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Posts posted by Homura

  1. My point was that OPArsenal was not hoping for a war so that they could gain a higher place on the sanction list, and to insinuate that anyone thinks that way is pretty ridiculous. Everyone's sitting at their respective homes hoping for a war for one reason: War is fun.

    Yes, war is fun, or more specifically when there's big wars that activate numerous treaties and make the drama level go over nine thousand. I think Citadel just gets named because they're the large bloc, although lines will need to be redrawn consideraably before any major bloc wars actually could occur. But this is CN - stuff like that can and does happen and we all love it.

  2. This isn't a "everyone else disagrees with me" argument. If the entire Cyberverse believed that 1+1=3 that doesn't make it true. Regardless of what the defeated, the envious, and the mentally challenged may feel is the 'truth,' Vladimir's post represents the most accurate version of the events of the Great Patriotic War that I have seen committed to writing.

    As for the NPO's image, we have rarely, if ever, felt the need to pander to the masses. The truth is the truth, regardless of how hard it may be for some to accept.


    The truth is a little more complicated than you'd like it to be. However considering I'm not really interested in debating something I consider a non-issue with someone who resorts to petty insults like calling people "mentally challenged", I'll let your statement stand for what it is and let the world judge you for it. I just hope your allies don't start to think your alliance is becoming too arrogant, because they do have the power to turn the world upside down.

  3. Quick update....no show until after new years. Anyone who has children know how.........chaotic the first month is....well multiply that by 2. Yeah. Plus bros radio server is down still. In January the show shall return. This is also apublic invitation to Sponge to appear on my show. After all, it was your idea I ripped off :P

    I've been enjoying these lately though and I want moar. ^_^ No new show until New Years Day is making sad Kat sad.

  4. What I find completely confusing about this discussion is this:

    NPO's opponents generally believe they lost and back this up with reasonable evidence. But there's some doubt, and they were opponents, so let's move on.

    Even people from NPO's allies believe they lost. This notably includes GGA, who have stated they have never lost a war, and GGA fought NPO in that war. How exactly does that work? I have seen posters from TOP and Grämlins make intelligent responses that don't support an NPO victory.

    And Polars generally believe that the war was not a victory for the Orders, and the New Polar Order is one of the Orders. Anyone else see the irony in that?

    The facts presented overwhelmingly support the conclusion that the war was inconclusive at best, not a definite victory.

    So it's pretty much the "everyone else disagrees with me so everyone else must be wrong" excuse. Absolutely brilliant. I certainly have to wonder what that does for the NPO's image, but it's an interesting argument nonetheless. I'm enjoying seeing both sides of this debate respond to each other.

  5. Thanks Cap'n obvious

    NPO lost around 100-200 members total. I believe Virillus phrased his statement wrong multiple times.

    The ones who surrendered were:

    1. Ghosts

    2. People who wore the AA, but weren't that active

    3. Puppets (Like President Pierce's puppet (Saratoga?))

    The hardcore group did not surrender

    I believe Kaiser Martens surrendered.

  6. I only see #3 to happen actually.

    My predictions are pretty basic.

    1. Q will collapse. Not hard to say, all blocs eventually fail. No one can argue otherwise.

    2. Citadel and 1v will go to war.

    3. NpO will pass NPO for strength.

    4. GPA and GATO both get their sanction back.

    5. FAN makes a come back.

    Yea im actually calling that FAN will make a come back.

    Im betting those 4 things happen.

    I have nothing against you personally, but my prediction is that NPO will roll your alliance sometime in the next year, mostly because Pacifica is currently run by people who generally don't change their mind once they decide they don't like somebody.

  7. Seriously though, I think that Neboe is on to something here. Would it be more useful to consider the war a three-sided affair with two conclusions rather than a two-sided war with one?

    I made the same argument earlier and first. <_<

    Which was ignored, probably because it doesn't support the OP's conclusions.

  8. I don't like that number. It makes me sad because it reminds of the number of wishes a friend wished for when she found a genie in a lamp and I had to wait for her to use up all the wishes before I could use the genie...then I woke up from that horrible dream. Don't ever mention it around me again please. I like 610,122 more.

  9. We would have to come out of peace mode and allow ourselves to get stomped by NPO and their meatshields and lackeys (much like yourself). We will not play by those rules. NPO wants peace, they'll have to come to us. We will not negotiate from a position of weakness.

    It worked for GATO. I would take the stomping and be done with it, since you're not going to be able to actually use your nations for anything otherwise.

  10. And why am I so suddenly popular with so many people? I don't even try and I become the topic of conversation. It's odd.

    Because you're awesome?

    And for the record, I also dislike the thoughtless comments regarding Francos Spain. I don't understand why there's supposedly a contradiction, or why holding this opinion is blindlessly following one's superiors.

  11. Yeah, I said the same thing about 8 pages back, but as usual I was ignored. The in-game mechanics are just completely different in every way these days.

    Actually most of the rational arguments in this thread have been ignored, much to my disappointment. It's the comments that aren't worth anyone's attention which are receiving serious responses. :mad:

  12. Oh. Well if that's a disqualifier then we once again arrive at the conclusion that you lost the Great War. :)

    To be fair here, I don't think NPO was a "shell of their former self" considering the alliance was #1 again extremely soon after the conclusion of said war and didn't change perspective.

  13. I legitimately looked for threads about it, and I couldn't really find much, though I only searched for 20 minutes. Care to link to some of them if possible?

    Here's a few good threads to start with:




    Current forum masks may not reflect alliance membership at the time. But NPO members acted exactly like they do now, contrary to Doitzel's apparent claim that Pacificans are more arrogant now.

    Also semi-related:

    A CN is boring and needs more action besides treaties thread


    and a stop complaining CN is dying thread


    This game hasn't changed much ever, despite frequent claims to the contrary.

    Edit: and sadly, many great threads are now lost. :sad:

  14. I think the fact that Vladimir wrote something this long to convince people that they won the war is going to convince more people that they did indeed lose. I'm glad to see NPO rebuilding the image and arrogance that got them into a war where they were in the right but no one wanted to side with them and eventually dealt them a loss.

    The NPO didn't change much at all after that war. Read any of Ivan Moldavi's, Mussolandia's, or other Pacificans' awesome posts from the weeks immediately following for proof.

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