperial domination, the fight for liberty & justice takes many forms; none more tragically than the people in open conflict against a violent tyranny. A 2nd American Revolution is already taking way. By the blood of new age patriots breathe life back into an American fighting spirit that lie dormant for years. And by the blood of tyrants, may that spirit be again free to manifest itself over this shaken continent. Maintain your will, relinquish your fears, & continue the fight for Liberty & Justice for All.[/font][/color]

[font="Book Antiqua"][i][color="#0000FF"] We are the American Continental Party, and we approve this message.[/color][/i][/font]

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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1304116817' post='2702205']

OoC: Yes, I got permission, blah blah. I would really enjoy having you NOT invade me and ruin this. That would be rude.
In Cleveland:

Over seven thousand rebel MRA soldiers hastily retreated to Cleveland, recently brutally crushed in their brief battle in Mentor, only a few dozen miles northeast of Cleveland. They had lost nearly half of their men while their enemy lost only a few dozens.

About 800 Mercenaries soldiers backed with 4 M1A3 Abrams, 9 T-90A tanks, 30 captured M-60A3s, 2 captured M1A1 tanks, a dozen of AH-64 Apache helicopters and a handful of other vehicles such as transport trucks were giving a much more numerous rebel MRA a chase. Another 3,000 loyalist MRA and 500 Mercenaries soldiers were en route and would arrive in Cleveland within an hour or two, assuming the civilian rebels down in Akron (few dozen miles south of Cleveland) aren't too stubborn and they don't get attacked by the thinly stretched rebel Midwest Republic Air Force.

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OoC: SOrry for not responding for s long, I completely forgot about this.


In Akron, things were not calming down. Being a generally rowdy community, riots were in full force, and entire neighborhoods were fighting. Police Chief Charlie Somody, a lifelong liberal, had convinced his station to join the rebels. While there were only about a couple dozen officers, who would've been vastly outnumbered by the rebels, they stilled were a huge help. Charlie carefully distributed weapons to the officers.

De'shaun Brown had other plans. He had the respect of his area of town, and when he spoke everyone listened. Soon, the man was commanding a couple of blocks to blow holes in the road and litter the streets with anything remotely dangerous. Being a former marine of the United States Army, he convinced them he knew what he was doing. He already had word from his friend in Cincinatti that some sort of fighting force with vehicles were heaidng towards Cleveland, the heart of the Ohioan rebellion, and Sergeant Brown was not willing to let them get through.

Soon, the main streets of Akron were cluttered with junk, ranging from childrens' toys to entire trucks. It was a giant road block, and Deshaun thought he had it covered.

He wish he knew tanks were coming.

When he was called from his frantic mother that a bunch of tanks that had ran over her car were heading towards Akron, Browns heart dropped. He did not expect this, and they had no weapons to fight tanks or air vehicles. Not even a single grenade.

Pipe bombs, and home made C4 were soon haphazardly constructed, forming the most unreliable bombs possible. They set some in the street, while others would be thrown. Of course, the helicopters were still a problem. The local news station was unwilling to lend their helicopter, saying that it would be a waste of a vehicle. They decided the helicopters would merely be attacked any way they could.

After multiple headcounts, Chief Somody and Sgt. Brown both found that the total fighting force was some 2,147 people.


In downtown Columbus, hundreds of citizens screamed as police fired rubber bullets into their crowd. Some of the rioters ran for shelter, and so dozens were trampled. SWAT Teams continued to push back the citizens, shoting anyone who produced any sort of weapon with live ammunition.

Of course, the police were soon counter-attacked by angry citizens and ex-soldiers, politicians and actors, including former television star Drew Carey, who was wielding a small pistol. He had been residing in Columbus for nearly 4 months, while preparing to move back home to Cleveland.

Both sides were extremely stubborn and didn't budge, firing upon each other with anything they could have. From molotovs to stun guns, any possible weaponw as used. Some children as young as 9 were seen holding baseball bats.

OoC: I'll update on Cleveland later

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Up in Michigan, the loyalist MRA and the Mercenaries took Sterling Heights, Livonia and Ann Arbor, surrounding Detroit. Confident that the rebels in Detroit would surrender or be defeated soon, about 600 MRA loyalists and 22 Mercenaries infantry advanced toward Toledo, backed by four AH-64 Apache helicopters, a dozen of M113 APCs and four dozens of transport trucks.

