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Posts posted by Homura

  1. I see you're reading this thread you little lying coward. TruHart is nothing more than a traitor and coward. Were you upset when you realized we wouldn't put up with your emo $*#@%ing.

    (( OOCostume: I love ya truhart. lol This is just me a year and a half ago. Serving with you in the Pacifica was a pleasure and I count you as a friend ))

    lol you're pretty scary as yourself. which is scary. :unsure:

  2. As I am bored:

    Alliances with the most nations in the top 5% of NS:

    1. IRON: 100

    2. TOP: 91

    3. NPO: 85

    4. Grämlins: 59

    5. MCXA: 58

    6. MHA: 40

    6. Sparta: 40

    8. TPF: 39

    9. RoK: 34

    10. FARK: 32

    10. FOK: 32

    10. Echelon: 32

    VE and ODN almost made the list, btw.

    This is probably the most important of these stats presented. Wars are generally won and lost in these ranks, whereas smaller nations do not play as much of a role in the overall outcome.

  3. How does one "semi-accidently" delete their nation? I could see myself doing something like that while drunk and clicking delete my nation, but that doesn't really count as an accident...

    Anyway, lots of wars happened, people got mad, zomg ooc attack, et cetera. You don't need to ask to know the answers to this sort of thing.

  4. It's like Individual 69, but without the slightly amusing videos and a meaningless acronym, not that any acronyms mean anything though. Obviously of course we are all doomed.

    OOC: also Moo wins the thread :awesome:

  5. Alright, I really haven't been posting in this section of the forum lately, however this is an issue that's I've had a longstanding interest as part of the CN community in so I will weigh in here.

    "OOC Attack" is a frequently used term that's thrown around more for shock value due to its taboo nature and the chance at making your opponents look immature and objectionable. I'm actually fairly private on the internet (although I have posted pictures on occasion) and as people who have talked to me before on IRC can probably attest to, I don't particularly care for disclosing personal information. However many people freely share this stuff, and then act all shocked and outraged when others use it against them. Some of these complaints are legitimate, which I won't deny. However, it's all too easy to feign disgust at someone because "they called us emos in RL" or some other trivial rubbish and then use that to discredit other players. I had someone seriously tell me that joining the New Polar Order was an "OOC Attack" because I was associated with Electron Sponge by doing so.

    I really tire of this sort of thing. I don't really care about mild personal attacks as long as you don't act all self-righteous and state you would never do such a thing and then do it, I don't care if people dislike me or I dislike them personally, because it's not hard to get upset when someone does something you don't like in their game strategy, annoying habits, whatever. Even a little mean-spirited gossip is to be expected. Welcome to the real world kids. That's not the same as harassment, vandalism, threats, slander, all that illegal stuff that has no place here. Stop acting like it's that bad, because if it was that bad, you would not be declaring war on their nation, you'd be sharing real tangible information with game staff and possibly calling a lawyer.

    And seriously this is a game. Let people restart if they want to play over and stop with the "re-rolls" stuff.

  6. As a member of the Order, my nation can not and will not leave my alliance for mere safety, when doing so would require returning my nation to the state of Nature and therefore ultimately in greater danger in the long run. You see, Polars are no different from Pacificans, and to expect us to do anything you wouldn't expect Pacifica to do is very foolish indeed.

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