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flak attack

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Posts posted by flak attack

  1. [quote name='Jake Liebenow' timestamp='1339692114' post='2983559']
    100 tech to the first person who ZI's this guy.
    He was going to be my target.

    I could have had an easy 100 tech.


    [quote name='dejarue' timestamp='1339697125' post='2983710']
    Dave can claim he's a martian. Doesn't mean anything.
    His claim of protection was easily verifiable. If you had any doubts, you should have brought them up with MK gov.

    [quote name='tamerlane' timestamp='1339698759' post='2983772']
    Yeah, well Delta1212 uses them to poison his dog.

    [quote name='Bob Janova' timestamp='1339704174' post='2983870']
    You are not 'within your rights' to interfere with the judicial process of another alliance, which is what a ZI sentence is, or to interfere with a declared war between a nation and an alliance, unless you're falling back on 'might makes right' in which case I'll call QED on the 'New Hegemony' point.
    You have no rights within this world that are not given to you by admin or enforced at gun point.

  2. [quote name='Owned-You' timestamp='1339671593' post='2983234']
    Today I learned that LSF has absolutely no qualms with forcing The International to drag her CnG allies into a conflict it started. Even if it means burning significant bloc unity inside CnG, her closest allies most important treaty; because fascism.
    b-b-b-but evil dirty fascism!

    [quote name='Laslo Kenez' timestamp='1339680991' post='2983324']
    What a disproportionate mess, that's in part of Nordreich's making. LSF behaved stupidly, recklessly, but this entire alliance declaration is ridiculous, inflammatory and unnecessary. All of that time Nordreich spent distancing itself from the past was readily flushed when the opportunity arose, at the most basic of baits.
    Had any other alliance responded to NoR in this manner, I assure you that NoR would be rolling.

  3. [quote name='Roquentin' timestamp='1339655200' post='2983084']
    Um, ancient enemy for a reason. There's a long history and Int's GenCom has Nordreich delenda est in his sig.
    NoR is not an old enough alliance to have ancient enemies. NoR was founded after NPO's reign. The idea that NoR could have ancient enemies is, quite frankly, absurd.

    [quote name='Vol Navy' timestamp='1339655332' post='2983088']
    Not speaking of direct fighting, but of NoR's history of war/hostlity on socialist alliances which has fueled a cold war for years between the groupings.
    This is, to the best of my knowledge, the first time that NoR has fought a socialist alliance. They have actually been quite willing to ignore the left v right rivalry that other alliances on the right have had in the past. LSF, however, is apparently unwilling to do so.

  4. [quote name='Aeros' timestamp='1339652598' post='2983035']
    This of course assumes we view longevity as evidence of skill. I will give you that it is certainly a factor, but I must weigh it with the current situation where the he longest-lasting leftist alliance in CN find themselves getting rolled for something that could have easily been resolved.
    And entirely because of their inability to resolve it, as well.

  5. [center][size="5"][b]From the Desk of Stonewall Flakson
    Lieutenant General of the Southern Delegation[/b][/size]


    Today, brothers, we find ourselves in a terrible time of crisis. Our dear friend, Dave93, has come under attack from the forces of the Commonwealth of Sovereign Nations. They seek to oppress his people and enforce their will upon his sovereign citizens. They seek to force their abominable taxes upon his nation. They seek to force his people to throw down their arms and surrender their property.

    Tonight, we say that we have had enough. No great nation should be forced to endure these hardships. Tonight, our glorious Confederation rides to stop them. No more shall the people of the great nation of CrimsonGuard be subject to their oppression.

    Tonight, we ride. Along side us, we will have our allies in the glorious Mushreich. Further, we invite our traditional enemies, the forces of Mushqaeda and the Mushroom Kommune, to fight along side us. Where any one of us would falter, united we shall be victorious.

    To arms brothers.

    - Jefferson Epiphavis
    President of the Southern Delegation

    -Ardusander Stevens
    Vice President

    -Stonewall Flakson
    Lieutenant General
    Armies of the Southern Delegation

    -Infinite C. Breckinridge
    Lord High Cyclops
    Armies of the Southern Delegation

  6. [quote name='Azaghul' timestamp='1339466861' post='2981146']
    4K infra nation doesn't have much of a warchest. Mindblowing.
    Pretty much this. That nation could be kept afloat off an aid drop indefinitely by NG. It's better off using it's money to grow big enough to actually matter.

  7. [quote name='xR1 Fatal Instinct' timestamp='1338997203' post='2978244']
    Yeah... That wasn't even a year ago, assuming your referring to him vs. GOD.
    TOP vs MK. Pretty sure he was already over 10b at that point.

  8. [quote name='berbers' timestamp='1338976202' post='2978179']
    I'm not sure if 10 people currently at 10B is realistic, I used that as the top number as I remember people thinking Vlad's 11B WC was something awe-inspiring that needed to be brought up constantly, therefore I didn't think we would have as many people >10B this early in the poll.

    Still inconsistencies in the current vs peak as well at that tier, so I'm guessing some people are messing with the results.

    Either way, keep voting and vote honest that way you can reduce the impact of the falsehoods!

    Vlad's 11b warchest was 2 years ago. By now, there are absolutely others at that level and having 10 of them vote isn't unreasonable.

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