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Dante the Poet

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Posts posted by Dante the Poet

  1. I suggest instead of doing what they said just have a read through the different alliance topics in this section.

    if you read through the different topics(well, just the 1st post is usually the only one to have any real information on em unless ya like reading pages of "bump" lol) you should eventually find one you like.

    Some alliances require you to be very forum/irc active while some merely require you to be active ingame while visiting there forums just a couple of times per week to stay uoto date on things and to sign up for aid/war groups.

  2. All of the worlds of the Imperium shall look to their own defense. They shall also look to the defense of the Imperium, and the prosecution of such wars as the Emperor in His wisdom shall decree.

    Therefore, each populated planet shall raise and maintain its own planetary defense force, and from the ranks of this defense force it shall provide the best of its troops for recruitment into the Imperial Guard, according to such requirements as shall be imposed by the Administratum.

    - from the Introit to the Codex Exercitus

  3. 300px-Imperial_eagle.jpg


    Why should you join us?

    We have a strong structure, many chances for advancement within our ranks and rewards for honourable and dedicated members.

    The Adeptus Mechanicus constantly searches for more information to help us grow quickly and efficiently.

    There are many growth projects being planned and implemented, military programs being readied to prepare us for anything, diplomat training to ensure that we donot make the mistakes of others.

    We offer start up aid to new members, help with forming trade circles and a great deal of tech deals with our friend and protector the CPCN.

    Forums: Crimson Brigade

    IRC: #crimsonbrigade on coldfront.

    It is the 41st millenium and there is only war. The Immortal Emperor of Mankind lays immobile upon the Golden Throne, protecting and guiding mankind against those who wish to see its fall. Today we proclaim that we shall never fall, we shall never fail in our task. We shall wage war in the name of peace, we shall smite the heretic, burn the mutant and purge the unclean from existence. We are the Crimson Brigade and We Shall Never Fall!!!

    Guiding Principles of the Crimson Brigade.

    Death Before Dishonour

    Do Not Doubt The Will Of The Emperor

    Suffer Not The Heretic To Live

    We Fight For Peace, We shall Let Our Enemies Have None

    No-one Is Beyond The Emperor’s Judgement

    The universe has many horrors yet to throw at us. This is not the end of our struggle. This is just the beginning of our crusade to save Humanity.

    Be faithful!

    Be strong!

    Be vigilant!

    Attainment of Membership

    Every servant has his place, no matter how lowly or modest. To know it is his greatest comfort, to excel within it is his greatest solace, and his master's contentment is his greatest reward.

    All who show honour are welcome within the protection offered by the Emperor. We shall not judge you by what you are, but for what you have done. If you are involved in conflict we shall smite thy enemies while it is within our power. Else, the Navis Nobilitie shall send a representative to gain a peaceful end through diplomacy. The application process occurs thus

    1. Post an application on cb.ipbfree.com with the following information,

    Nation Name;

    Ruler Name;

    Nation Strength;


    Former alliance;

    Are you involved in a conflict?(yes/no);

    Please note down any information about your past which may influence your application, Do not try to hide your past, we shall discover all you try to hide and you shall feel our righteous wrath for your lies.

    2. A member of the Adeptus Ministorum will review your application and admit you to the academy and you shall change your Alliance Affiliation to Crimson Brigade. The standard duration of stay within the academy is 1 week, after which you shall be invited to an interview via irc, msn or on our forums. If you pass the interview you shall become an adept, if however, you are told to leave, you must leave the Crimson Brigade AA within 48 hours or face destruction.

    It is unacceptable and considered heretical to be a member of The Crimson Brigade while maintaining membership in another alliance without permission from either the Emperor or The Master of the Administratum .

    Governmental structure of the Crimson Brigade

    I. The Adeptus Terra.

    All members have a vote in the Adeptus Terra; they are responsible for electing various minor officials within the Crimson Brigade. Upon the request of the Emperor or Master of the Administratum, they may also be asked to vote upon treaties, declarations of war and peace terms.

    II. The High Lords of Terra.

    There shall be 12 High Lords who shall rule over and handle the day to day running of the Crimson Brigade. They are honour bound to always do what is best for the alliance and not to allow personal grudges to interfere with their duties. All shall be appointed by the Emperor, those chosen will be chosen based on their abilities and past performance.

    he Master of the Administratum - Head of forum organization and internal affairs.

    The Ecclesiarch of the Adeptus Ministorum - recruitment & holy works (making posters/videos/etc)

    The Grand Provost Marshal of the Adeptus Arbites - justice, makes sure all laws are followed.

