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Hombre de Murcielago

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Posts posted by Hombre de Murcielago

  1. Flagred366.pngEmpireflagVersion2JPEG.jpg

    From the moment they were founded, we knew it would be an affront to the English language and a crime against humanity not to take advantage of the pun which Admin in all his benevolent glory so generously provided for us. Luckily, we also happen to really like each other. Therefore it is with great pleasure that I present...

    The =LOST= and FOUND department


    Everyone has been there...one minute you're getting off the park's colossal roller coaster and the next minute you're getting ready to empty your wallet throwing rings at bottles trying to win that giant stuffed bear for your date (who you'll probably never call back). You reach back to pull out your wallet, when it hits you: You lost your wallet on the ride. You retrace your steps, checking the roller coaster and the merry-go-round, but to no avail. Your date heads to the bathroom and you decide to book it out of there before she gets back (with a wart like that there was no way she was getting near your place anyway) On your way out of the park, you see a sign. One last glimpse of hope. You decide to go inside and hope that someone had found your wallet and taken it to...

    The =LOST= and FOUND Department

    Article I. Dinner time

    While we love playing with each other, when mom rings the bell for dinner every night, =LOST= and FOUND both go to their respective and seperate houses to eat.

    Article II. Finder's Keepers

    If one guy finds a toy laying on the ground, it's theirs. The other guy can't start a fight over it (no matter how awesome that nerf gun is).

    Article III. Bullies

    If a stranger comes along and tries to take a toy from one of us, the other guy is obligated to smash that stranger's sand castle and leave him crying by himself in the middle of the playground.

    Article IV. Bullying

    If one of us decides they want the basketball that red-headed kid across the playground is playing with, the other guy is strongly encouraged to help strong arm the runt into handing it over. However, if they decide they don't want to cause any trouble, they can stay in the sandbox and build castles by themselves.

    Article V. Sharing is Caring

    If either one of us gets the new super soaker 3000XL (you know, the one that can reach all the way across the parking lot and has five different nozzles) they have to share it with the other guy if they ask for a turn.

    Article VI. Tattling

    If one guy hears someone planning to take any of their friend's toys, they need to share what they hear with their friend, even if they get called a tattletale for doing so (sticks and stones will break our bones...so don't let us catch you with a bag of rocks).

    Article VII. Moving Away

    Moving. It happens. Sometimes parents just decide to pack up and move to another state and separate best friends. If either =LOST= or FOUND find out that they are moving away and decide to end the friendship (to help deal with the pain) they are required to tell the other guy 72 hours in advance (so there's enough time to plan the goodbye party).


    For =LOST=

    Emperor - Wargarden

    Minister of Foreign Affairs - Hombre de Murcielago

    Minister of Internal Affairs - Tacoleary

    Minister of War - Ninmeister

    Chief Justice - Mandellav

    Deputy Minister of Foreign Affiars - Yesitsbobby

    For FOUND

    WernerHoffmann - Chief of Medicine

    sdanderson - Chief of Residents

    Sukalia - Attending Physician, Medical Board

    Relyt Nosnibor - Attending Physician, Medical Board

    Lord Berett - Attending Physician, Medical Board

    J Scarlet, Attending Physician, Medical Board

  2. You%20Only%20Live%20Twice%20film%20poster.jpg

    =LOST= has passed the 1 million NS mark for the 2nd and Final time.

    When =LOST= and C&G entered the last war, it was with the expectation that we would not see peace on the other side. Though it broke our hearts to face the potential loss of the community we have worked so hard to build, that same community was built upon levels of friendship and loyalty which could not reconcile even the thought of leaving our friends to die alone.

    We did see peace, and from a low point of around 400K NS our members have rallied together, paid our reparations, rebuilt, and are in many ways stronger than ever.

    I for one have never been more proud to call myself =LOST=. Please join us in celebrating this milestone again!


    Special thanks to Mushroom Kingdom. Your friendship and loyalty to =LOST= over the past 2 years goes beyond anything we could expect of anyone. Not only would we not have reached this milestone tonight without you, I'm certain =LOST= would not be even a shadow of itself without you. Thank you.

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