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Posts posted by Sauron

  1. I've had my fun as King in recent years.  Personal matters need tending to and time is growing increasingly rare week after week.


    As this calendar draws us closer to the end of 2023 and the world is currently at peace, now feels right for me to hand off the crown to a worthy successor, Velocity.


    FTW will be in great hands because even retired the eye of Sauron never closes and is always watching.  It's a curse.  There aren't enough eye drops for a retina this large.  


    To all the close friendships I've made along the way it's been a pleasure working so closely with you all.  To all my adversaries I tip my hat, if not for your existence life would be boring.


    I look forward to King Velocity's reign and whatever it may bring.


    o7 Velocity

    o7 FTW




  2. What's funny about this old tired laundry is Canik was talking for a long time about his desires to not be in RFI. I'd convinced him to stay. 


    Not going to be bother log dumping as really what is the point? DB voted to probationary banish (even clarifying if they do end up getting banished), which during the time Canik had his mock trial and you all acted like you didn't know the man for years. At the conclusion of the trial Canik literally gave his notice of us leaving RFI. Publicly we agreed it was a mutual split, because really you guys didn't want us there and we didn't want to be there. 


    You can try and spin the narrative all you want, but for those of us who lived it you aren't blowing smoke up anyone's rear end. Also love the bit where I could post a screenshot of Tevron doing the exact same thing Canik did and it wasn't a big deal. Old memory is strong. Canik having private conversations leaked because he wouldn't jump when certain individuals wanted him to jump. Literally proved he was acting with the belief that conversations were shared with leadership. 


    Swear the OWF loves bad narratives. Like a soap opera. 

  3. 20 hours ago, Jason8 said:

    C'mon, kerschbs, I thought you had more respect for yourself than to twist what happened that bad.  I believe it was an RFD government member, someone originally slated to be an RFD representative even, that recommended different end dates for different fronts.  


    So why the twist?  Is it because your coalition government is keeping their respective memberships in the dark about what really happened?  Or is it just a way for you guys to prolong the war?  Sounds like a good strategy if the peace talks were held in bad faith... recommend a possible solution and blame the other side for being unreasonable when it's brought up.

    As much as I loathe the OWF sometimes someone says something so utterly incorrect, twists things more than Chubby Checker could dream to twist, that I feel compelled to walk these halls and render my input.  Congratulations you are the next contestant.

    As the very person you are referencing, let's go through exactly what I said line by line for those who lack the comprehension skills necessary.  For those not involved the comment I made they are referencing predates both the actual peace talks and the genuine offer our side collectively agreed to offer.

    "I won't be home from work for another hour but wanted to add a quick thought."
    Quick thought clearly means we as a coalition make this offer /s

    White peace across the board is the easiest to agree on.
    It really is a no brainer

    "I don't for example see Doomsphere peacing while Oculus fights on or CLAWS accepting peace while NPO continues to fight on. Likewise on our side I don't see FTW accepting peace while our allies remained at war"
    Even though I was driving, and doing voice to text when the road is clear, I had enough forethought to preface this "quick thought" that neither side would be willing to leave their allies behind

    "The alternative to white peace across the board, which I feel would be the more complex approach, would be to agree to set exit points so specific parties could continue fighting with an agreed upon end date in stone. That'd be more complicated for everyone to hammer out, but if certain parties want to continue to war on that is the only other logical approach to pursuing peace. I much prefer the former of everyone accepting peace at a specific date, but with many fronts opening throughout the war at various times figured that suggestion might be a decent logical alternative. That's all I have time for at the moment"

    Sarkin was chose as a representative for the opposing side.  At first people thought it made sense for Devo and myself to represent our side, but frankly I don't have a lot of time nor  do I really want to deal with this sort of childish nitpicking and twisting.  To avoid confusion a new room was made where only the reps would talk to avoid which statements represent the coalition, which ones are personal thoughts/opinions (like I stated above when I stated I prefer everyone to peace at once (something our coalition as a whole unanimously agrees on).

    The only statements I made, as an official rep for our coalition:
    "I will try to shoot for that time. Work and commute home can be unpredictable but I am usually home around that time"
    "We technically only need one person talking on our side and I'm a bit tied up at the moment so feel free to go on without me, I'll read up and post when I can."

    Nowhere in either of those statements during official peace talks did I render my musings or personal opinions.  The will of the coalition is to not leave our mates behind.  Some seem to think we are a loose rag tag group of alliances not unified by friendship and common goals.  Either everyone gets peace or no one gets peace.  The ball has been in your court since the offer on November 16th was made, and our offer of white peace still stands.  We'll continue fighting until you all are ready to end.  Talks began in good faith because we heard several elements on your side were interested in peace.  We aren't interested in driving anyone away, we've had fun and continue to do so.  When you all are ready to discuss an actual end date and not expect some of us to accept peace while others fight #santa's-great-hall remains open.  Until then we will continue to see you all on the battlefield.

