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Hombre de Murcielago

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Posts posted by Hombre de Murcielago

  1. UJP ftw! It would have been nice to win, but Bama is right that a stalemate would have made for a more exciting year following it. Really any ending would have been better than the anticlamatic OOC nonsense we had.

  2. We've walked side by side with you since nearly the beginning. Since before the UJW, we have proudly called you brothers. We've been through hell together and walked out smiling on the other side.

    I am firmly convinced that my alliance would not be here today without having you beside us. Thank you for everything and my most heartfelt congratulations on an incredible 2 years.

    I can honestly say there is no alliance I would rather call my friends and allies. Tonight I will drink to you and to two more years!!!!

  3. Before I opened this, I actually had a strange feeling this was an announcement of =LOST= merging into Athens...Thank god my gut feelings aren't always right. Congrats to the elected!

    What??? Join those fine gentleman? I think not!!!

    Congratulations to everyone elected this should be a great term.

  4. Not really Continuum's inability to come out of this war on top is a result of a change in policy from former members, some of which are now fighting on the other side. The aim of The Continuum was to provide political security to it's members, in it's full capacity it was more than able to do this and has to go down as perhaps one of the most stable and successful blocks CN has ever seen. Had some of it's members been happy with the political climate it created Continuum would continue to exist. Make no mistake outside forces did not break Continuum, the destabilization progress was a result of innovation and change in political thought from within Continuum itself.

    Innovation and deviance is necessary in any community to allow for evolution and change to take place, all majority opinions start out as minority opinions. It has been interesting to see this develop in CN over the past 6 months and all credit to those alliances who provided an alternative opinion even if it lacks in just as much substance as the one before it. I'm sure a year or so down the line this process will once again repeat itself and we will see conflicting ideologies in CN. If it is good for anything it certainly does help keep CN fresh.

    Failure from within is still failure. Internal collapse or collapse due to external aggression, it makes little difference. One led to the other. The end result was the Continuum failing to protect the peace and stability of its members.

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