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Posts posted by Xiphosis

  1. I don't have anything witty other then to say you provided me (or the irc log with you chatting on it) one of the best laughs ive ever had in CN. Glad to see your still around. You realize youre never going to get the time you invested back correct? You are truly a tragic figure Xiph. Good luck out there man.


    Never ever gonna get it back, but it's worth it. Love this planet.


    I remember buying nukes, without a MP, at something like 22k ns before GWII.


    Bought my first nukes right after I crested 1,000 infra for the first time.




    I still remember having 6 opponents and only 2 total GAs back in GWI.


    That's just gross. I'm glad I missed it.

  3. Can you guys wait until I'm not five months pregnant and dealing crazy people? JESUS!


    Anyways, as for the war. Mogar, you are a bad bad bad BAD boy and hurt my feelings. Truly. And Hakai, shhh. Let the past go, don't walk in the shadows of other's who's feelings got hurt. I know you're a better man than that. And despite everything I still <3 you.




    You're still around!? God speed Mogar!

  4. -snip-

    If having no treaty means not having to share information, i think we can agree having no treaty also means we don't just have to drop bloc allies to suit polars new political position.

    Thus that meant we were in a tricky position, when the war started we also recognized NSO had it coming so no one in Us was jumping to join them, we did the only thing we could do at that point and that was to not activate any optional clause. NPO decided to support their ally, which was their choice. However when someone made an aggressive move towards NPO with an optional in, there was no staying out. You can't activate non chaining clauses or anything after an optional attack. The mandatory clause forced TIO and NATO to act.

    So yes, I stick to my original point, the choice was made for Us. Thats, for me regrettable, but not anything to cry about. Just a fact of life. Seeing the original post i replied to stated Us made it's choice I just pointed out it was made for Us. This could have been avoided, it wasn't c'est la vie.


    This is the reality of the situation, however, I will also say that certain individuals within Us are certainly happier on the side they're on than they would've been on ours, and are being deliberately unreasonable. Given that it was inevitable people started shifting onto TIO/NATO.


    This is excellent.


    Personally I browse through an extremely vast array of songs, but at the moment:






    Soundtracks to past wars:


    Scissor Sisters - I Can't Decide [Primarily]


    The Offspring - Come Out and Play (Particularly when posting a few DoW's)

    Dropkick Murphy's - Drink and Fight

    Mormon Tabernacle - Battle Hymn of the Republic

    Bear Hands - Crime Pays

    Busta Rhymes - Arab Money [Remix]

    David Bowie - Let's Dance



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