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Dante the Poet

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Posts posted by Dante the Poet

  1. Congratz both, and please note that the next alliance that posts a confusing and unrelated topic title in an announcement will experience consequences for these actions.

    Well the topic title makes sense, since it was a post about CB and DefCon :) so entirely related to the topic :D

  2. Preamble

    This treaty is between the alliances of The Crimson Brigade and The Military Establishment of Righteous Countries with the intention of further ensuring the safety, security and prosperity of the membership of each alliance. It also serves as a symbol of the continually improving friendship, loyalty and bond shared between the two signatory alliances.

    Article I - Sovereignty

    It must be understood that both alliances shall remain sovereign and independent organizations. Either organization undertaking action (aggressive or defensive) against other entities not included in this agreement does so without implication of the other signatory.

    Article II - Non-Aggression

    No member of either signatory may participate in, support, or condone military action against a member within the corresponding signatory. If a member nation of either signatory alliance is found to have done this, they will be ordered to offer peace within 24 hours of the initial notification, and pay reparations equivalent to the total damages inflicted. This payment of reparations must not take place if doing so would be in violation of any other treaty, document or instrument of surrender. Defending nations are required to limit retaliation to the number and type of attacks received.

    If the attacking nation refuses to offer peace to the defending nation within the specified time frame, without credible reason explaining the lack of compliance to the articles of this treaty, the attacking nation will be expelled from their alliance. Further, the expelled nation is to be considered a rogue by both signatory alliances, and dealt with accordingly.

    Article III - Civility

    The membership of each signatory commit to remaining civil towards each other at all times, particularly in public channels, but also in private, at all times.

    Article IV - Financial Assistance

    In case of a conflict involving an attack on a signatory alliance by a third party, the attacked alliance may request financial aid, and the requested alliance, while not obligated to, is strongly encouraged to send available aid. This article can be enacted by the leadership of either alliance, and legitimate requests for financial assistance include, but are not limited to: rogue attacks, not take place if doing so would be in violation of any other treaty, document or instrument of surrender. Defending nations are required to limit retaliation to the number and type of attacks received.

    Article V - Espionage

    Both signed alliances agree that under no circumstances shall either signatory alliance engage in espionage against the other. Further, should a signatory receive information that points towards a possible leak in another signatory's security, this information must be shared and discussed immediately.

    Article VI - Intelligence

    Neither signatory alliance shall withhold information from the other signatory alliance that constitutes a direct threat to the security or well-being of the other signatory alliance. Both signatories shall strive to keep the each other informed of non-emergency situations as often as possible.

    Article VII - Senate

    All senators from both alliances agree not to sanction members of the other signatory alliance. However, such sanctions may be placed against nations declared rogues by both alliances.

    Article VIII - Termination

    Termination of this pact requires 72 hours notice. This notice is required to be given firstly via private channels. Any intentional or planned violations of the articles within this treaty result in the treaty being considered immediately void, unless otherwise agreed upon by the leadership of both signatories.

    Signed for the Crimson Brigade

    Mak Stormweilder - Emperor

    Signed for MERC

    Jack Whiterstein - Premier

    Roderick Wells - Chancellor of Defense

    porkpotpie - Chancellor of Foreign Affairs

  3. I'd first like to show off Crimson Brigade's new flag, thanks go to silent for making it for me :D


    Now the Crimson Brigades updated constitution.

    The universe has many horrors yet to throw at us. This is not the end of our struggle. This is just the beginning of our crusade to save Humanity.

    Be faithful!

    Be strong!

    Be vigilant!

    +++ The Emperor +++

    Article I: Membership.

    Every servant has his place, no matter how lowly or modest. To know it is his greatest comfort, to excel within it is his greatest solace, and his master's contentment is his greatest reward.

