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Bob Sanders

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Posts posted by Bob Sanders

  1. [quote name='LittleRena' timestamp='1340159800' post='2989588']
    Clearly they are since one of your members issued a callout to The International if I recall correctly, someone in your alliance wanted a shot at Int, no?

    Apparently Hal did... :unsure:

  2. [quote name='Methrage' timestamp='1323137939' post='2864766']
    I warned SF back in the DH-NPO War that if they don't back RoK, the same method could be used again against them to pull them in war by picking off their members, but SF tried staying as neutral as they could that war. Now SF has been dragged into war again, but with NPO on the side of DH/PB. SF and allies should be ready now, but interesting how MK always seems to escape being the target of anyone's vengeance and MK shifts their position to be on the winning side with former enemies allying them for the chance to get payback on others.

    In the DH-NPO War, SF could of joined in on the side of NPO and possibly overthrow the MK hegemony. Instead SF tried playing both sides and let the entire bloc fall apart before going into a challenging war. Perfect example of potential victims letting themselves get picked off one by one, even helping the aggressors who hit them previously defeat their next victims in hopes of prolonging their own fate.

    I look forward to see the MHA and Sparta response, if they honor their treaty with Fark here they'll gain some respect. Also I don't think I've ever seen Créole roll out, but it would be interesting to see if they do anything with their Fark treaty here.
    SF didn't ever have the ability to switch sides. Xiph and Liz in CSN (DT terms last war) made sure they were universally hated by all opponents and then his act burned the bridges on his own side. As someone who was on the losing side of Karma I would 10x rather side with MK than Xiph. I'd go rogue if I ended up on the same side as Xiph. MK government is actually smart and has political skills.

  3. [quote name='Dexomega' timestamp='1317310843' post='2811727']
    Again, if they'd given us more than a few hours and actually countered our offer with, say, 24 Million (12 million each) we'd probably have taken it. Even if they just said 30 Million again, we'd have considered it. Taking the first deal you get is quite a poor thing to do, and it would give the world the impression that we'll take any form of reps to avoid conflict.

    And yes, it would, it's happened to us before. I think the most hysterical part about this whole situation is that the exact same thing happened with GOONS last winter. The first deal we got was near-universally agreed to be a bad one, the one we got [i]next[/i] was entirely reasonable.
    Tough luck, you lowballed by offering 1/4 of what you were willing to pay, they were insulted by your lowball and attacked. I'm guessing the negotiations would have continued if you had even bumped your offer to 16 million.

  4. [quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1311808586' post='2765621']
    Valhalla declared war on him. Any actions he (or anyone else on his AA, if applicable) takes against Valhalla are in the context of a defensive war, not roguery. A war that he'll lose, because Valhalla has declared war on a tiny and defenceless alliance, but sanctions should not be placed when the nation in question was attacked first by the alliance which is complaining. When the only visible wars are offensive though it's an easy mistake to make.
    A tiny defenseless nation that was sitting at ~120k NS with full wonders, nukes, $3 billion warchest, etc. That certainly sounds tiny and defenseless to me... As a matter of fact at least one of the nations that raided him was smaller than he was when the raid started.

  5. [quote name='Lord Curzon' timestamp='1308875108' post='2739748']
    Shall we begin judging all alliances credibility based on their past allies now? Seem to remember VE having some questionable ones.

    I'm not sure why you are going into the past, their current has more than enough fodder.

    [quote name='Hyperion321' timestamp='1308875196' post='2739749']
    Holy crap, you're still around? Damn it's been years since we've yelled at each other.

    In other news, Jesus Henry Christ I've been around long enough to have years go by without arguing with Bob Sanders. I'm old.
    I still show up from time to time. :smug:

  6. [quote name='Crymson' timestamp='1297705898' post='2633072']
    I agree.

    It was Chefjoe, years ago. Many of us were in that call. He was hammered to the extent that he wasn't aware the mic was still on.

    (No offense, CJ).
    I wasn't gonna out cj but yes this is what I was referring to. It happened in early 2008 right before noWedge was removed. The female involved joined the call and talked to us at one point despite not knowing any of us.

  7. [quote name='PrinceArutha' timestamp='1297662194' post='2632464']
    Duly noted.

    On a side note, CSN, you realize that planet bob has the memory of an elephant. The powers that be (whichever side) will remember how you have treated your opponent. As has happened in every major war (KARMA, UJP, THIS ONE) the loser is typically treated as they have treated their opponents in the past. Treat opponents of today with dignity, honor and respect as those who are opponents today could be allies tomorrow. You are not only cutting ties with DT and her allies over this but those whom you are allied to as of now (or potentially in the future) are now looking at you with distaste in their mouths. Regardless of whoever you are supposedly a "puppet" of this looks very poorly on you, this issue is NOT about GOD or Xiphosis. They are not the important parts of this issue. The important part of the issue is that you are now asking for a ridiculous amount of reps from an alliance much in the same way that your opponents on the other side of the treaty web (NpO, NPO) used to do back in their glory days. [b]In that sense, you have become what you hate.....[/b]

    Good luck to my friends in DT.

