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Posts posted by Mandrivia

  1. Arrogance and asshattery are enough cause for an alliance to be destroyed. You may want to rethink your attitude to Valhalla and the NPO. We're not known as alliances who stand by while people of no real importance try to score points from us. I think it's clear what happens to any alliance who tries to take a stand against Pacifica. Their record is exceptional. Throwing insults their way is pretty dumb.

    Throwing insults their way? Chimaera didn't make this announcement: "re-affirmation of taking a stand against Pacifica"

    You seem pretty defensive about this whole thing.

  2. What is the point of re-affirming commitment to a treaty - either you keep the treaty and automatically confirm it, or break it; this seems to imply there is some middle ground. To me this seems little more than a thinly veiled attempt at insulting others.

    1. Are you Horde or are you Josef Thorne? :awesome:

    2. How did you make this into an insult? Not going with the flow shouldn't be one.

    Good job IAA, and :v: Chimaera :v:

  3. The DoN is a privilege for GPA. If alliances don't feel like GPA is acting in the spirit of neutrality, they have no reason to remain signatories.

    Hardly makes a difference anyway.

    I don't see GPA violating their own neutrality, I see mistakes being made on their part which is natural when running an alliance that large. They're as neutral as ever.

  4. The quality of GPA's leadership and diplomacy has fallen, as can be seen now even by general CN public.

    I addressed this on another board, but I will just repeat the part where I think GPA should be judged by standards upon all other alliances are judged and that warm safe blanked of declared neutrality made GPA forget to actually act like it. Why? Is it because of their statistical power, is it because a lot of old leadership left, or something third I do not know.

    What I know though they better get their !@#$ together or there will be trouble for them.

    I like the song in your siggy.

    Also, I don't doubt GPA will attempt to do something about it. I think, from a third party perspective that some people are also gosh darn hard on GPA. You don't at least have to announce to the world of you withdrawing your ambassadors.

  5. Not everyone is so "clued in" as to know to go to a certain IRC server and a certain channel to ask a question without pissing certain people off. It seems like a disingenuous trap to me. If you don't speak up, you get raided. If you speak up, you get raided. That's nonsense and it needs to stop. The powerful have a responsibility and making it so it is ensured that the powerless are doing something that will guarantee their demise is guaranteed is completely dishonest and wrong.

    I guess I'm missing something, but nowadays if somebody complains against tech raiding, they are now supported, unlike in the GOONS' and \m/ era?

  6. So here this guy makes an intelligent, coherent, and somewhat humorous (and not the unintended type) request for diplomacy and you, and others, mock him for no apparent reason? Pathetic.

    If you want to ask something of another alliance, don't you usually ask in private channels? Or am I missing something?

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