    +++ Codex Administratum +++

    All those with honour and the willingness to defend all other members of the Crimson Brigade are welcome to join. We are mainly a Black team alliance and it is suggested though not required for members to switch to the Black team, though the Orange team is also acceptable. Applicants should change their alliance affiliation to Crimson Brigade Applicant until they are accepted, at which point they must change their alliance affiliation to Crimson Brigade. We also ask that no applicant is involved in any wars when making an application, though if they are we shall help to bring about peace to the best of our ability.

    It is unacceptable and considered heretical to be a member of The Crimson Brigade while maintaining membership in another alliance without permission from either the Emperor or Lord Commander of the Segmentum Solar .

    Article II: Government structure.

    There can be no bystanders in the battle for survival. Anyone who will not fight by your side is an enemy you must crush.

    +++ Scriptorus Munificantus +++

    I. The Adeptus Terra.

    All members have a vote in the Adeptus Terra; they are responsible for electing the various High Lords of Terra. Upon the request of the Emperor or Lord Commander of the Segmentum Solar , they may also be asked to vote upon treaties, declarations of war and peace terms.

    I. High Lords of Terra.

    The High Lords of terra will be made up of 6 elected and 6 appointed officials; they shall handle the day to day running of the alliance. They are honour bound to always do what is best for the alliance and not to allow personal grudges to interfere with their duties.

    There will be several departments which the High Lords of Terra will preside over and their titles as High Lords shall reflect this.

    The Master of the Administratum (Internal affairs)

    The Inquisitorial Representative

    The Ecclesiarch of the Adeptus Ministorum( recruitment)

    The Fabricator-General of the Adeptus Mechanicus (aid & tech deals)

    The Grand Provost Marshal of the Adeptus Arbites (justice)

    The Paternoval Envoy of the Navigators (trade & foreign affairs)

    The Master of the Astronomican(foreign affairs)

    The Grand Master of the Officio Assassinorum

    The Master of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica (census)

    Lord Commander of the Segmentum Solar (defense)

    Lord Commander Militant of the Imperial Guard (defense)

    Cardinal(s) of the Holy Synod of Terra (Holy works)

    The Adeptus Arbites, Must keep a record of all members, must make sure that forum membership is consistent with in game members. This includes finding and reporting ghosts, messaging members who have incorrect AA’s and removing masks of members who no longer have nations.

    The Adeptus Ministorum’s responsibility is to recruit new and loyal members and to ensure recruitment procedures are followed.

    The Master of the Astronomican appoints diplomats and ensures problems are solved as diplomatically as possible.

    The Adeptus Mechanicus. This department manages the aid and tech deals between members absolutely.

    The imperial Guard under the command of the Lord Commander Militant of the Imperial Guard and Lord Commander of the Segmentum Solar ensures that we shall not be defeated in battle.

    There are several other departments whose duties are decided and expanded upon by the Emperor’s will.

    III. Emperor and appointed positions.

    The Emperor is the leader of the alliance until they resign, or they leave Cybernations for good.

    They have full authority over the alliance and can expel members who are considered threats to the alliance’s security and safety. Also they are permitted to interfere in the working of any department as they see fit.

    The Emperor can also appoint department heads for any department they see fit, and can remove department heads as they see fit.

    The Lord Commander of the Segmentum Solar is the supreme commander of the Crimson Brigade’s military and 2nd in command of the Crimson Brigade, the Lord Commander of the Segmentum Solar is appointed by the Emperor. They have command over the military and can assign division commanders to help organise our alliances military.

    The current Lord Commander of the Segmentum Solar is considered to be the Emperor’s successor

    The Master of the Administratum , The Fabricator-General of the Adeptus Mechanicus , The Inquisitorial Representative, The Grand Master of the Officio Assassinorum and The Ecclesiarch of the Adeptus Ministorum are also appointed by the Emperor.

    IV. the founding Emperor(shadowduelist, aka mak stormweilder) can, at any time after they have resigned as Emperor, return to their former position as Emperor, at which time the deposed Emperor will be assigned to any position they wish, though the final decision will rest with the Founding Emperor.

