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Posts posted by MrThor

  1. I know that you had asked if we had spoken with The Citadel at large. If my memory serves me correctly, I said that I was unaware of the number of issues our foreign affairs department had at the time and did not know when we planned on speaking with Citadel. I realize that was not a fulfilling answer, but it was certainly not a statement that we had no intentions of reaching out to Citadel.

    I only hope that after this conflict ends Citadel will be willing to work diplomatically with us as we continue to press forward.

    Ski, when the cards hit the table, you adopt a new attitude. After trying to manufacture hatred against our alliance, I scoff at your calls for diplomacy. Come out of peace mode- we're waiting. Let someone we can trust do the talking.

  2. This is a complete failure of a thread. The notion that this war is being fought over poor reasoning makes me sick. The NADC suffered a horrible beatdown that was justified by false accusations. Nobody cried.

    Friends don't make alliances less guilty of crimes. The "Former NPO Member" signature adds credibility. In the words of Governor Arnold:

    "Stop whining!"

  3. There is no spectrum. Treaties say what treaties say and alliances are bound to them. The illusion of a "spectrum" is just evidence of our lacking creativity.

    I'd like to thank my Viridian friend for putting forth the only intelligible point thus far. Our diplomatic relations in this same are suffering from a condition known as "Orthodoxy". I'd like to see less treaties written using a stock template- at least GOONs treaties were to the words of Rolling Stones songs.

    I'm not sure why I'm not directly allied to you, but I hope this changes sometime soon. Be sure to word the treaty in an interesting manner.

  4. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, I'll admit I'm not the most knowledgeable when it comes to this admin business...

    But, wouldn't giving someone Admin access allow them to see everything there is to be seen, without compromising the security of the forums? The root admin still has total control on everything, don't they?

    I would still classify this as the "Extortion of real life possessions". While ownership has not been changed, I'm almost positive this update to the ToS was aimed at this surrender term. If the help was requested, I see no harm in the term. Good luck Mr. Marq.

  5. Alright. I need three sellers. Price is 3,000,000 for 100 technology. No middle men.

    One of the sellers:

    I send you money, you send a friend of mine 50 tech today, and 50 tech in 10 days.

    Other two sellers:

    I send you money today, you send me 50 technology in ten days, you send me 50 more ten days later.

    If you're up for it, PM me. Let me know if you're down for deal A, B, or both.

  6. OOC (Sorry?):

    Were I the leaders of the Global United Nations, I would combat the proposed "Advisor" position according to the Cybernations TOS.

    Users agree not to engage in extortion of real life possessions of other players in response to in game situations.

    I don't believe asking for admin on a privately owned forum is legal. I've personally had enough of this surrender term. Somehow I can't picture GUN volunteering their security.

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