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Everything posted by seixas

  1. Interesting... I say you have a deal Maybe you're right, but so far all we have gone is up... We'll see though as we are bound to loose NS over the next couple of days.
  2. Okay, you're right about the post, I must have missed that while reading. This: "You're score's gonna track with your NS", I still don't get. TUF's score tracks by alliance score like everyone else. That's why it's called score.
  3. I'm too lazy to take a screenshot, but just click on Display all alliances and you can see TUF has broken 11 points in alliance score. That number has 100%, absolutely, been on the rise EVERY day since the start of this round. That pic shows a drop in NS, I can see how that could be confusing to some. However, if you look at the left side of the chart it reads "ALLIANCE STRENGTH", not alliance score That is all, thank you. EDIT: Spelling.
  4. Lol, that might work. We'll it should be a fun ride, TUF did choose an advantageous time to attack you when you had your hands full with MI.
  5. Woah Woah Woah... You just crossed a line No, not by calling UW "little guys" or by declaring on TUF, the MDC part. Although declaring on MI's allies after dodging your treaty obligation with them is yet another expected classy move. John Lennon's assassination was a really sad moment for the entire world man. I mean the Real JL of course I'm sure most of CN won't shed tears for my assassinated nation You can credit OJ for that accomplishment, they beat you to it. But seriously... bad form. I don't see too many people above 8th grade /o this topic with that kind of Lennon hate. Back on subject though. Ahem, we once again see WarlordZ managing to declare war when they know it's safe. Are you really trying to brag about rolling TDK last round? Rolf. TDK had come out of decimating 3 prior alliances and was in the process of attacking another alliance when the incident with WarlordZ happened. Lol. Congrats? I mean if you really want a pat on the back and a cookie for that, stop by our IRC and we'll hook you up. And now with this declaration, here is deja vou. I'll say one thing for you guys you have the most convenient timing in CNTE when it comes to wars. It's all good man, we are doing the same to United White, you just won't see us trying to brag about how awesome we all are for attacking when their hands are already pretty full. To each his own though. Anyways, it should still prove to be a fun war. I love those random victories with 30% odds or those defeats that still destroy infrastructure As long as our score is on the rise, like it has been every day since we created the alliance, TUF will be just fine. tl;dr Making fun of the real John Lennon and willingly playing the role of Mark David Chapman... super weak.
  6. Who's spinning? All I was pointing out was we honor our word and important things like treaties cause CNTE it would be ridiculous otherwise. However, I don't see the need for something as formal as a DoW when the game is geared towards war. UW could tell just fine TUF was attacking them without finding out by a created thread on the forums. EDIT: Who is going to want to treaty up with NAAW after they dodged their last bloc treaty when things got hot? And if you do... watch your back lol. "How do you not get whiplash spinning do much?" - This made me laugh though. The post was worth the one liner if anything.
  7. Lol, ^^^^ This guy has it right. Let's just leave like this and it'll be my last post. I'll go by the way CNTE is set up to rank alliances and you can go by whatever way you want to rank them. If you feel that you won by the end of the round, more power to ya man.
  8. Well if that's how you want to look at, no one is stopping you. All I was pointing out is that officially, by CNTE rankings, the alliance score determines the winners and placing for alliances in this game... and as long as TUF, MI and her allies have higher scores than you and yours, I'll be happy and celebrate the victory because that's how CNTE determines winners. You can use your own standard if you wish though, but I'll go by CNTE's ranking system.
  9. What's sad is that you don't understand that I'm not "deciding" who wins. the creators of CNTE are lol. The alliance raking system (alliance score) is not solely based on the number of nations an alliance has alone, it factors in NS, nukes, ect. They created the formula to rank alliances and determine their specific ranking. Right now, MI's up by a lot. When you go to display all alliances, it automatically ranks alliances by score because that's how you decide who wins ANY game... score. The 49ers took on the Jet's last week and even though the Jets looked better on paper, they had the better stats, the niners won the game... Get it? They scored higher
  10. Congrats on creating that topic and all, but yes, I think I'll go by the alliance score formula that the creators specifically created to rank alliances lol. And if you don't, that's cool, whatever makes you feel better. By this logic my nation finished first place last round cause if I sort the nation list by tech... I had the most!!! Woot!!! lol, come on...
  11. Thanks for pointing out I mispelled ONE word lol. Consideration, better? I guess I'll have to spell this out for you since you apparently have never heard of sarcasm and you are a fan of spelling. W-e-l-c-o-m-e t-o C-N-T-E It's a dog eat dog world so don't expect diplomatic formalities like DoW's to give you warning and ample time to prepare for an attack. Our nations that declared long before update were told to do so if they weren't going to be available around update, that's why some "jumped the fun" And no, that's not a typo.
  12. You can say that, but the winner of this round will have the most members, even if that membership is decimated. Plain and simple... That's how you win in CNTE and I'm just saying it will be really funny if you the opposing forces win the battles, but loose the war and MI gets the last laugh cause they still win the round. After all these attacks, MI still sits over 13 points above MHA and 13 points alone would put an alliance above the third ranked GDA.
  13. Lol, k, I'll say one thing back. Sccooooreboard
  14. I'll just assume whatever it is you were trying to say in your post means you DoW on TUF. Next time send out a translator plz.
  15. Last time I checked we passed up WarlordZ a while ago. Then you merged into NAAC and canceled your bloc treaty with MI, EPIC DODGE!!!lol. This may be CNTE, but TUF's an alliance that honor's our agreements and doesn't try to weasel out of them. WarlordZ weren't too upset with MI when they were sitting under their protection practically the whole last round and somehow you guys still managed to slip in score into mediocrity......... And We're full of FAIL? Lol. Now the new and improved NAAW still sits still BeLOW us Try to do what you will to our nations, but regardless we'll still finish this round above you.
  16. TUF didn't declare war because we weren't at war until now. We were on RAID. We weren't aware the CNTE community would want us to announce our plans to raid UW. We will take this into concideration for future alliance wide raids tl;dr This is CNTE, don't complain about no official war declarations; if you can't stand the heat, stick to CN.
  17. Lol, funny post. Good show PornStar.
  18. An experienced player saying this? Think what you want, but the winning this round will take a lot more than just destroying some infra and therefore NS, you'll see; numbers mean more than you think. No need to argue here just look at Roman Empire. You notice that even with over 70% of their population in anarchy and despite the fact that they have 30K NS LESS than TUF, we are almost 2 full points behind them. Think on just why that is for a while and you can get back to me...
  19. They know the stats that count in TE for an alliance and that's your alliance score. And after 3 days of "attacks", MI's score remains almost twice that of the next highest alliance. These are the facts of the stats and they are undisputed man.
  20. Okay But I feel as an experienced CN and CNTE player I should inform you, no amount of NS that you might be able to knock of MI will take them out of the top spot. Sorry to disappoint.
  21. In anarchy and still twice the score of any other alliance... congrats?
  22. With all these alliances hitting MI you'd think they wouldn't have double the score of the next highest alliance. But hey, it's Judgment day right lol... How aptly named. And you guys called MI arrogant At least they have the score that warrants that attitude. The rest of you look like the 1st graders trying to beat up the big bad high school bully. Good luck with that my money is on MI winning this round, even if the opposing forces get lucky and have their entire membership in flames. You're all missing the most powerful weapon in CNTE and I doubt your nations will ever be capable of obtaining that weapon. Best of luck though.
  23. Woot, time for some TUF Love
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