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The Big Bad

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Posts posted by The Big Bad

  1. What if the CDS guy lies? And they aren't nazis, and he just wants to get rid of them?

    No reason at all to think that, the screen shots are all you really need, add to that, that this is far from the first time these idiots have tried this you should have little doubt its true.

  2. I think you are reading the political climate completely wrong. Planet Bob is going to be in a state of chaos post war. The Orders are at thier most vulnerable point since before WUT. The League is a big group of alliances with nothing in common and in many chases they don't even like each other. Many of them will be looking for the Orders to pay them back for helping in the war and many of those paybacks will be counter to what others who also fought want. The alliances that made up the UJP will be realigning in a new world further upsetting the landscape. If anything CN has become a much more dangerous place, no great blocs, treaties that can be ignored at a whim and lots of alliances expecting to get something for fighting, and old grudges put on hold will return with a vegence. I think things will be more drama filled than ever.

  3. ODN and IRON need not worry, my guess is that they would not try and squirm into huge alliances because they usually remain under similar leadership. They are in the small/medium sized white and orange alliances

    Fake Edit: I still await a response from Storm Frot/Stand-or-Die, what is their position on this?

    They already tried IRON and failed some time ago I believe.

  4. You shouldn't. It's a bit idealistic though - himan nature combined with the anonymity of the internet combined with the typical demographic means you do. If something happens it's not your fault, but it's something to be wary of

    Yes wary of, but absolutely not accepted to any degree here.

  5. I agree with you there. I think a lot of people are using this incident to decry all GOONS...and I don't think that's fair either.

    No attacking GOONS as group is not fair, I know many of them have had great issue with this. It is the few vocal ones that paint them badly, I would urge everyone to back off GOONS as a whole, they have for many us of been friends and that should not change.

  6. Have I provided any details about my ability to father my child? Have I provided any details at all about my child? No. No place at all for it in this game, even with people I like (and yes, I like you....ooh baby).

    But you see that is the issue, when in IRC or in a private forum you should not have to fear mentioning your real life even in passing. You should not have to be afraid of some one finding your Myspace page and using it against you. You should not have to even be concerd with such things when we are dealing with something as trivial as a game. Is it acceptable for an NFL player to make public jokes about another players personal life, or acceptable in MLB or NBA or in any game or sport? No. Nor should it be here. We should not have to hide our identities in fear someone will use it against over a game. You and your child should be respected and never used a joke anytime or anywhere, especaily here. One thing I have never been accused of here or in RL is being sensative. But I do know what is right, and what occured my friend was not right.

  7. You want to know something neat? I'm a father. I'm 30. I have genuine concern for my family. I'm not going to share intimate details of my life to you or anyone, because that would be stupid. I still consider the reaction to the 'big bad event' to be bogus, and entirely out of proportion. As for your last statement....lol. Kay dude.

    So if someone started making jokes stuff about what kind of father you are and about your child, you would have no issue with that, after all you shared that inimate detail of your like, so in your view your child is fair game?

  8. When all is said and done, this community can suck me sideways. You're all more concerned over poor little Bilrow and his poor little feelings than actually playing the game....and that's pathetic. Dude's 32, people. He can fend for himself. You're all whining over the big, bad GOONS being cyberbullies....excuses, excuses. Grow a set. You children can enjoy your little sensitive community you have here....I love all the hate you've shown us over the past few days. I can see quite a few of you have probably done quite a bit of yelling at your screens, maybe smashed some mice or your keyboards....that's okay, let it all out. We enjoy it. ^_^

    So we are wrong for being more concerned about a real life person than a game, that is your theory? You care more about a game than people? This is not a real war, I have been to war and this is not it.

    I don't think GOONS are bullies, for the most part they are good people but as has also been made clear they also have children who think a game is more importent than a person. I am not mad at GOONS nor do I find them big or bad I just find certian small elements to be pathetic. As for growing set? Boy you have no idea with whom you are speaking.

  9. Yes, I am very sure that someone saying something on the Internet was said with such malice that it seeped through the wires and hurt bilrow so badly irl.

    It was something said on a game. It has no affect on anything except the game. Just because someone got butthurt over it, doesn't make it some vicious attack. It is what it is, its a joke, and you should take it at face value.

    Let me put it this way if 404 honestly thought it was such an innocent joke then why not own up to it instead of framing some one else. Why, because he knows it was wrong, he knows it was a scum bag thing to do and he knows only a child and idiot or someone with no ability understand between what is right and what is wrong would think it was "no big deal". I am sure some people think this was ok, of course some people think racism is ok. You always have some who do not have the common sense to figure out right and wrong. Clearly some play this game.

    However the fact is on more that one occasion while on the Unjust Path IRC channel Slayer made it very clear when that subject was brought up that if it was used as a joke or attack we would walk away from the war. Why anyone would be stupid enough to think Slayer was not a man of his word is beyond me. Then again some of those same people think what occured was no big deal. And let me tell you I want nothing to do with those people IC or OOC. That we had anything to do with them to begin with disgusts me as it is.

  10. some one fill me in.

    id also like to hear the other sides story

    They are Nazis from Storm Front they try to get into alliances to take over and they always screw up and everyone bands together to destroy them. They appear to be to stupid to understand we and the rest of the planet do not want their kind around.

  11. Those Nazi scum back again to try and take over another alliance eh? When will they learn they are to stupid to pull it off, oh yeah wait they are racists so I guess that gives us an idea of how low their IQs are. Mogar if you post some nation links here I am sure Planet Bob would be happy to send them on a trip to Zi land.

  12. The great powers should take a few days off from pummeling each other to spend some quality time ZIing each sides' respective bandwagoners.

    While that idea may not have strategic merit, I would enjoy eating the popcorn.

    I completely agree, the good news is we can destroy them and they have no ties to anyone. Perhaps a joint Just/Unjust/Nuertral operation to destroy groups like this.

  13. If you surrendered to NpO and are a NpO POW you should be under thier protection. Anyone who attacks you has to deal with them. And if any one wants reps from the other side they also should talk to NpO. I have no doubt NpO will protect its POWs otherwise no will ever surrender again. So again I suggest you talk to NpO and let them deal with the madness.

  14. What terms? You gave us 4 different surrender terms in 2 days no less.

    EDIT: Make that 5. 6 if you include STA's terms that we got yesterday.

    I suggest you talk to NpO, they will sort this out for you they have honor as does STA so they will work with you as well. DNAs attempt to profit from a war that was suppose to about defending and allie will no doubt dealt with.

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