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Posts posted by Hunterman1043

  1. Electron Sponge is one of the best guys I've talked to outside of my alliance other than MyWorld. Any OOC/IC attack on him is a personal attack on me. Today is a sad day and it will be hard for anyone to recover face, however our allegiance has been with Polaris since our fallout with NADC and it will stay that way. Accuse what you will but I won't be blinded like most sheep, and leave my allies high and dry.

    o/ NpO

    o/ Electron Sponge

    o/ BDC

  2. Most apologizes MCXA and EDEN. The BDC does not condone this notion of "buying alliances" in any way, shape, or form. Pmac does not represent the government and was acting on his own accord. He has been talked to and the situation as been dealt with. I hope that we can put this behind us and have great relations in the future.

    o/ MCXA

    o/ EDEN

    o/ BDC

  3. PLUS are no longer allied with HALO in any way, and left the OND bloc a while back.. They announced it at least a week ago. PLUS only has one treaty, and that is with us.

    btw, I'm in M*A*S*H B)

    Like I said, this was a late post. XD

  4. Umm... Who are you?

    I logged on surprised to find that I couldn't see anyone's AA or Nation Name fields anymore. As you can see in my sig, we are the Black Defense Council and have been involved in CN politics for quite some time now.

    PLUS have been in shambles for ever, needless to say you shouldnt drop treaties just because they allied themselves with someone else. Diplomacy and communication perhaps couldve been used between 'friends'.

    The main reason we canceled was because they dropped all diplomacy to us....stopped coming to our channel, the forums, etc.

  5. Black Defense Council Announcement


    This is very late, I know. I was going to post it this afternoon, however the forums were obviously down. A week ago we informed PLUS that we were withdrawing the ToA we had with them. The reasons were that we didn't like their connection to HALO and that they dropped all communication to us after the ToA was signed several weeks ago. We are still friends with PLUS, we just didn't want any official connections with them anymore.

    Signed for the Black Defense Council,

    Angryraccoon, Chief Triumvir

    Hunterman1043, Triumvir

    Evey Jane, Triumvir

    Danimalrex, Prime Minister

    Fort Pitt, Chief Whip

    BDC Senate and Secretaries

  6. bdcflag-cn.png

    After thej00's abrupt leave from CN due to RL commitments we conducted an election to fill the missing Triumvirate seat. After the election ended last night, by a landslide victory, Evey Jane was elected into the Triumvirate. Give her a round of applause and share teh cake. :awesome:


    The runner up in the election was Danimalrex, who has been named Prime Minister of the Senate, and appointed Fort Pitt, second runner up, as his Chief Whip.

    Thanks, and this has been another announcement from your small neighborhood alliance with the big alliance drama. :P


    Hunterman1043 - Triumvir of BDC

    EDIT: duh!

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