Around Akron:

An AH-64 Apache helicopter with a megaphone attached to it arrived at the outskirts of the city. The megaphone blared:
"You are to surrender to the Midwest Republic Army. We will not harm you. We will use lethal force to make you comply if you do not cooperate. You have until 11:00 AM to raise a white flag. I repeat, you have until 11:00 AM to raise a white flag. Do not test us."[/i]

(OOC: 10 RP minutes from now :OOC)

Eleven additional helicopters arrived within two minutes. The dozen of helicopters proceeded to hover around the city, waiting to strike. In the distance, the loyalist MRA and Mercenaries forces were preparing to invade.

In Cleveland:

The residents would quickly notice a long line of vehicles heading toward them far from the east. The first vehicle that entered Cleveland's outskirts, a bullet-hole riddled Humvee with an Ohio flag and a megaphone taped to its left side, arrived. [i]"We are here to overthrow the corrupted government. Welcome us if you're on our side, or shoot at us because we waltzed into the wrong city."[/i] the megaphone blared.

Map of Midwest Republic (after the loyalists and Mercenaries invade Toledo):

Red: Rebel dominated
Blue: Loyalist dominated
Purple: Stalemate

(OOC: Ignore green :OOC)

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The battle with the police never happened. In fact, the cops never came. They simply disappeared, though some familiar faces were seen joining the rebels.

Many revolutionaries cheered, more than happy to see they had actual members of the rebel Mercenaries fighting with them. Oscar jogged towards the front Humvee, still holding his weapon. Once he was at the vehicles door, he atapped the window to get the driver to roll it down.

As soon as that was done, Oscar informed him of the desperate situation in Akron. Radio communications began to disappear, nad it was only a matter of time before the Akronites were completely destroyed.

"So as you can tell, they need help. Desperately. You need to send some of your vehicles down there. Phone lines are either jammed or shut down, so I can't get any contact with them. And have you heard about the situations in any other cities? Say, Toledo or Columbus? What's going down in those?"



The chaos in Cleveland was not dying down in any way. Both sides were fighting more roughly than before, and not a single man was backing down. Soon, the entire city began split, with revolutionaries on the eastern side and loyalists on the west. Nearly every building was occupied, and the firefights in the streets turned much more deadly as citizens fired from above.

OoC: Erm, Akron didn't surrender. But it seems when I try to RP that out it comes out wrong. Just go ahead with teh attacks on Akron.

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OOC: BTW, the military that arrived in Cleveland is the MRA, not the Mercenaries.



"I'll tell the colonel." the driver replied before reaching for his radio and contacting the colonel.

Lines of additional vehicles passed by Oscar and the driver. Moans and cries could be heard from many of the vehicles, it was obvious that there were large amount of wounded soldier.

[i]"Where's my leg? I can't feel my leg. Where is it?"[/i]

[i]"Shut up! I lost my !@#$@#$ eye and am I whining about it?!"[/i]

[i]"My leg. Where's my leg?"[/i]

[i]"Someone give me duct tape!"[/i]

The colonel arrived in another Humvee. He stepped out of the vehicle and walked over to greet Oscar.

"I'm going to have to make it brief. My name is Oliver Haly, but you can call me Olie. Our communications with other rebel MRA units went to hell when the Department of Defense was overrun by the damn loyalists. Though we did receive a handful of messages from Twitter and Facebook, seems like there's fierce fighting ongoing in Columbus and a group of loyalist MRA from Michigan had barged into Toledo. No surprise as Michigan is pretty much overrun by the loyalists. Lorain and Youngstown are also taking some heat, mostly from loyalist citizens and police officers.

We also have a more urgent problem. You know Mentor? The place that's only a few dozen miles northeast of here? We took a !@#$@#$ 50% casualties, that's nearly 4,000 and only infantry, from a much smaller army and they'll be here within minutes. We have little amount of armored vehicles to take on their vehicles. The interesting part is that they have much better vehicles, equipments and training, they don't resemble anything like the MRA and are obviously not police officers or a rag-tag militia.

However, there is a way to bring them down. They're heavy in armored vehicles especially when they captured lots of our tanks and would rape us if we attempted to greet them in the open. But they don't have any air support other than a dozen of helicopters and in the urban area? Their puny amount of infantry would get brutalized in melee fights. Their ground vehicles won't be much of a help as they have to be careful to avoid friendly fire and would be attacked from the rooftops. Their helicopters? They're going to have so much fun finding us and dodging missiles.

