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Everything posted by heifel

  1. Liek yo maw yeeerrrrr boiiii, i atking boiiiii what u saying boiiiiiii you world somthing boiii whatever boiiiii yeett understanddd boiii yeer smart boiii lemos so fresh boiii teel he booii ready to kick some vooty boiii
  2. i did 52 spy op this month for what i know i never get caught and mission is always success at 90% in CN Standar i did 8 in CN TE all of that is 70% becuse people know in there spy>nuke just because actuall could burn money and you can't get aid so me screw, but my result was 4 faiiled but not caught to target i war with, and 2 that i don't war with and 2 is clear success, but what should i remember i getting 4 failled in a row when i do sneaky time cheat hack i thing when you faiiled u should wait 1 hour or more idk.
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