    *Sub-Section IV of Article II cannot be modified without the founding Emperors approval.

    Article III: Code of Conduct

    I. CB members are forbidden from attacking any other CB member.

    II. It is forbidden to attack a non-CB member unless proper approval has been given by the military hierarchy.

    III. No member may say anything outside of the CB private forums that contradicts or endangers the CB or its decisions.

    IV. Any member who refuses to follow the orders of the High Lords of Terra, Lord Commander of the Segmentum Solar or the Emperor during wartime will face a trial. Upon completion of the trial, their fate will be decided upon, ranging from a fine to perma ZI.

    Article IV: voting procedures.

    Elections shall take place once every 3 months on the first of the month; nominations shall begin 3 days before. All members are allowed to put their names forward for the election, but they must have the backing of at least 1 other member for their nomination to be successful. A poll will be used for the voting process and all members except those currently standing trial shall be permitted to vote.

    Article V: Combat Doctrine.

    I. Raiding.

    1. Target nation must not be on the red sphere.

    2. Target must either be unaligned or in an alliance of less than 3, though with the Lord Commander Militant of the Imperial Guard ’s permission alliances of up to 10 members who are not protectorates of other alliances can be declared upon.

    3. It is forbidden to extort tech &/or money from anyone, the punishment for breaking this rule will be most severe.

    II. Wartime Conduct.

    1. Fight with honour.

    2. Do not send insults or other inappropriate messages to your target.

    3. Treat you opponent with respect.

    4. Always listen to the orders of your superiors, if you have a problem with one of your superior’s orders; please contact an officer above their rank.

    III. Use of Nuclear Armaments.

    1. It is forbidden to use nuclear weapons without first acquiring permission from an officer.

    2. Nuclear first strikes are forbidden except in extreme circumstances.

    3. If you are nuked by a rogue you have permission to counter attack them and them alone with nuclear weapons.

    Article V: Amendments.

    Any member may propose amendments to the constitution, but they must be approved by a 75% vote in favour by the High Lords of Terra and must be approved by the Emperor.

    In the event that the High Lords cannot fulfil this duty, the Lord Commander of the Segmentum Solar shall take responsibility for approving amendments.

    Until the Crimson Brigade reaches 50 members or all government positions are filled the Emperor may amend this document at any time without a vote.

    Another announcement

    Personal Nation Protectorate Pact

    Between the Nation of RSFSR and the Crimson Brigade

    This pact extends protection to the nation of RSFSR and its leader Silent, on behalf of the Crimson Brigade.

    Military Assistance:

    As per this pact, the Crimson Brigade promises the nation of RSFSR military assitance in case of an attack by un-aligned nations. If some nations, that belong to a alliance, attack the nation of RSFSR, the Crimson Brigade will deal with the matter as they would deal with an attack on one of their own nations.

    Economical Assistance:

    The Crimson Brigade is not obligated to provide any economical help to the nation of RSFSR, but any such help is still encouraged by this pact. The Crimson Brigade however promises to fight for reparations to be paid to the nation of RSFSR by those who attack it.

    Obligations of the RSFSR:

    The nation of RSFSR promises never to declare any wars while under the protection of the Crimson Brigade. The RSFSR is not oblidged to assist the Crimson Brigade in any wars the alliance may be engaged in, defensive or otherwise. However the nation of RSFSR is encouraged to assist the Crimson Brigade in other matters.

    This Pact is signed in good will and as a gesture of friendship between the leader of the RSFSR - Silent and the Crimson Brigade.

    Signed for Crimson Brigade:

    Mak Stormweilder- Emperor

    Signed for RSFSR:

    Silent, Ruler of RSFSR

    Our current government.

