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Secure Key

Vladimir Nikanor

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I get this warning that comes up nearly every single time I try to post, mentioning that the forums could not verify a "Secure Key". I was wondering what I'm doing wrong that makes this keep coming up. It's honestly really annoying and is half the reason I don't come on here much anymore. This started a few weeks ago, and has not let up.

What exactly is it?

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This has come up multiple times in [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=79057"]the correct thread for it[/url] and is likely something that will not be fixed as it is beyond admin's control. The best advice I can give you is to hit preview before posting to ensure that your session is still valid.

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It's a quirk of IPB's programming that we're aware of but there isn't really a good way to fix.

Search "Secure Key" in this thread and you'll see what I mean: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=79057

As for how to avoid it, I suggest making sure you refresh right before you post and only having one active window or tab for the board while composing a post. In my experience, not doing either of those things results in that secure key error. I've tried to do some fancy stuff where I'll post things from several windows into one post and most of the time I do that, I get the secure key error.

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