  4. As the Herogasm War approaches it's 8th week we sought to shine a light on CCC. Their nation and pixel count pales in comparison to their spirit and resolve.

    Over the course of this war many chose to pick a fight against CCC, how foolish they were.


    Through many conversations CCC was, and still is, willing to fight them all without reinforcements. I think they get a lot of enjoyment being vastly outnumbered and still outperforming.



    We tried to talk sense into them and we were ready to declare, but ultimately let them have their solo fun for some time.


    But now as time progresses it is time to stand alongside our good friends at CCC on some of these battlefields, starting with KoRT. CCC's newly formed protectorate came to their aid after they were attacked out of the blue by TKTB. They were defending themselves from something completely unrelated to the current battlefield.  CCC did not strike you, your allies, or TKTB's allies.  Sparta was hit, but you are ignoring that treaty to randomly strike at CCC.  Many have referred to KoRT as hot garbage, and just when I thought your alliance's reputation could not get any lower you all limbo'd right under. You have CCC to thank for holding us back up until this point, but this day was inevitable.

    As for Post Grunge Supergroup, your name is awful enough that warrants it's own DoW, but for hitting CCC we'll include you here too.

    TL;DR NATO, NG, and FTW declare on KoRT and PGS

    Deevo (Trium)
    SteelersFan (Trium)
    Warden (Trium)

    Lyanna, Sugar & Violence
    Kerschbs, Closet Democrat
    Lenin, The Milkman
    Erwin Schrodinger, Schrothodoxy Patriarch
    Caustic, Pope of Non Grata
    Stewie, God-Emperor, Bear Force One Warden

    Dark Lord Sauron, the All-Seeing Monarch
    Taco, Hand of the King, a sentient Taco
    Velocity, Regent
    Council of Lords
    Velocity, Lord of State, iT’s OnLy RoTaTeD!
    Joseph Black/Muddog, Velo’s Deputy, Lord of the Chattahoochee
    Maghion, Chargé d'affaires
    Don Flippers of Flipperland, Chargé d'affaires, also possibly a penguin
    CodArk2, Lord of War, Autocorrect Expect
    Canik, Deputy Lord of War, the (former) Mad King, madman with a gun
    Lord Draculea, Lord of the Treasury, possibly (but most definitely) a robot masquerading as a human
    BMK813, Deputy Lord of Economic Affairs
    Smitty, Lord of Internal Affairs, Master Wiki Editor, & Master of Many Titles
    MonteChristo, Deputy Lord of Internal Affairs

    *edited errors in FTW sig list*


  5. 11 minutes ago, Lyanna Mormont said:

    To New Polar Order, it was my complete understanding after talking to Jaden and Eatem that this was resolved since nothing else has been said on the matter and Jaden and I talked everything out. 

    Tonight was the first I've heard of this incident, but judging from the screenshots the matter was resolved.  I wish Polar the best during this transition.  Eatem it was nice getting to know you better in these recent times.

  6. 9 hours ago, firingline said:


    CCC's protectorate hit TKTB with the backing and direct support of CCC.


    D-level activation any day of the week.

    You can spin that narrative as fast and hard as you want, doesn't change reality. CCC was attacked out of the blue by TKTB. CCC's newly formed protectorate DoE and DoW, hitting CCC's enemy. Would you expect a protectorate to join the opposition of their protectors? 


    Do you have to put so little thought and effort into your commentary, or does this level of performance come naturally for you? 

  7. This feels like a self roast. We played the leader board game, achieved it, held it as long as we wanted, got bored with it, and said let's have some fun with the pixels. If you want to brag about taking our #3 seat after we set it out to the curb for you then congrats? Others prefer just sitting atop the pixel leaderboard until Planet Bob's last days but that is not that enticing. 

  8. 4 minutes ago, firingline said:


    The wrong take, or the take that's not convenient to Non Grata at the moment?


    Don't get me wrong. NpO should have stood by you guys all along. But after NG leadership made clear how they actually see Polar, Polar never should have gone back.

    I don't expect a humble CN dirt farmer to differentiate between Non Grata's grievances against former Polar leadership vs the alliance as a whole.  CN leadership often reflects alliances as a whole, and a good or a bad leader can make or break an alliance.  Prime example, you claim tons of DS hate CLAWS yet DS leadership dictates you all are pro CLAWS.  Hopefully that is a level of comprehension you can grasp.

  9. 1 minute ago, Canik said:

    I couldn't be prouder to be in this group who understands both that this is a game and how to make it fun.

    Fun?  In Cybernations?  I thought it was all about signing NAPs and other treaties, and collecting tech and monies to watch the numbers get bigger for all eternity.  Because bigger numbers are more fun than less numbers.  Here I had fun wrong all along.

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