Have your fighters set up defenses and be ready for close range and melee fights. We'll try to deal with their helicopters and tanks and I'll send some of our infantry down to Akron. As three loyalist armies are going to close on us, we have to defeat them separately." the colonel replied.


The residents would see large amount of enemy soldiers tagging behind their incoming vehicles. The loyalist MRA was going to use vehicles to provide cover for their infantry until they reached the outskirts. The helicopters' and tanks' weapons were on standby and were waiting for any rebels to give away their positions.

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Columbus was taking millions in damages as home made and proffesional bombs exploded throughout streets and buildings, and soon both sides were taking heavy casaulties. Loyalists amounted to nearly 4,00, while the rebels were a somewhat larger 6,500ish. The numbers were, of course, constantly changing as thousands fled the once peaceful capital.


Underground was the place to go.

The majority of road traps had been finished, and the Akronites awaited their enemy. Nearly 21,000 me and women from Akron and surrounding communites had packed into the city, but word of aerial assaults set many running. Before complete fear could spread throughout the population, Charlie devised a plan. The men woud hide, compeltely armed, in basements and deep inside concrete buildings. They would ambush troops from windows and other openings, then flee their hiding space for new ones.

Camoflauged rebels would hide in trees and on top of buildings, either to detonate any of the explosives hidden in the street, or to fire upon loyalist soldiers or helicopters.


"Thanks for your help Olie, I honestly appreciate it. We have a medical center set up at Cleveland Clinic. It's a bit away, but it's staffed with doctors and we have plenty of room for your wounded. I suggest taking them there."

Oscar turned towards the hundreds upon hundreds of rebels idling in the streets, just pieces of the huge force they were slowly gathering.

"Okay, comrades. We're going to set up defensive positions. Now, lets see a raise of hands. How many of you have had reasonable experience in hand to hand combat?" A good two hundred or so men and women raised their hands.

"Perfect, Those of you with your hands up, I want you to get into close range positions. Leo and Frankie will help you. The rest shoud be entering highrises to give our ground fighters heavy support. I want you guys to focus on disabling vehicles in any way possible. Also, if you're under the age of 30, I suggest you join up with the ground fighters. We need as many fighting melee style as possible. Also, steer clear of the Key Bank building. Some former Bank executives have been funding us, and no I'm not kidding. I dunno why they would fund US, but I don't want to see their former headquarters getting destroyed. Anyway, it's sort of a symbol of Cleveland. If it comes to it, it would make a great headquarters, but this is ONLY if the Queen Nautica is under attack. Once again, steer clear of it. And Progressive Field, we have been hiding plenty of children and innocent civilains there. I don't want them getting harmed. Don't even approach it. And-"

Frankie coughed, as a hint for Oscar to stop talking. He glared at her, but dismissed the crowd.

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Nearly half of the tanks, mostly M60A3s, went up in smokes or were unable to move when they were snared by the traps. The loyalist and Mercenaries infantry proceeded to storm each building individually, blissfully unaware that they've put themselves at a massive disadvantage. The dozen of helicopters randomly fired at buildings that the loyalist and Mercenaries infantry were about to storm to soften up any camping rebels. The rest of the operational tanks also joined the helicopters in randomly targeting buildings. Not surprisingly they leveled some of the buildings or set them on fire.

Meanwhile, about 300 rebel MRA soldiers were heading towards Akron in their transport trucks, but it would take a while.


Almost as soon as Frankie dismissed the crowd, explosive shells whistled through the air and indiscriminately crashed onto the rebel MRA transport trucks or nearby buildings. The MRA soldiers jumped off their transport trucks and ran for cover. In the distance, what remained of the rebels' tanks that attempted to hold off the enemy assault were completely demolished by the Mercenaries' helicopters and tanks.

A dozen of the AH-64 helicopters were closing onto Cleveland, fast, with their missile launchers and 30mm cannons blazing. A rebel soldier loaded and readied his FIM-92 Stinger before firing it, bringing down one of the Mercenaries' helicopters. However, he was specifically targeted by another Mercenaries helicopter and was shredded into pieces.

Two additional AH-64 helicopters were brought down when their pilots' heads turned into red mist from rebel snipers that already took up positions.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A private message was sent to the government of the Midwest Republic, but a copy was also provided to all governments across the globe.

[quote][b]Official Imperial Decree[/b]

The government of the Midwest Republic is hereby served notice that they have five days to get the rogue state of Ohio and her people under control or we will do it for them. We will not tolerate such unrest on our borders. The five days begins from the sending of this message.

