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Everything posted by Instr

  1. So? MOTU reportedly has a 3.3bn warchest. He HAS to be lying, that's pathetic.
  2. Happy Birthday Umbrella! May many fruitful years await you!
  3. I'm Undefined of Unlimited, and I was informed by my alliance mates that I apparently won round 8. Regarding the flag, how long do I have to make a decision?
  4. I set my CNTE nation to "delete at update". Now, what I'm getting right now is that I can't log-in to my CN:TE nation, nor can I make a new nation with the old e-mail. What's going on? The nation that was deleted was "Unlimited".
  5. Instr

    Meta Bets

    News flash: Mario has been nuked. He'll be in nuke anarchy until the end of the game. There's a few others who I think should be in nuke anarchy, but eh, trying to get people to rogue victory candidates is getting tiring.
  6. Instr

    Meta Bets

    Kamek is a pretty good seed. He has a ton of infra to start with, has a large navy, and is pretty well-stocked with nukes. He's also #5 for cash, with 119m total collections.
  7. By the way, anyone planning on hitting Kamek? http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_...tion_ID=1000700 He's only being rogued by one guy, and that guy is low on nukes against an SDI-armed nation. http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_...tion_ID=1002542 Has also gotten out of nuclear anarchy http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_...tion_ID=1002676 Has been rogued already, but his rogue seems reluctant to push him back under the nuclear anarchy glow.
  8. the nuke from hordes dropped already, so it's not such a big deal anymore.
  9. TFD, by the way, if you're still on the thread, Gizzles of RD has 119m total collection, about the same as Swestburg. If you don't target him, you lose. Then again, Swestburg is too lightly covered not to win at this point.
  10. By the way, from what I've seen, SimplyAmazing has gone quiet and that means that this RD nation is STILL out of anarchy. Can someone please retarget this guy? http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_...tion_ID=1000512 The way it turns out, it seems Raam won last round because he bribed his attackers to go quiet. Otherwise, my 28k would have been tops. Are there any irregularities in this RD v Pork Shrimp war?
  11. Instr

