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Posts posted by Homura

  1. lol @ the attempt to create Commie Dramaâ„¢

    But seriously guys, if you don't have a decent number of members and a protectorate, don't announce yourselves. This should be a lesson to ANYONE who wants to start an alliance. If you want people to know about you, recruit like everyone else does.

  2. Something about ICP springs to mind.

    Oh how the world has changed since then... :lol:

    It looks like both of us have taken our nations on to better things, and if that war had never happened, I probably would never have joined NPO, which is made of far more win than an alliance with misplaced direction. After all, fail alliance is fail.

  3. Yes, for those who don't know, Pink is not the smallest trading sphere any more, and appears to be growing. The smallest trading sphere is Brown, home of the very famous WAE. And then there's the poor fools i.e. Greys who are an even smaller group.

    So good luck with your alliance and don't act like fools and get yourselves destroyed.

  4. I have pushed people to discuss things privately on occasion. Sometimes people specifically post things here just for attention, usually in an attempt to embarrass X alliance for some action that ended up hurting them. On the other hand, a decent amount of drama makes for interesting debates, and those of us who might be watching from the outside will actually know what's going on, or just get a certain about of lulz out of it. I think the world needs moar Commie Drama again to make things interesting.

    As far as the hails go, it's generally considered polite to say something like that to an alliance you respect or just want to get on the good side of, especially when they accomplish something.

  5. Bilrow, you don't know why we kicked out EL Bruc, so don't act like you do. You really just need to stop. Please don't tell us how to run our alliance. We don't owe anyone an apology.

    Since this is a press conference, why did you kick out El Bruc?

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