    The Fabricator-General of the Adeptus Mechanicus - aid & tech deals

    The Paternoval Envoy of the Navigators - trades and foreign affairs

    The Master of the Astronomican – Research of current political climate

    The Grand Master of the Officio Assassinorum

    The Master of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica - census

    The Inquisitorial Representative

    with the remaining 3 spots taken by one of these members

    Lord Commander of the Segmentum Solar – 2nd in command of the alliance in war

    Lord Commander Militant of the Imperial Guard – head of the military

    Cardinal(s) of the Holy Synod of Terra - recruitment & holy works (making posters/videos/etc)

    The Abbess Sanctorum of the Adepta Sororitas – protects and trains new recruits

    Captain-General of the Adeptus Custodies

    Chancellor of the Estate Imperium

    III. The Emperor.

    The Emperor is the leader of the alliance until they resign, or they leave Cybernations for good.

    They have full authority over the alliance and can expel members who are considered threats to the alliance’s security and safety. Also they are permitted to interfere in the working of any department as they see fit.

    The Emperor can also appoint department heads for any department they see fit, and can remove department heads as they see fit.

    A former Emperor can, at any time after they have resigned as Emperor, return to their former position as Emperor if they have the support of most of the high lords &/ most other former Emperors, at which time the deposed Emperor will be assigned to any position they wish, though the final decision will rest with the returning Emperor.

    IIII Duties of the High Lords.


    please see Article 2 of the senatorum Imperialis Records for information on the specific duties of the High Lords.

    Code of Conduct

    I. CB members are forbidden from attacking any other CB member.

    II. It is forbidden to attack a non-CB member unless proper approval has been given by the military hierarchy.

    III. No member may say anything outside of the CB private forums that contradicts or endangers the CB or its decisions.

    IV. Any member who refuses to follow the orders of the High Lords of Terra, Lord Commander of the Segmentum Solar or the Emperor during wartime will face a trial. Upon completion of the trial, their fate will be decided upon, ranging from a fine to perma ZI.

    Combat Doctrine


    All information regarding this topic has been classified to ensure effective operation during combat, below are the most basic regulations that must be followed, and are thus permitted to be viewable to all.

    I. Raiding of any nation is forbidden, only scavengers and heretics raid.

    II. Always fight with honour above all else.

    III. Death Before Dishonour, do not force your commanding officer to make an example of you.

    IV. Do not send insults or other inappropriate messages to your target. We are above them and thus do not have to show our superiority through petty insults, though if you receive them from the enemy it shall only prove how far they are beneath you.

    V. Always listen to the orders of your superiors, if you have a problem with one of your superior’s orders; please contact an officer above their rank.

    Use of Nuclear Armaments.

    1. It is forbidden to use nuclear weapons without first acquiring permission from an officer.

    2. Nuclear first strikes are forbidden except in extreme circumstances.

    3. If you are nuked by a rogue you have permission to counter attack them and them alone with nuclear weapons.

    4. In certain situations limited nuclear strikes against key enemy targets will be authorised, be prepared for counter attacks at all times.


    Any member may propose amendments to the constitution, but they must be approved by a 75% vote in favour by the High Lords of Terra and must be approved by the Emperor.

    In the event that the High Lords cannot fulfil this duty, the Master of the Administratum shall take responsibility for approving amendments.

    Until the Crimson Brigade reaches 50 members or all government positions are filled the Emperor may amend this document at any time without a vote.

    Crimson Brigade Forums

  4. After discussion with our protectors we have decided to end our protection of Silent. CB is not yet capable of protecting another, we must focus more on becoming stronger ourselves.

    We'll be making another announcement again soon though so get ready :P

  5. Ahh ok, never heared of him (but then again, I am not really into politics / CN forum)

    But if he is disliked, its normally he gets attacked right? And this is just a game and people are allowed to attack each other, then whats the problem?

    Only problem is that he is a protectorate, which makes it a political 'game' between the agressor and defender... I don't understand why people should act 'sad' or see 'conspiracys' etc. If they dislike him and want him dead, he should just get his soldiers ready for war and take it as a man instead of 'crying' when he gets attacked/loses?

    No hard feelings, but isn't attacking each other the main purpose of this game?

    Also, he is being protected by a small alliance (14 members, low NS).. If a big alliance decides to whipe CB out and attack all members, then what? Making a topic about it and say 'they picked on us'? In that case you should have all kinds of political agreements with other alliances to protect, etc etc.

    Then again: If you can't take it, don't play it?

    If an alliance tried to wipe CB out they'd have CPCN on em in a second :jihad:

    Also Silent is protected by SE, dont forget that.

  6. Instead of "Use of Nuclear Armaments", couldn't you talk about "Exterminatus" in your charter? It would be more appropriate for your theme. As a side note, don't you fear that the deeply isolationist stance of the Imperium is going to hurt the diplomatic relationship with the heretics and the Xenos scum (aka all non-imperial alliances?), or is the Imperium taking a new view on foreign affairs?