    Meta Bets

    Who do you think will win at the end of the round? By how much do you think the winner will win? What do you think the final NS of the winner will be?
  12. Hey, if anyone still has resources to spare, these guys from RD are still out of anarchy. No idea what the size of their warchests are. http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_...tion_ID=1000243 http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_...tion_ID=1002076
  13. Yes, I understand what you were saying. But there is no collusion between the two. That would make no sense. Why would the larger nation allow a smaller (and allied) nation to nuke him? It defeats the purpose of working together to either slot fill or gain a flag. Besides, the guy going rogue on you is basically dead. Remember Raam's victory pathway last round. The nuking he had wasn't fatal: he managed to shake out of nuclear anarchy, spend his cash on infra, and backcollect to win. By getting nuked, you drop out of other people's radar screens.
  14. Just some information about KingAdam: By this point, do you believe a word out of him? http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...c=72434&hl=
  15. http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_...tion_ID=1000743 LUSITAN IS GETTING AWAY! AFTER HIM!!! Frankly, I prefer this meta-carnage to the pseudo-carnage of CN:TE. A "good fight" is only interesting if you're a newbie to the CN:TE environment; it's a lot more interesting when it's not just a good fight you're going after, it's a flag.
  16. Well, KingAdam, you have. You're dumb enough to lump your guys into 2 AAs. I never said there might not be any more, but League of Rogues, Mario Kart, the guy hiding in CTA, those are your guys lumped in a bit more than 2 AAs.
  17. KingAdam, if you're bored: You have just conducted a spy operation against the nation of Prissi. In the attack your spy efforts were successful as your spies were able to gather the following information about the nation: Desired Religion: Confucianism Desired Government: Communist Threat Level: Low Tax Rate: 28% Number of Spies: 550 Last Nuke Purchase: 12/13/2009 1:02:26 AM Last Wonder Purchase: 12/9/2009 Total Money: $22,086,010 Technology: 308.00 Levels Last Bill Payment: 12/13/2009 1:00:59 AM Trade Partners: Fire Country, Wallachia, sparta, Transcaucasia, The Lost Island Total Aircraft: 0 Aircraft Fighter Strength: 0 Aircraft Bomber Strength: 0 Navy Purchases Today: 0 Navy Vessels: # Corvettes: 0 # Landing Ships: 0 # Battleships: 1 # Cruisers: 0 # Frigates: 0 # Destroyers: 1 # Submarines: 1 # Aircraft Carriers: 5 Your spies returned home unharmed and unidentified.
  18. If you read the entire post I'm sore because Mario Kart has hit all my alliance's assets. Some Mario Kart members have been attacked, but only one has been nuked so far. I'm not sure if Kart is using fake attackers. It may or may not be war slot filling, but if it's following the pattern used last round, then Admin won't recognize it as war slot filling.
  19. I have my suspicions about Pork Shrimp, but I have no way to confirm it. Mario Kart made itself obvious to Mushroom Kingdom because it "ghosted" us and some of their nations were the same as TFD assets. Pork Shrimp, which claims to be a TPF protectorate, was also a small alliance, with high NS. They've since split up into several sections. I don't know whether they're Mario Kart's second alliance or whether they're TPF's "victory" payload. In either case, Mario Kart, this round is over for us. You've neutralized all of our assets and apparently have enough power left to assign rogues to hit the targets that need roguing. I am doing my best to make sure you don't win, but if you've won, congratulations. Personally, however, I'm hoping that Rodentatus Dominatus, CTA, or any other alliance scores the flag this round and uses the flag for their own purposes. Or maybe someone other than TOP will buy the flag from you, and they'll claim a presence in your AA this round. Who knows. Enjoy your money.
  20. Does Argent have a flag yet? Here's what's going on. Mario Kart is The Foreign Division's CN:TE presence. I have no idea why they chose that nick, but it must have to do in part for what happened last round: Mushroom Kingdom was about 4k NS away from winning, Mushroom Kingdom was upset that KingAdam somehow managed to grab the flag at the end and reported him for slot-filling. That investigation proved fruitless. Now, Mario Kart is pretty much on the verge of winning the flag for this round. This is because everyone else is busy fighting in a free-for-all melee. Meanwhile, Mario Kart has high-infra / high NS / high cash nations ready to collect at the end of the game. The reason they're doing so, is despite the fact that The Foreign Division already collected two flags from well-engineered CN:TE exploits, The Foreign Division is a small alliance that needs tech and cash to fuel nation growth. The Order of the Paradox was offering a huge bounty in return for this round's CN:TE flag. While Ordo Paradoxia has lost this round due to massive wars early on, they can still obtain their objective by buying the flag from Mario Kart. This war, bluntly, is a distraction. If you fight in it, you are abetting Ordo Paradoxia's objectives. They'll have won despite having lost their alliance. Now, tell me what you want to do now. If you want to rogue Mario Kart and stop them from taking the flag, be my guest. Best of luck to you. Watch out, even if some of their nations seem to have been neutralized with rogues, most of their rogues don't have enough nukes to nuke lock the target nation so what will happen is that 5 days later, that nation will drop out of nuclear anarchy, collect, and WIN. Known Mario Kart nations: http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_...tion_ID=1002423 http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_...tion_ID=1000700 http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_...tion_ID=1002381 http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_...tion_ID=1001664 http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_...tion_ID=1000856 http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_...tion_ID=1002676 http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_...tion_ID=1002542 http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_...tion_ID=1002622 http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_...tion_ID=1002524 http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_...tion_ID=1001344 http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_...tion_ID=1000743 http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_...tion_ID=1001098 http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_...tion_ID=1000740 http://tournament.cybernations.net/nation_...tion_ID=1000860 Also, I've noticed that while roguings have gone on for two days, almost no Mario Kart nations have been nuked as of yet. Best of luck to all combatants.
  21. Does Argent have a flag yet? Here's what's going on. Mario Kart is The Foreign Division's CN:TE presence. I have no idea why they chose that nick, but it must have to do in part for what happened last round: Mushroom Kingdom was about 4k NS away from winning, Mushroom Kingdom was upset that KingAdam somehow managed to grab the flag at the end and reported him for slot-filling. That investigation proved fruitless. Now, Mario Kart is pretty much on the verge of winning the flag for this round. This is because everyone else is busy fighting in a free-for-all melee. Meanwhile, Mario Kart has high-infra / high NS / high cash nations ready to collect at the end of the game. The reason they're doing so, is despite the fact that The Foreign Division already collected two flags from well-engineered CN:TE exploits, The Foreign Division is a small alliance that needs tech and cash to fuel nation growth. The Order of the Paradox was offering a huge bounty in return for this round's CN:TE flag. While Ordo Paradoxia has lost this round due to massive wars early on, they can still obtain their objective by buying the flag from Mario Kart. This war, bluntly, is a distraction. If you fight in it, you are abetting Ordo Paradoxia's objectives. They'll have won despite having lost their alliance.
  22. Heh, you guys beat me to the punch, although I was planning to keep my implementation within MK...
  23. Yup. We're rolling purple at update. TOP, you can have our seller list, all 13k tech of it, since we won't be using it for the time being.
  24. Terrorism IRL works because of the vulnerability inherent in an open society. CN, on the other hand, is a matrix of closed and sometimes tyrannical brotherhoods. If you're here just to do random violence, you'll be quickly ferreted out and destroyed. If you're more into infiltrating and destroying enemy alliances, on the other hand, well, best of luck.
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