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Posts posted by Masterchief777

  1. GATO doesn't own Brown. They're not the NPO of Brown Sphere...


    Nevertheless, congrats. :awesome:


    o/ NSF


    meh merely poking fun at our old timer allies, I don't think their sometimes called"NPOing" of the brown sphere was intentional, merely a product of natural events (alliances getting the hell off of brown because its terrible.) 

  2. Imagepng_zps8906b243.png

    Greetings fellow dwellers of planet bob!
    The North Star Federation is proud to announce that we have successfully obtained a senate seat on brown and while color politics may be a thing of the past, we look to this with hope and optimism that brown is changing for the better. For close to 2 years(?) GATO has been the only presence on brown and the senate but now things are starting to change and NSF is making an impact on her home sphere. This senate seat is merely the beginning of a new and transformed brown, we hope to one day see more brown children alliances uniting together for the future of this sphere.
    I am also honored to present you with our "new" Charter and Government that I know is capable of leading this alliance towards greatness  :)






    Imperial Guard of Domestic Affairs:

    King Armen

    Imperial Guard of Defense:


    Imperial Guard of Finance:


    Imperial Guard of Foreign Affairs:

    Poppa Clam



    Articles of Federation
    We, the  nations of the North Star Federation, bound by our values of strength and determination, enter into a grand holy alliance that seeks peace and justice for all. It is with the ratification of this document that we hope to establish the basic laws and principles that shall govern our imperial federation.
    Article 1: Imperial Government
    Section A: The Emperor
    The Emperor is the supreme leader of the North Star Federation and has control over all alliance affairs, foreign and domestic. The Emperor serves for life, or until resignation or impeachment. 
    Section B: Imperial Guard
    An Imperial Guard is someone who is a head of department within the North Star Federation. They serve to assit the North Stars and the Emperor with the day to day maintaince of the alliance. Imperial Guards are appointed by the Emperor  serve until resignation, impeachment or removal from office by the Emperor. 
    Imperial Guard of Defense (IGD)
    The IGD commands the North Star Federations military. Promotes batalion signins and ensures that the alliance is always at peak military readiness. Maintains an active defense staff to help teach North Stars how to fight and defends the alliance against rogue attacks.
    Imperial Guard of Finance (IGF)
    The IGF is in charge of managing the North Star Bank and that all aid requests are proccessed. The IGoF is also the head of the Tech Corps, maintaining the North Star Federations flow of tech.  
    Imperial Guard of Domestic Affairs (IGDA)
    The IGDA maintains the alliance as a whole and ensures that everything is running smoothly; Promotes recruitment and in command of the education department. The IGoDA is also responsible for effective alliance communication. 
    Imperial Guard of Foreign Affairs (IGFA)
    The IGFA maintains communication with other alliances and manages the sending and receiving of diplomats. The IGFA is also in charge of setting the alliances foreign policy. 
    Section C: Impeachment
    Any North Star can call an Impeachment vote against The Emperor or any member of the Imperial Guard. If the vote is against  an Imperial Guard the Emperor reserves the right to veto it, however he can not veto a call for his own resignation. If there is a call for the Emperors resignation then the Imperial Guard must vote. A majority (3/4) must vote in favor of the motion before a vote amongst the North Stars is carried out whereby a 3/4 majority of the popular vote is needed for the motion to pass.
    Section D: Selection of a new Emperor
    In the case of the Emperor resigning from his position his last act of his reign is to appoint his successor  If the Emperor is impeached the Imperial Guard vote to determine the selection of a new Emperor. 
     Article 2: North Stars
    Section A: Membership
    Nations wishing to join the North Star Federation must meet certain criteria before they can call themselves North Stars. If these are failed to be meet then they may be denied entrance into the alliance. 
    - New recruits must submit an application on the forum.
    - Have alliance affiliation set to North Star Federation.
    - Must not be involved in any wars (foreign or domestic.)
    - Not an enemy of any other alliance. 
    - Is on the Brown Sphere (exemptions for this term can be granted by the Emperor or the Imperial Guard of Domestic Affairs.)
    - Has Graduated from the North Star Academy  (exemptions for this term can be granted by the Emperor or the Imperial Guard of Domestic Affairs.)
    Section B: Expulsion
    Calls for a North Stars removal can be made by any member of the North Star Federation. Expulsion motions should be brought directly to either The Emperor or a member of the Imperial Guard. The imperial government will then vote to determine if the North Star should be removed. For the motion to pass it requires a 3/5 majority; The Emperor however reserves the right to veto any expulsion (unless there is a call for his impeachment.)
    Section C: Imperial Purge
    The Emperor can remove any North Star if they are deemed a threat to the overall security of the alliance. This power is unavailable if there is a call for the Emperors removal. If the purge is challenged by a current standing North Star then the Imperial Guard must hold a vote to determine if the purge is justified. Anytype of in-game cheating will result in an immediate Imperial Purge. 
    Article 3: Military policy
    Section A: Military Service
    All nations that have successfully entered into the halls of the North Star Federation are bound by duty to defend the alliance at all costs. Nations refusing to fight or dissert the alliance during times of war are subject to one time ZI. Nations that are unable to fight during times of war must receive approval from either The Emperor or the Imperial Guard of Defense before entering peace mode.
    Section B: Tech Raiding
    Tech raiding is an explictly illegaly act. North Stars cannot attack any other nation without the express consent of The Emperor or the Imperial Guard of Defense. The Emperor can remove any member that is found guilty of tech raiding or instead of removal can set a monetary fine that will either be paid to the defending nation or to the North Star Bank.
    Section C: Spying
    North Stars are deemed to be guilty of spying if there is a swapping or giving of sensitive information with a foreign entente North Stars found sharing information face an automatic Imperial Purge with a one time ZI sentence. 
    Section D: Nuclear Armistice
    The North Star Federation reserves the right to use nuclear weapons in its defense but believes in a no-first strike policy. North Stars are not allowed to use nuclear weapons without the consent of the Emperor or the Imperial Guard of Defense.
    Article 4:  Amendments
    Any North Star can call for an amendment to the charter, before the vote is cast among the North Stars, The Emperor and Imperial Guard vote to determine if the amendment is frivolous or not. If the majority vote in favor the North Stars vote to determine if the amendment gets added to the charter. 3/4 majority of the popular vote is needed for the amendment to pass.

  3. Not exactly hard on the brown team, and with 467,509NS at the time of me writing this, that's not exactly a feat either. But regardless I may hit ya'll up for a reliable tech

    lol we don't take ourselves that seriously, I know you can't tell tone on the internet but we say that in a sarcastic way. But tbh I think it is something worth advertising. If a new player who just happens to be on brown ever does find this and wants to be apart of a "powerful" alliance and then hey, the system works. Because whether its a feat or not, we are for a fact, the second strongest alliance on brown. :P
  4. No what he means is that there is a war going on and most alliances won't accept new recruits. We at the North Star Federation are not involved in any of these wars and would accept your nation instantly. We are small but we can provide you with protection from attack and a chance to grow your nation to its full potential. After you get start to catch on to cybernations we have many positions available within the NSF to help keep up your interest. We can even supply you with a trade circle right away to help grow your nation even faster. 


    If you're interested please check out our forum at www.ns-federation.net


    Hope to see you there! :)

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