    Emperor: Mak Stormweilder

    Lord Commander of the Segmentum Solar: Evil Lord Doom

    The Ecclesiarch of the Adeptus Ministorum: Volkat

    The Fabricator-General of the Adeptus Mechanicus: Areyes

    The Master of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica: FinalPunishment

  4. This treaty has meaning, i just forgot what it is due to all the b33r drunk in celebration :lol:

    o/ Crimson Brigade!

    o/ Libertarian Socialist Federation!

    May this treaty last till we are old and senile, and beyond.

  5. The "We Aren't Going to Attack You, and its Not Because We're Having Our Booties Kicked By NoV" Non-Agression Pact between the Libertarian Socialist Federation and the Crimson Brigade.

    Article I

    This treaty in no way affects the sovereign rights of either alliance, nor limits their ability to conduct themselves in a manner in which they see fit. It does not affect their positions on war with any nation other than those included within this treaty.

    Article II

    No member nation of either alliance shall declare war with any member nation of the opposite alliance. Any nation engaging in war with a signatory alliance nation will be found in violation of this treaty and face expulsion from their respective alliance. This nation will be ordered to immediately cease all aggressive action against the defending nation. The defending nation may invoke its right to defend its self by launching a counter attack until a peace offer has been submitted. The alliance of the defending nation agrees not to interfere with the war, militarily or by aid, for a period of 24 hours following the discovery of aggression and subsequent notification of the attacking nations alliance. The two alliances will work together to resolve the dispute diplomatically and end the conflict. If after the 24 hour period has passed and no resolution is reached, the defending nations alliance may deploy additional nations to provide support for the defending nation. The attacking nations alliance agrees not to interfere in the defense of the victim nation and is encouraged to, but not required to aid in the defense of the victim nation. Once a resolution has been reached, all parties involved agree to cease any aggressive actions.

    Article III

    No member of either alliance shall send threatening messages to any member, or engage in inflammatory discussion in the forums of the opposite alliance. Nations in violation of this may face sanctions or expulsion from their respective alliances and be banned from the forums of the opposite alliance.

    Article IV

    Any member found breaking the rules set forth in this treaty may be made to pay reparations to the opposite alliance. The aggresor will pay the other reperations for the full amount of damage done plus 50%. In the event that the offending nation is unable to pay the reparations, the leaders of that nations alliance agree to make arrangements for reparations to be paid from another source.

    Article V

    Each alliance will refrain from directly or indirectly aiding any nation or alliance involved in a dispute with a nation of the opposite alliance. This includes both military and financial support. Neither alliance is required to come to the aid of the other if it becomes involved in a dispute although they are free to if they wish.

    Article VI

    Neither alliance will disclose information that could be used against the other alliance to anyone. If any information is discovered that may affect the security of the other alliance, it will be turned over within a reasonable time giving that alliance sufficient time to react to the threat.

    Article VII

    In the event that either alliance wishes to withdraw from this treaty, they must submit a request to withdraw in their embassy within the other alliances forums along with their reason for withdrawal. Notice must be given 48 hours beforehand in time of peace between the two alliances and 72 hours in time of conflict. Once the alloted time has passed after notice of intent to revoke, if the notifying nation has not reconsidered, the treaty will be considered null and void. Any outstanding reparations by the withdrawing alliance must be paid immediately upon revoking of this treaty. Outstanding reparations on behalf of the opposite alliance will be given 20 days from cancellation to be paid


    Crimson Brigade

    Mak Stormweilder - Emperor

    Libertarian Socialist Federation

    The Delegates Council.

    I ask that no honourless trolls post in this thread, if someone doesnt like this then contact me via pm.

    I will also take this ooportunity to announce our new government lineup.

    Emperor: mak stormweilder.

    Imperial Regent: Evil Lord Doom.

    High lord of the Adeptus Mechanicus: areyes

    High lord of the Adeptus Arbites: finalpunishment

    High lord of the administratum: 911chaos

    More stuff will be happening in the future. :D

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