    The have become what they claimed to hate while building a coalition of suckers during Karma. There is a difference.

    [quote name='Believland' timestamp='1297662256' post='2632467']
    I too love to talk crap about being in peace mode while actually being in peace mode.


    [quote name='janax' timestamp='1297662612' post='2632487']
    I believe it's in reference to the "joke" Kronos and others played on Valhalla while treatied to them. The one where SF was going to roll Valhalla for spying, causing Valhalla to go to peace mode.

    Whatever are you talking about? I'm sure Liz would never participate in such a prank against an ally. She is clearly a bastion of wisdom and understanding the potential effects of such a prank on Planet Bob. We must all follow her shining example of thoughtfulness. o/

    [quote name='Rebel Virginia' timestamp='1297663177' post='2632506']
    [color="#0000FF"]If you would subject GOD to eternal war or excessive terms then you are no better than they. I would not stand for that. Even if it is GOD. I will say here and now that if GOD were abused in such a way during a war or peace process I would oppose that injustice as strongly as I do all others.[/color]


  8. [quote name='LJ Scott' timestamp='1297601862' post='2631124']
    The funniest stuff is usually the stuff you can't talk about on these forums.

    [quote name='Doitzel' timestamp='1297616891' post='2631214']
    <Bob_Sanders> did you Polar really too stupid to read?

    [quote name='Chickenzilla' timestamp='1297627526' post='2631349']
    The best part was that he cried to the IRC mods about it.
    That was the best part, I truly enjoyed getting those childish idiots temp-banned from irc during a war.

    [quote name='Ryan Greenberg' timestamp='1297636972' post='2631561']
    The CB used to attack Hyperion was pretty funny because it was so bad.
    And your alliance is still so politically unsavvy you were backed into a corner and pounded by the masses on a cb just as weak again. :o Think about that, your alliance has been the target of two pitchfork wielding witch hunts. [url="http://www.amazon.com/How-Win-Friends-Influence-People/dp/0671723650"]Link[/url]

    [quote name='maicke' timestamp='1297654198' post='2632114']
    The best post pertaining to CN ever.

    Although the funniest event (for me) was probably when NpO and co peaced out after TOP declared on CnG. Might not have been the best move, but it was [i]hilarious[/i]

    I can see this. It may have suicided NpO's political ambitions for the next several years but I'm sure it was funny to them. Cheap(or not) entertainment.

    [quote name='Kenneth_Cole' timestamp='1297656617' post='2632221']
    Didn't Dilber at one point have sex while in a conference call with NPO gov? Some oldies might be able to confirm/deny this.

    I have been in a Skype call while someone had sex. Don't ask who because I'm not gonna say.

    [quote]Fourth, a certain incident by which Legion got peace from GOONS.[/quote]

    Blast from the past. Almost forgot that one.

  9. [quote name='Liz Girard' timestamp='1297659851' post='2632339']
    So mad. Quick! How fast can Valhalla run to peace mode! :now taking bets in #CSN:
    You remind me of Ephraim Grey and we all know how that story ends.

    You think you're a big shot [x]
    You aren't a big shot [x]
    You have a big mouth [x]
    You lack political savvy [x]
    You happen to be tied to the powers of the day [x]

  10. [quote name='Hyperion321' timestamp='1297650759' post='2631965']
    I don't like that anyone other than Polar is even being considered to pay reps. They came in on a defense clause people. It's not like they hit people with no treaty or physical connection to the war. Surely if you hail us for taking AZTEC in the manner we did, then giving DT reps for a defense clause entry entry is a little...well...hypocritical, no?

    Bottom line: I don't like myworld, but even I think this sucks.

    See below, your naivety is impressive.

    [quote name='Ryan Greenberg' timestamp='1297651906' post='2632019']
    Somebody's mad? CSN had to pay stupid reps to the Hegemony(because all reps are stupid) in the GATO-1v War. They fought in Karma against the unjustices the Hegemony did from post-UJW to the Karma War. Now they are asking for ridiculous reps too. [b]Karma was supposed to get rid of this !@#$.[/b]

    Those dreams were only the dreams of politically weak alliances with no real political principles or backbones. Yes, I'm talking to you Sparta, MHA and the legions moralistic bandwagoners. You turned the tide in Karma on a ridiculous pipe dream of a great new world. Xiphosis was and still is a determined leader with a backbone. He and Archon among others have played you like the suckers you are. I'm gonna laugh as I watch you shift and shift to stay on the side that portrays itself and "more moral" to you. You simply aren't good enough politically to ever be more than a pawn in any game you play. Strong-willed leaders like Xiphosis will always make the world go round, you don't have that and probably never will due to a substandard internal culture.

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