Thomas Atkinson-Asgiersson
Emperor, Protector of the Empire, Captain, Lord Sovereign of the East Coast[/quote]

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Rotating patrols of 6 Tu-160 Sinos were ordered to begin a permanent missile patrol well within stand off range, and just within radar range of the Midwest Republic. These units were ordered to maintain patrols over allied airspace. The EF-50s were given authority to step up probing operations of the air defenses. The 8th Fighter Air wing of F-1s out of Fort Beihai was ordered to take necessary measures to ensure its minimized detection while flying stand off escort for the Tu-160s. Twelve PLA airborne combat brigades, and three rapid armor deployment armor units were ordered mobilized in Alaska for rapid deployment South.[/quote]

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[quote name='Pravus Ingruo' timestamp='1306506768' post='2718995']
A private message was sent to the government of the Midwest Republic, but a copy was also provided to all governments across the globe.
From Department of Defense in Chicago:

"What you are requesting us to do is the impossible. We need assistance, imme"

A few minutes later:

"Please stay out of the conflict. We have no intentions of disrupting other countries, unlike President George."

From Lansing, Michigan:

"The government of the wealthy, by the wealthy, for the wealthy, was not the one we wanted. Do realize that the government you wish to support, was very corrupted, unpopular and is almost non-existent. It has supported that people can be forced to be property of others without their consent and that people and organizations can seize properties from others without fair pay, contrary to the Midwest Republic Constitution. It has supported that genes can be patented, genes that already existed in humans. That has allowed a single corporation to deem all of Midwest Republic citizens as properties. It has also legalized monopolies and banned all government regulation in businesses.

There's a very good reason why there's a civil war in the Midwest Republic, a war that the corrupted government can not win as it lacks support from the majority of the population.

If you still wish to intervene in the benefit of the crumbling unpopular government, don't be surprised if you run into stiff resistance after stiff resistance and end up having to forcefully calm down an entire country. Keep in mind that not too long ago, a 200,000 men-strong loyalist army surrendered en-mass to a 15,000 men-strong army within a few hours of fighting.

We also just stormed their temporary capital, which might explain why President George is unable to respond back. He's too busy fleeing for his life."

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OoC: What sort of rifles do you use? I'll put an M16 in here as a place holder for now.


Fox News Station, Cleveland, Ohio:

"Good Morning America! Or should I say occupied America! The Rebel Radio is now up and running, announcing the daily news. I think we'll first start with the casaulty list.

While there is no word of rebel casaulty numbers outside of occupied America, over here in teh good ol' states, or should I say state, we sit taking a beating. There is already some 425 people killed, and it only grows daily. The devil is keeping quiet on their death toll, which we shall assume is high. You cant fight the people!

As for local news, well, there isn't any. The entire Ohioan culture and business has come to a halt as we fight for freedom.

We'l have to end this broadcast early, seems the fighting is getting closer to home! This place'll rubble soon..."


Cleveland, Ohio:

Leslie leaned on a small brick wall, dazed. The explosions nearly killed her, but she was shielded by a car. She was only able to watch as a soldier with an FIM-92 was blow to pieces. And yet, the weapon itself sat intact. Even the ammunition was okay. She ran from the wall, dodging bullets and debris, running for life. The stinger sat in front of here, sunlight bouncing off its cold skin.

Leslie lifted it off the ground, and hesitated. The man before her was killed instantly when he fired it. Would the same happen to her?

She looked over her shoulder, and saw a fleeing middle aged woman destroyed by a choppers gunfire. Leslie grabbed one of the black shells and loaded it into the weapon. She took aim at the helicopter, and fired.

Oscar was shooting an M16 at one of the helicopters, but its bullets bounced uselessly off the chopper. Once the gun ran out of rounds, he aimlessly threw it at a rebel helicopter. The gun, of course, missed by a wide margin and dropped to the ground. Oscar pulled out his pistol, but the helicopter was much too far away. Instead, he moved forward with the dozens of advancing infrantry, heaidng straight towards the enemy forces.

Leo was at a tower, commanding the consutruction of various air defenses. The machine guns they were using had been ripped straight off of destroyed jeeps, but they were still useful. On particular defense was set at one of the windows in the Key Bank building, the area specifically described as a no no.

Once the devices were fully functional, they were given complete authorization to fire.

OoC: Im ending this early, huge storm approaching. Sorry.

