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Posts posted by Homura

  1. One thing I've noticed on this issue is also how IRC tends to be involved in these sorts of things. On IRC, people are much looser with the whole roleplay thing, because it's not just playing the game, but also to make friends. Unfortunately, certain crowds can become something of instigators, which is what brought us the "Modgate" incident not too long ago, and now this, both of which occured on IRC. I think people need to realise that their obligation to show good sportsmanship goes beyond the game itself and these forums. These sorts of things are just as low as when people attack fans of opposing sports teams or even the athletes themselves, which takes the civility away from it.

    To me, this is a game (that consumes way too much of my life :lol: ), and that's the way I like to keep it. The other players are not my real enemies, and in fact I like quite a few people who are now in Mushroom Kingdom, but that doesn't mean they can't be my rivals. The fun in the game is that you can both win and lose, but the challenge and complexity is what makes this interesting, especially as it extends beyond just the nation you control. Just because my country took serious damage three times, from members of the Syndicate, Norden Verein, and FAN doesn't mean I hate any people from those alliances in an OOC manner. I enjoyed playing with them.

    So let's get our war on again, now shall we? ;)

  2. While this is a nice gesture, keep in mind that Genmay is the spark that started this whole war. This wasn't about defending another alliance, other alliances came to your aid, and for you to ask that people stop shooting at you is least likely to work for you. If Genmay wants out, you'll have to discuss it with Polar and BoTS, who were after you to begin with.

  3. What is untenable is you arguing with me about what someone elses intentions were. Why don't you step away from the keyboard, and let the person who made the comment respond.

    Actually I'd say Bakunin explained it perfectly. :P

    The only other thing I'm going to say here is that this didn't need to happen. This would have been fun if whoever started this (people are saying GOONS leadership, but I don't have any confirmation of that) hadn't taken such a stupid road. Until I see some kind of official statement from UJP that they've actually taken step to deal with the situation, I don't blame anyone for wanting to disavow that sort of behavior. Otherwise, they're only making things worse for themselves.

  4. I've stated this before, that I'd like to see this go on until all of you guys were ready to surrender for some reason other than OOC, but guilt by association is something nobody wants. While I don't think you should get a "cease fire" because of the reasons for the war in general, the fact that you're addressing the issue shows class in my opinion.

  5. Finally, I'm wondering that for all the praise I received from the Polar side of the conflict regarding our withdrawal, would you have been as supportive if the roles were reversed and a major alliance withdrew because one of your allied leaders attacked the other side OOC? Conversely, for all the flames I received on the UJP side, would you have been as negative if the roles were reversed? I think we all need to take a look at what we want out of CN and our community so we can go back to having fun...which in the end...isn't that the point?

    I can't speak for anyone else, and my alliance is really just on the periphery of the conflict, but if this sort of behavior was tolerated by the leaders of a side I was on, I'd seriously reconsider if I wanted to be a part of it. Of course you're going to get more praise from ~ because this accomplished one of their objectives to have you pull out, and so it doesn't frustrate them, but this really isn't the same type of deal as when -AiD- surrendered. Personally I'd liked to have seen this go on until you were ready to surrender for IC reasons, because that's what makes this all fun, and is the reason I play this game, but I realise that your integrity is at stake otherwise due to guilt by association, and I don't know anyone who wants to have that thrown on them.

  6. As far as I can tell, you have shown a great amount of integrity in this situation, Virillus. While I don't think this entitles \m/ as an alliance to peace for free because the war is for IC reasons (and you guys in general made really fun rivals), I respect you as a person for putting principles above your IC nation, and I'd personally be happy to see you as part of my alliance when this is all over. There's really no call for the kind of attitude Chief Stubbs and other trolls are displaying here.

  7. Katsumi, I do not follow someone in the belief that they are infallible and cannot commit wrong. That you do so only blinds you, and I pity you for your role in the alliance as nothing more than an automata of a great machine, convinced that what your government says is truth at all times. Always question authority.

    And once more, I am not complaining, I am observing NPO's interesting choice of words, namely "justice." Please understand this that we might continue this minus the ad hominem. I respect you all, though, as this draws longer, I can see you do not respect me.

    If I had a problem with NPO, I would have left already. The fact that I haven't is because we're in the same cause, and I have no reason at this time to doubt our authority, and certainly no reason to challenge them. We're known for peace and justice, and I respect that. And I respect you, as you have shown willingness to engage in meaningful discussion, but I don't understand why you stand behind a cause you don't believe in.

  8. orange will remain stable and powerful, as always, though with a bit weaker FOK. But I think everyone loves FOK enough that if they started the nuclear war, they'd still get off with no terms.

    If I had my way, FOK would be permanently disbanded at the end of all of this, if any alliance gets disbanded at all. I kind of liked them at first, but now they kind of annoy me.

    Of course at the end of this, black is probably going to lose a lot of people, but considering they do have a decent share of unaligneds at this time, they're not going to turn into the sphere of fail. I suspect a resourceful alliance will step in there to take their place. Maybe Norden Verein can take over black and move off of maroon since that would be a sexy color for them. Brown and purple might pick up considering the major alliances on those spheres are on the better side for once. But that grey one is probably gonna do the best out of all of this.

  9. To be honest, Mr Kasmage, the first I heard about the banks sending aid to FAN was in NPO's declaration of war. By that time, it was already too late to determine what exactly had happened. Perhaps out of chauvanism, perhaps because my nation had been attacked by three others while I slept (they made a nice deposit of over 1 million in NPO equipment, of which I was quite greatful for), I chose to defend my alliance. I believe any who had been attacked in such a manner would do the same. As I learn more, I may or may not decide to continue to support the alliance's GOVERNMENT. But for now, for me, for all the members of GOLD, we are defending ourselves, not our government. The time to defend the government will come later. Now the people move to protect the people from the invaders. And I shall ALWAYS fight to protect the people.

    Why would you not support your government? Do you not trust them at all? Because I certainly have confidence in NPO government to be making the right decisions, and I think that is one part of what hold Pacifica together. If you think your government made a terrible mistake, I'd suggest you surrender right now, because it's not going to get any better.

  10. You can leave us out of this, anything I have said can be confirmed by Howso himself, do you know how we have survived so long with hardly a scratch, we don't involve ourselves in Global Politics and we stay out of other people's affairs and is why we are going back to our original roots and stay completely neutral and independent from this point fwd, if we have to switch team colors for our economy's to flourish so be it.

    Considering Yellow is one of the smallest teams now and is falling apart more every day, I'd suggest you go for it, when you can. Even Pink is probably better at this point - at least LSF and LOSS are somewhat neutral.

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