    The Imperium o/

    I updated the connie on my forums with exterminatus lol, I dont think being alittle isolationist just now will harm us.

    Pff, so much text for free booze.

    No booze for you :P

    OOC: We all know that the Eldar are the best 40k race out there :v:

    IC: Congratulations on the milestone.

    The Eldar are strong but we shall crush em.

    We salute our Protectorate buddies!

    OOC: Commie Tau FTW. :awesome:

    The Tau are weak against the might of the Adeptus Astartes :jihad:

    Warhammer 40k is for kids play fantasy :jihad:

    Guess ya dont know much bout warhammer 40k. You'll learn :P

    And thanks to everyone who posted, onwards to whatever goal decided upon by the High Lords of Terra.

  7. forumCBflag-1.jpg

    I am here to introduce our new constitution and announce some other minor things.

    It is the 41st millenium and there is only war. The Immortal Emperor of Mankind lays immobile upon the Golden Throne, protecting and guiding mankind against those who wish to see its fall. Today we proclaim that we shall never fall, we shall never fail in our task. We shall wage war in the name of peace, we shall smite the heretic, burn the mutant and purge the unclean from existence. We are the Crimson Brigade and We Shall Never Fall!!!

    Guiding Principles of the Crimson Brigade.

    Death Before Dishonour

    Do Not Doubt The Will Of The Emperor

    Suffer Not The Heretic To Live

    We Fight For Peace, We shall Let Our Enemies Have None

    No-one Is Beyond The Emperor’s Judgement

    The universe has many horrors yet to throw at us. This is not the end of our struggle. This is just the beginning of our crusade to save Humanity.

    Be faithful!

    Be strong!

    Be vigilant!

    Attainment of Membership

    Every servant has his place, no matter how lowly or modest. To know it is his greatest comfort, to excel within it is his greatest solace, and his master's contentment is his greatest reward.

    All who show honour are welcome within the protection offered by the Emperor. We shall not judge you by what you are, but for what you have done. If you are involved in conflict we shall smite thy enemies while it is within our power. Else, the Navis Nobilitie shall send a representative to gain a peaceful end through diplomacy. The application process occurs thus

    1. Post an application on cb.ipbfree.com with the following information,

    Nation Name;

    Ruler Name;

    Nation Strength;


    Former alliance;

    Are you involved in a conflict?(yes/no);

    Please note down any information about your past which may influence your application, Do not try to hide your past, we shall discover all you try to hide and you shall feel our righteous wrath for your lies.

    2. A member of the Adeptus Ministorum will review your application and admit you to the academy and you shall change your Alliance Affiliation to Crimson Brigade. The standard duration of stay within the academy is 1 week, after which you shall be invited to an interview via irc, msn or on our forums. If you pass the interview you shall become an adept, if however, you are told to leave, you must leave the Crimson Brigade AA within 48 hours or face destruction.

    It is unacceptable and considered heretical to be a member of The Crimson Brigade while maintaining membership in another alliance without permission from either the Emperor or The Master of the Administratum .

    Governmental structure of the Crimson Brigade

    I. The Adeptus Terra.

    All members have a vote in the Adeptus Terra; they are responsible for electing various minor officials within the Crimson Brigade. Upon the request of the Emperor or Master of the Administratum, they may also be asked to vote upon treaties, declarations of war and peace terms.

    II. The High Lords of Terra.

    There shall be 12 High Lords who shall rule over and handle the day to day running of the Crimson Brigade. They are honour bound to always do what is best for the alliance and not to allow personal grudges to interfere with their duties. All shall be appointed by the Emperor, those chosen will be chosen based on their abilities and past performance.

    The Master of the Administratum - Head of forum organization and internal affairs.

    The Ecclesiarch of the Adeptus Ministorum - recruitment & holy works (making posters/videos/etc)

    The Grand Provost Marshal of the Adeptus Arbites - justice, makes sure all laws are followed.

    The Fabricator-General of the Adeptus Mechanicus - aid & tech deals

    The Paternoval Envoy of the Navigators - trades and foreign affairs

    The Master of the Astronomican – Research of current political climate

    The Grand Master of the Officio Assassinorum

    The Master of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica - census

    The Inquisitorial Representative

    with the remaining 3 spots taken by one of these members

    Lord Commander of the Segmentum Solar – 2nd in command of the alliance in war

    Lord Commander Militant of the Imperial Guard – head of the military

    Cardinal(s) of the Holy Synod of Terra - recruitment & holy works (making posters/videos/etc)

    The Abbess Sanctorum of the Adepta Sororitas – protects and trains new recruits

    Captain-General of the Adeptus Custodes

    Chancellor of the Estate Imperium

    III. The Emperor.

    The Emperor is the leader of the alliance until they resign, or they leave Cybernations for good.

