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Posts posted by Bilrow

  1. Maybe plan one that's not a curbstomp so we can actually have a real war then.


    It's either roll an easy target, or the hegemony turns on itself, which do you think is more appealing to keep dem upper tier nations?



    Curb stomps do suck. Maybe we should start a thread for bets on when Oculus will turn on itself. 

  2. NPO FIGHTS AS COWARDS.  I go on VACATION for a FEW DAYS, and my NATION'S HARD WORK is completely DESTROYED.  This is how the NPO prefers to fight, against enemies who can't possibly defend themselves!  My SACRIFICE will show planet bob the monsters that you truly are NPO.


    Wait a minute. Let me get this straight.


    You post a declaration of war against us. You attack a member of our alliance. We are cowards for defending ourselves.


    You live in a bizarre world.



  3. I will never understand people in influential positions within influential alliances not doing everything in their power to mold the game into something they want to see it become again

    Not how the NPO works, Emperor is sole decider on things. Besides, I'm hardly influential.
  4. I think the solution to the problem is the accumulation of treaties, endless recognition of milestones and timid foreign policy. Those make the game far more interesting for players. I mean, honestly, what's more fun than managing a three-week sled or arranging tech deals? Nothing!


    Speaking as a player and not a member of New Pacific Order, the most fun in this game was pre-Initiative when people had balls, less treaties and blocs, and there was war more than once a year.
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