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Posts posted by Chimaera

  1. I don't go around these parts very often, I mainly stay to boards with other alliances. But I do hear about people, whether the things I hear be good or bad. I have a liking for anyone that has an ego or is perceived to have one. Because it usually means talking to them will be fun. See: Myth.


    You have emma and Spock, that's a dangerous combination there. Please allow me to upload my normal GIF ;_;


    I like this guy.  Top notch.  Come hang out on our boards and we'll match egos.

  2. You seem quite full of yourself these days. I mean, I get the feeling you perceive from the OP but you don't need to make it seem like that if anyone disagrees with you or takes a different standing woe to them.


    I honestly don't think this alliance will last very long or go very far, not with the people that are in the government. The sheer amount of big heads.... it would drive me insane. I do hope you guys stay around though to spite others.


    Fortunately, we made a mansion specifically for my massive ego, so that's housed nicely elsewhere.

  3. iohwsm.png



    Greetings, Digiterrans.  Leaders and followers, mighty nations and minuscule peoples, grant me a moment of your time. 


    Many of you know the intent of this thread.  Few of you know its significance.  Allow me the opportunity to elaborate.  The status quo remains.  Mighty powers wage war and settle on peace, at no cost to the victors or the defeated.  You idly stand by and reminisce on what has been and what is to be, but never what could be.  You are content to sit and wait for the next yearly apocalypse.  Well, I suppose I see a rather different world than you, and the truth is that what I see frightens me.


    The planet is stagnant.  Once mighty nations, brought low by the twin devastations of thermonuclear war and seemingly endless peace mode, struggle to rebuild.  Great alliances of states, once led by giants amongst men, struggle to fulfill the most basic of tasks as they wallow in inactivity and disinterest.


    There are those who might, if properly stimulated, breathe life yet into our green-tinged and yellow-bellied planet.  There are still leaders who dream - of a tomorrow better than today, of wading through the muck and the mud surrounded by their fallen enemies to claim power overwhelming.  In this beaten, bloody, tired world, there are still men.


    MI6 is a collection of those men and women.  Forged in the secret, hushed silence of backwater nations and anonymous meetings, our goals yet to be revealed but our means now plainly obvious, we hereby declare our existence.  The world would do well to watch.


    So, before you declare us irrelevant, ask yourselves: how safe do you feel?


    It is to this end that we announce MI6's first documents - the On Her Majesty's Secret Service Pact and the Never Say Never Again Accords with House Baratheon.


    Visit our forums, at http://www.cn-MI6.com and our IRC channel, #MI6.



    On Her Majesty's Secret Service
    A dangerous world requires dangerous people.  To that end, we here undersigned resolve to create, build, and maintain the Secret Intelligence Service, MI6, to provide stability and security within an unstable, insecure world.  MI6 strives for merit in all actions, from all operatives in all positions.

    For Your Eyes Only

    Dr. No:

    M is the Head of Government of MI6, of which two will be elected every three months by popular vote of all MI6 Operatives. Any power not allocated in this charter shall be a power of M to hold and to delegate as they see fit.
    00-Agents are to be appointed by joint consent of the M's. 00 Agents will head a Sector, as directed by the M’s within MI6, and shall operate their Sector in coordination with M policy. 00 Agents may be removed from office by the joint consent of the M's, should their performance be inadequate.


    007 - An elite agent of the Service, who is able to work and assist as needed and as they please, in accordance with the M's. His identity will be unknown, and should it be revealed, said agent will be stripped of this elite status. He has no authority over any 00-Agent or M. 007 is chosen by the M's.
    From Russia with Love:
    To become an Operative of MI6, one must apply through proper and official channels, pass a thorough background check, and prove oneself worthy of admittance into this most prestigious of organizations.
    Treaties with foreign bodies must pass by unanimous consent of the 00 Agents, M's.
    Laws pertinent to internal affairs will be posited to all Operatives for a two-day vote. A 51% majority of voters will pass the law in question.
    Amendments to this Memorandum will be posited to all Operatives for a 72-hour vote, after a minimum of 72-hours of public consideration. Amendments require a 67% majority of voters in favor for ratification.



    Spai_zpsf18d0c35.gifThe “Never Say Never Again” Accords Spai_zpsf18d0c35.gif

    Mutual Defense and Optional Aggression Pact between House Baratheon and MI6

        The world we inhabit is a dangerous one, filled with the SPECTRE of dragons, “Others”, and nefarious villains with plans for world domination.  For the greater good, mutual protection, and to foster a sense of security in an insecure world, House Baratheon and MI6, the Secret Intelligence Service (hereby referred to as HB and MI6, accordingly) do sign this treaty:

    Article I: The Lone Wolf Dies but the Pack Survives
        HB and MI6 enter this accord as brothers-in-arms.  As such, though disagreements may arise, no harm shall be done by one to the other.  HB and MI6 agree to a policy of non-aggression against one another,  be it economically, militarily, or politically.

    Article II:  Rallying the Bannermen
        An attack on one signatory is an attack on the other, and will be answered in kind.  HB and MI6 declare to the world that their bannermen shall never be so far from the field as to be unable to provide support in the most dire of times.

    Article III:  License to Kill
        There are times when offensive actions are required.  Should MI6 or HB need to declare war, this treaty gives the other signatory the right, but not the requirement, to support them in joint military action.

    Article IV:  Knowledge is Power
        Should either alliance come across information pertinent to the security or well-being of the other signatory, they are bound to share it.  Each alliance resolves not to leave hard drives containing the name of every agent in the world laying around some apartment in Istanbul – that's just bad policy. 

    Article V:  A Red Wedding
        Should either alliance wish to cancel the Never Say Never Again Accords, they must give the other signatory a seventy-two (72) hour notification period, during which these Accords are still active.

    Signed for House Baratheon:
    King: Roland Deschain
    Hand of King: Xanth
    Master of Arms: Metalbot
    Master of Laws: Kesselring
    Master of Whispers: Torchwood
    Master of Coin: Lexie
    Grand Maester: David Stilicho

    Signed for MI6:
    M- Chimaera
    M- Voodoo
    001- TimLee
    002- FireGuy15207
    003- Haruhi
    004- LosSantos
    007- James Bond
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