    They have full authority over the alliance and can expel members who are considered threats to the alliance’s security and safety. Also they are permitted to interfere in the working of any department as they see fit.

    The Emperor can also appoint department heads for any department they see fit, and can remove department heads as they see fit.

    A former Emperor can, at any time after they have resigned as Emperor, return to their former position as Emperor if they have the support of most of the high lords &/ most other former Emperors, at which time the deposed Emperor will be assigned to any position they wish, though the final decision will rest with the returning Emperor.

    IIII Duties of the High Lords.


    please see Article 2 of the senatorum Imperialis Records for information on the specific duties of the High Lords.

    Code of Conduct

    I. CB members are forbidden from attacking any other CB member.

    II. It is forbidden to attack a non-CB member unless proper approval has been given by the military hierarchy.

    III. No member may say anything outside of the CB private forums that contradicts or endangers the CB or its decisions.

    IV. Any member who refuses to follow the orders of the High Lords of Terra, Lord Commander of the Segmentum Solar or the Emperor during wartime will face a trial. Upon completion of the trial, their fate will be decided upon, ranging from a fine to perma ZI.

    Combat Doctrine


    All information regarding this topic has been classified to ensure effective operation during combat, below are the most basic regulations that must be followed, and are thus permitted to be viewable to all.

    I. Raiding of any nation is forbidden, only scavengers and heretics raid.

    II. Always fight with honour above all else.

    III. Death Before Dishonour, do not force your commanding officer to make an example of you.

    IV. Do not send insults or other inappropriate messages to your target. We are above them and thus do not have to show our superiority through petty insults, though if you receive them from the enemy it shall only prove how far they are beneath you.

    V. Always listen to the orders of your superiors, if you have a problem with one of your superior’s orders; please contact an officer above their rank.

    Use of Nuclear Armaments.

    1. It is forbidden to use nuclear weapons without first acquiring permission from an officer.

    2. Nuclear first strikes are forbidden except in extreme circumstances.

    3. If you are nuked by a rogue you have permission to counter attack them and them alone with nuclear weapons.

    4. In certain situations limited nuclear strikes against key enemy targets will be authorised, be prepared for counter attacks at all times.


    Any member may propose amendments to the constitution, but they must be approved by a 75% vote in favour by the High Lords of Terra and must be approved by the Emperor.

    In the event that the High Lords cannot fulfil this duty, the Master of the Administratum shall take responsibility for approving amendments.

    Until the Crimson Brigade reaches 50 members or all government positions are filled the Emperor may amend this document at any time without a vote.

    Though we only have 14 members we have been able to surpass 100k strength for the 3rd time, our hope is that nothing hinders our growth again.

    Now to announce our current government.

    Emperor - mak stormweilder

    Master of the Administratum - Evil Lord Doom

    Grand Provost Marshal of the Adeptus Arbites - Vakirauta IV

    Fabricator-General of the Adeptus Mechanicus - Areyes

    Ecclesiarch of the Adeptus Ministorum - Volkat

    Abbess Sanctorum of the Adepta Sororitas - Mickeym

    Paternoval Envoy of the Navigators - Travis W Hillis

    Chancellor of the Estate Imperium - Atliia1

    Our new forum is at http://cb.ipbfree.com/index.php?act=idx

    and our IRC channel is at #crimsonbrigade on coldfront.

  8. If you honestly believe the title wasn't made with the intent of grabbing attention to this thread by using terminology associated with an alliance declaring war, you're probably too naive to be posting on these boards. If you were trying to be humorous; a little dry ;)

    that being said; fake DoW's are shameless attempts at grabbing attention. Congratulations on your treaty, next time try showing us you take them seriously.

    Oh, I know the title was made to grab attention, cause I approved it :awesome: .

    I like the title because when most people see CB they dont think Crimson Brigade, but I always do, I also think I should hire someone to help make my responses more humorous in future as it is not something I am terribly good at :lol:

  9. There is always a party that is run by the Imperial cult, but you must show respect else you may end up in a drinking contest with a member of the Space Wolves. Trust me, there is no human alive that can outdrink a space marine :D .

  10. I still cannot see how the topic title was unrelated to the announcement. The Crimson Brigades acronym is CB, thus putting DefCon CB as the title shows that the announcement is about our two alliances.

    The treaty name itself has "Declaration of Wub" in its title which can thus be shortened to DoW.

    I really wish more DefCon and CB members would post though, this treaty has really taken a long time to happen.

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