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Posts posted by wenwillthisend

  1. In the famous words of the ever-famous meme, "I c wut u did thar" :lol:

    Nice thread though, I think the main opinion is clear. but I must ask you, what about the Lux Aeterna is "2) and the sovereignty sucking verbage in most block treaties, ", if that's what you meant? Apologies if I misunderstand/read. The Citadel is quite open to all discussion, just ask any member of any Cit alliance, or Vox, I'm sure they'll agree.

    You beat us with a stick, day and night. Always the same stick.

    Much love TOP.

    All discussion are open sometimes heated, but always fun

  2. Please correct me if i'm wrong, but we haven't had anything to do with you folks for at least 6 months.

    Sox, holding on to grudges for what happened when you were not even a part of Gramlins sounds rather silly to me.

    Perhaps you should consider talking to a member of the GGA instead of cherishing that save feeling of hatred.

    Your hatred will only make you bitter, actually talking to members of the GGA may give you a pleasant surprise.

    Are you up for that challenge? I challenge you and the rest of planet bob to actually talk to members of the GGA instead of silly mockery.

    Speaking as someone that was apart of Grämlins during that time, let me say that grudges may be held by some, but none will ever forget, some will never forgive.

    Me, I couldn't careless about GGA, stay go, means nothing

  3. I just don't understand this whole situation anymore. It's gone from facepalm-worthy to strange to Twilight Zone.

    hey, I know the feeling here, it's like watching a car wreck, you know you should look away but you can't.

    Good luck GGA you need :popcorn:

  4. I was just saying, it started with Hyperion, so technically it should end that way ya digg?

    Next time you are on IRC query me, cause I am sick of hearing about this war starting here and there. Grämlins, TOP and so on are t war with Polaris for our reasons and has nothing to do with Hyperion.

    they had nothing to do with the war, but it sure provided a good distraction from your transparent CB against Polaris, didn't it ;)

    I think you need to read our CB against Polaris again and learn what we are fighting for

  5. From the birth of your nation you are pushed in a certain direction. Your tiny nation is pushed down a path of those that walked before you and you’re told that it’s the right way because that’s the way it’s always been. From the birth of your nation you are stripped of your morality and ethics, you are stripped of your freedoms and forced into the trenches of a system that is a mere clone of one key alliance that set the standard. If you rebel against this authoritian system then you will be outcasted and possibly forced from playing the game. The powers that be will, with a smiling face, force you to play the game they want to you play. The majority of all nations created are forced into a world where the many feed the fun of the few.

    That's funny, you are saying that from the second you start playing CN you are a mindless drone.

    everyone has a brain and use it the way they see fit.

    This is mindless propaganda at it's dumbest

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