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Posts posted by Smitty256

  1. 47 minutes ago, AL Bundy said:


    Hahaha it may be boring or stupid for some but I am getting some action :) Everyone else can work on them fun and exciting tech deals..... 


    I can only create so much drama, even with FL! It is up to the other 98% of Bob to find something more interesting than fighting commies.


    I implore everyone to find something more fun....




    Yeah, you're right. We gotta make the fun.

  2. Just now, CrinkledStraw said:


    No war is pointless. It’s the only thing fun in CN.


    And no one is arguing the surrender. 


    This is the 3rd time that Al and UCR have fought each in like a year and a half. 


    I will give credit where credit is due. Al is actually doing something, instead of just sitting around, hoarding his pixels, like 90% of the game. 


    No one wants to fight each other anymore because the chance of it becoming a global war is like 99.999999%. Everybody is treatied to everybody. We need to bring back micros or something. Where's General Kanabis when you need him? 


    And I only read the first 2 pages, I got bored pretty quickly from reading this. 

  3. 12 hours ago, BigChungus69 said:

    Freehold of the Wolves thought they could enter a small town and mess around with some good Ol boys. Well, those good Ol boys are fighting back.








    Right, well... good luck with that. All of Oculus and Roll for Initiative couldn't defeat us. But I'm sure that you, with your no wonders, infra,  tech, or warchest can do a bang up job. 

  4. To the Handsomest Man in Cyber Nations! 


    To Quantum Leap and the very first Empress of the New Polar Order!


    The Freehold of the Wolves loves and supports our friends and allies in the New Polar Order. We look forward to working with Quantum Leap. We know that she is more than deserving of the position. 


    o/ Quantum Leap!

    o/ Electron Sponge!

    o/ Polaris & FTW!

  5. 15 minutes ago, Sarkin said:

    You and much of your sphere have become a death cult. Y'all are too embittered to think that alliances can change or that growth (on an individual, alliance, or world-level) is even possible. Your one grand dream was a vengeance fantasy, but you never imagined the world beyond that, so your vision remains stuck in a bloodhaze. 


    The future is more open than you think; take a deep breath and let some light into your soul. 


    A death cult? Really? That is stretch, even for you. We simply choose friendships over worthless pixels. I simply wanted to remind PGS and GATO how worthless I think they are. But my opinion doesn't matter much to y'all. I don't care if you ignore it. 

    I agree with you on the future being open bit. Honestly, we agree on that. 

  6. 6 hours ago, Master Hakai said:

    Did the other furries give you permission to say that? Or are you back in the dog house?


    I'm the reigning Regent of the Freehold of the Wolves right now. So...


    6 hours ago, Jason8 said:

    Smitty, are you okay, man?  You listed PGS and GATO as the worst alliances in CN, but forgot to list FTW and half of her allies below her. You yourself were an inactive husk of former greatness in the last war, just like your alliance, and just like most alliances on Bob.


    It's okay though. Maybe some day, you'll find the greatness you long for so much.


    Wishing you the best.


    I feel fine. Are you forgetting that we dealt 19 million damage? The 2nd most out of all the alliances that fought in the war. The statistics don't lie.

  7. Two of the most worthless alliances to ever exist signing a treaty in order to protect each others pixels, how cute. 


    No treaty can change the fact Post-Grunge Supergroup is one of the most worthless alliances in the history of CN. GATO is only slightly worse. It's a match made in heaven. 


    PGS started as a micro constantly fighting against alliances that hug their pixels, like GATO. GK would be ashamed of you for how are y'all have fallen. 

    GATO is the definition of mediocrity and uselessness. They are nothing more than NPO's puppet, doing exactly what they say, when they say it. 

    Congratulations PGS, on joining The Hegemony, you are now pawns of NPO. Your treaties won't protect you from another FTW beat down. 

  8. 4 hours ago, Electron Sponge said:

    The New Polar Order has been defined nearly inextricably with the circumstances of our founding as an imperialist experiment in the Blue sphere by the New Pacific Order. We will never deny this. In fact, we embrace it. We are a failure on the part of the New Pacific Order and I would not have it any other way. We are still at war with NAAC. We will remain at war with them until the server shuts down. Most of you don't even remember, but I do.

    In Pacifica's failure, a group of ragtag exiles and newbies fresh in from the world coalesced to form the handsomest alliance in the history of the game. We haven't always been the most powerful but you know you've been in a fight when you tangle with us. Our greatest skill is not in waging war, but in making friends. We are the poster children for the treaty web - that web was first weaved by us, in the days following the third great war. Although the overall strategy was mine, RandomInterrupt was the weaver. He is perhaps the most masterful politician in the history of this game and I do not think he has ever gotten enough credit for what he did all those years ago. Can you imagine a global war now without Pacifica playing a major role? We had one and they were pissed about it, mostly because Polaris and friends absolutely stomped our opponents while NPO sat on the sidelines. We lost the peace however, and NPO showed their true colors. Months turned into years and the relationship between us and our parent alliance has never really improved. There was interest on our part at times, mostly in the time I was inactive.

    I have no interest now and will never have interest in any rapprochement with the New Pacific Order. They are and will remain our enemies. The only diplomatic relations we will have are those done with soldiers and tanks. As Emperor of the New Polar Order it is my will that we stand opposed to any hegemony over Bob, and that we furthermore stand opposed to the New Pacific Order no matter what form that alliance may take. I am one of the last remaining members of Polaris who was also a member of NPO. I remember what they once were, probably better than they do. This current clown show will eventually go away and be replaced by another, but there are those of us sitting, watching, and judging them. I can tell you that they are found lacking on all counts. To anyone who wants to pick a side, now's the time. You're either with them or us. Think about which side will actually listen to you in the long term. It's an easy choice. For them you are a tool. For us? You could be a good friend or a distant one, but still a friend.

    As far as our friends go, we are blessed to have so many and to have gained so many more recently. It's almost like being not-NPO makes you friends. Huh, weird right? To our friends all I can do is reaffirm our commitment to your defense. Our people stand in your enemy's way and they will remain on station. We will happily fight for you. (Seriously, we love war)

    So in summation I guess I can say we hate NPO, anyone allied to them also sucks, and the folks allied to us are probably very good looking and popular.

    i love you,

    electron sponge


    FTW is proud to be NpO's handsome allies. I look forward to fighting alongside you and your handsome members. 

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