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OOC: MRA's standard rifle is the M16A1. The Mercenaries' standard rifle is the FN-SCAR.


Leslie's missile knocked out another Mercenaries AH-64 helicopter, leaving 8 operational in total. Surprisingly, they didn't concentrate fire on her. They were distracted and had a bigger fish to fry...

A burning rebel F-4 Phantom II screamed low overhead with its M61 Vulcan blazing, shooting down one of the helicopters and damaging four others before flying past them. A few seconds later, a loyalist F-15C flew overhead, firing a AIM-9 Sidewinder. It didn't take long for the F-4 to explode into flames. The helicopters then resumed their normal close air support.

The Mercenaries' tanks rapidly closed onto Cleveland with their cannons blazing. The tank crews' were rather trigger happy and fired at anything that appeared suspicious, one tank crew even fired at a group of cats fleeing from a burning building. Behind them were transport trucks that the infantry were sitting inside. Within a few minutes, the vehicle fleet reached the outskirt of Cleveland. Infantry were dropped off by small groups to clear out the nearby buildings as the Mercenaries advanced deeper into the city. Unknown to them, the MRA rebel soldiers got exactly what they wanted.

If they only knew how much trouble they would barge into...

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Cleveland, Ohio:

BROADCAST: "Loyalist forces of the Midwest Republic, we are calling for a temporary ceasefire to discuss independence. You cannot break the will of a peoples land. We ask for freedom. For justice. Cease your incessant advances through occupied America, or you shall face more casaulties daily. The people want to be free, and you cannot stop the people."

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[quote name='Fizzydog' timestamp='1306800894' post='2720906']
Cleveland, Ohio:

BROADCAST: "Loyalist forces of the Midwest Republic, we are calling for a temporary ceasefire to discuss independence. You cannot break the will of a peoples land. We ask for freedom. For justice. Cease your incessant advances through occupied America, or you shall face more casaulties daily. The people want to be free, and you cannot stop the people."
There would be no response from the loyalists as their government was on the run. The loyalist/Mercenaries forces in Ohio wouldn't know that, or the fact that their buddies in Illinois and Michigan are getting stomped hard.

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[quote name='Pravus Ingruo' timestamp='1306506768' post='2718995']
A private message was sent to the government of the Midwest Republic, but a copy was also provided to all governments across the globe.
From: President George of Midwest Republic
To: Thomas Atkinson-Asgiersson

We are in dire need of assistance. Vanguard and the communist rebels are inflicting heavy casualties on our forces. They have routed an entire army by simply carpet bombing it. We sent a squadron of fighter aircraft to engage their bombers, and they didn't scratch a single aircraft due to Vanguard's fighter aircraft. We sent a squadron of bombers and multi-role aircraft to hold the rebels at bay, and they're currently turning into fireballs.

We have no answers to Vanguard's air superiority as none of our aircraft are capable of engaging their aircraft. Please at least provide us air superiority support.

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"Aaaand welcome to Rebel Broadcast #15! A number we've pulled out of our -static- We're ep-.......excuse me? Hold on a second folks, we're getting word from Toledo that.....Alright.......and......okay, so this is confirmed? ........ Wow! Alright folks, it appears that the loyalist government has officialy surrender. It is unknown whether or not President George is in custody or whatnot, but we'll try to figure it out! Spread the word, stop the fighting! It's over!"


Cleveland: Broacasts and radio alerts were sent out across Lake County and surrounding counties of word that the loyalists had been defeated, and that no more lives should be lost. While intense fighting continued for about half an hour after this announcement, by 8:43 PM most of the conflicts and dissolved into minor skirmishes with few or no casaulties.

Columbus: The little fighting left here had been resolved quickly after broadcasts.

Akron: Intense raids continued for about 3 hours after hte broadcast, until loyalist and rebel commanders managed to get rogues under control.

OoC: Independence thread will be posted tomorrow!

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[quote name='Shadowsage' timestamp='1307103905' post='2723066']
We will wait for confirmation from remaining loyalist forces that the war is indeed over before recognizing any successor.
"There is no reports of any battles or skirmishes. Although their government didn't officially surrender, it's non-existent and its army surrendered."

-President Natas

In Ohio:

Almost all of the still-breathing loyalists surrendered after hearing that their buddies in Michigan and Illinois were crushed. There were a few hundred die-hards left, but they wouldn't last very long against the rebels' overwhelming numerical superiority.

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