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Posts posted by Sancus

  1. Wow.... The tinfoil is strong with this one... I've been in FAN Since .. June-ish I think... and I was un-aware of about 90% of this post. It's good to know that the NPO knows us better than we do :blink:

    Somehow.. just by building our nations... it was a massive conspiracy against the NPO. Any way we play the game is a massive conspiracy against the NPO. When our .gov turned in violators and ghosts to the NPO - it was a massive conspiracy against the NPO. When we showed us being attacked that went un-responded to ... it was a massive conspiracy on our part against the NPO....


    This place needs a tinfoil smiley...

    Well I didn't know about granting FAN peace was a massive conspiracy against them; how the wording to the treaty was a massive conspiracy against FAN; how us letting them grow their nations was a massive conspiracy; how NPO members taking nukes from rouges to defend FAN during the agreement was a conspiracy; how they themselves breaking the peace terms was a massive conspiracy against themselves

    My "conspiracy" sounds just as dumb and is just as believable as your tech raid conspiracy.

  2. That right there is immature and foolish. I was simply trying to illustrate why such arguments mean nothing to FAN -... a lot of us have actually been shot at IRL... and you guys think threatening to Nuke a supposed nation is supposed to scare us?? Be real.

    OOC: Are you looking for an IC or OOC reply?

    Please don't allude to real life in an IC game. If anyone in this game is truly scared of seeing their nation being destroyed IRL I would suggest serious help and that ADMIN ban them for their sake.

  3. FAN has always secretly hated the NPO, even throughout the completion surrender terms. They have been waiting, growing, preparing for the last two months. It was all a conspiracy; FAN strategically broke the terms so that they could continue to try and knock us down. Their over-inflated egos believed that they had knocked us from #1 and they wanted to see us get knocked even lower. They committed vast violations of the terms that they considered "minor" as to try and make us look like the aggressors and cover up the fact they they are undesirable war mongers; just look at what they have done in the past.

  4. Oh Bay... ZI is the only thing these people have to threaten us with, though!

    They don't have any valid responses to any of our real claims of an entire lack of diplomatic approach, failure of them to comprehend their own terms, or anything relevant to anything stated in the OP.. so instead they try the tactic of "Discredit the poster - negate the post." They don't need to actually attack the points in your post if they can find some way to flame you .. because in some la-la land scenario that means, somehow, you're immediately wrong.

    I would be glad to discuss any issues that you wish and try to "Discredit the poster - negate the post."

    We already are different. Show many ANY other alliance that has met such odds and are still around. In fact, I would gather to say that this is probably part of the reason why you attacked us again anyway.

    FEAR, it makes people do crazy things.

    We attacked you for the reasons stated in the original post however I do agree that FAN is different in some ways (just look at Legion they folded before any fighting occurred you guys are definitely not cowards).

    You should warn your friend that the "I don't care, I have a life you must not" argument is an immature and foolish last resort that the most despaired members of our community seem to spew out; It is most unfitting of a FAN member.

  5. Oh Sancus.... this is the same rhetoric that your lot spewed during the last attempted genocide. "YOU WILL BE ALL BE ZId!!!"

    I nuked your precious Moo 4 times during the last war and was ZId myself something like 4 times. I'm still here, FAN is still here.

    We have something you people don't understand - we are sovereign nations banded together, not a bunch of sycophants marching at the behest of some bloated autocracy.

    Bluster all you want about ZI. Those that perpetrate genocides do so from fear, and we see that.

    My first question was not meant to be rhetorical and was only of an inquisitive nature; how does FAN plan to be any different from previous alliances that have been permanently zero infrastructured?

    I do not see how hitting Moo with nukes has any has anything to do with this situation.

    You said "we are sovereign nations banded together" please elaborate.

    You also said "Those that perpetrate genocides do so from fear, and we see that." but I would have to disagree; those who perpetrate genocides do so because they are evil, crazy, sociopaths, or brainwashed. As you and I both know NPO has and evil reputation to hold up therefore we are permanently zero infrastructuring your alliance, something you seem to think translates to genocide, not because we are dishonorable or fearful but simply because we are evil; you see there was a document called a peace agreement and you violated it breaking the agreement and returning your self to a state of war (arguing the validity of this fact will just piss me off (100+ nations were in violation of the conditions (arguing the severity of the breaches is frivolous (they either were or weren't in violation of the terms and 100+ nations clearly were)))) if we were truly afraid of your future power, if we truly had no intentions of giving you a second chance you would have never gotten peace terms; we were generous and you took our generosity and threw it aside like it was meaningless to you. How evil of us to give you a second chance.

    They can't threaten us OOC.. We are military, law enforcement, CCW'rs... productive members of society.. and they are quite irrelevant. So they do what they can to "role play" and "threaten" us with the destruction of our imaginary digits and what we are supposed to deem "precious" infrastructure and some expect us to just roll over and say "You're right.. please don't hurt me Mr. Bad Man.. we're sorry."
    This is an in-character thread as such you need to act accordingly; what you do in real life has no relevancy here; I don't give a !@#$ who you are in real life.
  6. No.

    Do you understand that history proves you wrong in almost every situation, in almost every circumstance; how does FAN intend to be any different from what history has already shown?

    Also would you agree that it would be valid to say that, if the war continues as it is now, nearly all of FAN will undoubtedly be zero infrastructured; if not why?

  7. It's funny how the NPO uses all the FAN terms of old. "Eating babies", for instance.

    OOC: And if I remember correctly, didn't the mods put a stop to FAN using that term because it got the hippies panties in a wad?

    The NPO has been eating babies long before the existence of FAN; I fail to see the validity of that in this current debate though. Please answer to the issue at hand; would you or would you not delete your nation if you and your friends were being kept at ZI eternally with no hopes of it ever stopping?

    OCC: From signatures to Swastikas the rules clearly define what can and can't be said; the term "baby eating" is not mentioned. Please get a mod to prove the validity of your statement or accept the fact that you have even further discredited yourself.

  8. An endless military conflict that your members won't have the stamina or the will to see to it's finish. Did you expect anything different?

    How So? Why would we not have the stamina and will to continuously steel you babies and eat them; business is thriving. :awesome:

    We have seen already that our members, allies, and friends have the will and stamina to ZI the lot of you; the true question is weather you and your members have the will and stamina to play this game with the number "0.00" next to the word "infrastructure" on your nation display page for the existence of your nation.

  9. Simply, the above was used as an excuse to tech raid your protectorate. After 2 month and 2 weeks of a 3 month term of peace we get tech raided.

    I just love seeing an alliance that used to tech raid smaller alliances "for the lulz" try and defend there view by arguing that, although we have a solid reason, we re-enstated war with them to "tech raid" a smaller alliance.

    The biggest warmongers planed bob has ever seen should be thrilled to be once again on the battle field. :rolleyes:

  10. What a coward. Runs at the first sign of trouble.

    Though, he had dug a hole likely even bigger than any I've ever dug.

    When you get attacked like this by Starfox thats pretty sad. This is the guy who stood up for the GPA and got zied, almost perma zied, for it.
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