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King C

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Everything posted by King C

  1. Ok one is the stupid question asked by everyone, it's onthe 21st day you get deleted right? I checked the FAQ. If it is, a mild suggestion would to for it to say "deletion will be initiated ON the 21st day" Second, is there anyway to tell if my year bonus is on 365 or on 366? I mean, I ask cause of the noon thing, so I really can't tell cause I don't remember, and I have it set up to where I get 20 days on 365. Should I just collect now and get 15 days worth to be safe? or like I originally asked, is there a way to tell?
  3. *gasp* FAT ALBERT TO!?!?

  4. LYON!!! *tackles*


  5. T-T Thank you... *hugs* This can be closed now AND HOW DO I MISS IT SO MANY TIMES!?!? T-T
  6. "They believe that God is present in all walks of life, both in living and non-living things." I've looked it through and even looked on Cyber Wiki! Help...please T-T I'm tired of testing religions...
  7. Personally don't liek blackberry's. Then again, don't need it. If your expecting something, just tell your alliance that you might not get on, have them get on if your days get to 19, and collect and pay bills each time it does till ya get back. Then if needed, change your pass. I don't quite know the policy with things like blackberry's though. Sorry.
  8. Reaction to each: 1- true, but only to a certian scale 2- happened before, and we didn't lose many if any 3- HELL NAW! Everyone would want to stay and see what happens 4- Unlikely but never impossible 5- Don't even joke
  9. I will NOT fall for your avatar a third time!

  10. I will NOT fall for your avatar twice!

  11. on a scale of 1-10 on epicness, 15 B)
  12. Mkay. Thank you This can be closed
  13. Dwah!?! This is the purchased one I'm guessing?
  14. So? How did you? I just was thinking of Starcraft and my cousin at the same time. Doesn't make sense? Starcraft: RUSHing the enemy My cousin: NIcK Rushnik. (its pronounced rooshnik)
  15. Whats the provider for this forum? I mean, how could I get it if I wanted to?
  16. OMG! JDawg has 2 stars XD

    I give you 5 ^-^

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