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Hombre de Murcielago

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Posts posted by Hombre de Murcielago

  1. Congratulations on peace. It's good to see our fellow Imperials receive good terms after an honorable fight.

    [quote name='James Dahl' timestamp='1299891873' post='2660693']
    What, that we gave IAA white peace, and worked hard to make sure they wouldn't pay reps? Indeed, what monsters we be.

    Clearly you should be ashamed!

  2. Happy Birthday to my favorite oranges.

    I didn't realize you guys were almost exactly 1 year older than us.

    [quote name='OsRavan' timestamp='1297570289' post='2630882']
    The urge was there... but I resisted it. Manfully. [i][size="1"](It was going to be on Athens)[/size][/i]

    I respect your self control. It's never easy NOT to DoW Athens.

  3. [quote name='silentkiller' timestamp='1297016921' post='2622366']
    That is how MDoAPs work..

    You seem unable to get beyond your fundamental misunderstanding of how treaties work.

    We were quite obligated to help GOONS when they were attacked. Perhaps your wrongly assume that there is a "non-chaining" clause on this treaty?

    Your whole "forced" argument is ridiculous. I'll agree with your steadfast commitment to free will in that no one can "force" you to do anything.

    However, under the wording of our treaty, and the mutual understanding of intent with which it was signed, =LOST= was very much required by the laws of that treaty to enter on this front.

  4. [quote name='silentkiller' timestamp='1297014438' post='2622282']
    So it was oA and =LOST='s treaty did not demand that they absolutely have to enter. Again =LOST= has full right to enter this war, they just can't say they were forced to do so by a treaty.

    [url="http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?showtopic=71319"]Read the treaty[/url]

    There are almost 5 years of precedent for how MDP chaining works. There are also several posts in this thread that lay it out nicely.

    But, for the slow learners in the class:

    GOONS attacked NPO <- =LOST= could activate oA here
    Legion attacked GOONS <- Our MD was activated here

    Now, if you want us to activate the oA clause of our treaty so you can see how it works, perhaps that can be arranged... :smug:

  5. [quote name='Letum' timestamp='1296539407' post='2614194']
    It is saddening to see that ODN, LOST, LSF, NEAT, GRUE, DICE, Tetris, and INT seemingly support a policy of unprovoked attacks on other alliances.

    We just wanted to prevent MCXA from having to review the two Ewok specials for us a week from now :smug:

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